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vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy Class Reference

#include <vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 vtkTypeRevisionMacro (vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy, vtkSM3DWidgetProxy)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void SetCenter (double, double, double)
virtual void SetCenter (double[3])
virtual double * GetCenter ()
virtual void GetCenter (double &, double &, double &)
virtual void GetCenter (double[3])
virtual void SetNormal (double, double, double)
virtual void SetNormal (double[3])
virtual double * GetNormal ()
virtual void GetNormal (double &, double &, double &)
virtual void GetNormal (double[3])
virtual void SaveInBatchScript (ofstream *file)
virtual void UpdateVTKObjects ()
virtual void SetDrawPlane (int)

Static Public Member Functions

vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxyNew ()

Protected Member Functions

 vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy ()
 ~vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy ()
virtual void SaveState (const char *name, ostream *file, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void ExecuteEvent (vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *)
virtual void CreateVTKObjects (int numObjects)

Protected Attributes

double Center [3]
double Normal [3]
int DrawPlane

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy::vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy  )  [protected]

vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy::~vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy  )  [protected]

Member Function Documentation

vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy* vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy::New  )  [static]

Reimplemented from vtkSMDisplayProxy.

vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy::vtkTypeRevisionMacro vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy  ,

void vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy::PrintSelf ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent

Reimplemented from vtkSM3DWidgetProxy.

virtual void vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy::SetCenter double  ,
double  ,

virtual void vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy::SetCenter double  [3]  )  [virtual]

virtual double* vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy::GetCenter  )  [virtual]

virtual void vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy::GetCenter double &  ,
double &  ,
double & 

virtual void vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy::GetCenter double  [3]  )  [virtual]

virtual void vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy::SetNormal double  ,
double  ,

virtual void vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy::SetNormal double  [3]  )  [virtual]

virtual double* vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy::GetNormal  )  [virtual]

virtual void vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy::GetNormal double &  ,
double &  ,
double & 

virtual void vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy::GetNormal double  [3]  )  [virtual]

virtual void vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy::SetDrawPlane int   )  [virtual]

Send a SetDrawPlane event to the server.

virtual void vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy::SaveInBatchScript ofstream *  file  )  [virtual]

vtkSMDisplayProxy provides a generic SaveInBatchScript. vtkSM3DWidgets don't use that since the order in which the properties are set is significant for them e.g. PlaceWidget must happend before properties are set etc. This is not favourable, but until that is resolved, we do this.

Reimplemented from vtkSM3DWidgetProxy.

virtual void vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy::UpdateVTKObjects  )  [virtual]

Push the property values to the VTK object on the Servers.

Reimplemented from vtkSM3DWidgetProxy.

virtual void vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy::SaveState const char *  name,
ostream *  file,
vtkIndent  indent
[protected, virtual]

Overloaded to update the property values before saving state

Reimplemented from vtkSM3DWidgetProxy.

virtual void vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy::ExecuteEvent vtkObject *  ,
unsigned  long,
void * 
[protected, virtual]

Execute event of the 3D Widget.

Reimplemented from vtkSM3DWidgetProxy.

virtual void vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy::CreateVTKObjects int  numObjects  )  [protected, virtual]

Given the number of objects (numObjects), class name (VTKClassName) and server ids ( this->GetServerIDs()), this methods instantiates the objects on the server(s)

Reimplemented from vtkSM3DWidgetProxy.

Member Data Documentation

double vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy::Center[3] [protected]

Definition at line 58 of file vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy.h.

double vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy::Normal[3] [protected]

Definition at line 59 of file vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy.h.

int vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy::DrawPlane [protected]

Definition at line 60 of file vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Tue May 30 12:38:57 2006 for ParaView by doxygen 1.3.5