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vtkSMRenderModuleProxy Class Reference

Manages rendering and displaying data. More...

#include <vtkSMRenderModuleProxy.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkSMRenderModuleProxy:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkSMRenderModuleProxy:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 vtkTypeRevisionMacro (vtkSMRenderModuleProxy, vtkSMProxy)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void RemoveAllDisplays ()
virtual vtkSMDisplayProxyCreateDisplayProxy ()
virtual void CacheUpdate (int idx, int total)
virtual void InvalidateAllGeometries ()
void SetUseTriangleStrips (int val)
void SetUseImmediateMode (int val)
void SetBackgroundColorCM (double rgb[3])
void ResetCameraClippingRange ()
void ComputeVisiblePropBounds (double bounds[6])
virtual double GetZBufferValue (int x, int y)
void ResetCamera (double bds[6])
void ResetCamera ()
virtual void SaveInBatchScript (ofstream *file)
void SynchronizeCameraProperties ()
void SynchronizeRenderers ()
virtual int WriteImage (const char *filename, const char *writerName)
void SetUseLight (int enable)
int GetServerRenderWindowSize (int size[2])
virtual void SaveState (const char *name, ostream *file, vtkIndent indent)
virtual int IsRenderLocal ()
virtual void UpdateAllDisplays ()
virtual vtkImageData * CaptureWindow (int magnification)
virtual void AddDisplay (vtkSMDisplayProxy *disp)
virtual void RemoveDisplay (vtkSMDisplayProxy *disp)
virtual void StillRender ()
virtual void InteractiveRender ()
virtual vtkRenderer * GetRenderer ()
virtual vtkRenderer * GetRenderer2D ()
virtual vtkRenderWindow * GetRenderWindow ()
virtual vtkRenderWindowInteractor * GetInteractor ()
virtual void SetRenderInterruptsEnabled (int)
virtual int GetRenderInterruptsEnabled ()
virtual void RenderInterruptsEnabledOn ()
virtual void RenderInterruptsEnabledOff ()
virtual vtkCollection * GetDisplays ()

Protected Member Functions

 vtkSMRenderModuleProxy ()
 ~vtkSMRenderModuleProxy ()
virtual void CreateVTKObjects (int numObjects)
void UnRegisterVTKObjects ()
virtual vtkSMProxyGetRendererProxy ()
virtual vtkSMProxyGetRenderer2DProxy ()
virtual vtkSMProxyGetActiveCameraProxy ()
virtual vtkSMProxyGetInteractorProxy ()
virtual vtkSMProxyGetLightKitProxy ()
virtual vtkSMProxyGetLightProxy ()
virtual void SetDisplayXMLName (const char *)
virtual void BeginInteractiveRender ()
virtual void EndInteractiveRender ()
virtual void AddPropToRenderer (vtkSMProxy *proxy)
virtual void AddPropToRenderer2D (vtkSMProxy *proxy)
virtual void RemovePropFromRenderer (vtkSMProxy *proxy)
virtual void RemovePropFromRenderer2D (vtkSMProxy *proxy)
virtual void BeginStillRender ()
virtual void EndStillRender ()

Protected Attributes

vtkCollection * Displays
vtkCollection * RendererProps
vtkCollection * Renderer2DProps
vtkRenderer * Renderer2D
vtkRenderer * Renderer
vtkRenderWindow * RenderWindow
vtkRenderWindowInteractor * Interactor
vtkCamera * ActiveCamera
char * DisplayXMLName
int RenderInterruptsEnabled
int ResetCameraClippingRangeTag
int AbortCheckTag
int StartRenderEventTag


class vtkSMDisplayProxy

Detailed Description

Manages rendering and displaying data.

This is an abstract super class for all rendering modules. Provides very basic functionality.

Definition at line 38 of file vtkSMRenderModuleProxy.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::vtkSMRenderModuleProxy  )  [protected]

vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::~vtkSMRenderModuleProxy  )  [protected]

Member Function Documentation

vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::vtkTypeRevisionMacro vtkSMRenderModuleProxy  ,

void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::PrintSelf ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent

Reimplemented from vtkSMProxy.

Reimplemented in vtkSMCaveRenderModuleProxy, vtkSMCompositeRenderModuleProxy, vtkSMIceTDesktopRenderModuleProxy, vtkSMIceTRenderModuleProxy, vtkSMLODRenderModuleProxy, vtkSMMPIRenderModuleProxy, vtkSMMultiDisplayRenderModuleProxy, and vtkSMSimpleRenderModuleProxy.

virtual void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::AddDisplay vtkSMDisplayProxy disp  )  [virtual]

Any display that must be rendered by this rendermodule needs to be added to it. NOTE: If you call this method directly (without using properties) don't forget to call UpdateVTKObjects() on the RenderModule.

Reimplemented in vtkSMIceTDesktopRenderModuleProxy, and vtkSMLODRenderModuleProxy.

virtual void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::RemoveDisplay vtkSMDisplayProxy disp  )  [virtual]

Any display that must be rendered by this rendermodule needs to be added to it. NOTE: If you call this method directly (without using properties) don't forget to call UpdateVTKObjects() on the RenderModule.

Reimplemented in vtkSMLODRenderModuleProxy.

virtual void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::RemoveAllDisplays  )  [virtual]

Removes all added displays. (Calls RemoveFromRenderModule on all displays).

virtual void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::StillRender  )  [virtual]

Renders using Still/FullRes or interactive/LODs

Reimplemented in vtkSMCompositeRenderModuleProxy, vtkSMIceTDesktopRenderModuleProxy, vtkSMIceTRenderModuleProxy, and vtkSMMPIRenderModuleProxy.

virtual void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::InteractiveRender  )  [virtual]

Renders using Still/FullRes or interactive/LODs

Reimplemented in vtkSMCompositeRenderModuleProxy, vtkSMIceTRenderModuleProxy, vtkSMLODRenderModuleProxy, and vtkSMMPIRenderModuleProxy.

virtual vtkSMDisplayProxy* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::CreateDisplayProxy  )  [virtual]

Subclass can create their own vtkSMDisplayProxy object by implementing this method. So far, others displays are not.

Reimplemented in vtkSMLODRenderModuleProxy.

virtual void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::CacheUpdate int  idx,
int  total

Update the cache of all visible part displays. For flip books.

virtual void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::InvalidateAllGeometries  )  [virtual]

Calls InvalidateGeometry() on all part displays. For flip books.

void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::SetUseTriangleStrips int  val  ) 

Callback for the triangle strips check button

void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::SetUseImmediateMode int  val  ) 

Callback for the immediate mode rendering check button

virtual vtkRenderer* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::GetRenderer  )  [virtual]

Access to the rendering-related objects for the GUI.

virtual vtkRenderer* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::GetRenderer2D  )  [virtual]

Access to the rendering-related objects for the GUI.

virtual vtkRenderWindow* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::GetRenderWindow  )  [virtual]

Access to the rendering-related objects for the GUI.

virtual vtkRenderWindowInteractor* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::GetInteractor  )  [virtual]

Access to the rendering-related objects for the GUI.

void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::SetBackgroundColorCM double  rgb[3]  ) 

Convenience method to set the background color.

void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::ResetCameraClippingRange  ) 

Reset the camera clipping range.

virtual void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::SetRenderInterruptsEnabled int   )  [virtual]

Controls whether the render module invokes abort check events.

virtual int vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::GetRenderInterruptsEnabled  )  [virtual]

Controls whether the render module invokes abort check events.

virtual void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::RenderInterruptsEnabledOn  )  [virtual]

Controls whether the render module invokes abort check events.

virtual void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::RenderInterruptsEnabledOff  )  [virtual]

Controls whether the render module invokes abort check events.

void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::ComputeVisiblePropBounds double  bounds[6]  ) 

Compute the bounding box of all visible props.

virtual vtkCollection* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::GetDisplays  )  [virtual]

Returns the display collection.

virtual double vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::GetZBufferValue int  x,
int  y

Get the value of the z buffer at a position. This is necessary for picking the center of rotation.

Reimplemented in vtkSMCompositeRenderModuleProxy.

void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::ResetCamera double  bds[6]  ) 

Reset camera to the given bounds.

void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::ResetCamera  ) 

Reset camera. Interally calls ComputeVisiblePropBounds to obtain the bounds.

virtual void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::SaveInBatchScript ofstream *  file  )  [virtual]

Save the display in batch script. This will eventually get removed as we will generate batch script from ServerManager state. However, until then.

void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::SynchronizeCameraProperties  ) 

This method calls UpdateInformation on the Camera Proxy and sets the Camera properties according to the info properties.

void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::SynchronizeRenderers  ) 

Internal method do not call directly. Synchornizes the properties of the 2D and 3D renders before each render.

virtual int vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::WriteImage const char *  filename,
const char *  writerName

Generate a screenshot from the render window.

void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::SetUseLight int  enable  ) 

Enable/Disable the LightKit.

int vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::GetServerRenderWindowSize int  size[2]  ) 

Returns the dimensions of the first node of the render server (in the argument size). Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.

virtual void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::SaveState const char *  name,
ostream *  file,
vtkIndent  indent

Called when saving server manager state. Overridden to SynchronizeCameraProperties before saving the properties.

Reimplemented from vtkSMProxy.

virtual int vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::IsRenderLocal  )  [inline, virtual]

Indicates if we should locally render.

Reimplemented in vtkSMCompositeRenderModuleProxy, and vtkSMIceTRenderModuleProxy.

Definition at line 147 of file vtkSMRenderModuleProxy.h.

virtual void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::UpdateAllDisplays  )  [virtual]

Update all visible displays (therefore sources)

Reimplemented in vtkSMIceTDesktopRenderModuleProxy.

virtual vtkImageData* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::CaptureWindow int  magnification  )  [virtual]

Returns an image data that contains a "screenshot" of the window. It is the responsibility of the caller to delete the image data.

virtual void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::CreateVTKObjects int  numObjects  )  [protected, virtual]

Given the number of objects (numObjects), class name (VTKClassName) and server ids ( this->GetServerIDs()), this methods instantiates the objects on the server(s)

Reimplemented from vtkSMProxy.

Reimplemented in vtkSMCompositeRenderModuleProxy, vtkSMIceTDesktopRenderModuleProxy, and vtkSMMPIRenderModuleProxy.

void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::UnRegisterVTKObjects  )  [protected]

Overridden since Interactor properties must be cleared.

Reimplemented from vtkSMProxy.

virtual vtkSMProxy* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::GetRendererProxy  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual vtkSMProxy* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::GetRenderer2DProxy  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual vtkSMProxy* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::GetActiveCameraProxy  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual vtkSMProxy* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::GetInteractorProxy  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual vtkSMProxy* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::GetLightKitProxy  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual vtkSMProxy* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::GetLightProxy  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::AddPropToRenderer vtkSMProxy proxy  )  [protected, virtual]

Methods called by Display proxies to add/remove the actor proxies to appropriate renderer. Note: these methods affect the reference count of the added/removed actor proxy.

virtual void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::AddPropToRenderer2D vtkSMProxy proxy  )  [protected, virtual]

Methods called by Display proxies to add/remove the actor proxies to appropriate renderer. Note: these methods affect the reference count of the added/removed actor proxy.

virtual void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::RemovePropFromRenderer vtkSMProxy proxy  )  [protected, virtual]

Methods called by Display proxies to add/remove the actor proxies to appropriate renderer. Note: these methods affect the reference count of the added/removed actor proxy.

virtual void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::RemovePropFromRenderer2D vtkSMProxy proxy  )  [protected, virtual]

Methods called by Display proxies to add/remove the actor proxies to appropriate renderer. Note: these methods affect the reference count of the added/removed actor proxy.

virtual void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::SetDisplayXMLName const char *   )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::BeginStillRender  )  [protected, virtual]

Method called before/after Still Render is called. Can be used to set GlobalLODFlag.

Reimplemented in vtkSMIceTRenderModuleProxy.

virtual void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::EndStillRender  )  [protected, virtual]

Method called before/after Still Render is called. Can be used to set GlobalLODFlag.

Reimplemented in vtkSMIceTRenderModuleProxy.

virtual void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::BeginInteractiveRender  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in vtkSMIceTRenderModuleProxy.

virtual void vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::EndInteractiveRender  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in vtkSMIceTRenderModuleProxy.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class vtkSMDisplayProxy [friend]

Definition at line 213 of file vtkSMRenderModuleProxy.h.

Member Data Documentation

vtkCollection* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::Displays [protected]

Definition at line 170 of file vtkSMRenderModuleProxy.h.

vtkCollection* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::RendererProps [protected]

Definition at line 173 of file vtkSMRenderModuleProxy.h.

vtkCollection* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::Renderer2DProps [protected]

Definition at line 176 of file vtkSMRenderModuleProxy.h.

vtkSMProxy* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::RendererProxy [protected]

Definition at line 178 of file vtkSMRenderModuleProxy.h.

vtkSMProxy* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::Renderer2DProxy [protected]

Definition at line 179 of file vtkSMRenderModuleProxy.h.

vtkSMProxy* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::ActiveCameraProxy [protected]

Definition at line 180 of file vtkSMRenderModuleProxy.h.

vtkSMProxy* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::RenderWindowProxy [protected]

Definition at line 181 of file vtkSMRenderModuleProxy.h.

vtkSMProxy* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::InteractorProxy [protected]

Definition at line 182 of file vtkSMRenderModuleProxy.h.

vtkSMProxy* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::LightKitProxy [protected]

Definition at line 183 of file vtkSMRenderModuleProxy.h.

vtkSMProxy* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::LightProxy [protected]

Definition at line 184 of file vtkSMRenderModuleProxy.h.

vtkRenderer* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::Renderer2D [protected]

Definition at line 195 of file vtkSMRenderModuleProxy.h.

vtkRenderer* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::Renderer [protected]

Definition at line 196 of file vtkSMRenderModuleProxy.h.

vtkRenderWindow* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::RenderWindow [protected]

Definition at line 197 of file vtkSMRenderModuleProxy.h.

vtkRenderWindowInteractor* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::Interactor [protected]

Definition at line 198 of file vtkSMRenderModuleProxy.h.

vtkCamera* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::ActiveCamera [protected]

Definition at line 199 of file vtkSMRenderModuleProxy.h.

char* vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::DisplayXMLName [protected]

Definition at line 219 of file vtkSMRenderModuleProxy.h.

int vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::RenderInterruptsEnabled [protected]

Definition at line 222 of file vtkSMRenderModuleProxy.h.

int vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::ResetCameraClippingRangeTag [protected]

Definition at line 223 of file vtkSMRenderModuleProxy.h.

int vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::AbortCheckTag [protected]

Definition at line 224 of file vtkSMRenderModuleProxy.h.

int vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::StartRenderEventTag [protected]

Definition at line 225 of file vtkSMRenderModuleProxy.h.

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