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vtkPVLookmarkManager Class Reference

Interface panel to interact with lookmarks. More...

#include <vtkPVLookmarkManager.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkPVLookmarkManager:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkPVLookmarkManager:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 vtkTypeRevisionMacro (vtkPVLookmarkManager, vtkKWTopLevel)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void Create (vtkKWApplication *app)
virtual void Display ()
virtual void Withdraw ()
vtkPVLookmarkGetPVLookmark (char *name)
void ExportFolderCallback ()
void UpdateLookmarkCallback ()
void RemoveCallback ()
void SetStateOfAllLookmarkItems (int state)
void ImportMacroExamplesCallback ()
void AddMacroExampleCallback (int index)
void SelectItemCallback (char *name)
void DragAndDropPerformCommand (int x, int y, vtkKWWidget *widget, vtkKWWidget *anchor)
void DragAndDropEndCommand (int x, int y, vtkKWWidget *widget, vtkKWWidget *anchor, vtkKWWidget *target)
virtual void UpdateEnableState ()
virtual vtkPVTraceHelperGetTraceHelper ()
void ImportLookmarkFileCallback ()
void ImportBoundingBoxFileCallback ()
void ImportLookmarkFile (const char *path, int appendFlag)
void CreateLookmarkCallback (int macroFlag)
vtkPVLookmarkCreateLookmark (char *name, int macroFlag)
void SaveAllCallback ()
void SaveAll (const char *path)
void CreateFolderCallback ()
vtkKWLookmarkFolderCreateFolder (const char *name, int macroFlag)
void UndoCallback ()
void RedoCallback ()
void RenameLookmarkCallback ()
void RenameFolderCallback ()
vtkKWLookmarkFolderGetMacrosFolder ()
void DisplayUsersTutorial ()
void DisplayQuickStartGuide ()

Static Public Member Functions

vtkPVLookmarkManagerNew ()

Protected Member Functions

 vtkPVLookmarkManager ()
 ~vtkPVLookmarkManager ()
vtkPVApplicationGetPVApplication ()
vtkPVRenderViewGetPVRenderView ()
vtkPVWindowGetPVWindow ()
const char * GetPathToFileInHomeDirectory (const char *filename)
virtual void ConfigureQuickStartGuide ()
virtual void ConfigureUsersTutorial ()
void ResetDragAndDropTargetSetAndCallbacks ()
virtual int DragAndDropWidget (vtkKWWidget *widget, vtkKWWidget *destAfterWidget)
void RemoveItemAsDragAndDropTarget (vtkKWWidget *removedTarget)
void PackChildrenBasedOnLocation (vtkKWWidget *parent)
void RemoveCheckedChildren (vtkKWWidget *parent, int forceRemoveFlag)
void ImportLookmarkFileInternal (int locationOfLmkItemAmongSiblings, vtkXMLDataElement *recursiveXmlElement, vtkKWWidget *parentWidget)
void ImportMacroExamplesInternal (int locationOfLmkItemAmongSiblings, vtkXMLDataElement *recursiveXmlElement, vtkKWMenu *parentMenu)
*void ImportBoundingBoxFileInternal (vtkPVReaderModule *reader, vtkPVLookmark *macro, char *boundingBoxFileName)
char * PromptForFile (char *extension, int save_flag)
vtkPVLookmarkGetPVLookmark (vtkXMLDataElement *elem)
void SetButtonFrameState (int state)
void CreateNestedXMLElements (vtkKWWidget *wid, vtkXMLDataElement *parentElement)
void SaveFolderInternal (char *path, vtkKWLookmarkFolder *folder)
char * GetUnusedLookmarkName ()
int IsWidgetInsideFolder (vtkKWWidget *widget, vtkKWWidget *folder)
void Checkpoint ()
void UndoRedoInternal ()
void MoveCheckedChildren (vtkKWWidget *recursiveWidget, vtkKWWidget *frameToPackLmkItemInto)
void DestroyUnusedFoldersFromWidget (vtkKWWidget *widget)
int GetNumberOfChildLmkItems (vtkKWWidget *prnt)
void DecrementHigherSiblingLmkItemLocationIndices (vtkKWWidget *parent, int location)
void IncrementHigherSiblingLmkItemLocationIndices (vtkKWWidget *parent, int location)
void EncodeNewlines (char *str)
void DecodeNewlines (char *str)

Detailed Description

Interface panel to interact with lookmarks.

This class manages interactions with lookmarks.

The menu bar contains the following menus: File Menu -> Lookmark File manipulations Edit Menu -> Performs operations on lookmarks and folders Help -> Brings up help dialog boxes

See also:
vtkPVLookmark, vtkKWLookmark, vtkKWLookmarkFolder, vtkXMLLookmarkElement

Definition at line 59 of file vtkPVLookmarkManager.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkPVLookmarkManager::vtkPVLookmarkManager  )  [protected]

vtkPVLookmarkManager::~vtkPVLookmarkManager  )  [protected]

Member Function Documentation

vtkPVLookmarkManager* vtkPVLookmarkManager::New  )  [static]

Reimplemented from vtkKWTopLevel.

vtkPVLookmarkManager::vtkTypeRevisionMacro vtkPVLookmarkManager  ,

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::PrintSelf ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent

Reimplemented from vtkKWTopLevel.

virtual void vtkPVLookmarkManager::Create vtkKWApplication app  )  [virtual]

Create the widget.

Reimplemented from vtkKWTopLevel.

virtual void vtkPVLookmarkManager::Display  )  [virtual]

Display the toplevel.

Reimplemented from vtkKWTopLevel.

virtual void vtkPVLookmarkManager::Withdraw  )  [virtual]

Close the toplevel.

Reimplemented from vtkKWTopLevel.

virtual vtkPVTraceHelper* vtkPVLookmarkManager::GetTraceHelper  )  [virtual]

Get the trace helper framework.

vtkPVLookmark* vtkPVLookmarkManager::GetPVLookmark char *  name  ) 

Returns the first lookmark found with the given name

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::ImportLookmarkFileCallback  ) 

Called from File --> Import --> Replace/Append Takes the user specified .lmk file and parses it to populate the panel with its contents

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::ImportBoundingBoxFileCallback  ) 

Called from File --> Import --> Replace/Append Takes the user specified .lmk file and parses it to populate the panel with its contents

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::ImportLookmarkFile const char *  path,
int  appendFlag

Called from File --> Import --> Replace/Append Takes the user specified .lmk file and parses it to populate the panel with its contents

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::CreateLookmarkCallback int  macroFlag  ) 

Create either a Lookmark or a Lookmark Macro. Adds a vtkKWLookmark widget to the lookmark manager with a default name of the form "Lookmark#". Saves the state of the visible sources in the SourceList and their inputs.

vtkPVLookmark* vtkPVLookmarkManager::CreateLookmark char *  name,
int  macroFlag

Create either a Lookmark or a Lookmark Macro. Adds a vtkKWLookmark widget to the lookmark manager with a default name of the form "Lookmark#". Saves the state of the visible sources in the SourceList and their inputs.

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::SaveAllCallback  ) 

This saves the current state of the lookmark manager, hierarchy and all to the user specified .lmk file

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::SaveAll const char *  path  ) 

This saves the current state of the lookmark manager, hierarchy and all to the user specified .lmk file

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::ExportFolderCallback  ) 

This is called when File --> Export Folder is selected Only one folder can be selected (except for folders nested in the selected folder)

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::UpdateLookmarkCallback  ) 

This updates the lookmark's thumbnail, statescript, and dataset, while maintaining its name, comments, and location in the lookmark manager

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::RemoveCallback  ) 

This removes the selected lookmarks and/or folders from the lookmark manager

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::CreateFolderCallback  ) 

Add an empty folder to the bottom of the lookmark manager named "New Folder" You can then drag items into it

vtkKWLookmarkFolder* vtkPVLookmarkManager::CreateFolder const char *  name,
int  macroFlag

Add an empty folder to the bottom of the lookmark manager named "New Folder" You can then drag items into it

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::SetStateOfAllLookmarkItems int  state  ) 

Check/Uncheck the boxes of all lookmarks and folders

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::UndoCallback  ) 

This uses the backup file to repopulate the lookmark manager, bringing it up to the point just before the last operation

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::RedoCallback  ) 

This uses the backup file to repopulate the lookmark manager, bringing it up to the point just before the last operation

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::RenameLookmarkCallback  ) 

Only one lookmark/folder can be selected/checked when this is called. It will display a text widget in which to type the new name.

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::RenameFolderCallback  ) 

Only one lookmark/folder can be selected/checked when this is called. It will display a text widget in which to type the new name.

vtkKWLookmarkFolder* vtkPVLookmarkManager::GetMacrosFolder  ) 

Access to the specialized vtkKWLookmarkFolder that holds the lookmark macros

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::ImportMacroExamplesCallback  ) 

When the manager is created, this looks for a file called #LookmarkMacros# or .LookmarkMacros in the users home directory If found, this lookmark file is used to populate the Edit --> Add Macro Example menu. The idea is to have a way to distribute pre-defined macros with paraview that users might find useful for the type of data they work with.

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::AddMacroExampleCallback int  index  ) 

Callback when an entry is selected in the Edit menu. Adds the selection to the "Macros" folder and to the Lookmark toolbar if enabled

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::SelectItemCallback char *  name  ) 

Callback added to all lookmark and folder checkboxes. This does some bookkeeping like making sure that if an item nested in a selected folder is deselected, the folder is also deselected

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::DisplayUsersTutorial  ) 

Callbacks for the help menu

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::DisplayQuickStartGuide  ) 

Callbacks for the help menu

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::DragAndDropPerformCommand int  x,
int  y,
vtkKWWidget widget,
vtkKWWidget anchor

Called when a lookmark item (lookmark or folder) is being dragged. If the mouse is over the first frame in the lookmark manager before the first lookmark item (so that user can drag to the top of the lookmark manager)

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::DragAndDropEndCommand int  x,
int  y,
vtkKWWidget widget,
vtkKWWidget anchor,
vtkKWWidget target

All lookmark items (lookmarks and folders) in the manager are assigned this end command when the left button is release after it has been dragging a lookmark item

virtual void vtkPVLookmarkManager::UpdateEnableState  )  [virtual]

Update the "enable" state of the object and its internal parts. Depending on different Ivars (this->Enabled, the application's Limited Edition Mode, etc.), the "enable" state of the object is updated and propagated to its internal parts/subwidgets. This will, for example, enable/disable parts of the widget UI, enable/disable the visibility of 3D widgets, etc.

Reimplemented from vtkKWTopLevel.

vtkPVApplication* vtkPVLookmarkManager::GetPVApplication  )  [protected]

vtkPVRenderView* vtkPVLookmarkManager::GetPVRenderView  )  [protected]

vtkPVWindow* vtkPVLookmarkManager::GetPVWindow  )  [protected]

const char* vtkPVLookmarkManager::GetPathToFileInHomeDirectory const char *  filename  )  [protected]

Helper function to construct path to file in user's home directory

virtual void vtkPVLookmarkManager::ConfigureQuickStartGuide  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void vtkPVLookmarkManager::ConfigureUsersTutorial  )  [protected, virtual]

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::ResetDragAndDropTargetSetAndCallbacks  )  [protected]

Sets up the drag and drop targets for each lookmark and folder in manager. Often called after a change to the lookmark manager (such as Add, Remove, etc.)

virtual int vtkPVLookmarkManager::DragAndDropWidget vtkKWWidget widget,
vtkKWWidget destAfterWidget
[protected, virtual]

Perform the actual D&D given a widget and its target location. It will call AddDragAndDropEntry() and pack the widget to its new location

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::RemoveItemAsDragAndDropTarget vtkKWWidget removedTarget  )  [protected]

When a lookmark or folder is deleted need to remove it as a target for all other widgets

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::MoveCheckedChildren vtkKWWidget recursiveWidget,
vtkKWWidget frameToPackLmkItemInto

Helper functions for drag and drop capability

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::DestroyUnusedFoldersFromWidget vtkKWWidget widget  )  [protected]

Helper functions for drag and drop capability

int vtkPVLookmarkManager::GetNumberOfChildLmkItems vtkKWWidget prnt  )  [protected]

Helper functions for drag and drop capability

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::DecrementHigherSiblingLmkItemLocationIndices vtkKWWidget parent,
int  location

These methods reassign the stored location values for all child lmk widgets or containers that are siblings in the lookmark manager hierarchy depending on whether we are inserting or removing a lmk item used in conjunction with Move and Remove callbacks

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::IncrementHigherSiblingLmkItemLocationIndices vtkKWWidget parent,
int  location

These methods reassign the stored location values for all child lmk widgets or containers that are siblings in the lookmark manager hierarchy depending on whether we are inserting or removing a lmk item used in conjunction with Move and Remove callbacks

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::PackChildrenBasedOnLocation vtkKWWidget parent  )  [protected]

Just what the name implies - pack the lookmark items (lookmarks or folders) that are children of parent using their location values

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::RemoveCheckedChildren vtkKWWidget parent,
int  forceRemoveFlag

helper function for removing checked lookmarks and folders that are children of parent

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::ImportLookmarkFileInternal int  locationOfLmkItemAmongSiblings,
vtkXMLDataElement *  recursiveXmlElement,
vtkKWWidget parentWidget

Recursively visit each xml element of the lookmark file, creating, packing, and storing vtkPVLookmarks and vtkKWLookmarkFolders as appropriate

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::ImportMacroExamplesInternal int  locationOfLmkItemAmongSiblings,
vtkXMLDataElement *  recursiveXmlElement,
vtkKWMenu parentMenu

Recursively visit each xml element of the lookmark file, creatings entries in the "Add Macro Examples" menu

* void vtkPVLookmarkManager::ImportBoundingBoxFileInternal vtkPVReaderModule reader,
vtkPVLookmark macro,
char *  boundingBoxFileName

char* vtkPVLookmarkManager::PromptForFile char *  extension,
int  save_flag

Convenience method for creating a Load/Save dialog box and returning the filename chosen by the user 0 for load, 1 for save

vtkPVLookmark* vtkPVLookmarkManager::GetPVLookmark vtkXMLDataElement *  elem  )  [protected]

Takes a vtkKWLookmarkElement and uses its attributes to initialize and return a new vtkPVLookmark

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::EncodeNewlines char *  str  )  [protected]

Necessary to encode/decode newlines in the comments text and image data before/after being written/read to/from a lookmark file since they get lost in the call to WriteObject() uses a '~' to encode

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::DecodeNewlines char *  str  )  [protected]

Necessary to encode/decode newlines in the comments text and image data before/after being written/read to/from a lookmark file since they get lost in the call to WriteObject() uses a '~' to encode

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::SetButtonFrameState int  state  )  [protected]

called before and after certain callbacks that launch dialog boxes because when the user presses OK or Cancel the lookmark mgr panel is also getting the mouse down event (which causes unexpected behavior)

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::CreateNestedXMLElements vtkKWWidget wid,
vtkXMLDataElement *  parentElement

prints the root and all its elements to the file

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::SaveFolderInternal char *  path,
vtkKWLookmarkFolder folder

takes a filename and folder widget, writes out an empty lookmark file, parses to get at the root element, recursively calls CreateNestedXMLElement and prints the folder and all its elements to the file

char* vtkPVLookmarkManager::GetUnusedLookmarkName  )  [protected]

int vtkPVLookmarkManager::IsWidgetInsideFolder vtkKWWidget widget,
vtkKWWidget folder

Check to see if lookmark item is a descendant of container

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::Checkpoint  )  [protected]

Before any action that changes the state of the lookmark manager (Add,Update,etc), this method is called to write out a lookmark file in the current directory of the current state of the lookmark manager. The file name is "LookmarkManager.lmk" by default until a lookmark file is imported or one is saved out

void vtkPVLookmarkManager::UndoRedoInternal  )  [protected]

Undo and redo share same underlying function

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