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vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor Class Reference

a parameter/value function editor More...

#include <vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.


enum  { ParameterRangePositionTop = 0, ParameterRangePositionBottom }
virtual void SetParameterRangePosition (int)
virtual int GetParameterRangePosition ()
virtual void SetParameterRangePositionToTop ()
virtual void SetParameterRangePositionToBottom ()


enum  { PointPositionValue = 0, PointPositionTop, PointPositionBottom, PointPositionCenter }
virtual void SetPointPositionInValueRange (int)
virtual int GetPointPositionInValueRange ()
virtual void SetPointPositionInValueRangeToValue ()
virtual void SetPointPositionInValueRangeToTop ()
virtual void SetPointPositionInValueRangeToBottom ()
virtual void SetPointPositionInValueRangeToCenter ()


enum  { RangeLabelPositionDefault = 10, RangeLabelPositionTop }
virtual void SetRangeLabelPosition (int)
virtual int GetRangeLabelPosition ()
virtual void SetRangeLabelPositionToDefault ()
virtual void SetRangeLabelPositionToTop ()


enum  { PointEntriesPositionDefault = 10, PointEntriesPositionRight }
virtual void SetPointEntriesPosition (int)
virtual int GetPointEntriesPosition ()
virtual void SetPointEntriesPositionToDefault ()
virtual void SetPointEntriesPositionToRight ()


enum  { LineStyleSolid = 0, LineStyleDash }
virtual void SetFunctionLineStyle (int)
virtual int GetFunctionLineStyle ()
virtual void SetFunctionLineStyleToSolid ()
virtual void SetFunctionLineStyleToDash ()


enum  {
  CanvasOutlineStyleLeftSide = 1, CanvasOutlineStyleRightSide = 2, CanvasOutlineStyleHorizontalSides = 3, CanvasOutlineStyleTopSide = 4,
  CanvasOutlineStyleBottomSide = 8, CanvasOutlineStyleVerticalSides = 12, CanvasOutlineStyleAllSides = 15
virtual void CanvasOutlineStyleOn ()
virtual void CanvasOutlineStyleOff ()
virtual void SetCanvasOutlineStyle (int)
virtual int GetCanvasOutlineStyle ()


enum  {
  ParameterCursorInteractionStyleNone = 0, ParameterCursorInteractionStyleDragWithLeftButton = 1, ParameterCursorInteractionStyleSetWithRighButton = 2, ParameterCursorInteractionStyleSetWithControlLeftButton = 4,
  ParameterCursorInteractionStyleAll = 7
virtual void ParameterCursorInteractionStyleOn ()
virtual void ParameterCursorInteractionStyleOff ()
virtual void SetParameterCursorInteractionStyle (int)
virtual int GetParameterCursorInteractionStyle ()


enum  {
  PointStyleDisc = 0, PointStyleCursorDown, PointStyleCursorUp, PointStyleCursorLeft,
  PointStyleCursorRight, PointStyleRectangle, PointStyleDefault
virtual void SetPointStyle (int)
virtual int GetPointStyle ()
virtual void SetPointStyleToDisc ()
virtual void SetPointStyleToCursorDown ()
virtual void SetPointStyleToCursorUp ()
virtual void SetPointStyleToCursorLeft ()
virtual void SetPointStyleToCursorRight ()
virtual void SetPointStyleToRectangle ()
virtual void SetPointStyleToDefault ()
virtual void SetFirstPointStyle (int)
virtual int GetFirstPointStyle ()
virtual void SetLastPointStyle (int)
virtual int GetLastPointStyle ()


enum  {
  PointMarginNone = 0, PointMarginLeftSide = 1, PointMarginRightSide = 2, PointMarginHorizontalSides = 3,
  PointMarginTopSide = 4, PointMarginBottomSide = 8, PointMarginVerticalSides = 12, PointMarginAllSides = 15
virtual void PointMarginToCanvasOn ()
virtual void PointMarginToCanvasOff ()
virtual void SetPointMarginToCanvas (int)
virtual int GetPointMarginToCanvas ()

Public Types

enum  {
  FunctionChangedEvent = 10000, FunctionChangingEvent, PointAddedEvent, PointChangedEvent,
  PointChangingEvent, PointRemovedEvent, SelectionChangedEvent, VisibleParameterRangeChangedEvent,
  VisibleParameterRangeChangingEvent, VisibleRangeChangedEvent, VisibleRangeChangingEvent, ParameterCursorMovedEvent,
  ParameterCursorMovingEvent, DoubleClickOnPointEvent

Public Member Functions

 vtkTypeRevisionMacro (vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor, vtkKWParameterValueFunctionInterface)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void SetWholeParameterRangeToFunctionRange ()
virtual void SetVisibleParameterRangeToWholeParameterRange ()
virtual void SetLabelPosition (int)
virtual vtkKWEntryWithLabelGetParameterEntry ()
virtual void Create (vtkKWApplication *app)
virtual int MergePointsFromEditor (vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor *editor)
virtual void SetBalloonHelpString (const char *str)
virtual void Update ()
virtual void UpdateEnableState ()
virtual int MoveFunctionPoint (int id, double parameter, const double *values)
virtual double * GetWholeParameterRange ()
virtual void SetWholeParameterRange (double r0, double r1)
virtual void GetWholeParameterRange (double &r0, double &r1)
virtual void GetWholeParameterRange (double range[2])
virtual void SetWholeParameterRange (double range[2])
virtual double * GetVisibleParameterRange ()
virtual void SetVisibleParameterRange (double r0, double r1)
virtual void GetVisibleParameterRange (double &r0, double &r1)
virtual void GetVisibleParameterRange (double range[2])
virtual void SetVisibleParameterRange (double range[2])
virtual void SetRelativeVisibleParameterRange (double r0, double r1)
virtual void GetRelativeVisibleParameterRange (double &r0, double &r1)
virtual void GetRelativeVisibleParameterRange (double range[2])
virtual void SetRelativeVisibleParameterRange (double range[2])
virtual double * GetWholeValueRange ()
virtual void SetWholeValueRange (double r0, double r1)
virtual void GetWholeValueRange (double &r0, double &r1)
virtual void GetWholeValueRange (double range[2])
virtual void SetWholeValueRange (double range[2])
virtual double * GetVisibleValueRange ()
virtual void SetVisibleValueRange (double r0, double r1)
virtual void GetVisibleValueRange (double &r0, double &r1)
virtual void GetVisibleValueRange (double range[2])
virtual void SetVisibleValueRange (double range[2])
virtual void SetRelativeVisibleValueRange (double r0, double r1)
virtual void GetRelativeVisibleValueRange (double &r0, double &r1)
virtual void GetRelativeVisibleValueRange (double range[2])
virtual void SetRelativeVisibleValueRange (double range[2])
virtual void ParameterRangeVisibilityOn ()
virtual void ParameterRangeVisibilityOff ()
virtual void SetParameterRangeVisibility (int)
virtual int GetParameterRangeVisibility ()
virtual void ValueRangeVisibilityOn ()
virtual void ValueRangeVisibilityOff ()
virtual void SetValueRangeVisibility (int)
virtual int GetValueRangeVisibility ()
virtual vtkKWRangeGetParameterRange ()
virtual vtkKWRangeGetValueRange ()
virtual double * GetDisplayedWholeParameterRange ()
virtual void GetDisplayedWholeParameterRange (double &, double &)
virtual void GetDisplayedWholeParameterRange (double[2])
virtual void SetDisplayedWholeParameterRange (double r0, double r1)
virtual void SetDisplayedWholeParameterRange (double range[2])
virtual void GetDisplayedVisibleParameterRange (double &r0, double &r1)
virtual void GetDisplayedVisibleParameterRange (double range[2])
virtual void MapParameterToDisplayedParameter (double p, double *displayed_p)
virtual void MapDisplayedParameterToParameter (double displayed_p, double *p)
virtual int GetFunctionPointDisplayedParameter (int id, double *displayed_p)
virtual void ParameterRangeLabelVisibilityOn ()
virtual void ParameterRangeLabelVisibilityOff ()
virtual void SetParameterRangeLabelVisibility (int)
virtual int GetParameterRangeLabelVisibility ()
virtual void ValueRangeLabelVisibilityOn ()
virtual void ValueRangeLabelVisibilityOff ()
virtual void SetValueRangeLabelVisibility (int)
virtual int GetValueRangeLabelVisibility ()
virtual void PointEntriesVisibilityOn ()
virtual void PointEntriesVisibilityOff ()
virtual void SetPointEntriesVisibility (int)
virtual int GetPointEntriesVisibility ()
virtual void ParameterEntryVisibilityOn ()
virtual void ParameterEntryVisibilityOff ()
virtual void SetParameterEntryVisibility (int)
virtual int GetParameterEntryVisibility ()
virtual void SetParameterEntryFormat (const char *)
virtual char * GetParameterEntryFormat ()
virtual void UserFrameVisibilityOn ()
virtual void UserFrameVisibilityOff ()
virtual void SetUserFrameVisibility (int)
virtual int GetUserFrameVisibility ()
virtual vtkKWFrameGetUserFrame ()
virtual void SetCanvasHeight (int)
virtual void SetCanvasWidth (int)
virtual int GetCanvasHeight ()
virtual int GetCanvasWidth ()
virtual void ExpandCanvasWidthOn ()
virtual void ExpandCanvasWidthOff ()
virtual void SetExpandCanvasWidth (int)
virtual int GetExpandCanvasWidth ()
virtual void CanvasVisibilityOn ()
virtual void CanvasVisibilityOff ()
virtual void SetCanvasVisibility (int)
virtual int GetCanvasVisibility ()
virtual void FunctionLineVisibilityOn ()
virtual void FunctionLineVisibilityOff ()
virtual void SetFunctionLineVisibility (int)
virtual int GetFunctionLineVisibility ()
virtual void SetFunctionLineWidth (int)
virtual int GetFunctionLineWidth ()
virtual void CanvasOutlineVisibilityOn ()
virtual void CanvasOutlineVisibilityOff ()
virtual void SetCanvasOutlineVisibility (int)
virtual int GetCanvasOutlineVisibility ()
virtual void CanvasBackgroundVisibilityOn ()
virtual void CanvasBackgroundVisibilityOff ()
virtual void SetCanvasBackgroundVisibility (int)
virtual int GetCanvasBackgroundVisibility ()
virtual void ParameterCursorVisibilityOn ()
virtual void ParameterCursorVisibilityOff ()
virtual void SetParameterCursorVisibility (int)
virtual int GetParameterCursorVisibility ()
virtual void SetParameterCursorPosition (double)
virtual double GetParameterCursorPosition ()
virtual double * GetParameterCursorColor ()
virtual void GetParameterCursorColor (double &, double &, double &)
virtual void GetParameterCursorColor (double[3])
virtual void SetParameterCursorColor (double r, double g, double b)
virtual void SetParameterCursorColor (double rgb[3])
virtual void ParameterTicksVisibilityOn ()
virtual void ParameterTicksVisibilityOff ()
virtual void SetParameterTicksVisibility (int)
virtual int GetParameterTicksVisibility ()
virtual void SetNumberOfParameterTicks (int)
virtual int GetNumberOfParameterTicks ()
virtual void SetParameterTicksFormat (const char *)
virtual char * GetParameterTicksFormat ()
virtual void ValueTicksVisibilityOn ()
virtual void ValueTicksVisibilityOff ()
virtual void SetValueTicksVisibility (int)
virtual int GetValueTicksVisibility ()
virtual void SetNumberOfValueTicks (int)
virtual int GetNumberOfValueTicks ()
virtual void SetValueTicksCanvasWidth (int)
virtual int GetValueTicksCanvasWidth ()
virtual void SetValueTicksFormat (const char *)
virtual char * GetValueTicksFormat ()
virtual void ComputeValueTicksFromHistogramOn ()
virtual void ComputeValueTicksFromHistogramOff ()
virtual void SetComputeValueTicksFromHistogram (int)
virtual int GetComputeValueTicksFromHistogram ()
virtual void SetTicksLength (int)
virtual int GetTicksLength ()
virtual void SetLockPointsParameter (int)
virtual void LockPointsParameterOn ()
virtual void LockPointsParameterOff ()
virtual int GetLockPointsParameter ()
virtual void SetLockEndPointsParameter (int)
virtual void LockEndPointsParameterOn ()
virtual void LockEndPointsParameterOff ()
virtual int GetLockEndPointsParameter ()
virtual void SetLockPointsValue (int)
virtual void LockPointsValueOn ()
virtual void LockPointsValueOff ()
virtual int GetLockPointsValue ()
virtual void SetDisableAddAndRemove (int)
virtual void DisableAddAndRemoveOn ()
virtual void DisableAddAndRemoveOff ()
virtual int GetDisableAddAndRemove ()
virtual void SetReadOnly (int)
virtual void ReadOnlyOn ()
virtual void ReadOnlyOff ()
virtual void SetRescaleBetweenEndPoints (int)
virtual void RescaleBetweenEndPointsOn ()
virtual void RescaleBetweenEndPointsOff ()
virtual int GetRescaleBetweenEndPoints ()
virtual void SetPointRadius (int)
virtual int GetPointRadius ()
virtual void SetSelectedPointRadius (double)
virtual double GetSelectedPointRadius ()
virtual void SetPointOutlineWidth (int)
virtual int GetPointOutlineWidth ()
virtual int GetSelectedPoint ()
virtual void SelectPoint (int id)
virtual void ClearSelection ()
virtual int HasSelection ()
virtual void SelectNextPoint ()
virtual void SelectPreviousPoint ()
virtual void SelectFirstPoint ()
virtual void SelectLastPoint ()
virtual int RemoveSelectedPoint ()
virtual int RemovePoint (int id)
virtual int RemovePointAtParameter (double parameter)
virtual int AddPointAtCanvasCoordinates (int x, int y, int *id)
virtual int AddPointAtParameter (double parameter, int *id)
virtual double * GetFrameBackgroundColor ()
virtual void GetFrameBackgroundColor (double &, double &, double &)
virtual void GetFrameBackgroundColor (double[3])
virtual void SetFrameBackgroundColor (double r, double g, double b)
virtual void SetFrameBackgroundColor (double rgb[3])
virtual void SetBackgroundColor (double r, double g, double b)
virtual void SetBackgroundColor (double rgb[3])
virtual double * GetPointColor ()
virtual void GetPointColor (double &, double &, double &)
virtual void GetPointColor (double[3])
virtual void SetPointColor (double r, double g, double b)
virtual void SetPointColor (double rgb[3])
virtual double * GetSelectedPointColor ()
virtual void GetSelectedPointColor (double &, double &, double &)
virtual void GetSelectedPointColor (double[3])
virtual void SetSelectedPointColor (double r, double g, double b)
virtual void SetSelectedPointColor (double rgb[3])
virtual double * GetPointTextColor ()
virtual void GetPointTextColor (double &, double &, double &)
virtual void GetPointTextColor (double[3])
virtual void SetPointTextColor (double r, double g, double b)
virtual void SetPointTextColor (double rgb[3])
virtual double * GetSelectedPointTextColor ()
virtual void GetSelectedPointTextColor (double &, double &, double &)
virtual void GetSelectedPointTextColor (double[3])
virtual void SetSelectedPointTextColor (double r, double g, double b)
virtual void SetSelectedPointTextColor (double rgb[3])
virtual void ComputePointColorFromValueOn ()
virtual void ComputePointColorFromValueOff ()
virtual void SetComputePointColorFromValue (int)
virtual int GetComputePointColorFromValue ()
virtual void PointVisibilityOn ()
virtual void PointVisibilityOff ()
virtual void SetPointVisibility (int)
virtual int GetPointVisibility ()
virtual void PointIndexVisibilityOn ()
virtual void PointIndexVisibilityOff ()
virtual void SetPointIndexVisibility (int)
virtual int GetPointIndexVisibility ()
virtual void SelectedPointIndexVisibilityOn ()
virtual void SelectedPointIndexVisibilityOff ()
virtual void SetSelectedPointIndexVisibility (int)
virtual int GetSelectedPointIndexVisibility ()
virtual void PointGuidelineVisibilityOn ()
virtual void PointGuidelineVisibilityOff ()
virtual void SetPointGuidelineVisibility (int)
virtual int GetPointGuidelineVisibility ()
virtual void SetPointGuidelineStyle (int)
virtual int GetPointGuidelineStyle ()
virtual vtkKWHistogramGetHistogram ()
virtual void SetHistogram (vtkKWHistogram *)
virtual vtkKWHistogramGetSecondaryHistogram ()
virtual void SetSecondaryHistogram (vtkKWHistogram *)
virtual double * GetHistogramColor ()
virtual void GetHistogramColor (double &, double &, double &)
virtual void GetHistogramColor (double[3])
virtual void SetHistogramColor (double r, double g, double b)
virtual void SetHistogramColor (double rgb[3])
virtual double * GetSecondaryHistogramColor ()
virtual void GetSecondaryHistogramColor (double &, double &, double &)
virtual void GetSecondaryHistogramColor (double[3])
virtual void SetSecondaryHistogramColor (double r, double g, double b)
virtual void SetSecondaryHistogramColor (double rgb[3])
virtual void ComputeHistogramColorFromValueOn ()
virtual void ComputeHistogramColorFromValueOff ()
virtual void SetComputeHistogramColorFromValue (int)
virtual int GetComputeHistogramColorFromValue ()
virtual void SetHistogramStyle (int)
virtual int GetHistogramStyle ()
virtual void SetSecondaryHistogramStyle (int)
virtual int GetSecondaryHistogramStyle ()
virtual void SetHistogramLogModeOptionMenuVisibility (int)
virtual void HistogramLogModeOptionMenuVisibilityOn ()
virtual void HistogramLogModeOptionMenuVisibilityOff ()
virtual int GetHistogramLogModeOptionMenuVisibility ()
virtual void SetHistogramLogModeChangedCommand (vtkObject *object, const char *method)
virtual void InvokeHistogramLogModeChangedCommand ()
virtual void ChangeMouseCursorOn ()
virtual void ChangeMouseCursorOff ()
virtual int GetChangeMouseCursor ()
virtual void SetChangeMouseCursor (int)
virtual void SetPointAddedCommand (vtkObject *object, const char *method)
virtual void SetPointChangingCommand (vtkObject *object, const char *method)
virtual void SetPointChangedCommand (vtkObject *object, const char *method)
virtual void SetPointRemovedCommand (vtkObject *object, const char *method)
virtual void SetSelectionChangedCommand (vtkObject *object, const char *method)
virtual void SetFunctionChangedCommand (vtkObject *object, const char *method)
virtual void SetFunctionChangingCommand (vtkObject *object, const char *method)
virtual void SetVisibleRangeChangedCommand (vtkObject *object, const char *method)
virtual void SetVisibleRangeChangingCommand (vtkObject *object, const char *method)
virtual void SetParameterCursorMovingCommand (vtkObject *object, const char *method)
virtual void SetParameterCursorMovedCommand (vtkObject *object, const char *method)
virtual void SetDoubleClickOnPointCommand (vtkObject *object, const char *method)
virtual void SetDisableCommands (int)
virtual int GetDisableCommands ()
virtual void DisableCommandsOn ()
virtual void DisableCommandsOff ()
virtual int SynchronizeVisibleParameterRange (vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor *b)
virtual int DoNotSynchronizeVisibleParameterRange (vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor *b)
virtual int SynchronizePoints (vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor *b)
virtual int DoNotSynchronizePoints (vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor *b)
virtual int SynchronizeSingleSelection (vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor *b)
virtual int DoNotSynchronizeSingleSelection (vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor *b)
virtual int SynchronizeSameSelection (vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor *b)
virtual int DoNotSynchronizeSameSelection (vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor *b)
virtual void ConfigureCallback ()
virtual void CanvasEnterCallback ()
virtual void VisibleParameterRangeChangingCallback ()
virtual void VisibleParameterRangeChangedCallback ()
virtual void VisibleValueRangeChangingCallback ()
virtual void VisibleValueRangeChangedCallback ()
virtual void StartInteractionCallback (int x, int y)
virtual void MovePointCallback (int x, int y, int shift)
virtual void EndInteractionCallback (int x, int y)
virtual void ParameterCursorStartInteractionCallback (int x)
virtual void ParameterCursorEndInteractionCallback ()
virtual void ParameterCursorMoveCallback (int x)
virtual void ParameterEntryCallback ()
virtual void HistogramLogModeCallback (int mode)
virtual void DoubleClickOnPointCallback (int x, int y)
virtual int FunctionPointCanBeAdded ()
virtual int FunctionPointCanBeRemoved (int id)
virtual int FunctionPointParameterIsLocked (int id)
virtual int FunctionPointValueIsLocked (int id)
virtual int FunctionPointCanBeMovedToParameter (int id, double parameter)

Static Public Attributes

const char * FunctionTag
const char * SelectedTag
const char * PointTag
const char * PointGuidelineTag
const char * PointTextTag
const char * LineTag
const char * HistogramTag
const char * FrameForegroundTag
const char * FrameBackgroundTag
const char * ParameterCursorTag
const char * ParameterTicksTag
const char * ValueTicksTag

Protected Types

enum  { ConstrainedMoveFree, ConstrainedMoveHorizontal, ConstrainedMoveVertical }

Protected Member Functions

 vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor ()
 ~vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor ()
virtual int FunctionLineIsInVisibleRangeBetweenPoints (int id1, int id2)
virtual void UpdatePointEntries (int id)
virtual void RescaleFunctionBetweenEndPoints (int id, double old_parameter)
virtual void InvokeCommand (const char *command)
virtual void InvokePointCommand (const char *command, int id, const char *extra=0)
virtual void InvokePointAddedCommand (int id)
virtual void InvokePointChangingCommand (int id)
virtual void InvokePointChangedCommand (int id)
virtual void InvokePointRemovedCommand (int id, double parameter)
virtual void InvokeSelectionChangedCommand ()
virtual void InvokeFunctionChangedCommand ()
virtual void InvokeFunctionChangingCommand ()
virtual void InvokeVisibleRangeChangedCommand ()
virtual void InvokeVisibleRangeChangingCommand ()
virtual void InvokeParameterCursorMovingCommand ()
virtual void InvokeParameterCursorMovedCommand ()
virtual void InvokeDoubleClickOnPointCommand (int id)
virtual void CreateHistogramLogModeOptionMenu (vtkKWApplication *app)
virtual void UpdateHistogramLogModeOptionMenu ()
virtual void GetCanvasItemCenter (int item_id, int *x, int *y)
virtual void RedrawRangeFrame ()
virtual void RedrawRangeTicks ()
virtual void RedrawParameterCursor ()
virtual void UpdateRangeLabel ()
virtual void UpdateParameterEntry (int id)
virtual int CanvasCheckTagType (const char *prefix, int id, const char *type)
virtual int AddObserversList (int nb_events, int *events, vtkCommand *cmd)
virtual int RemoveObserversList (int nb_events, int *events, vtkCommand *cmd)
virtual void ProcessSynchronizationEvents (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long event, void *calldata)
virtual void ProcessSynchronizationEvents2 (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long event, void *calldata)
virtual int GetFunctionPointColorInCanvas (int id, double rgb[3])
virtual int GetFunctionPointTextColorInCanvas (int id, double rgb[3])
virtual int GetFunctionPointCanvasCoordinates (int id, int *x, int *y)
virtual int GetFunctionPointCanvasCoordinatesAtParameter (double parameter, int *x, int *y)
virtual int AddFunctionPointAtCanvasCoordinates (int x, int y, int *id)
virtual int AddFunctionPointAtParameter (double parameter, int *id)
virtual int MoveFunctionPointToCanvasCoordinates (int id, int x, int y)
virtual int MoveFunctionPointToParameter (int id, double parameter, int i=0)
virtual int EqualFunctionPointValues (const double *values1, const double *values2)
virtual int FindFunctionPointAtCanvasCoordinates (int x, int y, int *id, int *c_x, int *c_y)
virtual void SetDisableRedraw (int)
virtual void DisableRedrawOn ()
virtual void DisableRedrawOff ()
virtual int GetDisableRedraw ()
virtual int MergePointFromEditor (vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor *editor, int editor_id, int *new_id)
virtual int CopyPointFromEditor (vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor *editor, int id)
virtual void Bind ()
virtual void UnBind ()
virtual void CreateLabel (vtkKWApplication *app)
virtual void CreateParameterRange (vtkKWApplication *app)
virtual void CreateValueRange (vtkKWApplication *app)
virtual void CreateRangeLabel (vtkKWApplication *app)
virtual void CreatePointEntriesFrame (vtkKWApplication *app)
virtual void CreateParameterEntry (vtkKWApplication *app)
virtual void CreateTopLeftContainer (vtkKWApplication *app)
virtual void CreateTopLeftFrame (vtkKWApplication *app)
virtual void CreateUserFrame (vtkKWApplication *app)
virtual void CreateValueTicksCanvas (vtkKWApplication *app)
virtual void CreateParameterTicksCanvas (vtkKWApplication *app)
virtual void CreateGuidelineValueCanvas (vtkKWApplication *app)
virtual int IsTopLeftFrameUsed ()
virtual int IsPointEntriesFrameUsed ()
virtual int IsGuidelineValueCanvasUsed ()
virtual void Pack ()
virtual void PackPointEntries ()
virtual void GetCanvasScalingFactors (double factors[2])
virtual void GetCanvasMargin (int *margin_left, int *margin_right, int *margin_top, int *margin_bottom)
virtual void GetCanvasScrollRegion (double *x, double *y, double *x2, double *y2)
virtual void GetCanvasHorizontalSlidingBounds (double p_v_range_ext[2], int bounds[2], int margins[2])
virtual unsigned long GetRedrawFunctionTime ()
virtual void Redraw ()
virtual void RedrawSizeDependentElements ()
virtual void RedrawPanOnlyDependentElements ()
virtual void RedrawFunctionDependentElements ()
virtual void RedrawSinglePointDependentElements (int id)
virtual void RedrawFunction ()
virtual void RedrawPoint (int id, ostrstream *tk_cmd=0)
virtual void RedrawLine (int id1, int id2, ostrstream *tk_cmd=0)
virtual void GetLineCoordinates (int id1, int id2, ostrstream *tk_cmd)
virtual void RedrawHistogram ()
virtual void UpdateHistogramImageDescriptor (vtkKWHistogram::ImageDescriptor *)
virtual int CanvasHasTag (const char *tag, int *suffix=0, vtkKWCanvas *canv=NULL)
virtual void CanvasRemoveTag (const char *tag, const char *canv_name=NULL)
virtual void CanvasRemoveTag (const char *prefix, int id, const char *canv_name=NULL)

Static Protected Member Functions

void ProcessSynchronizationEventsFunction (vtkObject *object, unsigned long event, void *clientdata, void *calldata)
void ProcessSynchronizationEventsFunction2 (vtkObject *object, unsigned long event, void *clientdata, void *calldata)

Protected Attributes

int ParameterRangeVisibility
int ValueRangeVisibility
int PointPositionInValueRange
int ParameterRangePosition
int CanvasHeight
int CanvasWidth
int ExpandCanvasWidth
int LockPointsParameter
int LockEndPointsParameter
int LockPointsValue
int RescaleBetweenEndPoints
int DisableAddAndRemove
int DisableRedraw
int PointRadius
double SelectedPointRadius
int FunctionLineWidth
int FunctionLineStyle
int PointGuidelineStyle
int PointOutlineWidth
int PointStyle
int FirstPointStyle
int LastPointStyle
int DisableCommands
int SelectedPoint
int CanvasOutlineVisibility
int CanvasOutlineStyle
int ParameterCursorInteractionStyle
int CanvasBackgroundVisibility
int ParameterCursorVisibility
int FunctionLineVisibility
int CanvasVisibility
int PointVisibility
int PointIndexVisibility
int PointGuidelineVisibility
int SelectedPointIndexVisibility
int ParameterRangeLabelVisibility
int ValueRangeLabelVisibility
int RangeLabelPosition
int PointEntriesPosition
int ParameterEntryVisibility
int PointEntriesVisibility
int UserFrameVisibility
int ParameterTicksVisibility
int ValueTicksVisibility
int ComputeValueTicksFromHistogram
int PointMarginToCanvas
int TicksLength
int NumberOfParameterTicks
int NumberOfValueTicks
int ValueTicksCanvasWidth
int ChangeMouseCursor
char * ValueTicksFormat
char * ParameterTicksFormat
char * ParameterEntryFormat
double ParameterCursorPosition
double FrameBackgroundColor [3]
double ParameterCursorColor [3]
double PointColor [3]
double SelectedPointColor [3]
double PointTextColor [3]
double SelectedPointTextColor [3]
int ComputePointColorFromValue
int InUserInteraction
char * PointAddedCommand
char * PointChangingCommand
char * PointChangedCommand
char * PointRemovedCommand
char * SelectionChangedCommand
char * FunctionChangedCommand
char * FunctionChangingCommand
char * VisibleRangeChangedCommand
char * VisibleRangeChangingCommand
char * ParameterCursorMovingCommand
char * ParameterCursorMovedCommand
char * DoubleClickOnPointCommand
double HistogramColor [3]
double SecondaryHistogramColor [3]
int ComputeHistogramColorFromValue
int HistogramStyle
int SecondaryHistogramStyle
unsigned long LastHistogramBuildTime
int HistogramLogModeOptionMenuVisibility
char * HistogramLogModeChangedCommand
Ranges LastRanges
unsigned long LastRedrawFunctionTime
double DisplayedWholeParameterRange [2]
int LastSelectionCanvasCoordinateX
int LastSelectionCanvasCoordinateY
int LastConstrainedMove
vtkCallbackCommand * SynchronizeCallbackCommand
vtkCallbackCommand * SynchronizeCallbackCommand2

Detailed Description

a parameter/value function editor

A widget that allows the user to edit a parameter/value function. Keybindings: Delete or x, Home, End, PageUp or p, PageDown or n,

This work is part of the National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NAMIC), funded by the National Institutes of Health through the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research, Grant U54 EB005149. Information on the National Centers for Biomedical Computing can be obtained from
See also:

Definition at line 51 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Set the position of the parameter range UI. BTX

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 169 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

anonymous enum

Set the position of points in the value range. Default is PointPositionValue, i.e. if the point value is mono-dimensional, its vertical position in the canvas will be computed from its value relative to the whole value range. If PositionCenter or if the point value is multi-dimensional, the point is centered vertically. BTX

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 240 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

anonymous enum

Display the range label at the default position (on the same line as all other elements), or on top on its own line. The ParameterRangeLabelVisibility or ValueRangeLabelVisibility parameter still has to be On for the label to be displayed. BTX

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 287 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

anonymous enum

Display the points entries (i.e. the parameter entry, and any other entries the subclass will introduce) at the default position (on the same line as all other elements), or on the right of the canvas. BTX

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 307 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

anonymous enum

Set/Get the line style for the function BTX

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 409 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

anonymous enum

Set the canvas outline style. BTX

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 434 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

anonymous enum

Set the parameter cursor interaction style. BTX

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 482 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

anonymous enum

Set/Get the point style for the function points, or specifically for the first or last point (if set to Default, the first or last point will use the same style as the other points, or Disc if that style is set to Default too) BTX

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 625 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

anonymous enum

Set margin for the canvas to display the points entirely. If set to None, the canvas parameter range will match the VisibleParameterRange (as a side effect, points on the border of the range will be clipped, only half of them will be displayed, making selection a bit more difficult). If not, the canvas will also provide room for each point to be displayed entirely, vertically or horizontally, or both. BTX

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 678 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

anonymous enum

Events. Even though it is highly recommended to use the commands framework defined above to specify the callback methods you want to be invoked when specific event occur, you can also use the observer framework and listen to the corresponding events: BTX

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 938 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

anonymous enum [protected]

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 1390 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor  )  [protected]

vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::~vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor  )  [protected]

Member Function Documentation

vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::vtkTypeRevisionMacro vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor  ,

void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PrintSelf ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent

Reimplemented from vtkKWParameterValueFunctionInterface.

Reimplemented in vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor, vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor, vtkKWPiecewiseFunctionEditor, and vtkPVTimeLine.

virtual double* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetWholeParameterRange  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the whole parameter range. Note that the visible parameter range is changed automatically to maintain the same relative visible range within the whole range.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetWholeParameterRange double  r0,
double  r1

Set/Get the whole parameter range. Note that the visible parameter range is changed automatically to maintain the same relative visible range within the whole range.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetWholeParameterRange double &  r0,
double &  r1
[inline, virtual]

Set/Get the whole parameter range. Note that the visible parameter range is changed automatically to maintain the same relative visible range within the whole range.

Definition at line 63 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetWholeParameterRange double  range[2]  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the whole parameter range. Note that the visible parameter range is changed automatically to maintain the same relative visible range within the whole range.

Definition at line 66 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetWholeParameterRange double  range[2]  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the whole parameter range. Note that the visible parameter range is changed automatically to maintain the same relative visible range within the whole range.

Definition at line 68 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetWholeParameterRangeToFunctionRange  )  [virtual]

Convenience method to set the whole parameter range to the function parameter range. Note that for safety reasons it will maintain the same relative visible parameter range.

virtual double* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetVisibleParameterRange  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the visible parameter range in the editor. This is the portion of the whole parameter range that is currently visible (zoomed).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetVisibleParameterRange double  r0,
double  r1

Set/Get the visible parameter range in the editor. This is the portion of the whole parameter range that is currently visible (zoomed).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetVisibleParameterRange double &  r0,
double &  r1
[inline, virtual]

Set/Get the visible parameter range in the editor. This is the portion of the whole parameter range that is currently visible (zoomed).

Definition at line 83 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetVisibleParameterRange double  range[2]  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the visible parameter range in the editor. This is the portion of the whole parameter range that is currently visible (zoomed).

Definition at line 86 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetVisibleParameterRange double  range[2]  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the visible parameter range in the editor. This is the portion of the whole parameter range that is currently visible (zoomed).

Definition at line 88 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetVisibleParameterRangeToWholeParameterRange  )  [virtual]

Convenience method to set the visible parameter range to the whole parameter range

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetRelativeVisibleParameterRange double  r0,
double  r1

Set/Get the visible parameter range in the editor as relative positions in the whole parameter range.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetRelativeVisibleParameterRange double &  r0,
double &  r1

Set/Get the visible parameter range in the editor as relative positions in the whole parameter range.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetRelativeVisibleParameterRange double  range[2]  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the visible parameter range in the editor as relative positions in the whole parameter range.

Definition at line 101 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetRelativeVisibleParameterRange double  range[2]  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the visible parameter range in the editor as relative positions in the whole parameter range.

Definition at line 103 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual double* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetWholeValueRange  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the whole value range. Note that the visible value range is changed automatically to maintain the same relative visible range within the whole range.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetWholeValueRange double  r0,
double  r1

Set/Get the whole value range. Note that the visible value range is changed automatically to maintain the same relative visible range within the whole range.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetWholeValueRange double &  r0,
double &  r1
[inline, virtual]

Set/Get the whole value range. Note that the visible value range is changed automatically to maintain the same relative visible range within the whole range.

Definition at line 113 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetWholeValueRange double  range[2]  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the whole value range. Note that the visible value range is changed automatically to maintain the same relative visible range within the whole range.

Definition at line 116 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetWholeValueRange double  range[2]  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the whole value range. Note that the visible value range is changed automatically to maintain the same relative visible range within the whole range.

Definition at line 118 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual double* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetVisibleValueRange  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the visible value range. This is the portion of the whole value range that is currently visible (zoomed).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetVisibleValueRange double  r0,
double  r1

Set/Get the visible value range. This is the portion of the whole value range that is currently visible (zoomed).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetVisibleValueRange double &  r0,
double &  r1
[inline, virtual]

Set/Get the visible value range. This is the portion of the whole value range that is currently visible (zoomed).

Definition at line 127 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetVisibleValueRange double  range[2]  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the visible value range. This is the portion of the whole value range that is currently visible (zoomed).

Definition at line 130 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetVisibleValueRange double  range[2]  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the visible value range. This is the portion of the whole value range that is currently visible (zoomed).

Definition at line 132 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetRelativeVisibleValueRange double  r0,
double  r1

Set/Get the visible value range in the editor as relative positions in the whole value range.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetRelativeVisibleValueRange double &  r0,
double &  r1

Set/Get the visible value range in the editor as relative positions in the whole value range.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetRelativeVisibleValueRange double  range[2]  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the visible value range in the editor as relative positions in the whole value range.

Definition at line 141 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetRelativeVisibleValueRange double  range[2]  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the visible value range in the editor as relative positions in the whole value range.

Definition at line 143 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetLabelPosition int   )  [virtual]

If supported, set the label position in regards to the rest of the composite widget (override the super). As a subclass of vtkKWWidgetWithLabel, this class inherits a label and methods to set its position and visibility. Note that the default label position implemented in this class is on the same line as all other UI elements like entries, or range parameters. Only a subset of the specific positions listed in vtkKWWidgetWithLabel is supported: on Top (the label is placed on its own line), or the Left of the whole editor, on the same line as the canvas.

Reimplemented from vtkKWWidgetWithLabel.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterRangeVisibilityOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter range UI visibility (the slider). Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterRangeVisibilityOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter range UI visibility (the slider). Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetParameterRangeVisibility int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter range UI visibility (the slider). Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetParameterRangeVisibility  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter range UI visibility (the slider). Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetParameterRangePosition int   )  [virtual]

Set the position of the parameter range UI. BTX

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetParameterRangePosition  )  [virtual]

Set the position of the parameter range UI. BTX

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetParameterRangePositionToTop  )  [inline, virtual]

Set the position of the parameter range UI. BTX

Definition at line 177 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

References ParameterRangePositionTop.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetParameterRangePositionToBottom  )  [inline, virtual]

Set the position of the parameter range UI. BTX

Definition at line 180 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

References ParameterRangePositionBottom.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ValueRangeVisibilityOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value range UI visibility (the slider). Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ValueRangeVisibilityOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value range UI visibility (the slider). Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetValueRangeVisibility int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value range UI visibility (the slider). Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetValueRangeVisibility  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value range UI visibility (the slider). Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual vtkKWRange* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetParameterRange  )  [virtual]

Access to the ranges (the sliders). Note: use those methods to modify the aspect the ranges. Do not modify the value of the ranges themselves, use the API below instead.

virtual vtkKWRange* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetValueRange  )  [virtual]

Access to the ranges (the sliders). Note: use those methods to modify the aspect the ranges. Do not modify the value of the ranges themselves, use the API below instead.

virtual double* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetDisplayedWholeParameterRange  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the displayed whole parameter range. As if things were not complicated enough, this method allows you to set the whole parameter range that will be used instead of the WholeParameterRange for UI elements that display information related to the parameter range (i.e., the parameter range label and the parameter range entry). This allows you to use a function set in a different internal range than the one you want to display. This works by mapping the relative position of the VisibleParameterRange inside the WholeParameterRange to the DisplayedWholeParameterRange. The GetDisplayedVisibleParameterRange is a convenience function that will return the visible parameter range mapped inside that displayed parameter range. The MapParameterToDisplayedParameter is a convenience function that will map a parameter to the displayed parameter range. The MapDisplayedParameterToParameter is a convenience function that will map a displayed parameter back to the parameter range. The GetFunctionPointDisplayedParameter is a convenience function that will map the parameter of a point 'id' to the displayed parameter range. If both ends of that range are the same, it is not used and all the functions return the same parameter.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetDisplayedWholeParameterRange double &  ,
double & 

Set/Get the displayed whole parameter range. As if things were not complicated enough, this method allows you to set the whole parameter range that will be used instead of the WholeParameterRange for UI elements that display information related to the parameter range (i.e., the parameter range label and the parameter range entry). This allows you to use a function set in a different internal range than the one you want to display. This works by mapping the relative position of the VisibleParameterRange inside the WholeParameterRange to the DisplayedWholeParameterRange. The GetDisplayedVisibleParameterRange is a convenience function that will return the visible parameter range mapped inside that displayed parameter range. The MapParameterToDisplayedParameter is a convenience function that will map a parameter to the displayed parameter range. The MapDisplayedParameterToParameter is a convenience function that will map a displayed parameter back to the parameter range. The GetFunctionPointDisplayedParameter is a convenience function that will map the parameter of a point 'id' to the displayed parameter range. If both ends of that range are the same, it is not used and all the functions return the same parameter.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetDisplayedWholeParameterRange double  [2]  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the displayed whole parameter range. As if things were not complicated enough, this method allows you to set the whole parameter range that will be used instead of the WholeParameterRange for UI elements that display information related to the parameter range (i.e., the parameter range label and the parameter range entry). This allows you to use a function set in a different internal range than the one you want to display. This works by mapping the relative position of the VisibleParameterRange inside the WholeParameterRange to the DisplayedWholeParameterRange. The GetDisplayedVisibleParameterRange is a convenience function that will return the visible parameter range mapped inside that displayed parameter range. The MapParameterToDisplayedParameter is a convenience function that will map a parameter to the displayed parameter range. The MapDisplayedParameterToParameter is a convenience function that will map a displayed parameter back to the parameter range. The GetFunctionPointDisplayedParameter is a convenience function that will map the parameter of a point 'id' to the displayed parameter range. If both ends of that range are the same, it is not used and all the functions return the same parameter.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetDisplayedWholeParameterRange double  r0,
double  r1

Set/Get the displayed whole parameter range. As if things were not complicated enough, this method allows you to set the whole parameter range that will be used instead of the WholeParameterRange for UI elements that display information related to the parameter range (i.e., the parameter range label and the parameter range entry). This allows you to use a function set in a different internal range than the one you want to display. This works by mapping the relative position of the VisibleParameterRange inside the WholeParameterRange to the DisplayedWholeParameterRange. The GetDisplayedVisibleParameterRange is a convenience function that will return the visible parameter range mapped inside that displayed parameter range. The MapParameterToDisplayedParameter is a convenience function that will map a parameter to the displayed parameter range. The MapDisplayedParameterToParameter is a convenience function that will map a displayed parameter back to the parameter range. The GetFunctionPointDisplayedParameter is a convenience function that will map the parameter of a point 'id' to the displayed parameter range. If both ends of that range are the same, it is not used and all the functions return the same parameter.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetDisplayedWholeParameterRange double  range[2]  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the displayed whole parameter range. As if things were not complicated enough, this method allows you to set the whole parameter range that will be used instead of the WholeParameterRange for UI elements that display information related to the parameter range (i.e., the parameter range label and the parameter range entry). This allows you to use a function set in a different internal range than the one you want to display. This works by mapping the relative position of the VisibleParameterRange inside the WholeParameterRange to the DisplayedWholeParameterRange. The GetDisplayedVisibleParameterRange is a convenience function that will return the visible parameter range mapped inside that displayed parameter range. The MapParameterToDisplayedParameter is a convenience function that will map a parameter to the displayed parameter range. The MapDisplayedParameterToParameter is a convenience function that will map a displayed parameter back to the parameter range. The GetFunctionPointDisplayedParameter is a convenience function that will map the parameter of a point 'id' to the displayed parameter range. If both ends of that range are the same, it is not used and all the functions return the same parameter.

Definition at line 224 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetDisplayedVisibleParameterRange double &  r0,
double &  r1

Set/Get the displayed whole parameter range. As if things were not complicated enough, this method allows you to set the whole parameter range that will be used instead of the WholeParameterRange for UI elements that display information related to the parameter range (i.e., the parameter range label and the parameter range entry). This allows you to use a function set in a different internal range than the one you want to display. This works by mapping the relative position of the VisibleParameterRange inside the WholeParameterRange to the DisplayedWholeParameterRange. The GetDisplayedVisibleParameterRange is a convenience function that will return the visible parameter range mapped inside that displayed parameter range. The MapParameterToDisplayedParameter is a convenience function that will map a parameter to the displayed parameter range. The MapDisplayedParameterToParameter is a convenience function that will map a displayed parameter back to the parameter range. The GetFunctionPointDisplayedParameter is a convenience function that will map the parameter of a point 'id' to the displayed parameter range. If both ends of that range are the same, it is not used and all the functions return the same parameter.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetDisplayedVisibleParameterRange double  range[2]  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the displayed whole parameter range. As if things were not complicated enough, this method allows you to set the whole parameter range that will be used instead of the WholeParameterRange for UI elements that display information related to the parameter range (i.e., the parameter range label and the parameter range entry). This allows you to use a function set in a different internal range than the one you want to display. This works by mapping the relative position of the VisibleParameterRange inside the WholeParameterRange to the DisplayedWholeParameterRange. The GetDisplayedVisibleParameterRange is a convenience function that will return the visible parameter range mapped inside that displayed parameter range. The MapParameterToDisplayedParameter is a convenience function that will map a parameter to the displayed parameter range. The MapDisplayedParameterToParameter is a convenience function that will map a displayed parameter back to the parameter range. The GetFunctionPointDisplayedParameter is a convenience function that will map the parameter of a point 'id' to the displayed parameter range. If both ends of that range are the same, it is not used and all the functions return the same parameter.

Definition at line 227 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::MapParameterToDisplayedParameter double  p,
double *  displayed_p

Set/Get the displayed whole parameter range. As if things were not complicated enough, this method allows you to set the whole parameter range that will be used instead of the WholeParameterRange for UI elements that display information related to the parameter range (i.e., the parameter range label and the parameter range entry). This allows you to use a function set in a different internal range than the one you want to display. This works by mapping the relative position of the VisibleParameterRange inside the WholeParameterRange to the DisplayedWholeParameterRange. The GetDisplayedVisibleParameterRange is a convenience function that will return the visible parameter range mapped inside that displayed parameter range. The MapParameterToDisplayedParameter is a convenience function that will map a parameter to the displayed parameter range. The MapDisplayedParameterToParameter is a convenience function that will map a displayed parameter back to the parameter range. The GetFunctionPointDisplayedParameter is a convenience function that will map the parameter of a point 'id' to the displayed parameter range. If both ends of that range are the same, it is not used and all the functions return the same parameter.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::MapDisplayedParameterToParameter double  displayed_p,
double *  p

Set/Get the displayed whole parameter range. As if things were not complicated enough, this method allows you to set the whole parameter range that will be used instead of the WholeParameterRange for UI elements that display information related to the parameter range (i.e., the parameter range label and the parameter range entry). This allows you to use a function set in a different internal range than the one you want to display. This works by mapping the relative position of the VisibleParameterRange inside the WholeParameterRange to the DisplayedWholeParameterRange. The GetDisplayedVisibleParameterRange is a convenience function that will return the visible parameter range mapped inside that displayed parameter range. The MapParameterToDisplayedParameter is a convenience function that will map a parameter to the displayed parameter range. The MapDisplayedParameterToParameter is a convenience function that will map a displayed parameter back to the parameter range. The GetFunctionPointDisplayedParameter is a convenience function that will map the parameter of a point 'id' to the displayed parameter range. If both ends of that range are the same, it is not used and all the functions return the same parameter.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetFunctionPointDisplayedParameter int  id,
double *  displayed_p

Set/Get the displayed whole parameter range. As if things were not complicated enough, this method allows you to set the whole parameter range that will be used instead of the WholeParameterRange for UI elements that display information related to the parameter range (i.e., the parameter range label and the parameter range entry). This allows you to use a function set in a different internal range than the one you want to display. This works by mapping the relative position of the VisibleParameterRange inside the WholeParameterRange to the DisplayedWholeParameterRange. The GetDisplayedVisibleParameterRange is a convenience function that will return the visible parameter range mapped inside that displayed parameter range. The MapParameterToDisplayedParameter is a convenience function that will map a parameter to the displayed parameter range. The MapDisplayedParameterToParameter is a convenience function that will map a displayed parameter back to the parameter range. The GetFunctionPointDisplayedParameter is a convenience function that will map the parameter of a point 'id' to the displayed parameter range. If both ends of that range are the same, it is not used and all the functions return the same parameter.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointPositionInValueRange int   )  [virtual]

Set the position of points in the value range. Default is PointPositionValue, i.e. if the point value is mono-dimensional, its vertical position in the canvas will be computed from its value relative to the whole value range. If PositionCenter or if the point value is multi-dimensional, the point is centered vertically. BTX

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetPointPositionInValueRange  )  [virtual]

Set the position of points in the value range. Default is PointPositionValue, i.e. if the point value is mono-dimensional, its vertical position in the canvas will be computed from its value relative to the whole value range. If PositionCenter or if the point value is multi-dimensional, the point is centered vertically. BTX

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointPositionInValueRangeToValue  )  [inline, virtual]

Set the position of points in the value range. Default is PointPositionValue, i.e. if the point value is mono-dimensional, its vertical position in the canvas will be computed from its value relative to the whole value range. If PositionCenter or if the point value is multi-dimensional, the point is centered vertically. BTX

Definition at line 250 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

References PointPositionValue.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointPositionInValueRangeToTop  )  [inline, virtual]

Set the position of points in the value range. Default is PointPositionValue, i.e. if the point value is mono-dimensional, its vertical position in the canvas will be computed from its value relative to the whole value range. If PositionCenter or if the point value is multi-dimensional, the point is centered vertically. BTX

Definition at line 253 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

References PointPositionTop.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointPositionInValueRangeToBottom  )  [inline, virtual]

Set the position of points in the value range. Default is PointPositionValue, i.e. if the point value is mono-dimensional, its vertical position in the canvas will be computed from its value relative to the whole value range. If PositionCenter or if the point value is multi-dimensional, the point is centered vertically. BTX

Definition at line 256 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

References PointPositionBottom.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointPositionInValueRangeToCenter  )  [inline, virtual]

Set the position of points in the value range. Default is PointPositionValue, i.e. if the point value is mono-dimensional, its vertical position in the canvas will be computed from its value relative to the whole value range. If PositionCenter or if the point value is multi-dimensional, the point is centered vertically. BTX

Definition at line 259 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

References PointPositionCenter.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterRangeLabelVisibilityOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter range label UI visibility. Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterRangeLabelVisibilityOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter range label UI visibility. Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetParameterRangeLabelVisibility int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter range label UI visibility. Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetParameterRangeLabelVisibility  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter range label UI visibility. Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ValueRangeLabelVisibilityOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value range label UI visibility. Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ValueRangeLabelVisibilityOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value range label UI visibility. Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetValueRangeLabelVisibility int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value range label UI visibility. Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetValueRangeLabelVisibility  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value range label UI visibility. Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetRangeLabelPosition int   )  [virtual]

Display the range label at the default position (on the same line as all other elements), or on top on its own line. The ParameterRangeLabelVisibility or ValueRangeLabelVisibility parameter still has to be On for the label to be displayed. BTX

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetRangeLabelPosition  )  [virtual]

Display the range label at the default position (on the same line as all other elements), or on top on its own line. The ParameterRangeLabelVisibility or ValueRangeLabelVisibility parameter still has to be On for the label to be displayed. BTX

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetRangeLabelPositionToDefault  )  [inline, virtual]

Display the range label at the default position (on the same line as all other elements), or on top on its own line. The ParameterRangeLabelVisibility or ValueRangeLabelVisibility parameter still has to be On for the label to be displayed. BTX

Definition at line 295 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

References RangeLabelPositionDefault.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetRangeLabelPositionToTop  )  [inline, virtual]

Display the range label at the default position (on the same line as all other elements), or on top on its own line. The ParameterRangeLabelVisibility or ValueRangeLabelVisibility parameter still has to be On for the label to be displayed. BTX

Definition at line 298 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

References RangeLabelPositionTop.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointEntriesPosition int   )  [virtual]

Display the points entries (i.e. the parameter entry, and any other entries the subclass will introduce) at the default position (on the same line as all other elements), or on the right of the canvas. BTX

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetPointEntriesPosition  )  [virtual]

Display the points entries (i.e. the parameter entry, and any other entries the subclass will introduce) at the default position (on the same line as all other elements), or on the right of the canvas. BTX

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointEntriesPositionToDefault  )  [inline, virtual]

Display the points entries (i.e. the parameter entry, and any other entries the subclass will introduce) at the default position (on the same line as all other elements), or on the right of the canvas. BTX

Definition at line 315 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

References PointEntriesPositionDefault.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointEntriesPositionToRight  )  [inline, virtual]

Display the points entries (i.e. the parameter entry, and any other entries the subclass will introduce) at the default position (on the same line as all other elements), or on the right of the canvas. BTX

Definition at line 318 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

References PointEntriesPositionRight.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointEntriesVisibilityOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point entries UI visibility. This will hide all text entries for this class, i.e. the parameter entry and all values entries (say, RGB, or opacitry, or sharpness, etc). Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointEntriesVisibilityOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point entries UI visibility. This will hide all text entries for this class, i.e. the parameter entry and all values entries (say, RGB, or opacitry, or sharpness, etc). Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointEntriesVisibility int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point entries UI visibility. This will hide all text entries for this class, i.e. the parameter entry and all values entries (say, RGB, or opacitry, or sharpness, etc). Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetPointEntriesVisibility  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point entries UI visibility. This will hide all text entries for this class, i.e. the parameter entry and all values entries (say, RGB, or opacitry, or sharpness, etc). Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterEntryVisibilityOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter entry UI visibility. Not shown if PointEntriesVisibility is set to Off Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterEntryVisibilityOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter entry UI visibility. Not shown if PointEntriesVisibility is set to Off Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetParameterEntryVisibility int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter entry UI visibility. Not shown if PointEntriesVisibility is set to Off Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetParameterEntryVisibility  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter entry UI visibility. Not shown if PointEntriesVisibility is set to Off Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetParameterEntryFormat const char *   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter entry printf format. If not NULL, it is applied to the displayed parameter value before assigning it to the parameter entry.

virtual char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetParameterEntryFormat  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter entry printf format. If not NULL, it is applied to the displayed parameter value before assigning it to the parameter entry.

virtual vtkKWEntryWithLabel* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetParameterEntry  )  [virtual]

Access the parameter entry.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::UserFrameVisibilityOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the user frame UI visibility. Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::UserFrameVisibilityOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the user frame UI visibility. Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetUserFrameVisibility int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the user frame UI visibility. Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetUserFrameVisibility  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the user frame UI visibility. Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual vtkKWFrame* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetUserFrame  )  [virtual]

Access the user frame If you need to add elements to the user-frame, make sure you first set UserFrameVisibility to On and call Create().

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetCanvasHeight int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the canvas width/height in pixels (i.e. the drawable region) If ExpandCanvasWidth is On, the canvas will expand automatically to accomodate its parent. This mechanism does not behave as expected sometimes, in that case set ExpandCanvasWidth to Off and CanvasWidth to the proper value

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetCanvasWidth int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the canvas width/height in pixels (i.e. the drawable region) If ExpandCanvasWidth is On, the canvas will expand automatically to accomodate its parent. This mechanism does not behave as expected sometimes, in that case set ExpandCanvasWidth to Off and CanvasWidth to the proper value

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetCanvasHeight  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the canvas width/height in pixels (i.e. the drawable region) If ExpandCanvasWidth is On, the canvas will expand automatically to accomodate its parent. This mechanism does not behave as expected sometimes, in that case set ExpandCanvasWidth to Off and CanvasWidth to the proper value

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetCanvasWidth  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the canvas width/height in pixels (i.e. the drawable region) If ExpandCanvasWidth is On, the canvas will expand automatically to accomodate its parent. This mechanism does not behave as expected sometimes, in that case set ExpandCanvasWidth to Off and CanvasWidth to the proper value

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ExpandCanvasWidthOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the canvas width/height in pixels (i.e. the drawable region) If ExpandCanvasWidth is On, the canvas will expand automatically to accomodate its parent. This mechanism does not behave as expected sometimes, in that case set ExpandCanvasWidth to Off and CanvasWidth to the proper value

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ExpandCanvasWidthOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the canvas width/height in pixels (i.e. the drawable region) If ExpandCanvasWidth is On, the canvas will expand automatically to accomodate its parent. This mechanism does not behave as expected sometimes, in that case set ExpandCanvasWidth to Off and CanvasWidth to the proper value

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetExpandCanvasWidth int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the canvas width/height in pixels (i.e. the drawable region) If ExpandCanvasWidth is On, the canvas will expand automatically to accomodate its parent. This mechanism does not behave as expected sometimes, in that case set ExpandCanvasWidth to Off and CanvasWidth to the proper value

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetExpandCanvasWidth  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the canvas width/height in pixels (i.e. the drawable region) If ExpandCanvasWidth is On, the canvas will expand automatically to accomodate its parent. This mechanism does not behave as expected sometimes, in that case set ExpandCanvasWidth to Off and CanvasWidth to the proper value

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CanvasVisibilityOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the canvas visibility, i.e. the whole area where the function line, points, canvas outline, background and histogram are displayed

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CanvasVisibilityOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the canvas visibility, i.e. the whole area where the function line, points, canvas outline, background and histogram are displayed

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetCanvasVisibility int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the canvas visibility, i.e. the whole area where the function line, points, canvas outline, background and histogram are displayed

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetCanvasVisibility  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the canvas visibility, i.e. the whole area where the function line, points, canvas outline, background and histogram are displayed

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::FunctionLineVisibilityOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the function line visibility (i.e, if set to Off, only the points are displayed).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::FunctionLineVisibilityOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the function line visibility (i.e, if set to Off, only the points are displayed).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetFunctionLineVisibility int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the function line visibility (i.e, if set to Off, only the points are displayed).

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetFunctionLineVisibility  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the function line visibility (i.e, if set to Off, only the points are displayed).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetFunctionLineWidth int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the line width for the function

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetFunctionLineWidth  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the line width for the function

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetFunctionLineStyle int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the line style for the function BTX

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetFunctionLineStyle  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the line style for the function BTX

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetFunctionLineStyleToSolid  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the line style for the function BTX

Definition at line 417 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

References LineStyleSolid.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetFunctionLineStyleToDash  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the line style for the function BTX

Definition at line 420 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

References LineStyleDash.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CanvasOutlineVisibilityOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the canvas outline visibility

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CanvasOutlineVisibilityOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the canvas outline visibility

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetCanvasOutlineVisibility int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the canvas outline visibility

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetCanvasOutlineVisibility  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the canvas outline visibility

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CanvasOutlineStyleOn  )  [virtual]

Set the canvas outline style. BTX

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CanvasOutlineStyleOff  )  [virtual]

Set the canvas outline style. BTX

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetCanvasOutlineStyle int   )  [virtual]

Set the canvas outline style. BTX

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetCanvasOutlineStyle  )  [virtual]

Set the canvas outline style. BTX

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CanvasBackgroundVisibilityOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the canvas background visibility

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CanvasBackgroundVisibilityOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the canvas background visibility

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetCanvasBackgroundVisibility int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the canvas background visibility

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetCanvasBackgroundVisibility  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the canvas background visibility

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterCursorVisibilityOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter cursor visibility. This is a vertical line spanning the whole value range, located at a specific position in the parameter range. Set the position using ParameterCursorPosition.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterCursorVisibilityOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter cursor visibility. This is a vertical line spanning the whole value range, located at a specific position in the parameter range. Set the position using ParameterCursorPosition.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetParameterCursorVisibility int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter cursor visibility. This is a vertical line spanning the whole value range, located at a specific position in the parameter range. Set the position using ParameterCursorPosition.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetParameterCursorVisibility  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter cursor visibility. This is a vertical line spanning the whole value range, located at a specific position in the parameter range. Set the position using ParameterCursorPosition.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetParameterCursorPosition double   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter cursor position (inside the parameter range)

virtual double vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetParameterCursorPosition  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter cursor position (inside the parameter range)

virtual double* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetParameterCursorColor  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the cursor color.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetParameterCursorColor double &  ,
double &  ,
double & 

Set/Get the cursor color.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetParameterCursorColor double  [3]  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the cursor color.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetParameterCursorColor double  r,
double  g,
double  b

Set/Get the cursor color.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetParameterCursorColor double  rgb[3]  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the cursor color.

Definition at line 476 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterCursorInteractionStyleOn  )  [virtual]

Set the parameter cursor interaction style. BTX

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterCursorInteractionStyleOff  )  [virtual]

Set the parameter cursor interaction style. BTX

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetParameterCursorInteractionStyle int   )  [virtual]

Set the parameter cursor interaction style. BTX

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetParameterCursorInteractionStyle  )  [virtual]

Set the parameter cursor interaction style. BTX

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterTicksVisibilityOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter ticks visibility

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterTicksVisibilityOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter ticks visibility

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetParameterTicksVisibility int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter ticks visibility

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetParameterTicksVisibility  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter ticks visibility

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetNumberOfParameterTicks int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the number of parameters ticks.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetNumberOfParameterTicks  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the number of parameters ticks.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetParameterTicksFormat const char *   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter ticks printf format.

virtual char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetParameterTicksFormat  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parameter ticks printf format.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ValueTicksVisibilityOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value ticks visibility

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ValueTicksVisibilityOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value ticks visibility

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetValueTicksVisibility int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value ticks visibility

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetValueTicksVisibility  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value ticks visibility

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetNumberOfValueTicks int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the number of value ticks.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetNumberOfValueTicks  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the number of value ticks.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetValueTicksCanvasWidth int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the width of the value ticks canvas

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetValueTicksCanvasWidth  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the width of the value ticks canvas

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetValueTicksFormat const char *   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value ticks printf format.

virtual char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetValueTicksFormat  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the value ticks printf format.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ComputeValueTicksFromHistogramOn  )  [virtual]

Compute the value ticks using the histogram occurence values

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ComputeValueTicksFromHistogramOff  )  [virtual]

Compute the value ticks using the histogram occurence values

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetComputeValueTicksFromHistogram int   )  [virtual]

Compute the value ticks using the histogram occurence values

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetComputeValueTicksFromHistogram  )  [virtual]

Compute the value ticks using the histogram occurence values

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetTicksLength int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the ticks length (in pixels).

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetTicksLength  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the ticks length (in pixels).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::Create vtkKWApplication app  )  [virtual]

Create the widget.

Reimplemented from vtkKWParameterValueFunctionInterface.

Reimplemented in vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor, vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor, vtkKWPiecewiseFunctionEditor, and vtkPVTimeLine.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetLockPointsParameter int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get if the points of the function are locked in the parameter space (they can not be removed or can only be moved in the value space).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::LockPointsParameterOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get if the points of the function are locked in the parameter space (they can not be removed or can only be moved in the value space).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::LockPointsParameterOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get if the points of the function are locked in the parameter space (they can not be removed or can only be moved in the value space).

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetLockPointsParameter  )  [virtual]

Set/Get if the points of the function are locked in the parameter space (they can not be removed or can only be moved in the value space).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetLockEndPointsParameter int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get if the end-points of the function are locked in the parameter space (they can not be removed or can only be moved in the value space). Superseded by LockPointsParameter

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::LockEndPointsParameterOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get if the end-points of the function are locked in the parameter space (they can not be removed or can only be moved in the value space). Superseded by LockPointsParameter

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::LockEndPointsParameterOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get if the end-points of the function are locked in the parameter space (they can not be removed or can only be moved in the value space). Superseded by LockPointsParameter

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetLockEndPointsParameter  )  [virtual]

Set/Get if the end-points of the function are locked in the parameter space (they can not be removed or can only be moved in the value space). Superseded by LockPointsParameter

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetLockPointsValue int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get if the points of the function are locked in the value space (they can not be removed or can only be moved in the parameter space).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::LockPointsValueOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get if the points of the function are locked in the value space (they can not be removed or can only be moved in the parameter space).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::LockPointsValueOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get if the points of the function are locked in the value space (they can not be removed or can only be moved in the parameter space).

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetLockPointsValue  )  [virtual]

Set/Get if the points of the function are locked in the value space (they can not be removed or can only be moved in the parameter space).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetDisableAddAndRemove int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get if points can be added and removed.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::DisableAddAndRemoveOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get if points can be added and removed.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::DisableAddAndRemoveOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get if points can be added and removed.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetDisableAddAndRemove  )  [virtual]

Set/Get if points can be added and removed.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetReadOnly int   )  [virtual]

Convenience method to set both LockPointsParameter, LockPointsValue and DisableAddAndRemove to On or Off

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ReadOnlyOn  )  [virtual]

Convenience method to set both LockPointsParameter, LockPointsValue and DisableAddAndRemove to On or Off

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ReadOnlyOff  )  [virtual]

Convenience method to set both LockPointsParameter, LockPointsValue and DisableAddAndRemove to On or Off

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetRescaleBetweenEndPoints int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get if moving the end-points of the function will automatically rescale/move all the points in between to keep the relative distance between points the same in the parameter domain. Note that for convenience reasons, the end-points become immune to deletion.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::RescaleBetweenEndPointsOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get if moving the end-points of the function will automatically rescale/move all the points in between to keep the relative distance between points the same in the parameter domain. Note that for convenience reasons, the end-points become immune to deletion.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::RescaleBetweenEndPointsOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get if moving the end-points of the function will automatically rescale/move all the points in between to keep the relative distance between points the same in the parameter domain. Note that for convenience reasons, the end-points become immune to deletion.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetRescaleBetweenEndPoints  )  [virtual]

Set/Get if moving the end-points of the function will automatically rescale/move all the points in between to keep the relative distance between points the same in the parameter domain. Note that for convenience reasons, the end-points become immune to deletion.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointRadius int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point radius (in pixels).

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetPointRadius  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point radius (in pixels).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetSelectedPointRadius double   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the selected point radius as a fraction of the point radius (see PointRadius).

virtual double vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetSelectedPointRadius  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the selected point radius as a fraction of the point radius (see PointRadius).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointStyle int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point style for the function points, or specifically for the first or last point (if set to Default, the first or last point will use the same style as the other points, or Disc if that style is set to Default too) BTX

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetPointStyle  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point style for the function points, or specifically for the first or last point (if set to Default, the first or last point will use the same style as the other points, or Disc if that style is set to Default too) BTX

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointStyleToDisc  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the point style for the function points, or specifically for the first or last point (if set to Default, the first or last point will use the same style as the other points, or Disc if that style is set to Default too) BTX

Definition at line 638 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

References PointStyleDisc.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointStyleToCursorDown  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the point style for the function points, or specifically for the first or last point (if set to Default, the first or last point will use the same style as the other points, or Disc if that style is set to Default too) BTX

Definition at line 641 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

References PointStyleCursorDown.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointStyleToCursorUp  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the point style for the function points, or specifically for the first or last point (if set to Default, the first or last point will use the same style as the other points, or Disc if that style is set to Default too) BTX

Definition at line 644 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

References PointStyleCursorUp.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointStyleToCursorLeft  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the point style for the function points, or specifically for the first or last point (if set to Default, the first or last point will use the same style as the other points, or Disc if that style is set to Default too) BTX

Definition at line 647 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

References PointStyleCursorLeft.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointStyleToCursorRight  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the point style for the function points, or specifically for the first or last point (if set to Default, the first or last point will use the same style as the other points, or Disc if that style is set to Default too) BTX

Definition at line 650 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

References PointStyleCursorRight.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointStyleToRectangle  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the point style for the function points, or specifically for the first or last point (if set to Default, the first or last point will use the same style as the other points, or Disc if that style is set to Default too) BTX

Definition at line 653 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

References PointStyleRectangle.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointStyleToDefault  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the point style for the function points, or specifically for the first or last point (if set to Default, the first or last point will use the same style as the other points, or Disc if that style is set to Default too) BTX

Definition at line 656 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

References PointStyleDefault.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetFirstPointStyle int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point style for the function points, or specifically for the first or last point (if set to Default, the first or last point will use the same style as the other points, or Disc if that style is set to Default too) BTX

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetFirstPointStyle  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point style for the function points, or specifically for the first or last point (if set to Default, the first or last point will use the same style as the other points, or Disc if that style is set to Default too) BTX

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetLastPointStyle int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point style for the function points, or specifically for the first or last point (if set to Default, the first or last point will use the same style as the other points, or Disc if that style is set to Default too) BTX

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetLastPointStyle  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point style for the function points, or specifically for the first or last point (if set to Default, the first or last point will use the same style as the other points, or Disc if that style is set to Default too) BTX

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointOutlineWidth int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the outline width for the points

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetPointOutlineWidth  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the outline width for the points

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointMarginToCanvasOn  )  [virtual]

Set margin for the canvas to display the points entirely. If set to None, the canvas parameter range will match the VisibleParameterRange (as a side effect, points on the border of the range will be clipped, only half of them will be displayed, making selection a bit more difficult). If not, the canvas will also provide room for each point to be displayed entirely, vertically or horizontally, or both. BTX

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointMarginToCanvasOff  )  [virtual]

Set margin for the canvas to display the points entirely. If set to None, the canvas parameter range will match the VisibleParameterRange (as a side effect, points on the border of the range will be clipped, only half of them will be displayed, making selection a bit more difficult). If not, the canvas will also provide room for each point to be displayed entirely, vertically or horizontally, or both. BTX

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointMarginToCanvas int   )  [virtual]

Set margin for the canvas to display the points entirely. If set to None, the canvas parameter range will match the VisibleParameterRange (as a side effect, points on the border of the range will be clipped, only half of them will be displayed, making selection a bit more difficult). If not, the canvas will also provide room for each point to be displayed entirely, vertically or horizontally, or both. BTX

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetPointMarginToCanvas  )  [virtual]

Set margin for the canvas to display the points entirely. If set to None, the canvas parameter range will match the VisibleParameterRange (as a side effect, points on the border of the range will be clipped, only half of them will be displayed, making selection a bit more difficult). If not, the canvas will also provide room for each point to be displayed entirely, vertically or horizontally, or both. BTX

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetSelectedPoint  )  [virtual]

Select/Deselect a point, get the selected point (-1 if none selected)

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SelectPoint int  id  )  [virtual]

Select/Deselect a point, get the selected point (-1 if none selected)

Reimplemented in vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ClearSelection  )  [virtual]

Select/Deselect a point, get the selected point (-1 if none selected)

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::HasSelection  )  [virtual]

Select/Deselect a point, get the selected point (-1 if none selected)

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SelectNextPoint  )  [virtual]

Select/Deselect a point, get the selected point (-1 if none selected)

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SelectPreviousPoint  )  [virtual]

Select/Deselect a point, get the selected point (-1 if none selected)

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SelectFirstPoint  )  [virtual]

Select/Deselect a point, get the selected point (-1 if none selected)

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SelectLastPoint  )  [virtual]

Select/Deselect a point, get the selected point (-1 if none selected)

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::RemoveSelectedPoint  )  [virtual]

Remove a point

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::RemovePoint int  id  )  [virtual]

Remove a point

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::RemovePointAtParameter double  parameter  )  [virtual]

Remove a point

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::AddPointAtCanvasCoordinates int  x,
int  y,
int *  id

Add a point

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::AddPointAtParameter double  parameter,
int *  id

Add a point

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::MergePointsFromEditor vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor editor  )  [virtual]

Merge all the points from another function editor. Return the number of points merged.

virtual double* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetFrameBackgroundColor  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the background color of the main frame, where the function is drawn. Note that the frame can be smaller than the widget itself depending on the margin requested to draw the points entirely (see PointMarginToCanvas ivar). Use SetBackgroundColor to set the canvas color (i.e., the whole area outside the margin)

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetFrameBackgroundColor double &  ,
double &  ,
double & 

Set/Get the background color of the main frame, where the function is drawn. Note that the frame can be smaller than the widget itself depending on the margin requested to draw the points entirely (see PointMarginToCanvas ivar). Use SetBackgroundColor to set the canvas color (i.e., the whole area outside the margin)

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetFrameBackgroundColor double  [3]  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the background color of the main frame, where the function is drawn. Note that the frame can be smaller than the widget itself depending on the margin requested to draw the points entirely (see PointMarginToCanvas ivar). Use SetBackgroundColor to set the canvas color (i.e., the whole area outside the margin)

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetFrameBackgroundColor double  r,
double  g,
double  b

Set/Get the background color of the main frame, where the function is drawn. Note that the frame can be smaller than the widget itself depending on the margin requested to draw the points entirely (see PointMarginToCanvas ivar). Use SetBackgroundColor to set the canvas color (i.e., the whole area outside the margin)

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetFrameBackgroundColor double  rgb[3]  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the background color of the main frame, where the function is drawn. Note that the frame can be smaller than the widget itself depending on the margin requested to draw the points entirely (see PointMarginToCanvas ivar). Use SetBackgroundColor to set the canvas color (i.e., the whole area outside the margin)

Definition at line 732 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetBackgroundColor double  r,
double  g,
double  b

Set/Get the background color of the main frame, where the function is drawn. Note that the frame can be smaller than the widget itself depending on the margin requested to draw the points entirely (see PointMarginToCanvas ivar). Use SetBackgroundColor to set the canvas color (i.e., the whole area outside the margin)

Reimplemented from vtkKWCoreWidget.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetBackgroundColor double  rgb[3]  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the background color of the main frame, where the function is drawn. Note that the frame can be smaller than the widget itself depending on the margin requested to draw the points entirely (see PointMarginToCanvas ivar). Use SetBackgroundColor to set the canvas color (i.e., the whole area outside the margin)

Reimplemented from vtkKWCoreWidget.

Definition at line 735 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual double* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetPointColor  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point color. Overriden by ComputePointColorFromValue if supported.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetPointColor double &  ,
double &  ,
double & 

Set/Get the point color. Overriden by ComputePointColorFromValue if supported.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetPointColor double  [3]  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point color. Overriden by ComputePointColorFromValue if supported.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointColor double  r,
double  g,
double  b

Set/Get the point color. Overriden by ComputePointColorFromValue if supported.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointColor double  rgb[3]  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the point color. Overriden by ComputePointColorFromValue if supported.

Definition at line 744 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual double* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetSelectedPointColor  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the selected point color. Overriden by ComputePointColorFromValue if supported.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetSelectedPointColor double &  ,
double &  ,
double & 

Set/Get the selected point color. Overriden by ComputePointColorFromValue if supported.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetSelectedPointColor double  [3]  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the selected point color. Overriden by ComputePointColorFromValue if supported.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetSelectedPointColor double  r,
double  g,
double  b

Set/Get the selected point color. Overriden by ComputePointColorFromValue if supported.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetSelectedPointColor double  rgb[3]  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the selected point color. Overriden by ComputePointColorFromValue if supported.

Definition at line 753 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual double* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetPointTextColor  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point text color. Overriden by ComputePointColorFromValue if supported.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetPointTextColor double &  ,
double &  ,
double & 

Set/Get the point text color. Overriden by ComputePointColorFromValue if supported.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetPointTextColor double  [3]  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point text color. Overriden by ComputePointColorFromValue if supported.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointTextColor double  r,
double  g,
double  b

Set/Get the point text color. Overriden by ComputePointColorFromValue if supported.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointTextColor double  rgb[3]  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the point text color. Overriden by ComputePointColorFromValue if supported.

Definition at line 762 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual double* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetSelectedPointTextColor  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the selected point text color. Overriden by ComputePointColorFromValue if supported.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetSelectedPointTextColor double &  ,
double &  ,
double & 

Set/Get the selected point text color. Overriden by ComputePointColorFromValue if supported.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetSelectedPointTextColor double  [3]  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the selected point text color. Overriden by ComputePointColorFromValue if supported.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetSelectedPointTextColor double  r,
double  g,
double  b

Set/Get the selected point text color. Overriden by ComputePointColorFromValue if supported.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetSelectedPointTextColor double  rgb[3]  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the selected point text color. Overriden by ComputePointColorFromValue if supported.

Definition at line 771 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ComputePointColorFromValueOn  )  [virtual]

Set a hint: some colors should be function of the value (might not be supported/implemented in subclasses).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ComputePointColorFromValueOff  )  [virtual]

Set a hint: some colors should be function of the value (might not be supported/implemented in subclasses).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetComputePointColorFromValue int   )  [virtual]

Set a hint: some colors should be function of the value (might not be supported/implemented in subclasses).

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetComputePointColorFromValue  )  [virtual]

Set a hint: some colors should be function of the value (might not be supported/implemented in subclasses).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointVisibilityOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point visibility in the canvas. This actually hides both the point and the index inside. If set to on, the index can still be hidden using PointIndexVisibility and SelectedPointIndexVisibility. Guidelines are not affected.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointVisibilityOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point visibility in the canvas. This actually hides both the point and the index inside. If set to on, the index can still be hidden using PointIndexVisibility and SelectedPointIndexVisibility. Guidelines are not affected.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointVisibility int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point visibility in the canvas. This actually hides both the point and the index inside. If set to on, the index can still be hidden using PointIndexVisibility and SelectedPointIndexVisibility. Guidelines are not affected.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetPointVisibility  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point visibility in the canvas. This actually hides both the point and the index inside. If set to on, the index can still be hidden using PointIndexVisibility and SelectedPointIndexVisibility. Guidelines are not affected.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointIndexVisibilityOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point index visibility for each point in the canvas.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointIndexVisibilityOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point index visibility for each point in the canvas.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointIndexVisibility int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point index visibility for each point in the canvas.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetPointIndexVisibility  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point index visibility for each point in the canvas.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SelectedPointIndexVisibilityOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the selected point index visibility in the canvas.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SelectedPointIndexVisibilityOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the selected point index visibility in the canvas.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetSelectedPointIndexVisibility int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the selected point index visibility in the canvas.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetSelectedPointIndexVisibility  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the selected point index visibility in the canvas.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointGuidelineVisibilityOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point guideline visibility in the canvas (for ex: a vertical line at each point).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointGuidelineVisibilityOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point guideline visibility in the canvas (for ex: a vertical line at each point).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointGuidelineVisibility int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point guideline visibility in the canvas (for ex: a vertical line at each point).

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetPointGuidelineVisibility  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the point guideline visibility in the canvas (for ex: a vertical line at each point).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointGuidelineStyle int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the line style for the guideline. See FunctionLineStyle for enumeration of style values.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetPointGuidelineStyle  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the line style for the guideline. See FunctionLineStyle for enumeration of style values.

virtual vtkKWHistogram* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetHistogram  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the histogram and secondary histogram over the parameter range. The primary histogram is drawn in a bar/area style, the secondary one is drawn as dots on top of the primary.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetHistogram vtkKWHistogram  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the histogram and secondary histogram over the parameter range. The primary histogram is drawn in a bar/area style, the secondary one is drawn as dots on top of the primary.

virtual vtkKWHistogram* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetSecondaryHistogram  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the histogram and secondary histogram over the parameter range. The primary histogram is drawn in a bar/area style, the secondary one is drawn as dots on top of the primary.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetSecondaryHistogram vtkKWHistogram  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the histogram and secondary histogram over the parameter range. The primary histogram is drawn in a bar/area style, the secondary one is drawn as dots on top of the primary.

virtual double* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetHistogramColor  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the histogram and secondary histogram color. Overriden by ComputeHistogramColorFromValue if supported.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetHistogramColor double &  ,
double &  ,
double & 

Set/Get the histogram and secondary histogram color. Overriden by ComputeHistogramColorFromValue if supported.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetHistogramColor double  [3]  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the histogram and secondary histogram color. Overriden by ComputeHistogramColorFromValue if supported.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetHistogramColor double  r,
double  g,
double  b

Set/Get the histogram and secondary histogram color. Overriden by ComputeHistogramColorFromValue if supported.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetHistogramColor double  rgb[3]  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the histogram and secondary histogram color. Overriden by ComputeHistogramColorFromValue if supported.

Definition at line 837 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual double* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetSecondaryHistogramColor  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the histogram and secondary histogram color. Overriden by ComputeHistogramColorFromValue if supported.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetSecondaryHistogramColor double &  ,
double &  ,
double & 

Set/Get the histogram and secondary histogram color. Overriden by ComputeHistogramColorFromValue if supported.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetSecondaryHistogramColor double  [3]  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the histogram and secondary histogram color. Overriden by ComputeHistogramColorFromValue if supported.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetSecondaryHistogramColor double  r,
double  g,
double  b

Set/Get the histogram and secondary histogram color. Overriden by ComputeHistogramColorFromValue if supported.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetSecondaryHistogramColor double  rgb[3]  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the histogram and secondary histogram color. Overriden by ComputeHistogramColorFromValue if supported.

Definition at line 841 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ComputeHistogramColorFromValueOn  )  [virtual]

Set a hint: histogram and secondary histogram colors should be function of the value (might not be supported/implemented in subclasses).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ComputeHistogramColorFromValueOff  )  [virtual]

Set a hint: histogram and secondary histogram colors should be function of the value (might not be supported/implemented in subclasses).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetComputeHistogramColorFromValue int   )  [virtual]

Set a hint: histogram and secondary histogram colors should be function of the value (might not be supported/implemented in subclasses).

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetComputeHistogramColorFromValue  )  [virtual]

Set a hint: histogram and secondary histogram colors should be function of the value (might not be supported/implemented in subclasses).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetHistogramStyle int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the histogram and secondary histogram style (see vtkKWHistogram::ImageDescriptor styles).

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetHistogramStyle  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the histogram and secondary histogram style (see vtkKWHistogram::ImageDescriptor styles).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetSecondaryHistogramStyle int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the histogram and secondary histogram style (see vtkKWHistogram::ImageDescriptor styles).

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetSecondaryHistogramStyle  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the histogram and secondary histogram style (see vtkKWHistogram::ImageDescriptor styles).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetHistogramLogModeOptionMenuVisibility int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the histogram log mode button visibility. Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::HistogramLogModeOptionMenuVisibilityOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the histogram log mode button visibility. Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::HistogramLogModeOptionMenuVisibilityOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the histogram log mode button visibility. Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetHistogramLogModeOptionMenuVisibility  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the histogram log mode button visibility. Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetHistogramLogModeChangedCommand vtkObject *  object,
const char *  method

Set/Get the histogram log mode button visibility. Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::InvokeHistogramLogModeChangedCommand  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the histogram log mode button visibility. Note: set this parameter to the proper value before calling Create() in order to minimize the footprint of the object.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ChangeMouseCursorOn  )  [virtual]

Set/Get if the mouse cursor is changed automatically to provide more feedback regarding the interaction (defaults to On).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ChangeMouseCursorOff  )  [virtual]

Set/Get if the mouse cursor is changed automatically to provide more feedback regarding the interaction (defaults to On).

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetChangeMouseCursor  )  [virtual]

Set/Get if the mouse cursor is changed automatically to provide more feedback regarding the interaction (defaults to On).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetChangeMouseCursor int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get if the mouse cursor is changed automatically to provide more feedback regarding the interaction (defaults to On).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointAddedCommand vtkObject *  object,
const char *  method

Set commands. Point... commands are passed the index of the point that is/was modified. PointAddedCommand is called when a point was added. PointChangingCommand/PointChangedCommand is called when a point is changing or has changed (at the end of the interaction). Moving the point for example, qualify as a change. PointRemovedCommand is called when a point was removed, it takes an additional arg which is the value of the parameter of the point that was removed. SelectionChanged is called when the selection was changed or deselection. FunctionChanged is called when the function was changed (as the result of an interaction which is now over, like point added/(re)moved). FunctionChanging is called when the function is changing (as the result of an interaction in progress, like moving a point). VisibleRangeChangedCommand/VisibleRangeChangingCommand is called when the visible range (parameter or value) is changing, or was changed (at the end of the interaction). ParameterCursorMovingCommand/ParameterCursorMovedCommand is called when the parameter cursor is moving or was moved (at the end of the interaction).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointChangingCommand vtkObject *  object,
const char *  method

Set commands. Point... commands are passed the index of the point that is/was modified. PointAddedCommand is called when a point was added. PointChangingCommand/PointChangedCommand is called when a point is changing or has changed (at the end of the interaction). Moving the point for example, qualify as a change. PointRemovedCommand is called when a point was removed, it takes an additional arg which is the value of the parameter of the point that was removed. SelectionChanged is called when the selection was changed or deselection. FunctionChanged is called when the function was changed (as the result of an interaction which is now over, like point added/(re)moved). FunctionChanging is called when the function is changing (as the result of an interaction in progress, like moving a point). VisibleRangeChangedCommand/VisibleRangeChangingCommand is called when the visible range (parameter or value) is changing, or was changed (at the end of the interaction). ParameterCursorMovingCommand/ParameterCursorMovedCommand is called when the parameter cursor is moving or was moved (at the end of the interaction).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointChangedCommand vtkObject *  object,
const char *  method

Set commands. Point... commands are passed the index of the point that is/was modified. PointAddedCommand is called when a point was added. PointChangingCommand/PointChangedCommand is called when a point is changing or has changed (at the end of the interaction). Moving the point for example, qualify as a change. PointRemovedCommand is called when a point was removed, it takes an additional arg which is the value of the parameter of the point that was removed. SelectionChanged is called when the selection was changed or deselection. FunctionChanged is called when the function was changed (as the result of an interaction which is now over, like point added/(re)moved). FunctionChanging is called when the function is changing (as the result of an interaction in progress, like moving a point). VisibleRangeChangedCommand/VisibleRangeChangingCommand is called when the visible range (parameter or value) is changing, or was changed (at the end of the interaction). ParameterCursorMovingCommand/ParameterCursorMovedCommand is called when the parameter cursor is moving or was moved (at the end of the interaction).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetPointRemovedCommand vtkObject *  object,
const char *  method

Set commands. Point... commands are passed the index of the point that is/was modified. PointAddedCommand is called when a point was added. PointChangingCommand/PointChangedCommand is called when a point is changing or has changed (at the end of the interaction). Moving the point for example, qualify as a change. PointRemovedCommand is called when a point was removed, it takes an additional arg which is the value of the parameter of the point that was removed. SelectionChanged is called when the selection was changed or deselection. FunctionChanged is called when the function was changed (as the result of an interaction which is now over, like point added/(re)moved). FunctionChanging is called when the function is changing (as the result of an interaction in progress, like moving a point). VisibleRangeChangedCommand/VisibleRangeChangingCommand is called when the visible range (parameter or value) is changing, or was changed (at the end of the interaction). ParameterCursorMovingCommand/ParameterCursorMovedCommand is called when the parameter cursor is moving or was moved (at the end of the interaction).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetSelectionChangedCommand vtkObject *  object,
const char *  method

Set commands. Point... commands are passed the index of the point that is/was modified. PointAddedCommand is called when a point was added. PointChangingCommand/PointChangedCommand is called when a point is changing or has changed (at the end of the interaction). Moving the point for example, qualify as a change. PointRemovedCommand is called when a point was removed, it takes an additional arg which is the value of the parameter of the point that was removed. SelectionChanged is called when the selection was changed or deselection. FunctionChanged is called when the function was changed (as the result of an interaction which is now over, like point added/(re)moved). FunctionChanging is called when the function is changing (as the result of an interaction in progress, like moving a point). VisibleRangeChangedCommand/VisibleRangeChangingCommand is called when the visible range (parameter or value) is changing, or was changed (at the end of the interaction). ParameterCursorMovingCommand/ParameterCursorMovedCommand is called when the parameter cursor is moving or was moved (at the end of the interaction).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetFunctionChangedCommand vtkObject *  object,
const char *  method

Set commands. Point... commands are passed the index of the point that is/was modified. PointAddedCommand is called when a point was added. PointChangingCommand/PointChangedCommand is called when a point is changing or has changed (at the end of the interaction). Moving the point for example, qualify as a change. PointRemovedCommand is called when a point was removed, it takes an additional arg which is the value of the parameter of the point that was removed. SelectionChanged is called when the selection was changed or deselection. FunctionChanged is called when the function was changed (as the result of an interaction which is now over, like point added/(re)moved). FunctionChanging is called when the function is changing (as the result of an interaction in progress, like moving a point). VisibleRangeChangedCommand/VisibleRangeChangingCommand is called when the visible range (parameter or value) is changing, or was changed (at the end of the interaction). ParameterCursorMovingCommand/ParameterCursorMovedCommand is called when the parameter cursor is moving or was moved (at the end of the interaction).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetFunctionChangingCommand vtkObject *  object,
const char *  method

Set commands. Point... commands are passed the index of the point that is/was modified. PointAddedCommand is called when a point was added. PointChangingCommand/PointChangedCommand is called when a point is changing or has changed (at the end of the interaction). Moving the point for example, qualify as a change. PointRemovedCommand is called when a point was removed, it takes an additional arg which is the value of the parameter of the point that was removed. SelectionChanged is called when the selection was changed or deselection. FunctionChanged is called when the function was changed (as the result of an interaction which is now over, like point added/(re)moved). FunctionChanging is called when the function is changing (as the result of an interaction in progress, like moving a point). VisibleRangeChangedCommand/VisibleRangeChangingCommand is called when the visible range (parameter or value) is changing, or was changed (at the end of the interaction). ParameterCursorMovingCommand/ParameterCursorMovedCommand is called when the parameter cursor is moving or was moved (at the end of the interaction).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetVisibleRangeChangedCommand vtkObject *  object,
const char *  method

Set commands. Point... commands are passed the index of the point that is/was modified. PointAddedCommand is called when a point was added. PointChangingCommand/PointChangedCommand is called when a point is changing or has changed (at the end of the interaction). Moving the point for example, qualify as a change. PointRemovedCommand is called when a point was removed, it takes an additional arg which is the value of the parameter of the point that was removed. SelectionChanged is called when the selection was changed or deselection. FunctionChanged is called when the function was changed (as the result of an interaction which is now over, like point added/(re)moved). FunctionChanging is called when the function is changing (as the result of an interaction in progress, like moving a point). VisibleRangeChangedCommand/VisibleRangeChangingCommand is called when the visible range (parameter or value) is changing, or was changed (at the end of the interaction). ParameterCursorMovingCommand/ParameterCursorMovedCommand is called when the parameter cursor is moving or was moved (at the end of the interaction).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetVisibleRangeChangingCommand vtkObject *  object,
const char *  method

Set commands. Point... commands are passed the index of the point that is/was modified. PointAddedCommand is called when a point was added. PointChangingCommand/PointChangedCommand is called when a point is changing or has changed (at the end of the interaction). Moving the point for example, qualify as a change. PointRemovedCommand is called when a point was removed, it takes an additional arg which is the value of the parameter of the point that was removed. SelectionChanged is called when the selection was changed or deselection. FunctionChanged is called when the function was changed (as the result of an interaction which is now over, like point added/(re)moved). FunctionChanging is called when the function is changing (as the result of an interaction in progress, like moving a point). VisibleRangeChangedCommand/VisibleRangeChangingCommand is called when the visible range (parameter or value) is changing, or was changed (at the end of the interaction). ParameterCursorMovingCommand/ParameterCursorMovedCommand is called when the parameter cursor is moving or was moved (at the end of the interaction).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetParameterCursorMovingCommand vtkObject *  object,
const char *  method

Set commands. Point... commands are passed the index of the point that is/was modified. PointAddedCommand is called when a point was added. PointChangingCommand/PointChangedCommand is called when a point is changing or has changed (at the end of the interaction). Moving the point for example, qualify as a change. PointRemovedCommand is called when a point was removed, it takes an additional arg which is the value of the parameter of the point that was removed. SelectionChanged is called when the selection was changed or deselection. FunctionChanged is called when the function was changed (as the result of an interaction which is now over, like point added/(re)moved). FunctionChanging is called when the function is changing (as the result of an interaction in progress, like moving a point). VisibleRangeChangedCommand/VisibleRangeChangingCommand is called when the visible range (parameter or value) is changing, or was changed (at the end of the interaction). ParameterCursorMovingCommand/ParameterCursorMovedCommand is called when the parameter cursor is moving or was moved (at the end of the interaction).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetParameterCursorMovedCommand vtkObject *  object,
const char *  method

Set commands. Point... commands are passed the index of the point that is/was modified. PointAddedCommand is called when a point was added. PointChangingCommand/PointChangedCommand is called when a point is changing or has changed (at the end of the interaction). Moving the point for example, qualify as a change. PointRemovedCommand is called when a point was removed, it takes an additional arg which is the value of the parameter of the point that was removed. SelectionChanged is called when the selection was changed or deselection. FunctionChanged is called when the function was changed (as the result of an interaction which is now over, like point added/(re)moved). FunctionChanging is called when the function is changing (as the result of an interaction in progress, like moving a point). VisibleRangeChangedCommand/VisibleRangeChangingCommand is called when the visible range (parameter or value) is changing, or was changed (at the end of the interaction). ParameterCursorMovingCommand/ParameterCursorMovedCommand is called when the parameter cursor is moving or was moved (at the end of the interaction).

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetDoubleClickOnPointCommand vtkObject *  object,
const char *  method

Set the command that is invoked when double/clicking on a point. The id of the node is passed to the function.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetDisableCommands int   )  [virtual]

Set/get whether the above commands should be called or not. This allow you to disable the commands while you are setting the range value for example. Events are still invoked.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetDisableCommands  )  [virtual]

Set/get whether the above commands should be called or not. This allow you to disable the commands while you are setting the range value for example. Events are still invoked.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::DisableCommandsOn  )  [virtual]

Set/get whether the above commands should be called or not. This allow you to disable the commands while you are setting the range value for example. Events are still invoked.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::DisableCommandsOff  )  [virtual]

Set/get whether the above commands should be called or not. This allow you to disable the commands while you are setting the range value for example. Events are still invoked.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SynchronizeVisibleParameterRange vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor b  )  [virtual]

Synchronize the visible parameter range between two editors A and B. Each time the visible range of A is changed, the same visible range is assigned to the synchronized editor B, and vice-versa. Note that a call A->(B) is the same as a call B->(A), i.e. this is a double-link, only one call is needed to set the sync. Return 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::DoNotSynchronizeVisibleParameterRange vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor b  )  [virtual]

Synchronize the visible parameter range between two editors A and B. Each time the visible range of A is changed, the same visible range is assigned to the synchronized editor B, and vice-versa. Note that a call A->(B) is the same as a call B->(A), i.e. this is a double-link, only one call is needed to set the sync. Return 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SynchronizePoints vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor b  )  [virtual]

Synchronize points between two editors A and B. First make sure both editors have the same points in the parameter space (by calling MergePointsFromEditor on each other). Then each time a point in A is added, moved or removed through user interaction, the same point in B is altered and vice-versa. Note that a call A->(B) is the same as a call B->(A), i.e. this is a double-link, only one call is needed to set the sync. Return 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::DoNotSynchronizePoints vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor b  )  [virtual]

Synchronize points between two editors A and B. First make sure both editors have the same points in the parameter space (by calling MergePointsFromEditor on each other). Then each time a point in A is added, moved or removed through user interaction, the same point in B is altered and vice-versa. Note that a call A->(B) is the same as a call B->(A), i.e. this is a double-link, only one call is needed to set the sync. Return 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SynchronizeSingleSelection vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor b  )  [virtual]

Synchronize single selection between two editors A and B. Each time a point is selected in A, the selection is cleared in B, and vice-versa. Note that a call A->(B) is the same as a call B->(A), i.e. this is a double-link, only one call is needed to set the sync. Return 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

Reimplemented in vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::DoNotSynchronizeSingleSelection vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor b  )  [virtual]

Synchronize single selection between two editors A and B. Each time a point is selected in A, the selection is cleared in B, and vice-versa. Note that a call A->(B) is the same as a call B->(A), i.e. this is a double-link, only one call is needed to set the sync. Return 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

Reimplemented in vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SynchronizeSameSelection vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor b  )  [virtual]

Synchronize same selection between two editors A and B. Each time a point is selected in A, the same point is selected in B, and vice-versa. Note that a call A->(B) is the same as a call B->(A), i.e. this is a double-link, only one call is needed to set the sync. Return 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

Reimplemented in vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::DoNotSynchronizeSameSelection vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor b  )  [virtual]

Synchronize same selection between two editors A and B. Each time a point is selected in A, the same point is selected in B, and vice-versa. Note that a call A->(B) is the same as a call B->(A), i.e. this is a double-link, only one call is needed to set the sync. Return 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

Reimplemented in vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetBalloonHelpString const char *  str  )  [virtual]

Set the string that enables balloon help for this widget. Override to pass down to children.

Reimplemented from vtkKWWidgetWithLabel.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ConfigureCallback  )  [virtual]


virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CanvasEnterCallback  )  [virtual]


virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::VisibleParameterRangeChangingCallback  )  [virtual]


virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::VisibleParameterRangeChangedCallback  )  [virtual]


virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::VisibleValueRangeChangingCallback  )  [virtual]


virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::VisibleValueRangeChangedCallback  )  [virtual]


virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::StartInteractionCallback int  x,
int  y


Reimplemented in vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor, and vtkPVTimeLine.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::MovePointCallback int  x,
int  y,
int  shift


Reimplemented in vtkPVTimeLine.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::EndInteractionCallback int  x,
int  y


Reimplemented in vtkPVTimeLine.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterCursorStartInteractionCallback int  x  )  [virtual]


Reimplemented in vtkPVTimeLine.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterCursorEndInteractionCallback  )  [virtual]


Reimplemented in vtkPVTimeLine.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterCursorMoveCallback int  x  )  [virtual]


Reimplemented in vtkPVTimeLine.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterEntryCallback  )  [virtual]


virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::HistogramLogModeCallback int  mode  )  [virtual]


virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::DoubleClickOnPointCallback int  x,
int  y


Reimplemented in vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::Update  )  [virtual]

Update the whole UI depending on the value of the Ivars

Reimplemented in vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor, vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor, and vtkKWPiecewiseFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::UpdateEnableState  )  [virtual]

Update the "enable" state of the object and its internal parts. Depending on different Ivars (this->Enabled, the application's Limited Edition Mode, etc.), the "enable" state of the object is updated and propagated to its internal parts/subwidgets. This will, for example, enable/disable parts of the widget UI, enable/disable the visibility of 3D widgets, etc.

Reimplemented from vtkKWWidgetWithLabel.

Reimplemented in vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor, vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor, and vtkKWPiecewiseFunctionEditor.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::FunctionPointCanBeAdded  )  [virtual]

Is point locked, protected, removable ?

Implements vtkKWParameterValueFunctionInterface.

Reimplemented in vtkKWPiecewiseFunctionEditor.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::FunctionPointCanBeRemoved int  id  )  [virtual]

Is point locked, protected, removable ?

Implements vtkKWParameterValueFunctionInterface.

Reimplemented in vtkKWPiecewiseFunctionEditor.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::FunctionPointParameterIsLocked int  id  )  [virtual]

Is point locked, protected, removable ?

Implements vtkKWParameterValueFunctionInterface.

Reimplemented in vtkKWPiecewiseFunctionEditor, and vtkPVTimeLine.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::FunctionPointValueIsLocked int  id  )  [virtual]

Is point locked, protected, removable ?

Implements vtkKWParameterValueFunctionInterface.

Reimplemented in vtkKWPiecewiseFunctionEditor.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::FunctionPointCanBeMovedToParameter int  id,
double  parameter

Is point locked, protected, removable ?

Implements vtkKWParameterValueFunctionInterface.

Reimplemented in vtkPVTimeLine.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::MoveFunctionPoint int  id,
double  parameter,
const double *  values

Higher-level methods to manipulate the function.

Reimplemented in vtkKWPiecewiseFunctionEditor.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::FunctionLineIsInVisibleRangeBetweenPoints int  id1,
int  id2
[protected, virtual]

Return 1 if the function line joining point 'id1' and point 'id2' is visible given the current visible parameter and value range . This implementation assuming that if the line is actually made of segments sampled between the two end-points, the segments are still bound by the box which diagonal is the line between id1 and id2. If this is not the case, you can still override that small function in subclasses.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetFunctionPointColorInCanvas int  id,
double  rgb[3]
[protected, virtual]

Higher-level methods to manipulate the function.

Reimplemented in vtkKWPiecewiseFunctionEditor.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetFunctionPointTextColorInCanvas int  id,
double  rgb[3]
[protected, virtual]

Higher-level methods to manipulate the function.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetFunctionPointCanvasCoordinates int  id,
int *  x,
int *  y
[protected, virtual]

Higher-level methods to manipulate the function.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetFunctionPointCanvasCoordinatesAtParameter double  parameter,
int *  x,
int *  y
[protected, virtual]

Higher-level methods to manipulate the function.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::AddFunctionPointAtCanvasCoordinates int  x,
int  y,
int *  id
[protected, virtual]

Higher-level methods to manipulate the function.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::AddFunctionPointAtParameter double  parameter,
int *  id
[protected, virtual]

Higher-level methods to manipulate the function.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::MoveFunctionPointToCanvasCoordinates int  id,
int  x,
int  y
[protected, virtual]

Higher-level methods to manipulate the function.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::MoveFunctionPointToParameter int  id,
double  parameter,
int  i = 0
[protected, virtual]

Higher-level methods to manipulate the function.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::EqualFunctionPointValues const double *  values1,
const double *  values2
[protected, virtual]

Higher-level methods to manipulate the function.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::FindFunctionPointAtCanvasCoordinates int  x,
int  y,
int *  id,
int *  c_x,
int *  c_y
[protected, virtual]

Higher-level methods to manipulate the function.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::UpdatePointEntries int  id  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor, and vtkKWPiecewiseFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::RescaleFunctionBetweenEndPoints int  id,
double  old_parameter
[protected, virtual]

Rescale/move all the points in between the end-points to keep the relative distance the same in the parameter domain. The id and old parameter position of the point that has been moved (the first or the last) are passed. Note that nothing is redrawn for efficiency reason.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SetDisableRedraw int   )  [protected, virtual]

Internal method to disable all redraws.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::DisableRedrawOn  )  [protected, virtual]

Internal method to disable all redraws.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::DisableRedrawOff  )  [protected, virtual]

Internal method to disable all redraws.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetDisableRedraw  )  [protected, virtual]

Internal method to disable all redraws.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::MergePointFromEditor vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor editor,
int  editor_id,
int *  new_id
[protected, virtual]

Merge the point 'editor_id' from another function editor 'editor' into the instance. This only happens if no other point already exists at the same parameter location, thus resulting in the creation of a new point. Return 1 if a point was added (and set its id in 'new_id'), 0 otherwise

Reimplemented in vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CopyPointFromEditor vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor editor,
int  id
[protected, virtual]

Copy the point 'id' parameter and values from another function editor 'editor' into the point 'id' in the instance. Both points have to exist in both editors. Return 1 if copy succeeded, 0 otherwise

Reimplemented in vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::InvokeCommand const char *  command  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::InvokePointCommand const char *  command,
int  id,
const char *  extra = 0
[protected, virtual]

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::InvokePointAddedCommand int  id  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::InvokePointChangingCommand int  id  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::InvokePointChangedCommand int  id  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::InvokePointRemovedCommand int  id,
double  parameter
[protected, virtual]

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::InvokeSelectionChangedCommand  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in vtkPVTimeLine.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::InvokeFunctionChangedCommand  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in vtkKWPiecewiseFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::InvokeFunctionChangingCommand  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in vtkKWPiecewiseFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::InvokeVisibleRangeChangedCommand  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::InvokeVisibleRangeChangingCommand  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::InvokeParameterCursorMovingCommand  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::InvokeParameterCursorMovedCommand  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::InvokeDoubleClickOnPointCommand int  id  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CreateHistogramLogModeOptionMenu vtkKWApplication app  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::UpdateHistogramLogModeOptionMenu  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::Bind  )  [protected, virtual]

Bind/Unbind all widgets.

Reimplemented in vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::UnBind  )  [protected, virtual]

Bind/Unbind all widgets.

Reimplemented in vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CreateLabel vtkKWApplication app  )  [protected, virtual]

Create some objects on the fly (lazy creation, to allow for a smaller footprint)

Reimplemented from vtkKWWidgetWithLabel.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CreateParameterRange vtkKWApplication app  )  [protected, virtual]

Create some objects on the fly (lazy creation, to allow for a smaller footprint)

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CreateValueRange vtkKWApplication app  )  [protected, virtual]

Create some objects on the fly (lazy creation, to allow for a smaller footprint)

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CreateRangeLabel vtkKWApplication app  )  [protected, virtual]

Create some objects on the fly (lazy creation, to allow for a smaller footprint)

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CreatePointEntriesFrame vtkKWApplication app  )  [protected, virtual]

Create some objects on the fly (lazy creation, to allow for a smaller footprint)

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CreateParameterEntry vtkKWApplication app  )  [protected, virtual]

Create some objects on the fly (lazy creation, to allow for a smaller footprint)

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CreateTopLeftContainer vtkKWApplication app  )  [protected, virtual]

Create some objects on the fly (lazy creation, to allow for a smaller footprint)

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CreateTopLeftFrame vtkKWApplication app  )  [protected, virtual]

Create some objects on the fly (lazy creation, to allow for a smaller footprint)

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CreateUserFrame vtkKWApplication app  )  [protected, virtual]

Create some objects on the fly (lazy creation, to allow for a smaller footprint)

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CreateValueTicksCanvas vtkKWApplication app  )  [protected, virtual]

Create some objects on the fly (lazy creation, to allow for a smaller footprint)

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CreateParameterTicksCanvas vtkKWApplication app  )  [protected, virtual]

Create some objects on the fly (lazy creation, to allow for a smaller footprint)

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CreateGuidelineValueCanvas vtkKWApplication app  )  [protected, virtual]

Create some objects on the fly (lazy creation, to allow for a smaller footprint)

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::IsTopLeftFrameUsed  )  [protected, virtual]

Create some objects on the fly (lazy creation, to allow for a smaller footprint)

Reimplemented in vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor, and vtkKWPiecewiseFunctionEditor.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::IsPointEntriesFrameUsed  )  [protected, virtual]

Create some objects on the fly (lazy creation, to allow for a smaller footprint)

Reimplemented in vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor, vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor, and vtkKWPiecewiseFunctionEditor.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::IsGuidelineValueCanvasUsed  )  [protected, virtual]

Create some objects on the fly (lazy creation, to allow for a smaller footprint)

Reimplemented in vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::Pack  )  [protected, virtual]

Pack the widget

Reimplemented from vtkKWWidgetWithLabel.

Reimplemented in vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor, and vtkKWPiecewiseFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PackPointEntries  )  [protected, virtual]

Pack the widget

Reimplemented in vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor, vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor, and vtkKWPiecewiseFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetCanvasItemCenter int  item_id,
int *  x,
int *  y
[protected, virtual]

Get the center of a given canvas item (using its item id)

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetCanvasScalingFactors double  factors[2]  )  [protected, virtual]

Get the scaling factors used to translate parameter/value to x/y canvas coordinates

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetCanvasMargin int *  margin_left,
int *  margin_right,
int *  margin_top,
int *  margin_bottom
[protected, virtual]

Get the scaling factors used to translate parameter/value to x/y canvas coordinates

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetCanvasScrollRegion double *  x,
double *  y,
double *  x2,
double *  y2
[protected, virtual]

Get the scaling factors used to translate parameter/value to x/y canvas coordinates

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetCanvasHorizontalSlidingBounds double  p_v_range_ext[2],
int  bounds[2],
int  margins[2]
[protected, virtual]

Get the scaling factors used to translate parameter/value to x/y canvas coordinates

virtual unsigned long vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetRedrawFunctionTime  )  [protected, virtual]

Redraw. Will actually call, if necessary: RedrawSizeDependentElements: the size of the canvas or the extent of its ranges have changed RedrawPanDependentElements: the visible ranges are panned while their extents are unchanged RedrawFunctionDependentElements: the function has changed (as triggered if GetRedrawFunctionTime(), a monotonically increasing value, has changed. in this implementation, it just calls GetFunctionMTime(), but can be overriden in subclasses to take into account other objects modification time)

Reimplemented in vtkKWPiecewiseFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::Redraw  )  [protected, virtual]

Redraw. Will actually call, if necessary: RedrawSizeDependentElements: the size of the canvas or the extent of its ranges have changed RedrawPanDependentElements: the visible ranges are panned while their extents are unchanged RedrawFunctionDependentElements: the function has changed (as triggered if GetRedrawFunctionTime(), a monotonically increasing value, has changed. in this implementation, it just calls GetFunctionMTime(), but can be overriden in subclasses to take into account other objects modification time)

Reimplemented in vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::RedrawSizeDependentElements  )  [protected, virtual]

Redraw. Will actually call, if necessary: RedrawSizeDependentElements: the size of the canvas or the extent of its ranges have changed RedrawPanDependentElements: the visible ranges are panned while their extents are unchanged RedrawFunctionDependentElements: the function has changed (as triggered if GetRedrawFunctionTime(), a monotonically increasing value, has changed. in this implementation, it just calls GetFunctionMTime(), but can be overriden in subclasses to take into account other objects modification time)

Reimplemented in vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::RedrawPanOnlyDependentElements  )  [protected, virtual]

Redraw. Will actually call, if necessary: RedrawSizeDependentElements: the size of the canvas or the extent of its ranges have changed RedrawPanDependentElements: the visible ranges are panned while their extents are unchanged RedrawFunctionDependentElements: the function has changed (as triggered if GetRedrawFunctionTime(), a monotonically increasing value, has changed. in this implementation, it just calls GetFunctionMTime(), but can be overriden in subclasses to take into account other objects modification time)

Reimplemented in vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::RedrawFunctionDependentElements  )  [protected, virtual]

Redraw. Will actually call, if necessary: RedrawSizeDependentElements: the size of the canvas or the extent of its ranges have changed RedrawPanDependentElements: the visible ranges are panned while their extents are unchanged RedrawFunctionDependentElements: the function has changed (as triggered if GetRedrawFunctionTime(), a monotonically increasing value, has changed. in this implementation, it just calls GetFunctionMTime(), but can be overriden in subclasses to take into account other objects modification time)

Reimplemented in vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor, and vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::RedrawSinglePointDependentElements int  id  )  [protected, virtual]

Redraw. Will actually call, if necessary: RedrawSizeDependentElements: the size of the canvas or the extent of its ranges have changed RedrawPanDependentElements: the visible ranges are panned while their extents are unchanged RedrawFunctionDependentElements: the function has changed (as triggered if GetRedrawFunctionTime(), a monotonically increasing value, has changed. in this implementation, it just calls GetFunctionMTime(), but can be overriden in subclasses to take into account other objects modification time)

Reimplemented in vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor, and vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::RedrawFunction  )  [protected, virtual]

Redraw the whole function or a specific point, or the line between two points BTX

Reimplemented in vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::RedrawPoint int  id,
ostrstream *  tk_cmd = 0
[protected, virtual]

Redraw the whole function or a specific point, or the line between two points BTX

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::RedrawLine int  id1,
int  id2,
ostrstream *  tk_cmd = 0
[protected, virtual]

Redraw the whole function or a specific point, or the line between two points BTX

Reimplemented in vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GetLineCoordinates int  id1,
int  id2,
ostrstream *  tk_cmd
[protected, virtual]

Redraw the whole function or a specific point, or the line between two points BTX

Reimplemented in vtkKWPiecewiseFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::RedrawRangeFrame  )  [protected, virtual]

Redraw the visible range frame

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::RedrawRangeTicks  )  [protected, virtual]

Redraw the visible range ticks

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::RedrawParameterCursor  )  [protected, virtual]

Redraw the parameter cursor

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::RedrawHistogram  )  [protected, virtual]

Redraw the histogram

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::UpdateHistogramImageDescriptor vtkKWHistogram::ImageDescriptor  )  [protected, virtual]

Redraw the histogram

Reimplemented in vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::UpdateRangeLabel  )  [protected, virtual]

Update the range label according to the current visible parameter and value ranges

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::UpdateParameterEntry int  id  )  [protected, virtual]

Update the parameter entry according to the parameter of a point

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CanvasHasTag const char *  tag,
int *  suffix = 0,
vtkKWCanvas canv = NULL
[protected, virtual]

Convenience method to look for a tag in the Canvas. Return the number of elements matching tag+suffix, in default canvas or specified one.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CanvasRemoveTag const char *  tag,
const char *  canv_name = NULL
[protected, virtual]

Convenience method to remove everything with a given tag.

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CanvasRemoveTag const char *  prefix,
int  id,
const char *  canv_name = NULL
[protected, virtual]

Convenience method to remove everything with a given tag.

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CanvasCheckTagType const char *  prefix,
int  id,
const char *  type
[protected, virtual]

Convenience method to check if a given tag if of a given type

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::AddObserversList int  nb_events,
int *  events,
vtkCommand *  cmd
[protected, virtual]

virtual int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::RemoveObserversList int  nb_events,
int *  events,
vtkCommand *  cmd
[protected, virtual]

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ProcessSynchronizationEvents vtkObject *  caller,
unsigned long  event,
void *  calldata
[protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ProcessSynchronizationEventsFunction vtkObject *  object,
unsigned long  event,
void *  clientdata,
void *  calldata
[static, protected]

virtual void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ProcessSynchronizationEvents2 vtkObject *  caller,
unsigned long  event,
void *  calldata
[protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor.

void vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ProcessSynchronizationEventsFunction2 vtkObject *  object,
unsigned long  event,
void *  clientdata,
void *  calldata
[static, protected]

Member Data Documentation

const char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::FunctionTag [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 1052 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

const char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SelectedTag [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 1053 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

const char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointTag [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 1054 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

const char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointGuidelineTag [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 1055 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

const char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointTextTag [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 1056 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

const char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::LineTag [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 1057 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

const char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::HistogramTag [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 1058 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

const char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::FrameForegroundTag [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 1059 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

const char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::FrameBackgroundTag [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 1060 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

const char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterCursorTag [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 1061 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

const char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterTicksTag [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 1062 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

const char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ValueTicksTag [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 1063 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterRangeVisibility [protected]

Definition at line 1141 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ValueRangeVisibility [protected]

Definition at line 1142 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointPositionInValueRange [protected]

Definition at line 1143 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterRangePosition [protected]

Definition at line 1144 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CanvasHeight [protected]

Definition at line 1145 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CanvasWidth [protected]

Definition at line 1146 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ExpandCanvasWidth [protected]

Definition at line 1147 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::LockPointsParameter [protected]

Definition at line 1148 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::LockEndPointsParameter [protected]

Definition at line 1149 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::LockPointsValue [protected]

Definition at line 1150 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::RescaleBetweenEndPoints [protected]

Definition at line 1151 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::DisableAddAndRemove [protected]

Definition at line 1152 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::DisableRedraw [protected]

Definition at line 1153 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointRadius [protected]

Definition at line 1154 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

double vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SelectedPointRadius [protected]

Definition at line 1155 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::FunctionLineWidth [protected]

Definition at line 1156 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::FunctionLineStyle [protected]

Definition at line 1157 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointGuidelineStyle [protected]

Definition at line 1158 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointOutlineWidth [protected]

Definition at line 1159 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointStyle [protected]

Definition at line 1160 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::FirstPointStyle [protected]

Definition at line 1161 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::LastPointStyle [protected]

Definition at line 1162 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::DisableCommands [protected]

Definition at line 1163 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SelectedPoint [protected]

Definition at line 1164 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CanvasOutlineVisibility [protected]

Definition at line 1165 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CanvasOutlineStyle [protected]

Definition at line 1166 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterCursorInteractionStyle [protected]

Definition at line 1167 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CanvasBackgroundVisibility [protected]

Definition at line 1168 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterCursorVisibility [protected]

Definition at line 1169 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::FunctionLineVisibility [protected]

Definition at line 1170 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::CanvasVisibility [protected]

Definition at line 1171 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointVisibility [protected]

Definition at line 1172 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointIndexVisibility [protected]

Definition at line 1173 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointGuidelineVisibility [protected]

Definition at line 1174 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SelectedPointIndexVisibility [protected]

Definition at line 1175 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterRangeLabelVisibility [protected]

Definition at line 1176 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ValueRangeLabelVisibility [protected]

Definition at line 1177 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::RangeLabelPosition [protected]

Definition at line 1178 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointEntriesPosition [protected]

Definition at line 1179 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterEntryVisibility [protected]

Definition at line 1180 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointEntriesVisibility [protected]

Definition at line 1181 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::UserFrameVisibility [protected]

Definition at line 1182 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterTicksVisibility [protected]

Definition at line 1183 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ValueTicksVisibility [protected]

Definition at line 1184 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ComputeValueTicksFromHistogram [protected]

Definition at line 1185 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointMarginToCanvas [protected]

Definition at line 1186 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::TicksLength [protected]

Definition at line 1187 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::NumberOfParameterTicks [protected]

Definition at line 1188 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::NumberOfValueTicks [protected]

Definition at line 1189 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ValueTicksCanvasWidth [protected]

Definition at line 1190 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ChangeMouseCursor [protected]

Definition at line 1191 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ValueTicksFormat [protected]

Definition at line 1192 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterTicksFormat [protected]

Definition at line 1193 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterEntryFormat [protected]

Definition at line 1194 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

double vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterCursorPosition [protected]

Definition at line 1195 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

double vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::FrameBackgroundColor[3] [protected]

Definition at line 1197 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

double vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterCursorColor[3] [protected]

Definition at line 1198 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

double vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointColor[3] [protected]

Definition at line 1199 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

double vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SelectedPointColor[3] [protected]

Definition at line 1200 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

double vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointTextColor[3] [protected]

Definition at line 1201 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

double vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SelectedPointTextColor[3] [protected]

Definition at line 1202 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ComputePointColorFromValue [protected]

Definition at line 1203 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::InUserInteraction [protected]

Definition at line 1204 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointAddedCommand [protected]

Definition at line 1208 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointChangingCommand [protected]

Definition at line 1209 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointChangedCommand [protected]

Definition at line 1210 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointRemovedCommand [protected]

Definition at line 1211 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SelectionChangedCommand [protected]

Definition at line 1212 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::FunctionChangedCommand [protected]

Definition at line 1213 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::FunctionChangingCommand [protected]

Definition at line 1214 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::VisibleRangeChangedCommand [protected]

Definition at line 1215 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::VisibleRangeChangingCommand [protected]

Definition at line 1216 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterCursorMovingCommand [protected]

Definition at line 1217 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterCursorMovedCommand [protected]

Definition at line 1218 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::DoubleClickOnPointCommand [protected]

Definition at line 1219 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

vtkKWCanvas* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::Canvas [protected]

Definition at line 1240 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

vtkKWRange* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterRange [protected]

Definition at line 1241 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

vtkKWRange* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ValueRange [protected]

Definition at line 1242 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

vtkKWFrame* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::TopLeftContainer [protected]

Definition at line 1243 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

vtkKWFrame* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::TopLeftFrame [protected]

Definition at line 1244 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

vtkKWFrame* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::UserFrame [protected]

Definition at line 1245 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

vtkKWFrame* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::PointEntriesFrame [protected]

Definition at line 1246 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

vtkKWLabel* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::RangeLabel [protected]

Definition at line 1247 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

vtkKWEntryWithLabel* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterEntry [protected]

Definition at line 1248 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

vtkKWCanvas* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ValueTicksCanvas [protected]

Definition at line 1249 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

vtkKWCanvas* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ParameterTicksCanvas [protected]

Definition at line 1250 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

vtkKWCanvas* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::GuidelineValueCanvas [protected]

Definition at line 1251 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

vtkKWHistogram* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::Histogram [protected]

Definition at line 1255 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

vtkKWHistogram* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SecondaryHistogram [protected]

Definition at line 1256 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

vtkKWHistogram::ImageDescriptor* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::HistogramImageDescriptor [protected]

Definition at line 1258 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

vtkKWHistogram::ImageDescriptor* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SecondaryHistogramImageDescriptor [protected]

Definition at line 1259 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

double vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::HistogramColor[3] [protected]

Definition at line 1261 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

double vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SecondaryHistogramColor[3] [protected]

Definition at line 1262 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::ComputeHistogramColorFromValue [protected]

Definition at line 1263 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::HistogramStyle [protected]

Definition at line 1264 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SecondaryHistogramStyle [protected]

Definition at line 1265 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

unsigned long vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::LastHistogramBuildTime [protected]

Definition at line 1266 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::HistogramLogModeOptionMenuVisibility [protected]

Definition at line 1267 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

char* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::HistogramLogModeChangedCommand [protected]

Definition at line 1268 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

vtkKWMenuButton* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::HistogramLogModeOptionMenu [protected]

Definition at line 1270 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

Ranges vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::LastRanges [protected]

Definition at line 1383 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

unsigned long vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::LastRedrawFunctionTime [protected]

Definition at line 1384 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

double vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::DisplayedWholeParameterRange[2] [protected]

Definition at line 1387 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::LastSelectionCanvasCoordinateX [protected]

Definition at line 1397 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::LastSelectionCanvasCoordinateY [protected]

Definition at line 1398 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

int vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::LastConstrainedMove [protected]

Definition at line 1399 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

vtkCallbackCommand* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SynchronizeCallbackCommand [protected]

Definition at line 1427 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

vtkCallbackCommand* vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor::SynchronizeCallbackCommand2 [protected]

Definition at line 1428 of file vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Tue May 30 12:41:04 2006 for ParaView by doxygen 1.3.5