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vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty Class Reference

property representing a vector of integers More...

#include <vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 vtkTypeRevisionMacro (vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty, vtkSMVectorProperty)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual unsigned int GetNumberOfElements ()
virtual void SetNumberOfElements (unsigned int num)
int SetElement (unsigned int idx, vtkIdType value)
int SetElements (const vtkIdType *values)
int SetElements1 (vtkIdType value0)
int SetElements2 (vtkIdType value0, vtkIdType value1)
int SetElements3 (vtkIdType value0, vtkIdType value1, vtkIdType value2)
vtkIdType GetElement (unsigned int idx)
vtkIdType GetUncheckedElement (unsigned int idx)
void SetUncheckedElement (unsigned int idx, vtkIdType value)
virtual unsigned int GetNumberOfUncheckedElements ()
virtual void Copy (vtkSMProperty *src)
virtual int GetArgumentIsArray ()
virtual void SetArgumentIsArray (int)
virtual void ArgumentIsArrayOn ()
virtual void ArgumentIsArrayOff ()

Static Public Member Functions

vtkSMIdTypeVectorPropertyNew ()

Protected Member Functions

 vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty ()
 ~vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty ()
virtual int ReadXMLAttributes (vtkSMProxy *parent, vtkPVXMLElement *element)
virtual void SaveState (const char *name, ostream *file, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void SetNumberOfUncheckedElements (unsigned int num)
virtual void AppendCommandToStream (vtkSMProxy *, vtkClientServerStream *stream, vtkClientServerID objectId)

Protected Attributes

vtkSMIdTypeVectorPropertyInternals * Internals
int ArgumentIsArray

Detailed Description

property representing a vector of integers

vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty is a concrete sub-class of vtkSMVectorProperty representing a vector of integers (vtkIdType, possibly 64 bit).

See also:
vtkSMVectorProperty vtkSMDoubleVectorProperty vtkSMStringVectorProperty

Definition at line 33 of file vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty  )  [protected]

vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::~vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty  )  [protected]

Member Function Documentation

vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty* vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::New  )  [static]

Reimplemented from vtkSMProperty.

vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::vtkTypeRevisionMacro vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty  ,

void vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::PrintSelf ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent

Reimplemented from vtkSMVectorProperty.

virtual unsigned int vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::GetNumberOfElements  )  [virtual]

Returns the size of the vector.

Implements vtkSMVectorProperty.

virtual void vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::SetNumberOfElements unsigned int  num  )  [virtual]

Sets the size of the vector. If num is larger than the current number of elements, this may cause reallocation and copying.

Implements vtkSMVectorProperty.

int vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::SetElement unsigned int  idx,
vtkIdType  value

Set the value of 1 element. The vector is resized as necessary. Returns 0 if Set fails either because the property is read only or the value is not in all domains. Returns 1 otherwise.

int vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::SetElements const vtkIdType *  values  ) 

Set the values of all elements. The size of the values array has to be equal or larger to the size of the vector. Returns 0 if Set fails either because the property is read only or one or more of the values is not in all domains. Returns 1 otherwise.

int vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::SetElements1 vtkIdType  value0  ) 

Set the value of 1st element. The vector is resized as necessary. Returns 0 if Set fails either because the property is read only or one or more of the values is not in all domains. Returns 1 otherwise.

int vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::SetElements2 vtkIdType  value0,
vtkIdType  value1

Set the values of the first 2 elements. The vector is resized as necessary. Returns 0 if Set fails either because the property is read only or one or more of the values is not in all domains. Returns 1 otherwise.

int vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::SetElements3 vtkIdType  value0,
vtkIdType  value1,
vtkIdType  value2

Set the values of the first 3 elements. The vector is resized as necessary. Returns 0 if Set fails either because the property is read only or one or more of the values is not in all domains. Returns 1 otherwise.

vtkIdType vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::GetElement unsigned int  idx  ) 

Returns the value of 1 element.

vtkIdType vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::GetUncheckedElement unsigned int  idx  ) 

Returns the value of 1 unchecked element. These are used by domains. SetElement() first sets the value of 1 unchecked element and then calls IsInDomain and updates the value of the corresponding element only if IsInDomain passes.

void vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::SetUncheckedElement unsigned int  idx,
vtkIdType  value

Set the value of 1 unchecked element. This can be used to check if a value is in all domains of the property. Call this and call IsInDomains().

virtual unsigned int vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::GetNumberOfUncheckedElements  )  [virtual]

Returns the size of unchecked elements. Usually this is the same as the number of elements but can be different before a domain check is performed.

virtual int vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::GetArgumentIsArray  )  [virtual]

If ArgumentIsArray is true, multiple elements are passed in as array arguments. For example, For example, if RepeatCommand is true, NumberOfElementsPerCommand is 2, the command is SetFoo and the values are 1 2 3 4 5 6, the resulting stream will have:

 * Invoke
      obj SetFoo array(1, 2) * Invoke obj SetFoo array(3, 4) * Invoke obj
      SetFoo array(5, 6) 

virtual void vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::SetArgumentIsArray int   )  [virtual]

If ArgumentIsArray is true, multiple elements are passed in as array arguments. For example, For example, if RepeatCommand is true, NumberOfElementsPerCommand is 2, the command is SetFoo and the values are 1 2 3 4 5 6, the resulting stream will have:

 * Invoke
      obj SetFoo array(1, 2) * Invoke obj SetFoo array(3, 4) * Invoke obj
      SetFoo array(5, 6) 

virtual void vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::ArgumentIsArrayOn  )  [virtual]

If ArgumentIsArray is true, multiple elements are passed in as array arguments. For example, For example, if RepeatCommand is true, NumberOfElementsPerCommand is 2, the command is SetFoo and the values are 1 2 3 4 5 6, the resulting stream will have:

 * Invoke
      obj SetFoo array(1, 2) * Invoke obj SetFoo array(3, 4) * Invoke obj
      SetFoo array(5, 6) 

virtual void vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::ArgumentIsArrayOff  )  [virtual]

If ArgumentIsArray is true, multiple elements are passed in as array arguments. For example, For example, if RepeatCommand is true, NumberOfElementsPerCommand is 2, the command is SetFoo and the values are 1 2 3 4 5 6, the resulting stream will have:

 * Invoke
      obj SetFoo array(1, 2) * Invoke obj SetFoo array(3, 4) * Invoke obj
      SetFoo array(5, 6) 

virtual void vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::Copy vtkSMProperty src  )  [virtual]

Copy all property values.

Reimplemented from vtkSMVectorProperty.

virtual int vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::ReadXMLAttributes vtkSMProxy parent,
vtkPVXMLElement element
[protected, virtual]

Set the appropriate ivars from the xml element.

Reimplemented from vtkSMVectorProperty.

virtual void vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::SaveState const char *  name,
ostream *  file,
vtkIndent  indent
[protected, virtual]

Save the state in XML.

Reimplemented from vtkSMProperty.

virtual void vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::SetNumberOfUncheckedElements unsigned int  num  )  [protected, virtual]

Sets the size of unchecked elements. Usually this is the same as the number of elements but can be different before a domain check is performed.

virtual void vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::AppendCommandToStream vtkSMProxy ,
vtkClientServerStream *  stream,
vtkClientServerID  objectId
[protected, virtual]

Append a command to update the vtk object with the property values(s). The proxy objects create a stream by calling this method on all the modified properties.

Reimplemented from vtkSMProperty.

Member Data Documentation

vtkSMIdTypeVectorPropertyInternals* vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::Internals [protected]

Definition at line 116 of file vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty.h.

int vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty::ArgumentIsArray [protected]

Definition at line 118 of file vtkSMIdTypeVectorProperty.h.

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