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vtkPVScalarRangeLabel Class Reference

Shows the scalar range of and array. More...

#include <vtkPVScalarRangeLabel.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkPVScalarRangeLabel:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkPVScalarRangeLabel:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 vtkTypeRevisionMacro (vtkPVScalarRangeLabel, vtkPVWidget)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void Create (vtkKWApplication *app)
virtual void Initialize ()
virtual void Update ()
virtual void SaveInBatchScript (ofstream *)
virtual void Trace (ofstream *)
virtual void Accept ()
virtual void SetArrayMenu (vtkPVArrayMenu *)
virtual vtkPVArrayMenuGetArrayMenu ()
virtual double * GetRange ()
virtual void GetRange (double &, double &)
virtual void GetRange (double[2])
vtkPVScalarRangeLabelClonePrototype (vtkPVSource *pvSource, vtkArrayMap< vtkPVWidget *, vtkPVWidget * > *map)

Static Public Member Functions

vtkPVScalarRangeLabelNew ()

Protected Member Functions

 vtkPVScalarRangeLabel ()
 ~vtkPVScalarRangeLabel ()
virtual void CopyProperties (vtkPVWidget *clone, vtkPVSource *pvSource, vtkArrayMap< vtkPVWidget *, vtkPVWidget * > *map)
int ReadXMLAttributes (vtkPVXMLElement *element, vtkPVXMLPackageParser *parser)

Protected Attributes

double Range [2]

Detailed Description

Shows the scalar range of and array.

This label gets an array from an array menu, and shows its scalar range. It shows nothing right now if the array has more than one component.

Definition at line 31 of file vtkPVScalarRangeLabel.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkPVScalarRangeLabel::vtkPVScalarRangeLabel  )  [protected]

vtkPVScalarRangeLabel::~vtkPVScalarRangeLabel  )  [protected]

Member Function Documentation

vtkPVScalarRangeLabel* vtkPVScalarRangeLabel::New  )  [static]

Reimplemented from vtkPVTracedWidget.

vtkPVScalarRangeLabel::vtkTypeRevisionMacro vtkPVScalarRangeLabel  ,

void vtkPVScalarRangeLabel::PrintSelf ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent

Reimplemented from vtkPVWidget.

virtual void vtkPVScalarRangeLabel::Create vtkKWApplication app  )  [virtual]

Create the widget.

Reimplemented from vtkPVWidget.

virtual void vtkPVScalarRangeLabel::SetArrayMenu vtkPVArrayMenu  )  [virtual]

The scalar range display gets its array object from the array menu.

virtual vtkPVArrayMenu* vtkPVScalarRangeLabel::GetArrayMenu  )  [virtual]

The scalar range display gets its array object from the array menu.

virtual void vtkPVScalarRangeLabel::Initialize  )  [inline, virtual]

Does nothing.

Implements vtkPVWidget.

Definition at line 48 of file vtkPVScalarRangeLabel.h.

virtual void vtkPVScalarRangeLabel::Update  )  [virtual]

This calculates new range to display (using the array menu).

Reimplemented from vtkPVWidget.

virtual double* vtkPVScalarRangeLabel::GetRange  )  [virtual]

Access to the range values. This is used in a regression test.

virtual void vtkPVScalarRangeLabel::GetRange double &  ,
double & 

Access to the range values. This is used in a regression test.

virtual void vtkPVScalarRangeLabel::GetRange double  [2]  )  [virtual]

Access to the range values. This is used in a regression test.

vtkPVScalarRangeLabel* vtkPVScalarRangeLabel::ClonePrototype vtkPVSource pvSource,
vtkArrayMap< vtkPVWidget *, vtkPVWidget * > *  map

Creates and returns a copy of this widget. It will create a new instance of the same type as the current object using NewInstance() and then copy some necessary state parameters.

Reimplemented from vtkPVWidget.

virtual void vtkPVScalarRangeLabel::SaveInBatchScript ofstream *   )  [inline, virtual]

Empty method to keep superclass from complaining.

Reimplemented from vtkPVWidget.

Definition at line 69 of file vtkPVScalarRangeLabel.h.

virtual void vtkPVScalarRangeLabel::Trace ofstream *   )  [inline, virtual]

Empty method to keep superclass from complaining.

Implements vtkPVWidget.

Definition at line 72 of file vtkPVScalarRangeLabel.h.

virtual void vtkPVScalarRangeLabel::Accept  )  [inline, virtual]

This widget does not actually use Accept, but it has to override the pure virtual method of the superclass.

Implements vtkPVWidget.

Definition at line 76 of file vtkPVScalarRangeLabel.h.

virtual void vtkPVScalarRangeLabel::CopyProperties vtkPVWidget clone,
vtkPVSource pvSource,
vtkArrayMap< vtkPVWidget *, vtkPVWidget * > *  map
[protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from vtkPVWidget.

int vtkPVScalarRangeLabel::ReadXMLAttributes vtkPVXMLElement element,
vtkPVXMLPackageParser parser
[protected, virtual]

Called by vtkPVXMLPackageParser to configure the widget from XML attributes.

Reimplemented from vtkPVWidget.

Member Data Documentation

vtkPVArrayMenu* vtkPVScalarRangeLabel::ArrayMenu [protected]

Definition at line 82 of file vtkPVScalarRangeLabel.h.

vtkKWLabel* vtkPVScalarRangeLabel::Label [protected]

Definition at line 83 of file vtkPVScalarRangeLabel.h.

double vtkPVScalarRangeLabel::Range[2] [protected]

Definition at line 85 of file vtkPVScalarRangeLabel.h.

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Generated on Tue May 30 12:43:22 2006 for ParaView by doxygen 1.3.5