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vtkArrayMap< KeyType, DataType > Class Template Reference

a dynamic map data structure More...

#include <vtkArrayMap.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkArrayMap< KeyType, DataType >:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkArrayMap< KeyType, DataType >:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

typedef vtkAbstractMap< KeyType,
DataType > 
typedef vtkArrayMapIterator<
KeyType, DataType > 

Public Member Functions

vtkArrayMapIterator< KeyType,
DataType > * 
NewIterator ()
int SetItem (const KeyType &key, const DataType &data)
int RemoveItem (const KeyType &key)
void RemoveAllItems ()
int GetItem (const KeyType &key, DataType &data)
vtkIdType GetNumberOfItems () const
int IsItemPresent (const KeyType &key)
void DebugList ()

Static Public Member Functions

vtkArrayMap< KeyType, DataType > * New ()

Protected Member Functions

 vtkArrayMap ()
virtual ~vtkArrayMap ()
virtual vtkAbstractMapItem<
KeyType, DataType > * 
FindDataItem (const KeyType key)

Protected Attributes

vtkVector< vtkAbstractMapItem<
KeyType, DataType > * > * 


class vtkArrayMapIterator< KeyType, DataType >

Detailed Description

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
class vtkArrayMap< KeyType, DataType >

a dynamic map data structure

vtkArrayMap is a an array implementation of the map data structure

Map data structure is a one dimensional sequence of pairs of key and data. On the higher level, it implements mapping from key values to data elements. It can be implemented using array of pairs, hash table, or different trees.

See also:

Definition at line 37 of file vtkArrayMap.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
typedef vtkAbstractMap<KeyType,DataType> vtkArrayMap< KeyType, DataType >::Superclass

Reimplemented from vtkAbstractMap< KeyType, DataType >.

Definition at line 42 of file vtkArrayMap.h.

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
typedef vtkArrayMapIterator<KeyType,DataType> vtkArrayMap< KeyType, DataType >::IteratorType

Definition at line 43 of file vtkArrayMap.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
vtkArrayMap< KeyType, DataType >::vtkArrayMap  )  [inline, protected]

Definition at line 82 of file vtkArrayMap.h.

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
virtual vtkArrayMap< KeyType, DataType >::~vtkArrayMap  )  [protected, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
vtkArrayMap<KeyType,DataType>* vtkArrayMap< KeyType, DataType >::New  )  [static]

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
vtkArrayMapIterator<KeyType,DataType>* vtkArrayMap< KeyType, DataType >::NewIterator  ) 

Return an iterator to the list. This iterator is allocated using New, so the developer is responsible for deleating it.

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
int vtkArrayMap< KeyType, DataType >::SetItem const KeyType &  key,
const DataType &  data

Sets the item at with specific key to data. It overwrites the old item. It returns VTK_OK if successfull.

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
int vtkArrayMap< KeyType, DataType >::RemoveItem const KeyType &  key  ) 

Remove an Item with the key from the map. It returns VTK_OK if successfull.

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
void vtkArrayMap< KeyType, DataType >::RemoveAllItems  ) 

Remove all items from the map.

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
int vtkArrayMap< KeyType, DataType >::GetItem const KeyType &  key,
DataType &  data

Return the data asociated with the key. It returns VTK_OK if successfull.

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
vtkIdType vtkArrayMap< KeyType, DataType >::GetNumberOfItems  )  const

Return the number of items currently held in this container. This different from GetSize which is provided for some containers. GetSize will return how many items the container can currently hold.

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
int vtkArrayMap< KeyType, DataType >::IsItemPresent const KeyType &  key  ) 

Find an item in the vector. Return one if it was found, zero if it was not found.

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
void vtkArrayMap< KeyType, DataType >::DebugList  ) 

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
virtual vtkAbstractMapItem<KeyType,DataType>* vtkArrayMap< KeyType, DataType >::FindDataItem const KeyType  key  )  [protected, virtual]

Find vtkAbstractMapItem that with specific key

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
friend class vtkArrayMapIterator< KeyType, DataType > [friend]

Definition at line 39 of file vtkArrayMap.h.

Member Data Documentation

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
vtkVector< vtkAbstractMapItem<KeyType,DataType>* >* vtkArrayMap< KeyType, DataType >::Array [protected]

Definition at line 91 of file vtkArrayMap.h.

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