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vtkSMAnimationCueProxy Class Reference

proxy for vtkAnimationCue on a server. More...

#include <vtkSMAnimationCueProxy.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkSMAnimationCueProxy:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkSMAnimationCueProxy:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 vtkTypeRevisionMacro (vtkSMAnimationCueProxy, vtkSMProxy)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
void RemoveAnimatedProxy ()
void SetTimeMode (int mode)
vtkSMPropertyGetAnimatedProperty ()
vtkSMDomainGetAnimatedDomain ()
virtual vtkAnimationCue * GetAnimationCue ()
vtkClientServerID GetID ()
virtual void CloneCopy (vtkSMAnimationCueProxy *src)
virtual void SaveInBatchScript (ofstream *)
void SaveInBatchScript (ofstream *file, const char *proxyTclName, int doRegister)
void SetAnimatedProxy (vtkSMProxy *proxy)
virtual vtkSMProxyGetAnimatedProxy ()
virtual char * GetAnimatedPropertyName ()
virtual void SetAnimatedPropertyName (const char *)
virtual char * GetAnimatedDomainName ()
virtual void SetAnimatedDomainName (const char *)
virtual void SetAnimatedElement (int)
virtual int GetAnimatedElement ()
void SetManipulator (vtkSMAnimationCueManipulatorProxy *)
virtual vtkSMAnimationCueManipulatorProxyGetManipulator ()
void SetStartTime (double time)
double GetStartTime ()
void SetEndTime (double time)
double GetEndTime ()
virtual void SetCaching (int enable)
virtual int GetCaching ()

Static Public Member Functions

vtkSMAnimationCueProxyNew ()

Protected Member Functions

 vtkSMAnimationCueProxy ()
 ~vtkSMAnimationCueProxy ()
virtual void CreateVTKObjects (int numeObjects)
virtual void InitializeObservers (vtkAnimationCue *cue)
virtual void ExecuteEvent (vtkObject *wdg, unsigned long event, void *calldata)
virtual void StartCueInternal (void *info)
virtual void TickInternal (void *info)
virtual void EndCueInternal (void *info)

Protected Attributes

vtkSMAnimationCueProxyObserver * Observer
int Caching
int AnimatedElement
char * AnimatedPropertyName
char * AnimatedDomainName
vtkAnimationCue * AnimationCue


class vtkSMAnimationCueProxyObserver

Detailed Description

proxy for vtkAnimationCue on a server.

See also:
vtkSMProxy vtkSMAnimationSceneProxy

Definition at line 34 of file vtkSMAnimationCueProxy.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::vtkSMAnimationCueProxy  )  [protected]

vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::~vtkSMAnimationCueProxy  )  [protected]

Member Function Documentation

vtkSMAnimationCueProxy* vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::New  )  [static]

Reimplemented from vtkSMProxy.

Reimplemented in vtkSMAnimationSceneProxy.

vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::vtkTypeRevisionMacro vtkSMAnimationCueProxy  ,

void vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::PrintSelf ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent

Reimplemented from vtkSMProxy.

Reimplemented in vtkSMAnimationSceneProxy.

virtual void vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::SaveInBatchScript ofstream *   )  [virtual]

Saves the proxy to batch script.

Reimplemented in vtkSMAnimationSceneProxy.

void vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::SaveInBatchScript ofstream *  file,
const char *  proxyTclName,
int  doRegister

Saves the proxy to batch script.

void vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::SetAnimatedProxy vtkSMProxy proxy  ) 

Pointer to the proxy whose property is being animated by this cue.

virtual vtkSMProxy* vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::GetAnimatedProxy  )  [virtual]

Pointer to the proxy whose property is being animated by this cue.

void vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::RemoveAnimatedProxy  ) 

Removes the animated proxy reference.

virtual char* vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::GetAnimatedPropertyName  )  [virtual]

the XMLName of the property of the AnimatedProxy that is being animated by this cue.

virtual void vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::SetAnimatedPropertyName const char *   )  [virtual]

the XMLName of the property of the AnimatedProxy that is being animated by this cue.

virtual char* vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::GetAnimatedDomainName  )  [virtual]

The domain name for the domain of the property to be used to change the property value when animating.

virtual void vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::SetAnimatedDomainName const char *   )  [virtual]

The domain name for the domain of the property to be used to change the property value when animating.

virtual void vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::SetAnimatedElement int   )  [virtual]

The index of the element of the property this cue animates. If the index is -1, the cue will animate all the elements of the animated property.

virtual int vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::GetAnimatedElement  )  [virtual]

The index of the element of the property this cue animates. If the index is -1, the cue will animate all the elements of the animated property.

void vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::SetManipulator vtkSMAnimationCueManipulatorProxy  ) 

Get/Set the manipulator used to compute values for each instance in the animation. Note that the time passed to the Manipulator is normalized [0,1] to the extents of this cue.

virtual vtkSMAnimationCueManipulatorProxy* vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::GetManipulator  )  [virtual]

Get/Set the manipulator used to compute values for each instance in the animation. Note that the time passed to the Manipulator is normalized [0,1] to the extents of this cue.

void vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::SetTimeMode int  mode  ) 

Set's the vtkAnimationCue time mode.

void vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::SetStartTime double  time  ) 

Set's the vtkAnimationCue start time.

double vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::GetStartTime  ) 

Set's the vtkAnimationCue start time.

void vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::SetEndTime double  time  ) 

Set's the vtkAnimationCue's end time.

double vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::GetEndTime  ) 

Set's the vtkAnimationCue's end time.

vtkSMProperty* vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::GetAnimatedProperty  ) 

vtkSMDomain* vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::GetAnimatedDomain  ) 

virtual vtkAnimationCue* vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::GetAnimationCue  )  [virtual]

virtual void vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::SetCaching int  enable  )  [virtual]

Get/Set if caching is enabled.

Reimplemented in vtkSMAnimationSceneProxy.

virtual int vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::GetCaching  )  [virtual]

Get/Set if caching is enabled.

vtkClientServerID vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::GetID  )  [inline]

Definition at line 115 of file vtkSMAnimationCueProxy.h.

virtual void vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::CloneCopy vtkSMAnimationCueProxy src  )  [virtual]

This copies a clone of the AnimationCue. The AnimatedProxy is shallow copied, while the Manipulator, and the keyframes are deep copied.

virtual void vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::CreateVTKObjects int  numeObjects  )  [protected, virtual]

Given the number of objects (numObjects), class name (VTKClassName) and server ids ( this->GetServerIDs()), this methods instantiates the objects on the server(s)

Reimplemented from vtkSMProxy.

Reimplemented in vtkSMAnimationSceneProxy.

virtual void vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::InitializeObservers vtkAnimationCue *  cue  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::ExecuteEvent vtkObject *  wdg,
unsigned long  event,
void *  calldata
[protected, virtual]

virtual void vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::StartCueInternal void *  info  )  [protected, virtual]

Callbacks for corresponding Cue events. The argument must be casted to vtkAnimationCue::AnimationCueInfo.

Reimplemented in vtkSMAnimationSceneProxy.

virtual void vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::TickInternal void *  info  )  [protected, virtual]

Callbacks for corresponding Cue events. The argument must be casted to vtkAnimationCue::AnimationCueInfo.

Reimplemented in vtkSMAnimationSceneProxy.

virtual void vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::EndCueInternal void *  info  )  [protected, virtual]

Callbacks for corresponding Cue events. The argument must be casted to vtkAnimationCue::AnimationCueInfo.

Reimplemented in vtkSMAnimationSceneProxy.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class vtkSMAnimationCueProxyObserver [friend]

Definition at line 142 of file vtkSMAnimationCueProxy.h.

Member Data Documentation

vtkSMAnimationCueProxyObserver* vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::Observer [protected]

Definition at line 141 of file vtkSMAnimationCueProxy.h.

int vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::Caching [protected]

Definition at line 145 of file vtkSMAnimationCueProxy.h.

vtkSMProxy* vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::AnimatedProxy [protected]

Definition at line 148 of file vtkSMAnimationCueProxy.h.

int vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::AnimatedElement [protected]

Definition at line 149 of file vtkSMAnimationCueProxy.h.

char* vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::AnimatedPropertyName [protected]

Definition at line 150 of file vtkSMAnimationCueProxy.h.

char* vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::AnimatedDomainName [protected]

Definition at line 151 of file vtkSMAnimationCueProxy.h.

vtkAnimationCue* vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::AnimationCue [protected]

Definition at line 153 of file vtkSMAnimationCueProxy.h.

vtkSMAnimationCueManipulatorProxy* vtkSMAnimationCueProxy::Manipulator [protected]

Definition at line 154 of file vtkSMAnimationCueProxy.h.

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