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ParaView Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
vtkPV3DWidgetSuperclass of 3D Widgets
vtkAbstractIterator< KeyType, DataType >Iterator for vtkContainer subclasses
vtkAbstractList< DType >Dynamic list data structure
vtkAbstractMap< KeyType, DataType >Dynamic map data structure
vtkAbstractMapItem< KeyType, DataType >
vtkPVActiveTrackSelectorWidget that shows menus to select the active track
vtkPVAdvancedReaderModuleModule representing an "advanced" reader
vtkAllToNRedistributePolyDataDo balanced redistribution of cells on from all to n processors
vtkPVAnimationBatchHelperHelper class for doing animation in batch mode
vtkPVAnimationCueGUI for an Animation Cue
vtkSMAnimationCueProxyProxy for vtkAnimationCue on a server
vtkPVAnimationCueTreeNon-leaf node in the animation GUI
vtkSMAnimationSceneProxyProxy for vtkAnimationScene
vtkKWApplicationApplication class
vtkSMApplicationInitialization and finalization for server manager
vtkPVApplicationSubclass of vtkKWApplication specific to the application
vtkKWApplicationSettingsInterfaceUser interface panel
vtkPVApplicationSettingsInterfaceUser interface panel
vtkKWArgumentsSimple wrapper for icons
vtkPVArrayInformationData array information like type
vtkSMArrayListDomainList of arrays obtained from input
vtkArrayMap< KeyType, DataType >Dynamic map data structure
vtkArrayMapIterator< KeyType, DataType >Array map iterator
vtkPVArrayMenuMenu for selecting arrays from the input
vtkSMArrayRangeDomainDouble range domain based on array range
vtkPVArraySelectionWidget to select a set of data arrays
vtkSMArraySelectionDomainAdds all strings from information property
vtkSMArraySelectionInformationHelperPopulates vtkSMStringVectorProperty using a vtkPVServerArraySelection
vtkPVArrowSourceA quick fix for a bug
vtkKWAssignmentManages allocation and freeing for a string list
vtkPVAttributeEditorA special PVSource
vtkPVAxesActor3D axes representation
vtkSMAxesProxyProxy for the Axes actor
vtkPVAxesWidgetA widget to manipulate an axe
vtkBalancedRedistributePolyDataDo balance of cells on processors
vtkKWBalloonHelpManager"balloon help " manager class
vtkPVBatchOptionsParaView options storage
vtkSMBooleanDomainDomain with two values: true or false
vtkPVBooleanKeyFrameGui for ramp key frame
vtkKWBoundsDisplayEntry with a label
vtkPVBoundsDisplayEntry with a label
vtkSMBoundsDomainDouble range domain based on data set bounds
vtkSMBoxProxyProxy for vtkBox
vtkPVBoxWidgetA widget to manipulate a box
vtkPVCalculatorWidgetWidget for the PVArrayCalculator
vtkPVCameraAnimationCueGUI for Camera
vtkPVCameraControlControl widget for manipulating camera
vtkPVCameraIconA widget that provides the ability to capture and retrieve the camera properties
vtkPVCameraKeyFrameKey frame for camera proxy
vtkPVCameraManipulatorAbstraction of style away from button
vtkSMCameraManipulatorProxyManipulator for Camera animation
vtkKWCanvasCanvas widget
vtkKWCanvasWithScrollbarsVtkKWCanvas associated to two vtkKWScrollbar's
vtkCaveRenderManagerDuplicates data on each node. No Compositing
vtkSMCaveRenderModuleProxyHandles Cave with duplication
vtkPVCaveRenderModuleUIUI for Cave
vtkKWChangeColorButtonButton for selecting colors
vtkKWCheckButtonCheck button widget
vtkKWCheckButtonSetConcrete set of vtkKWCheckButton
vtkKWCheckButtonSetWithLabelVtkKWCheckButtonSet associated to a vtkKWLabel
vtkKWCheckButtonWithChangeColorButtonCheck button and color change button
vtkKWCheckButtonWithLabelVtkKWCheckButton associated to a vtkKWLabel
vtkKWCheckButtonWithPopupFramePopup frame + checkbutton
vtkPVClassNameInformationHolds class name
vtkCleanUnstructuredGridMerge duplicate points
vtkClientCompositeManagerComposites and sends image over socket
vtkPVClientServerModuleEncapsulate all of the process initialization
vtkPVClipDataSetClip filter
vtkColorByPartAdds a scalar array with input index as values
vtkPVColorMapObject to represent a color map of a parameter
vtkKWColorPresetSelectorColor preset selector
vtkPVColorSelectionWidgetWidget to select the array and field to use for color (or volume rendering)
vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditorColor tfunc function editor
vtkKWComboBoxText entry widget with a pull-down menu of values
vtkKWComboBoxSetConcrete set of vtkKWComboBox
vtkKWComboBoxWithLabelVtkKWComboBox associated to a vtkKWLabel
vtkCommandOptionsParaView options storage
vtkCommandOptionsXMLParserParaView options storage
vtkPVComparativeVisDialogDialog for editing/create a comparative visualization
vtkPVComparativeVisManagerManager of comparative visualizations
vtkPVComparativeVisManagerGUIUser interface to vtkPVComparativeVisManager
vtkPVComparativeVisPropertyWidgetWidget for setting up one parameter of comparative vis
vtkSMComparativeVisProxyComparative visualization
vtkCompleteArraysFilter adds arrays to empty partitions
vtkPVCompositeBufferHolds compressed color and zbuffers
vtkPVCompositeDataInformationLight object for holding composite data information
vtkSMCompositeRenderModuleProxyRender module supporting LODs
vtkPVCompositeRenderModuleUIUI for composite options.
vtkPVCompositeUtilitiesCompression and composite buffers
vtkKWCompositeWidgetComposite widget
vtkPVConnectDialogClass to encapsulate all of the process initialization
vtkPVConnectivityFilterChange the defaults for vtkConnectivityFilter
vtkSMConsumerDisplayProxyProxy for displays that take input
vtkContainerBase class for templated containers
vtkPVContourEntryMaintains a list of floats for contouring
vtkKWCoreWidgetCore widget
vtkKWCornerAnnotationEditorCorner annotation widget
vtkPVCornerAnnotationEditorCorner annotation widget
vtkSMCubeAxesDisplayProxyCollect the pick data
vtkPVCutEntryMaintains a list of floats for cutting
vtkCVGeometryCacheCaches geometry assigned to a mapper
vtkPVDataInformationLight object for holding data information
vtkSMDataObjectDisplayProxySimple display proxy
vtkPVDataSetAttributesInformationList of array info
vtkPVDataSetReaderModuleA class to handle the UI for vtkGlyph3D
vtkDataSetSubdivisionAlgorithmSubclass of vtkSubdivisionAlgorithm for vtkDataSet objects
vtkSMDataTypeDomainRestricts the input proxies to one or more data types
vtkDesktopDeliveryClientAn object for remote rendering
vtkPVDesktopDeliveryClientAn object for remote rendering
vtkDesktopDeliveryServerAn object for remote rendering
vtkPVDesktopDeliveryServerAn object for remote rendering
vtkKWDialogDialog box superclass
vtkPVDisplayGUIObject to represent the output of a PVSource
vtkSMDisplayProxyProxy for any entity that must be rendered
vtkSMDomainPossible values a property can have
vtkSMDomainIteratorIterates over domains of a property
vtkSMDoubleRangeDomainDouble interval specified by min and max
vtkSMDoubleVectorPropertyProperty representing a vector of doubles
vtkKWDragAndDropTargetSetSet of drag and drop targets
vtkPVDReaderParaView-specific vtkXMLCollectionReader subclass
vtkPVDummyWidgetEmpty widget
vtkPVDuplicatePolyDataFor distributed tiled displays
vtkPVDWriterWraps a VTK file writer
vtkPVEnSightReaderModuleModule representing an "advanced" reader
vtkKWEntrySingle line text entry widget
vtkKWEntrySetConcrete set of vtkKWEntry
vtkKWEntryWithLabelVtkKWEntry associated to a vtkKWLabel
vtkSMEnumerationDomainList of integers with associated strings
vtkPVErrorLogDisplayShows a text version of the timer log entries
vtkKWEventEvent enumeration
vtkKWEventMapMap between mouse/keyboard event and actions
vtkPVEWriterWraps a VTK file writer
vtkPVExponentialKeyFrameGui for exponential key frame
vtkKWExtentSix sliders defining a (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax) extent
vtkSMExtentDomainInt range domain based on data set extent
vtkPVExtentEntrySpecial behavior for animations
vtkPVExtentTranslatorUses alternative source for whole extent
vtkPVExtractDataSetsWidgetWidget that lists block of a composite dataset
vtkPVExtractPartsWidgetWidget for vtkSelectInputs filter
vtkPVExtractVOISelect piece (e.g., volume of interest) and/or subsample structured dataset
vtkSMFieldDataDomainEnumeration with point and cell data entries
vtkPVFieldMenuA menu to select point or cell fields
vtkSMFixedTypeDomainRestricts the proxy to have the same type as previous proxy
vtkKWFrameSimple frame
vtkKWFrameWithLabelFrame with a grooved border and a label
vtkKWFrameWithScrollbarFrame with a scroll bar
vtkPVGenericAttributeInformationGeneric attribute information like type
vtkPVGeometryFilterGeometry filter that does outlines for volumes
vtkPVGeometryInformationInfo abour geoemtry output
vtkPVGhostLevelDialogAsks the user which ghostlevel he wants
vtkPVGlyphFilterGlyph filter
vtkGroupFor grouping in ParaView
vtkPVGroupInputsWidgetWidget for vtkGroup filter
vtkPVGUIClientOptionsParaView options storage
vtkHashMap< KeyType, DataType >Dynamic map data structure
vtkHashMapIterator< KeyType, DataType >Array map iterator
vtkHDF5RawImageReaderRead some HDF5 containing image data
vtkKWHeaderAnnotationEditorHeader annotation widget
vtkHierarchicalFractalA source to test AMR data object
vtkPVHorizontalAnimationInterfaceAn object that controls an animation
vtkKWHSVColorSelectorHSV color selector
vtkIceTClientCompositeManagerComposites and sends image over socket
vtkSMIceTDesktopRenderModuleProxyIceT render module, without tiles
vtkPVIceTDesktopRenderModuleUIUI for MPI and Client server
vtkSMIceTMultiDisplayProxyFor tiled display driven by ICE-T
vtkIceTRenderManagerThe Image Composition Engine for Tiles (ICE-T) component for VTK
vtkSMIceTRenderModuleProxyMulti Display using IceT. This can be used with or without tiles. When using without tiles
vtkPVIceTRenderModuleUIUI for MPI and Client server
vtkKWIconSimple wrapper for icons
vtkSMIdTypeVectorPropertyProperty representing a vector of integers
vtkImageCompressorSuperclass for image compressor/decompressor used by Composite Managers
vtkSMImplicitPlaneProxyProxy for vtkPlane
vtkPVImplicitPlaneWidgetA widget to manipulate an implicit plane
vtkPVInformationSuperclass for information objects
vtkPVInformationGUIMeta widget that displays data information
vtkSMInformationHelperAbstract superclass of all information helpers
vtkPVInitializeA super class for filter objects
vtkSMInputArrayDomainRequires input has array of described type
vtkPVInputArrayRequirementFurther restricts input by attributes
vtkPVInputFixedTypeRequirementType cannot change after input is set
vtkPVInputGroupRequirementFurther restricts input by group
vtkSMInputPropertyProxy representing inputs to a filter
vtkPVInputPropertyHolds description of a VTK filters input
vtkPVInputRequirementRestrict allowable input
vtkIntegrateAttributesIntegrates lines, surfaces and volume
vtkIntegrateFlowThroughSurfaceIntegrates vector dot normal
vtkPVInteractorStyleInteractive manipulation of the camera
vtkPVInteractorStyleCenterOfRotationInteractively select center of rotation
vtkPVInteractorStyleControlControl widget for manipulators
vtkInteractorStyleTrackballMultiActorTransform multiple actors
vtkSMIntRangeDomainInt interval specified by min and max
vtkSMIntVectorPropertyProperty representing a vector of integers
vtkPVItemSelectionWidget to select a set of data arrays
vtkPVJoystickFlyFly camera towards or away from the object
vtkPVJoystickFlyInRotates camera with xy mouse movement
vtkPVJoystickFlyOutRotates camera with xy mouse movement
vtkPVKeyFrameSuperclass for Key Frame GUIs
vtkKWLabelLabel widget
vtkKWLabelSetConcrete set of vtkKWLabel
vtkKWLabelWithLabelVtkKWLabel associated to a vtkKWLabel
vtkKWLabelWithLabelSetConcrete set of vtkKWLabelWithLabel
vtkPVLinearExtrusionFilterChange a default value
vtkPVLineSourceWidgetLineWidget which contains a separate line source
vtkLinkedList< DType >Templated linked list
vtkLinkedListIterator< DType >Templated linked list iterator
vtkKWListBoxList Box
vtkKWListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditorComposite dual-listbox selection editor
vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditorAPI to add a set of strings at once
vtkKWListBoxWithScrollbarsVtkKWListBox associated to two vtkKWScrollbar's
vtkKWLoadSaveButtonButton that triggers a load/save dialog
vtkKWLoadSaveButtonWithLabelVtkKWLoadSaveButton associated to a vtkKWLabel
vtkKWLoadSaveDialogDalog for loading or saving files
vtkPVLODActorActor that supports multiple levels of detail
vtkSMLODDisplayProxySimple display proxy
vtkPVLODPartDisplayInformationHolds memory size of geometry
vtkSMLODRenderModuleProxyRender module supporting LODs
vtkPVLODRenderModuleUIDefault serial render module
vtkPVLODVolumeActor that supports multiple levels of detail
vtkKWLookmarkAn interface widget for a lookmark
vtkPVLookmarkAn interface widget for a container of lookmarks in the Lookmark Manager
vtkKWLookmarkFolderAn interface widget for a container of lookmarks in the Lookmark Manager
vtkPVLookmarkManagerInterface panel to interact with lookmarks
vtkSMLookupTableProxyProxy for a VTK lookup table
vtkPVMainEncapaulate common functions for running a paraview program
vtkKWMaterialPropertyWidgetWidget to control the material property of a volume
vtkKWMenuMenu widget
vtkKWMenuButtonOption menu widget
vtkKWMenuButtonWithLabelVtkKWMenuButton associated to a vtkKWLabel
vtkKWMenuButtonWithSpinButtonsVtkKWMenuButton associated to a vtkKWSpinButtons
vtkKWMenuButtonWithSpinButtonsWithLabelVtkKWMenuButtonWithSpinButtons associated to a vtkKWLabel
vtkMergeArraysMultiple inputs with same geometry, one output
vtkKWMessageMessage widget
vtkKWMessageDialogMessage dialog superclass
vtkKWMessageWithLabelVtkKWMessage associated to a vtkKWLabel
vtkKWMostRecentFilesManager"most recent files" manager
vtkMPICompositeManagerComposites when running in MPI mode
vtkMPIDuplicatePolyDataFor distributed tiled displays
vtkMPIDuplicateUnstructuredGridFor distributed tiled displays
vtkMPIMoveDataFor distributed tiled displays
vtkMPIMToNSocketConnectionClass to create socket connections between two servers
vtkMPIMToNSocketConnectionPortInformationHolds port and host name information
vtkSMMPIRenderModuleProxyHandle MPI and Client Server
vtkPVMPIRenderModuleUIUI for MPI and Client server
vtkMultiActorHelperServer side helper object for vtkInteractorStyleTrackballMultiActor
vtkKWMultiColumnListMulti-column list
vtkKWMultiColumnListWithScrollbarsVtkKWMultiColumnList associated to two vtkKWScrollbar's
vtkMultiDisplayManagerDuplicates data on each node
vtkSMMultiDisplayProxyFor tiled diplay (what on client)
vtkSMMultiDisplayRenderModuleProxyFor tile displays without IceT
vtkPVMultiDisplayRenderModuleUIUI for MPI and Client server
vtkPVNavigationWindowWidget for PV sources and their inputs and outputs
vtkKWNotebookTabbed notebook of UI pages
vtkSMNumberOfGroupsDomainRestricts the number of groups of input
vtkPVNumberOfOutputsInformationHolds number of outputs
vtkSMNumberOfPartsDomainRestricts the number of parts of input
vtkKWObjectSuperclass that supports basic Tcl functionality
vtkSMObjectSuperclass for most server manager classes
vtkPVObjectWidgetWidget the represents an objects variable
vtkPVOptionsParaView options storage
vtkPVOptionsXMLParserParaView options storage
vtkPVOrientScaleWidgetWidget for scaling and orientation
vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditorParameter/value function editor
vtkKWParameterValueFunctionInterfaceParameter/value function editor/interface
vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditorHermite function editor
vtkSMPartProxy for a data object
vtkPVPickParaViews client side control for the vtkPickFilter
vtkPVPickBoxWidgetA widget to manipulate a box
vtkPickBoxWidgetA point widget with pick ability
vtkPickFilterFind nearest point and cell
vtkSMPickLineWidgetProxy with picking extensions
vtkPickLineWidgetA point widget with pick ability
vtkPickPointWidgetA point widget with pick ability
vtkSMPickPointWidgetProxyProxy with picking extensions
vtkPVPickSphereWidgetA widget to manipulate an implicit plane
vtkPickSphereWidgetA point widget with pick ability
vtkKWPiecewiseFunctionEditorPiecewise function editor
vtkPVPLOT3DReaderModuleA class to handle the UI for PLOT3D readers
vtkSMPointLabelDisplayProxyCollect the pick data
vtkPVPointSourceWidgetPointWidget which contains a separate point source This widget contains a vtkPointWidget as well as a vtkPointSource. This vtkPointSource (which is created on all processes) can be used as input or source to filters (for example as streamline seed)
vtkPVPointWidgetA widget to manipulate an implicit plane
vtkKWPopupButtonButton that triggers a popup
vtkKWPopupButtonWithLabelVtkKWPopupButton associated to a vtkKWLabel
vtkKWPopupFramePopup frame
vtkKWPresetSelectorPreset selector
vtkPVProbeA class to handle the UI for vtkProbeFilter
vtkKWProcessStatisticsGet statistics such as cpu and memory usage
vtkKWProgressGaugeHorizontal progress bar widget
vtkPVProgressHandlerObject to represent the output of a PVSource
vtkSMPropertySuperclass for all SM properties
vtkSMPropertyAdaptorString based interface for properties and domains
vtkSMPropertyIteratorIterates over the properties of a proxy
vtkPVPropertyKeyFrameGUI for a keyframe that animates a property
vtkSMPropertyStatusManagerKeeps track of modified properties
vtkSMProxyProxy for a VTK object(s) on a server
vtkSMProxyGroupDomainUnion of proxy groups
vtkSMProxyIteratorIterates over all registered proxies (and groups)
vtkSMProxyManagerSingleton responsible for creating and managing proxies
vtkSMProxyPropertyProperty representing pointer(s) to vtkObject(s)
vtkKWPushButtonPush button widget
vtkKWPushButtonSetConcrete set of vtkKWPushButton
vtkKWPushButtonSetWithLabelVtkKWPushButtonSet associated to a vtkKWLabel
vtkKWPushButtonWithLabelVtkKWPushButton associated to a vtkKWLabel
vtkKWPushButtonWithMenuPushButton with left mouse bound to menu
vtkSMPVDWriterProxyProxy for a VTK writer on a server
vtkQueue< DType >Link-list based templated queue
vtkQueueIterator< DType >Templated vector list iterator
vtkKWRadioButtonRadio button widget
vtkKWRadioButtonSetConcrete set of vtkKWRadioButton
vtkKWRadioButtonSetWithLabelVtkKWRadioButtonSet associated to a vtkKWLabel
vtkPVRampKeyFrameGui for ramp key frame
vtkKWRangeRange widget
vtkPVReaderModuleModule representing a reader
vtkRedistributePolyDataRedistribute poly cells from other processes (special version to color according to processor)
vtkKWRegistryHelperA registry class
vtkKWRemoteExecuteExecute process on remote computer
vtkPVRenderGroupDialogShows a text version of the timer log entries
vtkSMRenderModuleProxyManages rendering and displaying data
vtkPVRenderModuleUIUser interface for a rendering module
vtkPVRenderViewFor using styles
vtkPVRenderViewProxyForwards calls to the vtkPVRenderView class
vtkKWRenderWidgetRender widget
vtkKWResourceUtilitiesClass that supports resource functions
vtkPVSaveBatchScriptDialogShows a text version of the timer log entries
vtkKWSaveImageDialogDialog for saving 2D images
vtkSMScalarBarActorProxyProxy for vtkScalarBarActor
vtkKWScalarBarAnnotationScalar bar annotation widget
vtkSMScalarBarWidgetProxyProxy for vtkSMScalarBarWidget
vtkKWScalarComponentSelectionWidgetScalar component selection widget
vtkPVScalarRangeLabelShows the scalar range of and array
vtkKWScaleScale (slider) widget
vtkPVScaleFactorEntryEntry specifically for scale factors
vtkKWScaleSetConcrete set of vtkKWScale
vtkKWScaleWithEntryScale widget with a label and entry
vtkKWScaleWithEntrySetConcrete set of vtkKWScaleWithEntry
vtkKWScaleWithEntrySetWithLabelVtkKWScaleWithEntrySet associated to a vtkKWLabel
vtkKWScaleWithLabelVtkKWScale associated to a vtkKWLabel
vtkKWScrollbarSimple scrollbar
vtkKWSegmentedProgressGaugeSegmented progress bar widget
vtkPVSelectArraysWidget for selecting a set of cell arrays
vtkPVSelectCustomReaderA super class for filter objects
vtkSelectInputsMask whole input data sets
vtkKWSelectionFrameSelection Frame
vtkKWSelectionFrameLayoutManagerMxN layout manager for a set of vtkKWSelectionFrame
vtkPVSelectionListAnother form of radio buttons
vtkPVSelectTimeSetSpecial time selection widget used by PVEnSightReaderModule
vtkPVSelectWidgetSelect different subwidgets
vtkKWSeparatorSeparator widget
vtkKWSerializerHelper class for serialization
vtkPVServerArraySelectionServer-side helper for vtkPVArraySelection
vtkPVServerFileDialogFor opening remote files on server
vtkPVServerFileListingServer-side helper for vtkPVFileListing
vtkSMServerFileListingProxyProxy for vtkPVServerFileListing
vtkPVServerInformationGets features of the server
vtkPVServerObjectBase class for server-side helper objects
vtkPVServerOptionsParaView options storage
vtkPVServerSelectTimeSetServer-side helper for vtkPVSelectTimeSet
vtkPVServerTimeStepsServer-side helper for vtkSMTimeStepsInformationHelper
vtkPVServerXDMFParametersServer-side helper for vtkPVXDMFParameters
vtkSMShrunkContoursProxyImplementing a VTK pipeline in a proxy
vtkPVSimpleAnimationCueMinimal GUI for vtkSMAnimationCueProxy
vtkKWSimpleAnimationWidgetSimple animation widget
vtkSMSimpleDoubleInformationHelperPopulates vtkSMDoubleVectorProperty with the results of it's command
vtkKWSimpleEntryDialogMessage dialog with a single entry superclass
vtkSMSimpleIntInformationHelperPopulates vtkSMIntVectorProperty with the results of it's command
vtkSMSimpleProxyInformationHelperPopulates vtkSMProxyProperty with the results of its command
vtkSMSimpleRenderModuleProxySimple render module
vtkSMSimpleStringInformationHelperPopulates vtkSMStringVectorProperty with the result of it's command
vtkPVSinusoidKeyFrameGui for sinusoid key frame
vtkPVSourceA super class for filter objects
vtkPVSourceCollectionCollection of widgets
vtkPVSourceNotebookSpecialized notebook for PVSources
vtkSMSourceProxyProxy for a VTK source on a server
vtkPVSourcesNavigationWindowWidget for PV sources and their inputs and outputs
vtkPVSphereWidgetA widget to manipulate an implicit plane
vtkKWSpinBoxWithLabelVtkKWSpinBox associated to a vtkKWLabel
vtkKWSpinButtonsA set of spin-buttons
vtkKWSplashScreenSplash dialog
vtkKWSplitFrameA Frame that contains two adjustable sub frames
vtkSpyPlotReaderRead SPCTH Spy Plot file format
vtkSquirtCompressorImage compressor/decompressor using SQUIRT
vtkStreamingTessellatorAn algorithm that refines an initial simplicial tessellation using edge subdivision
vtkPVStringEntryString entry widget
vtkSMStringListDomainList of strings
vtkSMStringListRangeDomainDomain for string lists that also have ranges
vtkSMStringVectorPropertyProperty representing a vector of strings
vtkSubdivisionAlgorithmHow to decide whether a linear approximation to nonlinear geometry or field should be subdivided
vtkSMSubPropertyIteratorIterates over the sub-properties of a property
vtkPVSummaryHelperSynchronize writing of summary files
vtkKWSurfaceMaterialPropertyWidgetWidget to control the material property of a polygonal surface (vtkProperty)
vtkSurfaceVectorsConstrains vectors to surface
vtkKWTclInteractorKW version of interactor.tcl
vtkTemporalPickFilterPicks point attributes over time
vtkTemporalProbeFilterProbes point attributes over time
vtkTempTessellatorFilterApproximate nonlinear FEM elements with simplices
vtkKWTestingTesting widget
vtkKWTextMulti-line text entry widget
vtkPVTextPropertyEditorVtkKWTextProperty with tracing
vtkKWTextPropertyEditorGUI component that can be used to edit vtkTextProperty objects
vtkKWTextWithLabelVtkKWText associated to a vtkKWLabel
vtkKWTextWithScrollbarsVtkKWText associated to two vtkKWScrollbar's
vtkKWTextWithScrollbarsWithLabelVtkKWTextWithScrollbars associated to a vtkKWLabel
vtkPVThumbWheelPV version of vtkKWThumbWheel
vtkKWThumbWheelThumbwheel widget
vtkTiledDisplayScheduleMananges a schedule of sends and receives
vtkPVTimerInformationHolds timer log for all processes
vtkPVTimerLogDisplayShows a text version of the timer log entries
vtkSMTimeStepsInformationHelperGets the time step values from server
vtkKWTkconWrapper around a tkcon console
vtkKWTkOptionsSet of methods to convert to/from Tk options
vtkKWTkUtilitiesClass that supports basic Tk functions
vtkKWToolbarFrame that holds tool buttons
vtkKWToolbarSet"set of toolbars" widget
vtkKWTopLevelToplevel superclass
vtkPVTracedWidgetVtkKWCompositeWidget with trace capabilities
vtkPVTraceFileDialogAsks the user if she wants to save the old trace
vtkPVTraceHelperTrace routines
vtkPVTrackballMoveActorPans camera with x y mouse movements
vtkPVTrackballPanPans camera with x y mouse movements
vtkPVTrackballRollRolls camera arround a point
vtkPVTrackballRotateRotates camera with xy mouse movement
vtkPVTrackballZoomZooms camera with vertical mouse movement
vtkPVTrackEditorEditor for an animation track (to add/edit/delete)
vtkSMTransformProxyProxy for vtkTransform
vtkKWTreeTree widget
vtkPVTreeCompositeAn interruptable version of vtkCompositeRenderManager
vtkKWTreeWithScrollbarsVtkKWTree associated to two vtkKWScrollbar's
vtkPVUpdateSuppressorPrevents propagation of update
vtkUpdateSuppressorPipelinePipeline for vtkPVUpdateSuppressor
vtkKWUserInterfaceManagerUser interface manager
vtkKWUserInterfaceManagerDialogUser interface manager
vtkKWUserInterfaceManagerNotebookUser interface manager
vtkKWUserInterfacePanelUser interface panel
vtkPVVCRControlToolbar for the VCR control
vtkVector< DType >Dynamic vector
vtkPVVectorEntryParaView entry widget
vtkVectorIterator< DType >Templated vector list iterator
vtkSMVectorPropertyAbstract superclass for all vector properties
vtkPVVerticalAnimationInterfaceVertical subpart of the animation interface
vtkKWViewView superclass
vtkPVVolumeAppearanceEditorEdit volume appearance
vtkKWVolumeMaterialPropertyWidgetWidget to control the material property of a volume (vtkVolumeProperty)
vtkKWVolumePropertyPresetSelectorVolume property preset selector
vtkKWVolumePropertyWidgetTransfer function widget
vtkVRMLSourceConverts importer to a source
vtkWeightedRedistributePolyDataDo weighted balance of cells on processors
vtkPVWidgetIntelligent widget for building source interfaces
vtkKWWidgetSuperclass of KW widgets
vtkPVWidgetCollectionCollection of widgets
vtkKWWidgetSetAbstract set of vtkKWWidget
vtkKWWidgetWithLabelAbstract class widget with a label
vtkKWWidgetWithScrollbarsAbstract class for composite widgets associated to two vtkKWScrollbar's
vtkKWWidgetWithSpinButtonsAbstract class widget with spin buttons
vtkPVWindowMain ParaView user interface
vtkKWWindowWindow superclass which holds splittable panels
vtkKWWindowBaseWindow superclass
vtkKWWindowLevelPresetSelectorWindow level preset selector
vtkPVWorldPointPickerPicker to use with parallel compositing
vtkPVWriterWraps a VTK file writer
vtkSMWriterProxyProxy for a VTK writer on a server
vtkSMXDMFInformationHelperPopulates vtkSMStringVectorProperty using a vtkPVServerXDMFParameters
vtkXdmfMPIControllerProcess communication using MPI
vtkSMXDMFPropertyDomainAdds all string from information property vtkSMArraySelectionDomain overwrites vtkSMStringListRangeDomain's Update in which it adds all strings from a required information property to the domain. The information property must have been populated by an vtkSMXDMFInformationHelper. It also sets the IntDomainMode to RANGE
vtkXdmfReaderRead eXtensible Data Model and Format files
vtkXDMFReaderModuleModule representing an "advanced" reader
vtkXdmfWriterWrite eXtensible Data Model and Format files
vtkXMLCollectionReaderRead a file wrapping many other XML files
vtkXMLLookmarkElementRepresents an XML element and those nested inside
vtkSMXMLParserParser of server manager configuration files
vtkXMLPVAnimationWriterData writer for ParaView
vtkSMXMLPVAnimationWriterProxyServerManager object to write out animation geometry
vtkXMLPVDWriterData writer for ParaView
vtkSMXYPlotActorProxyProxy for vtkXYPlotActor
vtkSMXYPlotDisplayProxyProxy for XY Plot Display

Generated on Tue May 30 12:34:22 2006 for ParaView by doxygen 1.3.5