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vtkSM3DWidgetProxy Class Reference

#include <vtkSM3DWidgetProxy.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkSM3DWidgetProxy:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkSM3DWidgetProxy:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 vtkTypeRevisionMacro (vtkSM3DWidgetProxy, vtkSMDisplayProxy)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void PlaceWidget (double bds[6])
virtual void SaveInBatchScript (ofstream *file)
virtual void UpdateVTKObjects ()
virtual void AddToRenderModule (vtkSMRenderModuleProxy *)
virtual void RemoveFromRenderModule (vtkSMRenderModuleProxy *)
virtual void SetIgnorePlaceWidgetChanges (int)
virtual void SetVisibility (int visible)
virtual void SetEnabled (int e)
virtual int GetEnabled ()

Protected Member Functions

 vtkSM3DWidgetProxy ()
 ~vtkSM3DWidgetProxy ()
virtual void SaveState (const char *name, ostream *file, vtkIndent indent)
void InitializeObservers (vtk3DWidget *widget3D)
virtual void CreateVTKObjects (int numObjects)
void SetCurrentRenderModuleProxy (vtkSMRenderModuleProxy *rm)
virtual void ExecuteEvent (vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *)
void SetCurrentRenderer (vtkSMProxy *renderer)
void SetInteractor (vtkSMProxy *interactor)

Protected Attributes

int IgnorePlaceWidgetChanges
int Placed
double Bounds [6]
int Enabled
vtkSM3DWidgetProxyObserver * Observer


class vtkPV3DWidget
class vtkSM3DWidgetProxyObserver

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::vtkSM3DWidgetProxy  )  [protected]

vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::~vtkSM3DWidgetProxy  )  [protected]

Member Function Documentation

vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::vtkTypeRevisionMacro vtkSM3DWidgetProxy  ,

void vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::PrintSelf ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent

Reimplemented from vtkSMDisplayProxy.

Reimplemented in vtkSMBoxWidgetProxy, vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy, vtkSMLineWidgetProxy, vtkSMPickBoxWidgetProxy, vtkSMPickLineWidgetProxy, vtkSMPickPointWidgetProxy, vtkSMPickSphereWidgetProxy, vtkSMPointWidgetProxy, and vtkSMSphereWidgetProxy.

virtual void vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::AddToRenderModule vtkSMRenderModuleProxy  )  [virtual]

Called when the display is added/removed to/from a RenderModule.

Reimplemented from vtkSMDisplayProxy.

Reimplemented in vtkSMPickLineWidgetProxy, and vtkSMPickPointWidgetProxy.

virtual void vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::RemoveFromRenderModule vtkSMRenderModuleProxy  )  [virtual]

Called when the display is added/removed to/from a RenderModule.

Reimplemented from vtkSMDisplayProxy.

Reimplemented in vtkSMPickLineWidgetProxy, and vtkSMPickPointWidgetProxy.

virtual void vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::PlaceWidget double  bds[6]  )  [virtual]

Sends a PlaceWidget event to the 3DWidget. A PlaceWidget call on most of the 3DWidgets (eg. ImplicitPlane) leads to changes in some of the properties of the widget (such as center/normal). These changes are accepted or totally ignored depending on the status of the IgnorePlaceWidgetChanges flag.

virtual void vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::SetIgnorePlaceWidgetChanges int   )  [virtual]

A PlaceWidget call on most of the 3DWidgets (eg. ImplicitPlane) leads to changes in some of the properties of the widget (such as center/normal). This flag indicates if the changes to the widget due to a call to PlaceWidget are to be accepted or ignored. They are ignored when this flag is set and accepted otherwise. By default, this flag is not set, hence the changes are accepted.

virtual void vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::SetVisibility int  visible  )  [inline, virtual]

Sets Visibility of the 3DWidget. Internally calls SetEnabled.

Definition at line 61 of file vtkSM3DWidgetProxy.h.

virtual void vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::SetEnabled int  e  )  [virtual]

Get/Set Enabled state of the InteractorObserver

virtual int vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::GetEnabled  )  [virtual]

Get/Set Enabled state of the InteractorObserver

virtual void vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::SaveInBatchScript ofstream *  file  )  [virtual]

vtkSMDisplayProxy provides a generic SaveInBatchScript. vtkSM3DWidgets don't use that since the order in which the properties are set is significant for them e.g. PlaceWidget must happend before properties are set etc. This is not favourable, but until that is resolved, we do this.

Reimplemented from vtkSMDisplayProxy.

Reimplemented in vtkSMBoxWidgetProxy, vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy, vtkSMLineWidgetProxy, vtkSMPointWidgetProxy, and vtkSMSphereWidgetProxy.

virtual void vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::UpdateVTKObjects  )  [virtual]

Update the VTK object on the server by pushing the values of all modified properties (un-modified properties are ignored). If the object has not been created, it will be created first.

Reimplemented from vtkSMProxy.

Reimplemented in vtkSMBoxWidgetProxy, vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy, vtkSMLineWidgetProxy, vtkSMPickBoxWidgetProxy, vtkSMPickSphereWidgetProxy, vtkSMPointWidgetProxy, and vtkSMSphereWidgetProxy.

virtual void vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::SaveState const char *  name,
ostream *  file,
vtkIndent  indent
[protected, virtual]

Overloaded to hack for IgnorePlaceWidgetChanges flag which must be set to 1 in SM state. This is the most weird way of doing things. I have to get rid of IgnorePlaceWidgetChanges flag soon.

Reimplemented from vtkSMProxy.

Reimplemented in vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy, vtkSMLineWidgetProxy, vtkSMPointWidgetProxy, and vtkSMSphereWidgetProxy.

void vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::InitializeObservers vtk3DWidget *  widget3D  )  [protected]

virtual void vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::CreateVTKObjects int  numObjects  )  [protected, virtual]

Given the number of objects (numObjects), class name (VTKClassName) and server ids ( this->GetServerIDs()), this methods instantiates the objects on the server(s)

Reimplemented from vtkSMProxy.

Reimplemented in vtkSMBoxWidgetProxy, vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy, vtkSMLineWidgetProxy, vtkSMPointWidgetProxy, and vtkSMSphereWidgetProxy.

void vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::SetCurrentRenderModuleProxy vtkSMRenderModuleProxy rm  )  [protected]

void vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::SetCurrentRenderer vtkSMProxy renderer  )  [protected]

Sets the server 3D widget's current renderer and interactor.

void vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::SetInteractor vtkSMProxy interactor  )  [protected]

Sets the server 3D widget's current renderer and interactor.

virtual void vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::ExecuteEvent vtkObject *  ,
unsigned  long,
void * 
[protected, virtual]

Subclasses override this method to get the values from server objects and update the proxy state. This must be done before calling vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::ExecuteEvent since it raises vtkCommand::WidgetModifiedEvent which tells the GUI to update itself using the Proxy values.

Reimplemented in vtkSMBoxWidgetProxy, vtkSMImplicitPlaneWidgetProxy, vtkSMLineWidgetProxy, vtkSMPointWidgetProxy, and vtkSMSphereWidgetProxy.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class vtkPV3DWidget [friend]

Definition at line 102 of file vtkSM3DWidgetProxy.h.

friend class vtkSM3DWidgetProxyObserver [friend]

Definition at line 132 of file vtkSM3DWidgetProxy.h.

Member Data Documentation

int vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::IgnorePlaceWidgetChanges [protected]

Indicator if the positions suggested on PlaceWidget call on a VTK object are to be ignored. If set, the suggestions are rejected. If not set the suggestions are accepted.

Definition at line 90 of file vtkSM3DWidgetProxy.h.

int vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::Placed [protected]

Indicator if the PlaceWidget message must be sent to the Servers.

Definition at line 98 of file vtkSM3DWidgetProxy.h.

double vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::Bounds[6] [protected]

Definition at line 100 of file vtkSM3DWidgetProxy.h.

vtkSMRenderModuleProxy* vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::CurrentRenderModuleProxy [protected]

Definition at line 111 of file vtkSM3DWidgetProxy.h.

int vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::Enabled [protected]

Definition at line 113 of file vtkSM3DWidgetProxy.h.

vtkSM3DWidgetProxyObserver* vtkSM3DWidgetProxy::Observer [protected]

Definition at line 130 of file vtkSM3DWidgetProxy.h.

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Generated on Tue May 30 12:34:27 2006 for ParaView by doxygen 1.3.5