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vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor Class Reference

a color tfunc function editor More...

#include <vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.


enum  { ColorRampPositionDefault = 10, ColorRampPositionCanvas }
virtual void SetColorRampPosition (int)
virtual int GetColorRampPosition ()
virtual void SetColorRampPositionToDefault ()
virtual void SetColorRampPositionToCanvas ()


enum  { ColorRampOutlineStyleNone = 0, ColorRampOutlineStyleSolid, ColorRampOutlineStyleSunken }
virtual void SetColorRampOutlineStyle (int)
virtual int GetColorRampOutlineStyle ()
virtual void SetColorRampOutlineStyleToNone ()
virtual void SetColorRampOutlineStyleToSolid ()
virtual void SetColorRampOutlineStyleToSunken ()

Public Types

Public Member Functions

 vtkTypeRevisionMacro (vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor, vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void Create (vtkKWApplication *app)
virtual void Update ()
virtual void UpdateEnableState ()
virtual vtkColorTransferFunction * GetColorTransferFunction ()
virtual void SetColorTransferFunction (vtkColorTransferFunction *)
virtual int GetPointColorAsRGB (int id, double rgb[3])
virtual int GetPointColorAsHSV (int id, double hsv[3])
virtual int SetPointColorAsRGB (int id, const double rgb[3])
virtual int SetPointColorAsRGB (int id, double r, double g, double b)
virtual int SetPointColorAsHSV (int id, const double hsv[3])
virtual int SetPointColorAsHSV (int id, double h, double s, double v)
virtual void ColorRampVisibilityOn ()
virtual void ColorRampVisibilityOff ()
virtual void SetColorRampVisibility (int)
virtual int GetColorRampVisibility ()
virtual vtkColorTransferFunction * GetColorRampTransferFunction ()
virtual void SetColorRampTransferFunction (vtkColorTransferFunction *)
virtual void SetColorRampHeight (int)
virtual int GetColorRampHeight ()
virtual void SetColorSpaceOptionMenuVisibility (int)
virtual void ColorSpaceOptionMenuVisibilityOn ()
virtual void ColorSpaceOptionMenuVisibilityOff ()
virtual int GetColorSpaceOptionMenuVisibility ()
virtual void ValueEntriesVisibilityOn ()
virtual void ValueEntriesVisibilityOff ()
virtual void SetValueEntriesVisibility (int)
virtual int GetValueEntriesVisibility ()
virtual void ColorSpaceCallback ()
virtual void ValueEntriesCallback ()
virtual void DoubleClickOnPointCallback (int x, int y)
virtual int HasFunction ()
virtual int GetFunctionSize ()
virtual unsigned long GetFunctionMTime ()
virtual int GetFunctionPointParameter (int id, double *parameter)
virtual int GetFunctionPointDimensionality ()

Static Public Member Functions

vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditorNew ()

Protected Member Functions

 vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor ()
 ~vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor ()
virtual void UpdatePointEntries (int id)
virtual int GetFunctionPointValues (int id, double *values)
virtual int SetFunctionPointValues (int id, const double *values)
virtual int InterpolateFunctionPointValues (double parameter, double *values)
virtual int AddFunctionPoint (double parameter, const double *values, int *id)
virtual int SetFunctionPoint (int id, double parameter, const double *values)
virtual int RemoveFunctionPoint (int id)
virtual int GetFunctionPointMidPoint (int id, double *pos)
virtual int SetFunctionPointMidPoint (int id, double pos)
virtual int GetFunctionPointSharpness (int id, double *sharpness)
virtual int SetFunctionPointSharpness (int id, double sharpness)
virtual int MoveFunctionPointInColorSpace (int id, double parameter, const double *values, int colorspace)
virtual void Redraw ()
virtual void RedrawSizeDependentElements ()
virtual void RedrawPanOnlyDependentElements ()
virtual void RedrawFunctionDependentElements ()
virtual void RedrawSinglePointDependentElements (int id)
virtual void UpdateHistogramImageDescriptor (vtkKWHistogram::ImageDescriptor *)
virtual void Pack ()
virtual void PackPointEntries ()
virtual void RedrawColorRamp ()
virtual int IsColorRampUpToDate ()
virtual void GetColorRampOutlineSunkenColors (unsigned char bg_rgb[3], unsigned char ds_rgb[3], unsigned char ls_rgb[3], unsigned char hl_rgb[3])
virtual void UpdatePointEntriesLabel ()
virtual void UpdateColorSpaceOptionMenu ()
virtual void CreateColorSpaceOptionMenu (vtkKWApplication *app)
virtual void CreateColorRamp (vtkKWApplication *app)
virtual void CreateValueEntries (vtkKWApplication *app)
virtual int IsTopLeftFrameUsed ()
virtual int IsPointEntriesFrameUsed ()

Protected Attributes

vtkColorTransferFunction * ColorTransferFunction
vtkColorTransferFunction * ColorRampTransferFunction
int ValueEntriesVisibility
int ColorSpaceOptionMenuVisibility
int ColorRampVisibility
int ColorRampHeight
int ColorRampPosition
int ColorRampOutlineStyle
unsigned long LastRedrawColorRampTime
vtkKWEntryWithLabelValueEntries [3]

Detailed Description

a color tfunc function editor

A widget that allows the user to edit a color transfer function. Note that as a subclass of vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor, since the 'value' range is multi-dimensional (r, g, b), this widget only allows the 'parameter' of a function point to be changed (i.e., a point can only be moved horizontally).

This work is part of the National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NAMIC), funded by the National Institutes of Health through the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research, Grant U54 EB005149. Information on the National Centers for Biomedical Computing can be obtained from

Definition at line 39 of file vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Display the color ramp at the default position (under the canvas), or in the canvas itself. The ColorRampVisibility parameter still has to be On for the ramp to be displayed. BTX

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 89 of file vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.h.

anonymous enum

Set/get the color ramp outline style. BTX

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 107 of file vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor  )  [protected]

vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::~vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor  )  [protected]

Member Function Documentation

vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor* vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::New  )  [static]

Reimplemented from vtkKWWidgetWithLabel.

vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::vtkTypeRevisionMacro vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor  ,

void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::PrintSelf ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent

Reimplemented from vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual vtkColorTransferFunction* vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::GetColorTransferFunction  )  [virtual]

Get/Set the function Note that the whole parameter range is automatically reset to the function range.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::SetColorTransferFunction vtkColorTransferFunction *   )  [virtual]

Get/Set the function Note that the whole parameter range is automatically reset to the function range.

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::GetPointColorAsRGB int  id,
double  rgb[3]

Set/Get a point color. Those methodes do not trigger any commands/events. Return 1 on success, 0 otherwise (if point does not exist for example)

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::GetPointColorAsHSV int  id,
double  hsv[3]

Set/Get a point color. Those methodes do not trigger any commands/events. Return 1 on success, 0 otherwise (if point does not exist for example)

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::SetPointColorAsRGB int  id,
const double  rgb[3]

Set/Get a point color. Those methodes do not trigger any commands/events. Return 1 on success, 0 otherwise (if point does not exist for example)

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::SetPointColorAsRGB int  id,
double  r,
double  g,
double  b

Set/Get a point color. Those methodes do not trigger any commands/events. Return 1 on success, 0 otherwise (if point does not exist for example)

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::SetPointColorAsHSV int  id,
const double  hsv[3]

Set/Get a point color. Those methodes do not trigger any commands/events. Return 1 on success, 0 otherwise (if point does not exist for example)

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::SetPointColorAsHSV int  id,
double  h,
double  s,
double  v

Set/Get a point color. Those methodes do not trigger any commands/events. Return 1 on success, 0 otherwise (if point does not exist for example)

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::ColorRampVisibilityOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the color ramp visibility.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::ColorRampVisibilityOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the color ramp visibility.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::SetColorRampVisibility int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the color ramp visibility.

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::GetColorRampVisibility  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the color ramp visibility.

virtual vtkColorTransferFunction* vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::GetColorRampTransferFunction  )  [virtual]

Get/Set a specific function to display in the color ramp. If not specified, the ColorTransferFunction will be used.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::SetColorRampTransferFunction vtkColorTransferFunction *   )  [virtual]

Get/Set a specific function to display in the color ramp. If not specified, the ColorTransferFunction will be used.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::SetColorRampHeight int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the color ramp height (in pixels).

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::GetColorRampHeight  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the color ramp height (in pixels).

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::SetColorRampPosition int   )  [virtual]

Display the color ramp at the default position (under the canvas), or in the canvas itself. The ColorRampVisibility parameter still has to be On for the ramp to be displayed. BTX

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::GetColorRampPosition  )  [virtual]

Display the color ramp at the default position (under the canvas), or in the canvas itself. The ColorRampVisibility parameter still has to be On for the ramp to be displayed. BTX

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::SetColorRampPositionToDefault  )  [inline, virtual]

Display the color ramp at the default position (under the canvas), or in the canvas itself. The ColorRampVisibility parameter still has to be On for the ramp to be displayed. BTX

Definition at line 97 of file vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.h.

References ColorRampPositionDefault.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::SetColorRampPositionToCanvas  )  [inline, virtual]

Display the color ramp at the default position (under the canvas), or in the canvas itself. The ColorRampVisibility parameter still has to be On for the ramp to be displayed. BTX

Definition at line 100 of file vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.h.

References ColorRampPositionCanvas.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::SetColorRampOutlineStyle int   )  [virtual]

Set/get the color ramp outline style. BTX

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::GetColorRampOutlineStyle  )  [virtual]

Set/get the color ramp outline style. BTX

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::SetColorRampOutlineStyleToNone  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/get the color ramp outline style. BTX

Definition at line 116 of file vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.h.

References ColorRampOutlineStyleNone.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::SetColorRampOutlineStyleToSolid  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/get the color ramp outline style. BTX

Definition at line 119 of file vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.h.

References ColorRampOutlineStyleSolid.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::SetColorRampOutlineStyleToSunken  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/get the color ramp outline style. BTX

Definition at line 122 of file vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.h.

References ColorRampOutlineStyleSunken.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::SetColorSpaceOptionMenuVisibility int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the color space option menu visibility. Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::ColorSpaceOptionMenuVisibilityOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the color space option menu visibility. Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::ColorSpaceOptionMenuVisibilityOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the color space option menu visibility. Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::GetColorSpaceOptionMenuVisibility  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the color space option menu visibility. Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::ValueEntriesVisibilityOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value entries UI visibility. Not shown if superclass PointEntriesVisibility is set to Off Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::ValueEntriesVisibilityOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value entries UI visibility. Not shown if superclass PointEntriesVisibility is set to Off Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::SetValueEntriesVisibility int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value entries UI visibility. Not shown if superclass PointEntriesVisibility is set to Off Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::GetValueEntriesVisibility  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value entries UI visibility. Not shown if superclass PointEntriesVisibility is set to Off Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::Create vtkKWApplication app  )  [virtual]

Create the widget.

Reimplemented from vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::Update  )  [virtual]

Update the whole UI depending on the value of the Ivars

Reimplemented from vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::ColorSpaceCallback  )  [virtual]


virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::ValueEntriesCallback  )  [virtual]


virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::DoubleClickOnPointCallback int  x,
int  y


Reimplemented from vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::UpdateEnableState  )  [virtual]

Update the "enable" state of the object and its internal parts. Depending on different Ivars (this->Enabled, the application's Limited Edition Mode, etc.), the "enable" state of the object is updated and propagated to its internal parts/subwidgets. This will, for example, enable/disable parts of the widget UI, enable/disable the visibility of 3D widgets, etc.

Reimplemented from vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::HasFunction  )  [virtual]

Proxy to the function. IMPLEMENT those functions in the subclasses. See protected: section too.

Implements vtkKWParameterValueFunctionInterface.

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::GetFunctionSize  )  [virtual]

Proxy to the function. IMPLEMENT those functions in the subclasses. See protected: section too.

Implements vtkKWParameterValueFunctionInterface.

virtual unsigned long vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::GetFunctionMTime  )  [virtual]

Proxy to the function. IMPLEMENT those functions in the subclasses. See protected: section too.

Implements vtkKWParameterValueFunctionInterface.

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::GetFunctionPointParameter int  id,
double *  parameter

Proxy to the function. IMPLEMENT those functions in the subclasses. See protected: section too.

Implements vtkKWParameterValueFunctionInterface.

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::GetFunctionPointDimensionality  )  [virtual]

Proxy to the function. IMPLEMENT those functions in the subclasses. See protected: section too.

Implements vtkKWParameterValueFunctionInterface.

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::GetFunctionPointValues int  id,
double *  values
[protected, virtual]

Proxy to the function. Those are low-level manipulators, they do not check if points can be added/removed/locked, it is up to the higer-level methods to do it. IMPLEMENT those functions in the subclasses. See public: section too.

Implements vtkKWParameterValueFunctionInterface.

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::SetFunctionPointValues int  id,
const double *  values
[protected, virtual]

Proxy to the function. Those are low-level manipulators, they do not check if points can be added/removed/locked, it is up to the higer-level methods to do it. IMPLEMENT those functions in the subclasses. See public: section too.

Implements vtkKWParameterValueFunctionInterface.

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::InterpolateFunctionPointValues double  parameter,
double *  values
[protected, virtual]

Proxy to the function. Those are low-level manipulators, they do not check if points can be added/removed/locked, it is up to the higer-level methods to do it. IMPLEMENT those functions in the subclasses. See public: section too.

Implements vtkKWParameterValueFunctionInterface.

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::AddFunctionPoint double  parameter,
const double *  values,
int *  id
[protected, virtual]

Proxy to the function. Those are low-level manipulators, they do not check if points can be added/removed/locked, it is up to the higer-level methods to do it. IMPLEMENT those functions in the subclasses. See public: section too.

Implements vtkKWParameterValueFunctionInterface.

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::SetFunctionPoint int  id,
double  parameter,
const double *  values
[protected, virtual]

Proxy to the function. Those are low-level manipulators, they do not check if points can be added/removed/locked, it is up to the higer-level methods to do it. IMPLEMENT those functions in the subclasses. See public: section too.

Implements vtkKWParameterValueFunctionInterface.

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::RemoveFunctionPoint int  id  )  [protected, virtual]

Proxy to the function. Those are low-level manipulators, they do not check if points can be added/removed/locked, it is up to the higer-level methods to do it. IMPLEMENT those functions in the subclasses. See public: section too.

Implements vtkKWParameterValueFunctionInterface.

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::GetFunctionPointMidPoint int  id,
double *  pos
[protected, virtual]

Proxy to the function. Those are low-level manipulators, they do not check if points can be added/removed/locked, it is up to the higer-level methods to do it. IMPLEMENT those functions in the subclasses. See public: section too.

Implements vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::SetFunctionPointMidPoint int  id,
double  pos
[protected, virtual]

Proxy to the function. Those are low-level manipulators, they do not check if points can be added/removed/locked, it is up to the higer-level methods to do it. IMPLEMENT those functions in the subclasses. See public: section too.

Implements vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::GetFunctionPointSharpness int  id,
double *  sharpness
[protected, virtual]

Proxy to the function. Those are low-level manipulators, they do not check if points can be added/removed/locked, it is up to the higer-level methods to do it. IMPLEMENT those functions in the subclasses. See public: section too.

Implements vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::SetFunctionPointSharpness int  id,
double  sharpness
[protected, virtual]

Proxy to the function. Those are low-level manipulators, they do not check if points can be added/removed/locked, it is up to the higer-level methods to do it. IMPLEMENT those functions in the subclasses. See public: section too.

Implements vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::MoveFunctionPointInColorSpace int  id,
double  parameter,
const double *  values,
int  colorspace
[protected, virtual]

Higher-level methods to manipulate the function.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::UpdatePointEntries int  id  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::Redraw  )  [protected, virtual]


Reimplemented from vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::RedrawSizeDependentElements  )  [protected, virtual]


Reimplemented from vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::RedrawPanOnlyDependentElements  )  [protected, virtual]


Reimplemented from vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::RedrawFunctionDependentElements  )  [protected, virtual]


Reimplemented from vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::RedrawSinglePointDependentElements int  id  )  [protected, virtual]


Reimplemented from vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::UpdateHistogramImageDescriptor vtkKWHistogram::ImageDescriptor  )  [protected, virtual]

Redraw the histogram BTX

Reimplemented from vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::Pack  )  [protected, virtual]

Pack the widget

Reimplemented from vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::PackPointEntries  )  [protected, virtual]

Pack the widget

Reimplemented from vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::RedrawColorRamp  )  [protected, virtual]

Redraw the color ramp

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::IsColorRampUpToDate  )  [protected, virtual]

Redraw the color ramp

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::GetColorRampOutlineSunkenColors unsigned char  bg_rgb[3],
unsigned char  ds_rgb[3],
unsigned char  ls_rgb[3],
unsigned char  hl_rgb[3]
[protected, virtual]

Redraw the color ramp

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::UpdatePointEntriesLabel  )  [protected, virtual]

Update the entries label (depending on the color space) and the color space menu

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::UpdateColorSpaceOptionMenu  )  [protected, virtual]

Update the entries label (depending on the color space) and the color space menu

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::CreateColorSpaceOptionMenu vtkKWApplication app  )  [protected, virtual]

Create some objects on the fly (lazy creation, to allow for a smaller footprint)

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::CreateColorRamp vtkKWApplication app  )  [protected, virtual]

Create some objects on the fly (lazy creation, to allow for a smaller footprint)

virtual void vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::CreateValueEntries vtkKWApplication app  )  [protected, virtual]

Create some objects on the fly (lazy creation, to allow for a smaller footprint)

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::IsTopLeftFrameUsed  )  [protected, virtual]

Create some objects on the fly (lazy creation, to allow for a smaller footprint)

Reimplemented from vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.

virtual int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::IsPointEntriesFrameUsed  )  [protected, virtual]

Create some objects on the fly (lazy creation, to allow for a smaller footprint)

Reimplemented from vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

Member Data Documentation

vtkColorTransferFunction* vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::ColorTransferFunction [protected]

Definition at line 207 of file vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.h.

vtkColorTransferFunction* vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::ColorRampTransferFunction [protected]

Definition at line 208 of file vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::ValueEntriesVisibility [protected]

Definition at line 210 of file vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::ColorSpaceOptionMenuVisibility [protected]

Definition at line 211 of file vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::ColorRampVisibility [protected]

Definition at line 212 of file vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::ColorRampHeight [protected]

Definition at line 213 of file vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::ColorRampPosition [protected]

Definition at line 214 of file vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::ColorRampOutlineStyle [protected]

Definition at line 215 of file vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.h.

unsigned long vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::LastRedrawColorRampTime [protected]

Definition at line 216 of file vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.h.

vtkKWMenuButton* vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::ColorSpaceOptionMenu [protected]

Definition at line 220 of file vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.h.

vtkKWEntryWithLabel* vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::ValueEntries[3] [protected]

Definition at line 221 of file vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.h.

vtkKWLabel* vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor::ColorRamp [protected]

Definition at line 222 of file vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Tue May 30 12:36:38 2006 for ParaView by doxygen 1.3.5