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vtkPVInteractorStyleControl Class Reference

a control widget for manipulators More...

#include <vtkPVInteractorStyleControl.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkPVInteractorStyleControl:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkPVInteractorStyleControl:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 vtkTypeRevisionMacro (vtkPVInteractorStyleControl, vtkPVTracedWidget)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void Create (vtkKWApplication *app)
void AddManipulator (const char *, vtkPVCameraManipulator *)
void UpdateMenus ()
void SetLabel (const char *)
vtkPVWidgetGetWidget (const char *name)
void ExecuteEvent (vtkObject *wdg, unsigned long event, void *calldata)
virtual void SaveState (ofstream *file)
virtual void UpdateEnableState ()
virtual vtkKWFrameWithLabelGetLabeledFrame ()
int SetManipulator (int pos, const char *)
vtkPVCameraManipulatorGetManipulator (int pos)
vtkPVCameraManipulatorGetManipulator (const char *name)
void SetCurrentManipulator (int pos, const char *)
void SetCurrentManipulator (int mouse, int key, const char *)
void SetManipulatorCollection (vtkCollection *)
virtual vtkCollection * GetManipulatorCollection ()
virtual void SetDefaultManipulator (const char *)
virtual char * GetDefaultManipulator ()
void ReadRegistry ()
void StoreRegistry ()
virtual void SetRegistryName (const char *)
virtual char * GetRegistryName ()
void AddArgument (const char *name, const char *manipulator, vtkPVWidget *widget)
void ChangeArgument (const char *name, const char *widget)
void ResetWidget (vtkPVCameraManipulator *, const char *name)
virtual vtkPVCameraManipulatorGetCurrentManipulator ()

Static Public Member Functions

vtkPVInteractorStyleControlNew ()

Protected Member Functions

 vtkPVInteractorStyleControl ()
 ~vtkPVInteractorStyleControl ()

Protected Attributes

vtkKWLabelLabels [6]
vtkKWMenuButtonMenus [9]
vtkPVInteractorStyleControlCmd * Observer
int InEvent
vtkCollection * ManipulatorCollection
char * DefaultManipulator
char * RegistryName
vtkPVInteractorStyleControlInternal * Internals

Detailed Description

a control widget for manipulators

This widget defines a user interface for controlling interactor style. It defines nine menus for different button and keyboard combinations and bind a manipulator for each one of them. It also provides a simple user interface for some manipulators.

Definition at line 42 of file vtkPVInteractorStyleControl.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::vtkPVInteractorStyleControl  )  [protected]

vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::~vtkPVInteractorStyleControl  )  [protected]

Member Function Documentation

vtkPVInteractorStyleControl* vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::New  )  [static]

Reimplemented from vtkPVTracedWidget.

vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::vtkTypeRevisionMacro vtkPVInteractorStyleControl  ,

void vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::PrintSelf ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent

Reimplemented from vtkPVTracedWidget.

virtual void vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::Create vtkKWApplication app  )  [virtual]

Create the widget.

Reimplemented from vtkKWCompositeWidget.

virtual vtkKWFrameWithLabel* vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::GetLabeledFrame  )  [virtual]

Get the vtkKWWidget for the internal frame.

void vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::AddManipulator const char *  ,

Add manipulator to the list of manipulators.

void vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::UpdateMenus  ) 

Update menus after adding manipulators.

void vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::SetLabel const char *   ) 

Set label of the control widget.

int vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::SetManipulator int  pos,
const char * 

Set the specific manipulator for a mouse button and key combination.

vtkPVCameraManipulator* vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::GetManipulator int  pos  ) 

Set the specific manipulator for a mouse button and key combination.

vtkPVCameraManipulator* vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::GetManipulator const char *  name  ) 

Set the specific manipulator for a mouse button and key combination.

void vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::SetCurrentManipulator int  pos,
const char * 

Set the current manipulator to the specified one for the mouse button and keypress combination.

void vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::SetCurrentManipulator int  mouse,
int  key,
const char * 

Set the current manipulator to the specified one for the mouse button and keypress combination.

void vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::SetManipulatorCollection vtkCollection *   ) 

In order for manipulators to work, you have to set them on the window. This method sets the window.

virtual vtkCollection* vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::GetManipulatorCollection  )  [virtual]

In order for manipulators to work, you have to set them on the window. This method sets the window.

virtual void vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::SetDefaultManipulator const char *   )  [virtual]

Set or get the default manipulator. The default manipulator is the one that is present in menus (after UpdateMenus) which do not have any manipulator set.

virtual char* vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::GetDefaultManipulator  )  [virtual]

Set or get the default manipulator. The default manipulator is the one that is present in menus (after UpdateMenus) which do not have any manipulator set.

void vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::ReadRegistry  ) 

Read and store information to the registry.

void vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::StoreRegistry  ) 

Read and store information to the registry.

virtual void vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::SetRegistryName const char *   )  [virtual]

Type or name of manipulator is used for storing in the registry.

virtual char* vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::GetRegistryName  )  [virtual]

Type or name of manipulator is used for storing in the registry.

void vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::AddArgument const char *  name,
const char *  manipulator,
vtkPVWidget widget

Add argument that can be modified for specific manipulator.

void vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::ChangeArgument const char *  name,
const char *  widget

Callback for widget to call when user modifies UI.

void vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::ResetWidget vtkPVCameraManipulator ,
const char *  name

Callback for widget to call when user modifies UI.

vtkPVWidget* vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::GetWidget const char *  name  ) 

Get a widget by name

virtual vtkPVCameraManipulator* vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::GetCurrentManipulator  )  [virtual]

This is hack to convert the current manipulator to Tcl variable.

void vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::ExecuteEvent vtkObject *  wdg,
unsigned long  event,
void *  calldata

This method is called when one of the manipulator is modified.

virtual void vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::SaveState ofstream *  file  )  [virtual]

Export the state of the interactor style to a file.

virtual void vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::UpdateEnableState  )  [virtual]

Update the "enable" state of the object and its internal parts. Depending on different Ivars (this->Enabled, the application's Limited Edition Mode, etc.), the "enable" state of the object is updated and propagated to its internal parts/subwidgets. This will, for example, enable/disable parts of the widget UI, enable/disable the visibility of 3D widgets, etc.

Reimplemented from vtkKWWidget.

Member Data Documentation

vtkKWFrameWithLabel* vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::LabeledFrame [protected]

Definition at line 147 of file vtkPVInteractorStyleControl.h.

vtkKWFrame* vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::OuterFrame [protected]

Definition at line 148 of file vtkPVInteractorStyleControl.h.

vtkKWLabel* vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::Labels[6] [protected]

Definition at line 149 of file vtkPVInteractorStyleControl.h.

vtkKWMenuButton* vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::Menus[9] [protected]

Definition at line 150 of file vtkPVInteractorStyleControl.h.

vtkKWFrame* vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::ArgumentsFrame [protected]

Definition at line 151 of file vtkPVInteractorStyleControl.h.

vtkPVInteractorStyleControlCmd* vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::Observer [protected]

Definition at line 153 of file vtkPVInteractorStyleControl.h.

int vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::InEvent [protected]

Definition at line 155 of file vtkPVInteractorStyleControl.h.

vtkCollection* vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::ManipulatorCollection [protected]

Definition at line 157 of file vtkPVInteractorStyleControl.h.

char* vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::DefaultManipulator [protected]

Definition at line 158 of file vtkPVInteractorStyleControl.h.

char* vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::RegistryName [protected]

Definition at line 159 of file vtkPVInteractorStyleControl.h.

vtkPVCameraManipulator* vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::CurrentManipulator [protected]

Definition at line 162 of file vtkPVInteractorStyleControl.h.

vtkPVInteractorStyleControlInternal* vtkPVInteractorStyleControl::Internals [protected]

PIMPL Encapsulation for STL containers

Reimplemented from vtkKWWidget.

Definition at line 164 of file vtkPVInteractorStyleControl.h.

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