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vtkKWCoreWidget Class Reference

a core widget. More...

#include <vtkKWCoreWidget.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkKWCoreWidget:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkKWCoreWidget:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.


enum  { ConvertStringEscapeCurlyBraces = 1, ConvertStringEscapeInterpretable = 2 }
const char * ConvertTclStringToInternalString (const char *source, int options=0)
const char * ConvertInternalStringToTclString (const char *source, int options=0)

Public Member Functions

 vtkTypeRevisionMacro (vtkKWCoreWidget, vtkKWWidget)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void Create (vtkKWApplication *app)
virtual void GetBackgroundColor (double *r, double *g, double *b)
virtual double * GetBackgroundColor ()
virtual void SetBackgroundColor (double r, double g, double b)
virtual void SetBackgroundColor (double rgb[3])
virtual void GetForegroundColor (double *r, double *g, double *b)
virtual double * GetForegroundColor ()
virtual void SetForegroundColor (double r, double g, double b)
virtual void SetForegroundColor (double rgb[3])
virtual void SetHighlightThickness (int)
virtual int GetHighlightThickness ()
virtual void SetBorderWidth (int)
virtual int GetBorderWidth ()
virtual void SetRelief (int)
virtual int GetRelief ()
virtual void SetReliefToRaised ()
virtual void SetReliefToSunken ()
virtual void SetReliefToFlat ()
virtual void SetReliefToRidge ()
virtual void SetReliefToSolid ()
virtual void SetReliefToGroove ()
virtual void SetPadX (int)
virtual int GetPadX ()
virtual void SetPadY (int)
virtual int GetPadY ()
virtual int SetConfigurationOption (const char *option, const char *value)
virtual int HasConfigurationOption (const char *option)
virtual const char * GetConfigurationOption (const char *option)
virtual int GetConfigurationOptionAsInt (const char *option)
virtual int SetConfigurationOptionAsInt (const char *option, int value)
virtual double GetConfigurationOptionAsDouble (const char *option)
virtual int SetConfigurationOptionAsDouble (const char *option, double value)
virtual void GetConfigurationOptionAsColor (const char *option, double *r, double *g, double *b)
virtual double * GetConfigurationOptionAsColor (const char *option)
virtual void SetConfigurationOptionAsColor (const char *option, double r, double g, double b)
virtual void SetConfigurationOptionAsColor (const char *option, double rgb[3])
virtual void SetState (int)
virtual int GetState ()
virtual void SetStateToDisabled ()
virtual void SetStateToNormal ()
virtual void SetStateToReadOnly ()

Static Public Member Functions

vtkKWCoreWidgetNew ()

Protected Types

Protected Member Functions

 vtkKWCoreWidget ()
 ~vtkKWCoreWidget ()
virtual const char * GetType ()
virtual void SetTextOption (const char *option, const char *value)
virtual const char * GetTextOption (const char *option)

Detailed Description

a core widget.

A superclass for all core widgets, i.e. C++ wrappers around simple Tk widgets.

This work is part of the National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NAMIC), funded by the National Institutes of Health through the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research, Grant U54 EB005149. Information on the National Centers for Biomedical Computing can be obtained from

Definition at line 33 of file vtkKWCoreWidget.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum [protected]

Convert a Tcl string (stored internally as UTF-8/Unicode) to another internal format (given the widget's application CharacterEncoding), and vice-versa. The 'source' string is the source to convert. It returns a pointer to a static buffer where the converted string can be found (so be quick about it). The 'options' can be set to perform some replacements/escaping. ConvertStringEscapeInterpretable will attempt to escape all characters that can be interpreted (when found between a pair of quotes for example): $ [ ] " BTX

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 165 of file vtkKWCoreWidget.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkKWCoreWidget::vtkKWCoreWidget  )  [inline, protected]

Definition at line 150 of file vtkKWCoreWidget.h.

vtkKWCoreWidget::~vtkKWCoreWidget  )  [inline, protected]

Definition at line 151 of file vtkKWCoreWidget.h.

Member Function Documentation

vtkKWCoreWidget* vtkKWCoreWidget::New  )  [static]

Reimplemented from vtkKWWidget.

Reimplemented in vtkKWCanvas, vtkKWChangeColorButton, vtkKWCheckButton, vtkKWCheckButtonWithChangeColorButton, vtkKWCheckButtonWithPopupFrame, vtkKWColorPresetSelector, vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor, vtkKWComboBox, vtkKWCompositeWidget, vtkKWCornerAnnotationEditor, vtkKWDialog, vtkKWEntry, vtkKWExtent, vtkKWFrame, vtkKWFrameWithLabel, vtkKWFrameWithScrollbar, vtkKWHeaderAnnotationEditor, vtkKWHSVColorSelector, vtkKWLabel, vtkKWListBox, vtkKWListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor, vtkKWLoadSaveButton, vtkKWLoadSaveDialog, vtkKWMenu, vtkKWMenuButton, vtkKWMessage, vtkKWMessageDialog, vtkKWMultiColumnList, vtkKWNotebook, vtkKWPiecewiseFunctionEditor, vtkKWPopupButton, vtkKWPopupFrame, vtkKWPresetSelector, vtkKWProgressGauge, vtkKWPushButton, vtkKWPushButtonWithMenu, vtkKWRadioButton, vtkKWRadioButtonSet, vtkKWRange, vtkKWRenderWidget, vtkKWSaveImageDialog, vtkKWScalarBarAnnotation, vtkKWScalarComponentSelectionWidget, vtkKWScale, vtkKWScaleWithEntry, vtkKWScrollbar, vtkKWSegmentedProgressGauge, vtkKWSelectionFrame, vtkKWSelectionFrameLayoutManager, vtkKWSeparator, vtkKWSimpleAnimationWidget, vtkKWSimpleEntryDialog, vtkKWSpinBox, vtkKWSpinButtons, vtkKWSplashScreen, vtkKWSplitFrame, vtkKWSurfaceMaterialPropertyWidget, vtkKWTclInteractor, vtkKWText, vtkKWTextPropertyEditor, vtkKWThumbWheel, vtkKWTkcon, vtkKWToolbar, vtkKWToolbarSet, vtkKWTopLevel, vtkKWTree, vtkKWVolumeMaterialPropertyWidget, vtkKWVolumePropertyPresetSelector, vtkKWVolumePropertyWidget, vtkKWWidgetWithLabel, vtkKWWidgetWithSpinButtons, vtkKWWindow, vtkKWWindowBase, vtkKWWindowLevelPresetSelector, vtkKWCanvasWithScrollbars, vtkKWCheckButtonSet, vtkKWCheckButtonSetWithLabel, vtkKWCheckButtonWithLabel, vtkKWComboBoxSet, vtkKWComboBoxWithLabel, vtkKWEntrySet, vtkKWEntryWithLabel, vtkKWLabelSet, vtkKWLabelWithLabel, vtkKWLabelWithLabelSet, vtkKWListBoxWithScrollbars, vtkKWLoadSaveButtonWithLabel, vtkKWMenuButtonWithLabel, vtkKWMenuButtonWithSpinButtons, vtkKWMenuButtonWithSpinButtonsWithLabel, vtkKWMessageWithLabel, vtkKWMultiColumnListWithScrollbars, vtkKWPopupButtonWithLabel, vtkKWPushButtonSet, vtkKWPushButtonSetWithLabel, vtkKWPushButtonWithLabel, vtkKWRadioButtonSetWithLabel, vtkKWScaleSet, vtkKWScaleWithEntrySet, vtkKWScaleWithEntrySetWithLabel, vtkKWScaleWithLabel, vtkKWSpinBoxWithLabel, vtkKWTextWithLabel, vtkKWTextWithScrollbars, vtkKWTextWithScrollbarsWithLabel, vtkKWTreeWithScrollbars, vtkKWBoundsDisplay, vtkKWLookmark, vtkKWLookmarkFolder, vtkKWView, vtkPVActiveTrackSelector, vtkPVAdvancedReaderModule, vtkPVAnimationCue, vtkPVAnimationCueTree, vtkPVAnimationManager, vtkPVAnimationScene, vtkPVArrayMenu, vtkPVArraySelection, vtkPVAttributeEditor, vtkPVBasicDSPFilterWidget, vtkPVBooleanKeyFrame, vtkPVBoundsDisplay, vtkPVBoxWidget, vtkPVCalculatorWidget, vtkPVCameraAnimationCue, vtkPVCameraControl, vtkPVCameraIcon, vtkPVCameraKeyFrame, vtkPVCaveRenderModuleUI, vtkPVColorMap, vtkPVColorSelectionWidget, vtkPVComparativeVisDialog, vtkPVComparativeVisManagerGUI, vtkPVComparativeVisProgressDialog, vtkPVComparativeVisPropertyWidget, vtkPVCompositeRenderModuleUI, vtkPVConnectDialog, vtkPVContainerWidget, vtkPVContourEntry, vtkPVCornerAnnotationEditor, vtkPVCutEntry, vtkPVDataSetReaderModule, vtkPVDisplayGUI, vtkPVDReaderModule, vtkPVDummyWidget, vtkPVEnSightReaderModule, vtkPVErrorLogDisplay, vtkPVExponentialKeyFrame, vtkPVExtentEntry, vtkPVExtractDataSetsWidget, vtkPVExtractPartsWidget, vtkPVFieldMenu, vtkPVFileEntry, vtkPVGhostLevelDialog, vtkPVGroupInputsWidget, vtkPVHorizontalAnimationInterface, vtkPVIceTDesktopRenderModuleUI, vtkPVIceTRenderModuleUI, vtkPVImplicitPlaneWidget, vtkPVInformationGUI, vtkPVInputMenu, vtkPVInteractorStyleControl, vtkPVItemSelection, vtkPVLabeledToggle, vtkPVLineSourceWidget, vtkPVLineWidget, vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor, vtkPVLODRenderModuleUI, vtkPVLookmark, vtkPVLookmarkManager, vtkPVMinMax, vtkPVMPIRenderModuleUI, vtkPVMultiDisplayRenderModuleUI, vtkPVNavigationWindow, vtkPVOrientScaleWidget, vtkPVPick, vtkPVPickBoxWidget, vtkPVPickSphereWidget, vtkPVPLOT3DReaderModule, vtkPVPointSourceWidget, vtkPVPointWidget, vtkPVProbe, vtkPVRampKeyFrame, vtkPVRawReaderModule, vtkPVReaderModule, vtkPVRenderModuleUI, vtkPVRenderView, vtkPVSaveBatchScriptDialog, vtkPVScalarRangeLabel, vtkPVScale, vtkPVScaleFactorEntry, vtkPVSelectArrays, vtkPVSelectCustomReader, vtkPVSelectionList, vtkPVSelectTimeSet, vtkPVSelectWidget, vtkPVServerFileDialog, vtkPVSimpleAnimationCue, vtkPVSinusoidKeyFrame, vtkPVSource, vtkPVSourceList, vtkPVSourceNotebook, vtkPVSourcesNavigationWindow, vtkPVSphereWidget, vtkPVStringEntry, vtkPVTempTessellatorEntry, vtkPVTextPropertyEditor, vtkPVThumbWheel, vtkPVTimeLine, vtkPVTimerLogDisplay, vtkPVTracedWidget, vtkPVTraceFileDialog, vtkPVTrackEditor, vtkPVVCRControl, vtkPVVectorEntry, vtkPVVerticalAnimationInterface, vtkPVVolumeAppearanceEditor, vtkPVVolumePropertyWidget, vtkPVWindow, vtkPVXDMFParameters, and vtkXDMFReaderModule.

vtkKWCoreWidget::vtkTypeRevisionMacro vtkKWCoreWidget  ,

void vtkKWCoreWidget::PrintSelf ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent

Reimplemented from vtkKWWidget.

Reimplemented in vtkKWCanvas, vtkKWChangeColorButton, vtkKWCheckButton, vtkKWCheckButtonWithChangeColorButton, vtkKWCheckButtonWithPopupFrame, vtkKWColorPresetSelector, vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor, vtkKWComboBox, vtkKWCompositeWidget, vtkKWCornerAnnotationEditor, vtkKWDialog, vtkKWEntry, vtkKWExtent, vtkKWFrame, vtkKWFrameWithLabel, vtkKWFrameWithScrollbar, vtkKWHeaderAnnotationEditor, vtkKWHSVColorSelector, vtkKWLabel, vtkKWListBox, vtkKWListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor, vtkKWLoadSaveButton, vtkKWLoadSaveDialog, vtkKWMaterialPropertyWidget, vtkKWMenu, vtkKWMenuButton, vtkKWMessage, vtkKWMessageDialog, vtkKWMultiColumnList, vtkKWNotebook, vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor, vtkKWParameterValueFunctionInterface, vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor, vtkKWPiecewiseFunctionEditor, vtkKWPopupButton, vtkKWPopupFrame, vtkKWPresetSelector, vtkKWProgressGauge, vtkKWPushButton, vtkKWPushButtonWithMenu, vtkKWRadioButton, vtkKWRadioButtonSet, vtkKWRange, vtkKWRenderWidget, vtkKWSaveImageDialog, vtkKWScalarBarAnnotation, vtkKWScalarComponentSelectionWidget, vtkKWScale, vtkKWScaleWithEntry, vtkKWScrollbar, vtkKWSegmentedProgressGauge, vtkKWSelectionFrame, vtkKWSelectionFrameLayoutManager, vtkKWSeparator, vtkKWSimpleAnimationWidget, vtkKWSimpleEntryDialog, vtkKWSpinBox, vtkKWSpinButtons, vtkKWSplashScreen, vtkKWSplitFrame, vtkKWSurfaceMaterialPropertyWidget, vtkKWTclInteractor, vtkKWText, vtkKWTextPropertyEditor, vtkKWThumbWheel, vtkKWTkcon, vtkKWToolbar, vtkKWToolbarSet, vtkKWTopLevel, vtkKWTree, vtkKWVolumeMaterialPropertyWidget, vtkKWVolumePropertyPresetSelector, vtkKWVolumePropertyWidget, vtkKWWidgetSet, vtkKWWidgetWithLabel, vtkKWWidgetWithScrollbars, vtkKWWidgetWithSpinButtons, vtkKWWindow, vtkKWWindowBase, vtkKWWindowLevelPresetSelector, vtkKWCanvasWithScrollbars, vtkKWCheckButtonSet, vtkKWCheckButtonSetWithLabel, vtkKWCheckButtonWithLabel, vtkKWComboBoxSet, vtkKWComboBoxWithLabel, vtkKWEntrySet, vtkKWEntryWithLabel, vtkKWLabelSet, vtkKWLabelWithLabel, vtkKWLabelWithLabelSet, vtkKWListBoxWithScrollbars, vtkKWLoadSaveButtonWithLabel, vtkKWMenuButtonWithLabel, vtkKWMenuButtonWithSpinButtons, vtkKWMenuButtonWithSpinButtonsWithLabel, vtkKWMessageWithLabel, vtkKWMultiColumnListWithScrollbars, vtkKWPopupButtonWithLabel, vtkKWPushButtonSet, vtkKWPushButtonSetWithLabel, vtkKWPushButtonWithLabel, vtkKWRadioButtonSetWithLabel, vtkKWScaleSet, vtkKWScaleWithEntrySet, vtkKWScaleWithEntrySetWithLabel, vtkKWScaleWithLabel, vtkKWSpinBoxWithLabel, vtkKWTextWithLabel, vtkKWTextWithScrollbars, vtkKWTextWithScrollbarsWithLabel, vtkKWTreeWithScrollbars, vtkKWBoundsDisplay, vtkKWLookmark, vtkKWLookmarkFolder, vtkKWView, vtkPV3DWidget, vtkPVActiveTrackSelector, vtkPVAdvancedReaderModule, vtkPVAnimationCue, vtkPVAnimationCueTree, vtkPVAnimationManager, vtkPVAnimationScene, vtkPVArrayMenu, vtkPVArraySelection, vtkPVAttributeEditor, vtkPVBasicDSPFilterWidget, vtkPVBooleanKeyFrame, vtkPVBoundsDisplay, vtkPVBoxWidget, vtkPVCalculatorWidget, vtkPVCameraAnimationCue, vtkPVCameraControl, vtkPVCameraIcon, vtkPVCameraKeyFrame, vtkPVCaveRenderModuleUI, vtkPVColorMap, vtkPVColorSelectionWidget, vtkPVComparativeVisDialog, vtkPVComparativeVisManagerGUI, vtkPVComparativeVisProgressDialog, vtkPVComparativeVisPropertyWidget, vtkPVCompositeRenderModuleUI, vtkPVConnectDialog, vtkPVContainerWidget, vtkPVContourEntry, vtkPVCornerAnnotationEditor, vtkPVCutEntry, vtkPVDataSetReaderModule, vtkPVDisplayGUI, vtkPVDReaderModule, vtkPVDummyWidget, vtkPVEnSightReaderModule, vtkPVErrorLogDisplay, vtkPVExponentialKeyFrame, vtkPVExtentEntry, vtkPVExtractDataSetsWidget, vtkPVExtractPartsWidget, vtkPVFieldMenu, vtkPVFileEntry, vtkPVGhostLevelDialog, vtkPVGroupInputsWidget, vtkPVHorizontalAnimationInterface, vtkPVIceTDesktopRenderModuleUI, vtkPVIceTRenderModuleUI, vtkPVImplicitPlaneWidget, vtkPVInformationGUI, vtkPVInputMenu, vtkPVInteractorStyleControl, vtkPVItemSelection, vtkPVKeyFrame, vtkPVLabeledToggle, vtkPVLineSourceWidget, vtkPVLineWidget, vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor, vtkPVLODRenderModuleUI, vtkPVLookmark, vtkPVLookmarkManager, vtkPVMinMax, vtkPVMPIRenderModuleUI, vtkPVMultiDisplayRenderModuleUI, vtkPVNavigationWindow, vtkPVObjectWidget, vtkPVOrientScaleWidget, vtkPVPick, vtkPVPickBoxWidget, vtkPVPickSphereWidget, vtkPVPLOT3DReaderModule, vtkPVPointSourceWidget, vtkPVPointWidget, vtkPVProbe, vtkPVPropertyKeyFrame, vtkPVProxyKeyFrame, vtkPVRampKeyFrame, vtkPVRawReaderModule, vtkPVReaderModule, vtkPVRenderModuleUI, vtkPVRenderView, vtkPVSaveBatchScriptDialog, vtkPVScalarRangeLabel, vtkPVScale, vtkPVScaleFactorEntry, vtkPVSelectArrays, vtkPVSelectCustomReader, vtkPVSelectionList, vtkPVSelectTimeSet, vtkPVSelectWidget, vtkPVServerFileDialog, vtkPVSimpleAnimationCue, vtkPVSinusoidKeyFrame, vtkPVSource, vtkPVSourceList, vtkPVSourceNotebook, vtkPVSourcesNavigationWindow, vtkPVSphereWidget, vtkPVStringEntry, vtkPVTempTessellatorEntry, vtkPVTextPropertyEditor, vtkPVThumbWheel, vtkPVTimeLine, vtkPVTimerLogDisplay, vtkPVTracedWidget, vtkPVTraceFileDialog, vtkPVTrackEditor, vtkPVValueList, vtkPVVCRControl, vtkPVVectorEntry, vtkPVVerticalAnimationInterface, vtkPVVolumeAppearanceEditor, vtkPVVolumePropertyWidget, vtkPVWidget, vtkPVWindow, vtkPVXDMFParameters, and vtkXDMFReaderModule.

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::Create vtkKWApplication app  )  [virtual]

Create the widget.

Reimplemented from vtkKWWidget.

Reimplemented in vtkKWCanvas, vtkKWChangeColorButton, vtkKWCheckButton, vtkKWCheckButtonWithChangeColorButton, vtkKWCheckButtonWithPopupFrame, vtkKWColorPresetSelector, vtkKWColorTransferFunctionEditor, vtkKWComboBox, vtkKWCompositeWidget, vtkKWCornerAnnotationEditor, vtkKWDialog, vtkKWEntry, vtkKWExtent, vtkKWFrame, vtkKWFrameWithLabel, vtkKWFrameWithScrollbar, vtkKWHeaderAnnotationEditor, vtkKWHSVColorSelector, vtkKWLabel, vtkKWListBox, vtkKWListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor, vtkKWLoadSaveButton, vtkKWLoadSaveDialog, vtkKWMaterialPropertyWidget, vtkKWMenu, vtkKWMenuButton, vtkKWMessage, vtkKWMessageDialog, vtkKWMultiColumnList, vtkKWNotebook, vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor, vtkKWParameterValueFunctionInterface, vtkKWParameterValueHermiteFunctionEditor, vtkKWPiecewiseFunctionEditor, vtkKWPopupButton, vtkKWPopupFrame, vtkKWPresetSelector, vtkKWProgressGauge, vtkKWPushButton, vtkKWPushButtonWithMenu, vtkKWRadioButton, vtkKWRange, vtkKWRenderWidget, vtkKWSaveImageDialog, vtkKWScalarBarAnnotation, vtkKWScalarComponentSelectionWidget, vtkKWScale, vtkKWScaleWithEntry, vtkKWScrollbar, vtkKWSegmentedProgressGauge, vtkKWSelectionFrame, vtkKWSelectionFrameLayoutManager, vtkKWSeparator, vtkKWSimpleAnimationWidget, vtkKWSimpleEntryDialog, vtkKWSpinBox, vtkKWSpinButtons, vtkKWSplashScreen, vtkKWSplitFrame, vtkKWTclInteractor, vtkKWText, vtkKWTextPropertyEditor, vtkKWThumbWheel, vtkKWTkcon, vtkKWToolbar, vtkKWToolbarSet, vtkKWTopLevel, vtkKWTree, vtkKWVolumeMaterialPropertyWidget, vtkKWVolumePropertyWidget, vtkKWWidgetSet, vtkKWWidgetWithLabel, vtkKWWidgetWithScrollbars, vtkKWWidgetWithSpinButtons, vtkKWWindow, vtkKWWindowBase, vtkKWCanvasWithScrollbars, vtkKWCheckButtonSetWithLabel, vtkKWCheckButtonWithLabel, vtkKWComboBoxWithLabel, vtkKWEntryWithLabel, vtkKWLabelWithLabel, vtkKWListBoxWithScrollbars, vtkKWLoadSaveButtonWithLabel, vtkKWMenuButtonWithLabel, vtkKWMenuButtonWithSpinButtons, vtkKWMenuButtonWithSpinButtonsWithLabel, vtkKWMessageWithLabel, vtkKWMultiColumnListWithScrollbars, vtkKWPopupButtonWithLabel, vtkKWPushButtonSetWithLabel, vtkKWPushButtonWithLabel, vtkKWRadioButtonSetWithLabel, vtkKWScaleWithEntrySetWithLabel, vtkKWScaleWithLabel, vtkKWSpinBoxWithLabel, vtkKWTextWithLabel, vtkKWTextWithScrollbars, vtkKWTextWithScrollbarsWithLabel, vtkKWTreeWithScrollbars, vtkKWBoundsDisplay, vtkKWLookmark, vtkKWLookmarkFolder, vtkPV3DWidget, vtkPVActiveTrackSelector, vtkPVAnimationCue, vtkPVAnimationCueTree, vtkPVAnimationManager, vtkPVAnimationScene, vtkPVArrayMenu, vtkPVArraySelection, vtkPVBasicDSPFilterWidget, vtkPVBoundsDisplay, vtkPVBoxWidget, vtkPVCalculatorWidget, vtkPVCameraControl, vtkPVCameraIcon, vtkPVColorMap, vtkPVComparativeVisDialog, vtkPVComparativeVisManagerGUI, vtkPVComparativeVisProgressDialog, vtkPVComparativeVisPropertyWidget, vtkPVCompositeRenderModuleUI, vtkPVConnectDialog, vtkPVContainerWidget, vtkPVDisplayGUI, vtkPVDummyWidget, vtkPVErrorLogDisplay, vtkPVExtentEntry, vtkPVExtractDataSetsWidget, vtkPVExtractPartsWidget, vtkPVFieldMenu, vtkPVFileEntry, vtkPVGhostLevelDialog, vtkPVGroupInputsWidget, vtkPVHorizontalAnimationInterface, vtkPVIceTDesktopRenderModuleUI, vtkPVIceTRenderModuleUI, vtkPVImplicitPlaneWidget, vtkPVInformationGUI, vtkPVInputMenu, vtkPVInteractorStyleControl, vtkPVItemSelection, vtkPVKeyFrame, vtkPVLabeledToggle, vtkPVLineSourceWidget, vtkPVLineWidget, vtkPVLODRenderModuleUI, vtkPVLookmarkManager, vtkPVMinMax, vtkPVMultiDisplayRenderModuleUI, vtkPVOrientScaleWidget, vtkPVPointSourceWidget, vtkPVPointWidget, vtkPVRenderModuleUI, vtkPVRenderView, vtkPVSaveBatchScriptDialog, vtkPVScalarRangeLabel, vtkPVScale, vtkPVSelectArrays, vtkPVSelectionList, vtkPVSelectTimeSet, vtkPVSelectWidget, vtkPVServerFileDialog, vtkPVSimpleAnimationCue, vtkPVSourceNotebook, vtkPVSourcesNavigationWindow, vtkPVSphereWidget, vtkPVStringEntry, vtkPVTempTessellatorEntry, vtkPVThumbWheel, vtkPVTimeLine, vtkPVTimerLogDisplay, vtkPVTraceFileDialog, vtkPVTrackEditor, vtkPVValueList, vtkPVVCRControl, vtkPVVectorEntry, vtkPVVerticalAnimationInterface, vtkPVVolumeAppearanceEditor, vtkPVWidget, vtkPVWindow, and vtkPVXDMFParameters.

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::GetBackgroundColor double *  r,
double *  g,
double *  b

Convenience method to Set/Get the current background and foreground colors of the widget

virtual double* vtkKWCoreWidget::GetBackgroundColor  )  [virtual]

Convenience method to Set/Get the current background and foreground colors of the widget

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::SetBackgroundColor double  r,
double  g,
double  b

Convenience method to Set/Get the current background and foreground colors of the widget

Reimplemented in vtkKWMultiColumnList, and vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.

Referenced by vtkKWMultiColumnList::SetBackgroundColor().

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::SetBackgroundColor double  rgb[3]  )  [inline, virtual]

Convenience method to Set/Get the current background and foreground colors of the widget

Reimplemented in vtkKWMultiColumnList, and vtkKWParameterValueFunctionEditor.

Definition at line 49 of file vtkKWCoreWidget.h.

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::GetForegroundColor double *  r,
double *  g,
double *  b

Convenience method to Set/Get the current background and foreground colors of the widget

virtual double* vtkKWCoreWidget::GetForegroundColor  )  [virtual]

Convenience method to Set/Get the current background and foreground colors of the widget

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::SetForegroundColor double  r,
double  g,
double  b

Convenience method to Set/Get the current background and foreground colors of the widget

Reimplemented in vtkKWMultiColumnList.

Referenced by vtkKWMultiColumnList::SetForegroundColor().

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::SetForegroundColor double  rgb[3]  )  [inline, virtual]

Convenience method to Set/Get the current background and foreground colors of the widget

Reimplemented in vtkKWMultiColumnList.

Definition at line 54 of file vtkKWCoreWidget.h.

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::SetHighlightThickness int   )  [virtual]

Set/get the highlight thickness, a non-negative value indicating the width of the highlight rectangle to draw around the outside of the widget when it has the input focus.

virtual int vtkKWCoreWidget::GetHighlightThickness  )  [virtual]

Set/get the highlight thickness, a non-negative value indicating the width of the highlight rectangle to draw around the outside of the widget when it has the input focus.

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::SetBorderWidth int   )  [virtual]

Set/get the border width, a non-negative value indicating the width of the 3-D border to draw around the outside of the widget (if such a border is being drawn; the Relief option typically determines this).

virtual int vtkKWCoreWidget::GetBorderWidth  )  [virtual]

Set/get the border width, a non-negative value indicating the width of the 3-D border to draw around the outside of the widget (if such a border is being drawn; the Relief option typically determines this).

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::SetRelief int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the 3-D effect desired for the widget. The value indicates how the interior of the widget should appear relative to its exterior. Valid constants can be found in vtkKWTkOptions::ReliefType.

virtual int vtkKWCoreWidget::GetRelief  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the 3-D effect desired for the widget. The value indicates how the interior of the widget should appear relative to its exterior. Valid constants can be found in vtkKWTkOptions::ReliefType.

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::SetReliefToRaised  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the 3-D effect desired for the widget. The value indicates how the interior of the widget should appear relative to its exterior. Valid constants can be found in vtkKWTkOptions::ReliefType.

Definition at line 80 of file vtkKWCoreWidget.h.

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::SetReliefToSunken  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the 3-D effect desired for the widget. The value indicates how the interior of the widget should appear relative to its exterior. Valid constants can be found in vtkKWTkOptions::ReliefType.

Definition at line 82 of file vtkKWCoreWidget.h.

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::SetReliefToFlat  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the 3-D effect desired for the widget. The value indicates how the interior of the widget should appear relative to its exterior. Valid constants can be found in vtkKWTkOptions::ReliefType.

Definition at line 84 of file vtkKWCoreWidget.h.

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::SetReliefToRidge  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the 3-D effect desired for the widget. The value indicates how the interior of the widget should appear relative to its exterior. Valid constants can be found in vtkKWTkOptions::ReliefType.

Definition at line 86 of file vtkKWCoreWidget.h.

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::SetReliefToSolid  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the 3-D effect desired for the widget. The value indicates how the interior of the widget should appear relative to its exterior. Valid constants can be found in vtkKWTkOptions::ReliefType.

Definition at line 88 of file vtkKWCoreWidget.h.

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::SetReliefToGroove  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get the 3-D effect desired for the widget. The value indicates how the interior of the widget should appear relative to its exterior. Valid constants can be found in vtkKWTkOptions::ReliefType.

Definition at line 90 of file vtkKWCoreWidget.h.

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::SetPadX int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the padding that will be applied around each widget (in pixels). Specifies a non-negative value indicating how much extra space to request for the widget in the X and Y-direction. When computing how large a window it needs, the widget will add this amount to the width it would normally need (as determined by the width of the things displayed in the widget); if the geometry manager can satisfy this request, the widget will end up with extra internal space around what it displays inside.

virtual int vtkKWCoreWidget::GetPadX  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the padding that will be applied around each widget (in pixels). Specifies a non-negative value indicating how much extra space to request for the widget in the X and Y-direction. When computing how large a window it needs, the widget will add this amount to the width it would normally need (as determined by the width of the things displayed in the widget); if the geometry manager can satisfy this request, the widget will end up with extra internal space around what it displays inside.

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::SetPadY int   )  [virtual]

Set/Get the padding that will be applied around each widget (in pixels). Specifies a non-negative value indicating how much extra space to request for the widget in the X and Y-direction. When computing how large a window it needs, the widget will add this amount to the width it would normally need (as determined by the width of the things displayed in the widget); if the geometry manager can satisfy this request, the widget will end up with extra internal space around what it displays inside.

virtual int vtkKWCoreWidget::GetPadY  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the padding that will be applied around each widget (in pixels). Specifies a non-negative value indicating how much extra space to request for the widget in the X and Y-direction. When computing how large a window it needs, the widget will add this amount to the width it would normally need (as determined by the width of the things displayed in the widget); if the geometry manager can satisfy this request, the widget will end up with extra internal space around what it displays inside.

virtual int vtkKWCoreWidget::SetConfigurationOption const char *  option,
const char *  value

Set/Get a Tk configuration option (ex: "-bg") Please make sure you check the class (and subclasses) API for a C++ method acting as a front-end for the corresponding Tk option. For example, the SetBackgroundColor() method should be used to set the corresponding -bg Tk option. Note that SetConfigurationOption will enclose the value inside curly braces {} as a convenience. SetConfigurationOption returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

virtual int vtkKWCoreWidget::HasConfigurationOption const char *  option  )  [virtual]

Set/Get a Tk configuration option (ex: "-bg") Please make sure you check the class (and subclasses) API for a C++ method acting as a front-end for the corresponding Tk option. For example, the SetBackgroundColor() method should be used to set the corresponding -bg Tk option. Note that SetConfigurationOption will enclose the value inside curly braces {} as a convenience. SetConfigurationOption returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

virtual const char* vtkKWCoreWidget::GetConfigurationOption const char *  option  )  [virtual]

Set/Get a Tk configuration option (ex: "-bg") Please make sure you check the class (and subclasses) API for a C++ method acting as a front-end for the corresponding Tk option. For example, the SetBackgroundColor() method should be used to set the corresponding -bg Tk option. Note that SetConfigurationOption will enclose the value inside curly braces {} as a convenience. SetConfigurationOption returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

virtual int vtkKWCoreWidget::GetConfigurationOptionAsInt const char *  option  )  [virtual]

Set/Get a Tk configuration option (ex: "-bg") Please make sure you check the class (and subclasses) API for a C++ method acting as a front-end for the corresponding Tk option. For example, the SetBackgroundColor() method should be used to set the corresponding -bg Tk option. Note that SetConfigurationOption will enclose the value inside curly braces {} as a convenience. SetConfigurationOption returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

virtual int vtkKWCoreWidget::SetConfigurationOptionAsInt const char *  option,
int  value

Set/Get a Tk configuration option (ex: "-bg") Please make sure you check the class (and subclasses) API for a C++ method acting as a front-end for the corresponding Tk option. For example, the SetBackgroundColor() method should be used to set the corresponding -bg Tk option. Note that SetConfigurationOption will enclose the value inside curly braces {} as a convenience. SetConfigurationOption returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

virtual double vtkKWCoreWidget::GetConfigurationOptionAsDouble const char *  option  )  [virtual]

Set/Get a Tk configuration option (ex: "-bg") Please make sure you check the class (and subclasses) API for a C++ method acting as a front-end for the corresponding Tk option. For example, the SetBackgroundColor() method should be used to set the corresponding -bg Tk option. Note that SetConfigurationOption will enclose the value inside curly braces {} as a convenience. SetConfigurationOption returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

virtual int vtkKWCoreWidget::SetConfigurationOptionAsDouble const char *  option,
double  value

Set/Get a Tk configuration option (ex: "-bg") Please make sure you check the class (and subclasses) API for a C++ method acting as a front-end for the corresponding Tk option. For example, the SetBackgroundColor() method should be used to set the corresponding -bg Tk option. Note that SetConfigurationOption will enclose the value inside curly braces {} as a convenience. SetConfigurationOption returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::GetConfigurationOptionAsColor const char *  option,
double *  r,
double *  g,
double *  b

Set/Get a Tk configuration option (ex: "-bg") Please make sure you check the class (and subclasses) API for a C++ method acting as a front-end for the corresponding Tk option. For example, the SetBackgroundColor() method should be used to set the corresponding -bg Tk option. Note that SetConfigurationOption will enclose the value inside curly braces {} as a convenience. SetConfigurationOption returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

virtual double* vtkKWCoreWidget::GetConfigurationOptionAsColor const char *  option  )  [virtual]

Set/Get a Tk configuration option (ex: "-bg") Please make sure you check the class (and subclasses) API for a C++ method acting as a front-end for the corresponding Tk option. For example, the SetBackgroundColor() method should be used to set the corresponding -bg Tk option. Note that SetConfigurationOption will enclose the value inside curly braces {} as a convenience. SetConfigurationOption returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::SetConfigurationOptionAsColor const char *  option,
double  r,
double  g,
double  b

Set/Get a Tk configuration option (ex: "-bg") Please make sure you check the class (and subclasses) API for a C++ method acting as a front-end for the corresponding Tk option. For example, the SetBackgroundColor() method should be used to set the corresponding -bg Tk option. Note that SetConfigurationOption will enclose the value inside curly braces {} as a convenience. SetConfigurationOption returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::SetConfigurationOptionAsColor const char *  option,
double  rgb[3]
[inline, virtual]

Set/Get a Tk configuration option (ex: "-bg") Please make sure you check the class (and subclasses) API for a C++ method acting as a front-end for the corresponding Tk option. For example, the SetBackgroundColor() method should be used to set the corresponding -bg Tk option. Note that SetConfigurationOption will enclose the value inside curly braces {} as a convenience. SetConfigurationOption returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

Definition at line 129 of file vtkKWCoreWidget.h.

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::SetState int   )  [virtual]

Convenience method to Set/Get the -state option to "normal" (1) or "disabled" (0) or "readonly" (2, if supported). Valid constants can be found in vtkKWTkOptions::StateType. This should not be used directly, this is done by SetEnabled()/UpdateEnableState(). TODO: should be in protected:

Reimplemented in vtkKWMenu.

virtual int vtkKWCoreWidget::GetState  )  [virtual]

Convenience method to Set/Get the -state option to "normal" (1) or "disabled" (0) or "readonly" (2, if supported). Valid constants can be found in vtkKWTkOptions::StateType. This should not be used directly, this is done by SetEnabled()/UpdateEnableState(). TODO: should be in protected:

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::SetStateToDisabled  )  [inline, virtual]

Convenience method to Set/Get the -state option to "normal" (1) or "disabled" (0) or "readonly" (2, if supported). Valid constants can be found in vtkKWTkOptions::StateType. This should not be used directly, this is done by SetEnabled()/UpdateEnableState(). TODO: should be in protected:

Definition at line 141 of file vtkKWCoreWidget.h.

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::SetStateToNormal  )  [inline, virtual]

Convenience method to Set/Get the -state option to "normal" (1) or "disabled" (0) or "readonly" (2, if supported). Valid constants can be found in vtkKWTkOptions::StateType. This should not be used directly, this is done by SetEnabled()/UpdateEnableState(). TODO: should be in protected:

Definition at line 143 of file vtkKWCoreWidget.h.

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::SetStateToReadOnly  )  [inline, virtual]

Convenience method to Set/Get the -state option to "normal" (1) or "disabled" (0) or "readonly" (2, if supported). Valid constants can be found in vtkKWTkOptions::StateType. This should not be used directly, this is done by SetEnabled()/UpdateEnableState(). TODO: should be in protected:

Definition at line 145 of file vtkKWCoreWidget.h.

virtual const char* vtkKWCoreWidget::GetType  )  [protected, virtual]

Get the Tk string type of the widget.

const char* vtkKWCoreWidget::ConvertTclStringToInternalString const char *  source,
int  options = 0

Convert a Tcl string (stored internally as UTF-8/Unicode) to another internal format (given the widget's application CharacterEncoding), and vice-versa. The 'source' string is the source to convert. It returns a pointer to a static buffer where the converted string can be found (so be quick about it). The 'options' can be set to perform some replacements/escaping. ConvertStringEscapeInterpretable will attempt to escape all characters that can be interpreted (when found between a pair of quotes for example): $ [ ] " BTX

const char* vtkKWCoreWidget::ConvertInternalStringToTclString const char *  source,
int  options = 0

Convert a Tcl string (stored internally as UTF-8/Unicode) to another internal format (given the widget's application CharacterEncoding), and vice-versa. The 'source' string is the source to convert. It returns a pointer to a static buffer where the converted string can be found (so be quick about it). The 'options' can be set to perform some replacements/escaping. ConvertStringEscapeInterpretable will attempt to escape all characters that can be interpreted (when found between a pair of quotes for example): $ [ ] " BTX

virtual void vtkKWCoreWidget::SetTextOption const char *  option,
const char *  value
[protected, virtual]

Set/Get a textual Tk configuration option (ex: "-bg") This should be used instead of SetConfigurationOption as it performs various characted encoding and escaping tricks. The characted encoding used in the string will be retrieved by querying the widget's application CharacterEncoding ivar. Conversion from that encoding to Tk internal encoding will be performed automatically.

virtual const char* vtkKWCoreWidget::GetTextOption const char *  option  )  [protected, virtual]

Set/Get a textual Tk configuration option (ex: "-bg") This should be used instead of SetConfigurationOption as it performs various characted encoding and escaping tricks. The characted encoding used in the string will be retrieved by querying the widget's application CharacterEncoding ivar. Conversion from that encoding to Tk internal encoding will be performed automatically.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Tue May 30 12:37:13 2006 for ParaView by doxygen 1.3.5