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vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor Class Reference

provides API to add a set of strings at once. More...

#include <vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 vtkTypeRevisionMacro (vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor, vtkKWListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
void SetSourceList (vtkStringList *list, int force=0)
void SetFinalList (vtkStringList *list, int force=0)

Static Public Member Functions

vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditorNew ()

Protected Member Functions

 vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor ()
 ~vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor ()
void SetList (vtkStringList *list, vtkKWListBox *toAdd, vtkKWListBox *toComp, int force)
virtual void MoveWholeList (vtkKWListBox *l1, vtkKWListBox *l2)

Detailed Description

provides API to add a set of strings at once.

vtkKWListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor uses AppendUnique() and like which is very expensive for addition/moving of items from one list to other. This class overcomes that by allowing caller to set the entire lists and checking for mutual exclusions using stl sets. Hence, is much better suited for use in vtkPVFileEntry where there could easily be large number of files.

Definition at line 33 of file vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor::vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor  )  [protected]

vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor::~vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor  )  [protected]

Member Function Documentation

vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor* vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor::New  )  [static]

Reimplemented from vtkKWListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor.

vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor::vtkTypeRevisionMacro vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor  ,

void vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor::PrintSelf ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent

Reimplemented from vtkKWListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor.

void vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor::SetSourceList vtkStringList list,
int  force = 0

Set the source list. Clears any items already present in the list. If force==0, then only those items not in the final list are added. If force==1, then all items in list are added however, those also present in final list are removed from the final list.

void vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor::SetFinalList vtkStringList list,
int  force = 0

Set the final list. Clears any items already present in the list. If force==0, then only those items not in the source list are added. If force==1, then all items in list are added however, those also present in source list are removed from the source list.

void vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor::SetList vtkStringList list,
vtkKWListBox toAdd,
vtkKWListBox toComp,
int  force

virtual void vtkPVListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor::MoveWholeList vtkKWListBox l1,
vtkKWListBox l2
[protected, virtual]

Overridden to overcome use of vtkKWListBox::AppendUnique().

Reimplemented from vtkKWListBoxToListBoxSelectionEditor.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Tue May 30 12:39:53 2006 for ParaView by doxygen 1.3.5