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vtkKWWindow Class Reference

a window superclass which holds splittable panels. More...

#include <vtkKWWindow.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkKWWindow:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkKWWindow:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.


enum  { PanelLayoutSecondaryBelowView = 0, PanelLayoutSecondaryBelowMain, PanelLayoutSecondaryBelowMainAndView }
virtual void SetPanelLayout (int)
virtual int GetPanelLayout ()
virtual void SetPanelLayoutToSecondaryBelowView ()
virtual void SetPanelLayoutToSecondaryBelowMain ()
virtual void SetPanelLayoutToSecondaryBelowMainAndView ()


enum  { ViewPanelPositionLeft = 0, ViewPanelPositionRight }
virtual void SetViewPanelPosition (int)
virtual int GetViewPanelPosition ()
virtual void SetViewPanelPositionToLeft ()
virtual void SetViewPanelPositionToRight ()


enum  {
  StatusFramePositionWindow = 0, StatusFramePositionMainPanel, StatusFramePositionSecondaryPanel, StatusFramePositionViewPanel,
  StatusFramePositionLeftOfDivider, StatusFramePositionRightOfDivider
virtual int GetStatusFramePosition ()
virtual void SetStatusFramePosition (int)
virtual void SetStatusFramePositionToWindow ()
virtual void SetStatusFramePositionToMainPanel ()
virtual void SetStatusFramePositionToSecondaryPanel ()
virtual void SetStatusFramePositionToViewPanel ()
virtual void SetStatusFramePositionToLeftOfDivider ()
virtual void SetStatusFramePositionToRightOfDivider ()

Public Types

Public Member Functions

 vtkTypeRevisionMacro (vtkKWWindow, vtkKWWindowBase)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void Create (vtkKWApplication *app)
virtual vtkKWFrameGetViewFrame ()
virtual vtkKWToolbarSetGetSecondaryToolbarSet ()
virtual void Render ()
virtual void Update ()
virtual void UpdateToolbarState ()
virtual void PrepareForDelete ()
virtual vtkKWFrameGetMainPanelFrame ()
virtual int GetMainPanelVisibility ()
virtual void SetMainPanelVisibility (int)
virtual void MainPanelVisibilityOn ()
virtual void MainPanelVisibilityOff ()
virtual vtkKWNotebookGetMainNotebook ()
virtual int HasMainUserInterfaceManager ()
virtual vtkKWUserInterfaceManagerGetMainUserInterfaceManager ()
virtual void ShowMainUserInterface (const char *name)
virtual vtkKWFrameGetSecondaryPanelFrame ()
virtual int GetSecondaryPanelVisibility ()
virtual void SetSecondaryPanelVisibility (int)
virtual void SecondaryPanelVisibilityOn ()
virtual void SecondaryPanelVisibilityOff ()
virtual vtkKWNotebookGetSecondaryNotebook ()
virtual int HasSecondaryUserInterfaceManager ()
virtual vtkKWUserInterfaceManagerGetSecondaryUserInterfaceManager ()
virtual void ShowSecondaryUserInterface (const char *name)
virtual vtkKWNotebookGetViewNotebook ()
virtual int HasViewUserInterfaceManager ()
virtual vtkKWUserInterfaceManagerGetViewUserInterfaceManager ()
virtual void ShowViewUserInterface (const char *name)
virtual vtkKWFrameGetViewPanelFrame ()
virtual vtkKWUserInterfaceManagerGetApplicationSettingsUserInterfaceManager ()
virtual void ShowApplicationSettingsUserInterface (const char *name)
virtual vtkKWApplicationSettingsInterfaceGetApplicationSettingsInterface ()
virtual void UpdateEnableState ()
virtual void UpdateMenuState ()
virtual void MainPanelVisibilityCallback ()
virtual void SecondaryPanelVisibilityCallback ()
virtual void PrintSettingsCallback ()
virtual void ToolbarVisibilityChangedCallback ()
virtual void NumberOfToolbarsChangedCallback ()

Static Public Member Functions

vtkKWWindowNew ()

Static Public Attributes

const char * MainPanelSizeRegKey
const char * MainPanelVisibilityRegKey
const char * MainPanelVisibilityKeyAccelerator
const char * HideMainPanelMenuLabel
const char * ShowMainPanelMenuLabel
const char * SecondaryPanelSizeRegKey
const char * SecondaryPanelVisibilityRegKey
const char * SecondaryPanelVisibilityKeyAccelerator
const char * HideSecondaryPanelMenuLabel
const char * ShowSecondaryPanelMenuLabel
const char * DefaultViewPanelName
const char * TclInteractorMenuLabel
const char * ViewPanelPositionRegKey

Protected Member Functions

 vtkKWWindow ()
 ~vtkKWWindow ()
virtual void Pack ()
virtual void SaveWindowGeometryToRegistry ()
virtual void RestoreWindowGeometryFromRegistry ()
virtual void ShowMainUserInterface (vtkKWUserInterfacePanel *panel)
virtual void ShowSecondaryUserInterface (vtkKWUserInterfacePanel *panel)
virtual void ShowViewUserInterface (vtkKWUserInterfacePanel *panel)
virtual void ShowApplicationSettingsUserInterface (vtkKWUserInterfacePanel *panel)

Protected Attributes

int PanelLayout
int StatusFramePosition

Detailed Description

a window superclass which holds splittable panels.

This class represents a top level window with a menu bar, a status line (as per vtkKWWindowBase) and user interface panels that can be resized and/or collapsed.

Here is the layout of the whole window. Remember that the superclass "view frame" (as returned by GetViewFrame()) was the whole usable space between the menu bar on top (and eventually toolbars) and the status bar at the bottom.

This old "view frame" is now further divided horizontally into two parts by a split frame instance. The first part (on the left) is called the "main panel" area, and can be hidden or shown using the SetMainPanelVisibility() method. A convenience method GetMainPanelFrame() can be used to retrieve that "main panel area" frame, even if it is currently entirely allocated to the main notebook, MainNotebook. The MainNotebook element is packed in the main panel and is used to display interface elements organized as *pages* inside *panels*.

Note that the proper way to do so is to create "user interface panels" (UIP, subclasses of vtkKWUserInterfacePanel), and set their "user interface manager" (UIM) to the main user interface manager, as returned by GetMainUserInterfaceManager(). Since the main UIM is itself attached to the main notebook, it will display the UIP automatically inside the notebook and take care of showing/raising/hiding the pages properly. The ShowMainUserInterface() method can be used to show a main interface panel given its name. The name is typically the string returned by the GetName() method of a vtkKWUserInterfacePanel (UIP). The ShowMainUserInterface() method will query the main UIM to check if it is indeed managing a panel (UIP) with that name, and show/raise that UIP accordingly. If you do not know which user interface manager is used by the panel, just call Show() or Raise() on the panel itself !

Note that by following such framework, a subclass will be free of using a totally different type of UIM, while the UIP implementation and manipulation will remain exactly the same. One just has to focus on creating simple panels to pack user interface components, and the UIM will be responsible for mapping them into a higher-level interface, like a notebook. It will also take care of show/hiding conflicting interfaces, provide some cross-panels features like drag and drop, serialize the UI state, etc.

In the same way, the right part of the MainSplitFrame (i.e., not the main panel itself, but the remaining space on the right side of the separator) is also divided vertically into two parts by a split frame instance. The same methods as described above are available for this secondary subdivision, i.e. SetSecondaryPanelVisibility() can be used to show/hide the secondary panel, GetSecondaryPanelFrame() can be used to retrieve the secondary panel frame, a SecondaryNotebook is packed inside the secondary panel, and GetMainUserInterfaceManager() can be used to retrieve the corresponding UIM.

Below the SecondarySplitFrame is a second toolbar set (SecondaryToolbarSet) available for extra toolbars.

The space available for "viewing", or packing 3D scenes, is returned by GetViewFrame(). Under the hood, a third user interface manager, the ViewUserInterfaceManager is coupled to a ViewNotebook and packed inside the top part of the secondary split frame (i.e. the large part that is not considered a user interface panel). A default page is added to that notebook to provide the frame for GetViewFrame(). Since there is only one page, the tab is not shown by default, leaving all the notebook space available for viewing. This notebook and its user interface manager are likely not be manipulated as often as the other panels and UIM, but can be used to provide multiple "views" for example. As a convenience, a GetViewPanelFrame() method returns the parent of the notebook, i.e. the space into which the notebook was packed, so that other elements can be packed below or before the notebook itself.

A fourth user interface manager is used to display and group all panels related to application settings (i.e. "Preferences"). It is not part of the layout as it will popup as a dialog instead. Note that the panels do not have to bother about that, the manager will parse each panel and create the dialog accordingly. If you have more application settings parameters, just create your own panels and set their UIM to the ApplicationSettingsUserInterfaceManager.

This describes the default layout so far, where the secondary panel is located below the view frame. The PanelLayout ivar can be set to change this layout to different configurations where:

MB: GetMenu() (see vtkKWTopLevel) MTBS: GetMainToolbarSet() (see superclass) MPF: GetMainPanelFrame() MNB: MainNotebook VNB: ViewNotebook VPF: GetViewPanelFrame() VF: GetViewFrame() (first page of the VNB) SPF: GetSecondaryPanelFrame() SNB: SecondaryNotebook STBS: GetSecondaryToolbarSet() SF: GetStatusFrame() (see superclass)

 +----------------------+  +----------------------+  +----------------------+
 |           MB         |  |        MB            |  |        MB            |
 +----------------------+  +----------------------+  +----------------------+
 |           MTBS       |  |           MTBS       |  |           MTBS       |
 +--------+-------------+  +--------+-------------+  +--------+-------------+
 |+--+ MPF|+--+ VPF     |  |+--+ MPF|+--+  VPF    |  |+--+ MPF|+--+    VPF  |
 ||  +---+||  +--------+|  ||  +---+||  +--------+|  ||  +---+||  +--------+|
 ||      |||           ||  ||      |||           ||  ||      |||           ||
 ||      ||| VNB (VF)  ||  ||      |||           ||  ||      |||           ||
 ||      |||           ||  ||      |||           ||  ||      ||| VNB (VF)  ||
 ||      |||           ||  || MNB  |||           ||  || MNB  |||           ||
 ||      ||+-----------+|  ||      |||           ||  ||      |||           ||
 || MNB  |+-------------+  |+------+|| VNB (VF)  ||  ||      |||           ||
 ||      ||+--+  SPF    |  +--------+|           ||  ||      ||+-----------+|
 ||      |||  +--------+|  |+--+ SPF||           ||  |+------+|   STBS      |
 ||      |||           ||  ||  +---+||           ||  +--------+-------------+
 ||      |||  SNB      ||  ||      |||           ||  |+--+ SPF              |
 ||      |||           ||  ||      |||           ||  ||  +-----------------+|
 ||      |||           ||  || SNB  |||           ||  || SNB                ||
 ||      ||+-----------+|  ||      ||+-----------+|  ||                    ||
 |+------+|    STBS     |  |+------+|      STBS   |  |+--------------------+|
 +--------+-------------+  +--------+-------------+  +----------------------+
 |            SF        |  |            SF        |  |            SF        |
 +----------------------+  +----------------------+  +----------------------+
   Secondary below View      Secondary below Main      Secondary below Both

Definition at line 161 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Set the panel layout type. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document. IMPORTANT: this ivar has to be set before calling Create(), and can not be changed afterwards. BTX

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 203 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

anonymous enum

Set the view panel position. Default is on the right of the window. IMPORTANT: this ivar has to be set before calling Create(), and can not be changed afterwards. BTX

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 226 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

anonymous enum

Set the status frame position. The default position is at the bottom of the window, but this object can also be displayed at the bottom of the main panel (MainPanel), at the bottom of the secondary panel (SecondaryPanel) or at the bottom of the view panel (ViewPanel). Note that if any of the above is used, the status bar will actually be hidden if the corresponding panel visibility is changed, since the status bar is actually packed in the panel frame itself. Set the position to LeftOfDivider or RightOfDivider to place the status bar out of the panel, but either of the left or the right of the main vertical divider. BTX

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 280 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkKWWindow::vtkKWWindow  )  [protected]

vtkKWWindow::~vtkKWWindow  )  [protected]

Member Function Documentation

vtkKWWindow* vtkKWWindow::New  )  [static]

Reimplemented from vtkKWWindowBase.

Reimplemented in vtkPVWindow.

vtkKWWindow::vtkTypeRevisionMacro vtkKWWindow  ,

void vtkKWWindow::PrintSelf ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent

Reimplemented from vtkKWWindowBase.

Reimplemented in vtkPVWindow.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::Create vtkKWApplication app  )  [virtual]

Create the widget.

Reimplemented from vtkKWWindowBase.

Reimplemented in vtkPVWindow.

virtual vtkKWFrame* vtkKWWindow::GetMainPanelFrame  )  [virtual]

Main panel. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document.

virtual int vtkKWWindow::GetMainPanelVisibility  )  [virtual]

Main panel. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::SetMainPanelVisibility int   )  [virtual]

Main panel. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::MainPanelVisibilityOn  )  [virtual]

Main panel. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::MainPanelVisibilityOff  )  [virtual]

Main panel. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document.

virtual vtkKWNotebook* vtkKWWindow::GetMainNotebook  )  [virtual]

Main panel. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document.

virtual int vtkKWWindow::HasMainUserInterfaceManager  )  [virtual]

Main panel. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document.

virtual vtkKWUserInterfaceManager* vtkKWWindow::GetMainUserInterfaceManager  )  [virtual]

Main panel. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::ShowMainUserInterface const char *  name  )  [virtual]

Main panel. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document.

Reimplemented in vtkPVWindow.

virtual vtkKWFrame* vtkKWWindow::GetSecondaryPanelFrame  )  [virtual]

Secondary panel. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document.

virtual int vtkKWWindow::GetSecondaryPanelVisibility  )  [virtual]

Secondary panel. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::SetSecondaryPanelVisibility int   )  [virtual]

Secondary panel. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document.

Reimplemented in vtkPVWindow.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::SecondaryPanelVisibilityOn  )  [virtual]

Secondary panel. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::SecondaryPanelVisibilityOff  )  [virtual]

Secondary panel. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document.

virtual vtkKWNotebook* vtkKWWindow::GetSecondaryNotebook  )  [virtual]

Secondary panel. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document.

virtual int vtkKWWindow::HasSecondaryUserInterfaceManager  )  [virtual]

Secondary panel. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document.

virtual vtkKWUserInterfaceManager* vtkKWWindow::GetSecondaryUserInterfaceManager  )  [virtual]

Secondary panel. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::ShowSecondaryUserInterface const char *  name  )  [virtual]

Secondary panel. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::SetPanelLayout int   )  [virtual]

Set the panel layout type. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document. IMPORTANT: this ivar has to be set before calling Create(), and can not be changed afterwards. BTX

virtual int vtkKWWindow::GetPanelLayout  )  [virtual]

Set the panel layout type. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document. IMPORTANT: this ivar has to be set before calling Create(), and can not be changed afterwards. BTX

virtual void vtkKWWindow::SetPanelLayoutToSecondaryBelowView  )  [inline, virtual]

Set the panel layout type. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document. IMPORTANT: this ivar has to be set before calling Create(), and can not be changed afterwards. BTX

Definition at line 214 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

References PanelLayoutSecondaryBelowView.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::SetPanelLayoutToSecondaryBelowMain  )  [inline, virtual]

Set the panel layout type. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document. IMPORTANT: this ivar has to be set before calling Create(), and can not be changed afterwards. BTX

Definition at line 216 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

References PanelLayoutSecondaryBelowMain.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::SetPanelLayoutToSecondaryBelowMainAndView  )  [inline, virtual]

Set the panel layout type. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document. IMPORTANT: this ivar has to be set before calling Create(), and can not be changed afterwards. BTX

Definition at line 218 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

References PanelLayoutSecondaryBelowMainAndView.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::SetViewPanelPosition int   )  [virtual]

Set the view panel position. Default is on the right of the window. IMPORTANT: this ivar has to be set before calling Create(), and can not be changed afterwards. BTX

virtual int vtkKWWindow::GetViewPanelPosition  )  [virtual]

Set the view panel position. Default is on the right of the window. IMPORTANT: this ivar has to be set before calling Create(), and can not be changed afterwards. BTX

virtual void vtkKWWindow::SetViewPanelPositionToLeft  )  [inline, virtual]

Set the view panel position. Default is on the right of the window. IMPORTANT: this ivar has to be set before calling Create(), and can not be changed afterwards. BTX

Definition at line 234 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

References ViewPanelPositionLeft.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::SetViewPanelPositionToRight  )  [inline, virtual]

Set the view panel position. Default is on the right of the window. IMPORTANT: this ivar has to be set before calling Create(), and can not be changed afterwards. BTX

Definition at line 236 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

References ViewPanelPositionRight.

virtual vtkKWFrame* vtkKWWindow::GetViewFrame  )  [virtual]

Convenience method to get the frame available for "viewing". Override the superclass to return a page in the notebook of the view user interface manager (located in the first part of the SecondarySplitFrame). This method should be used instead of GetViewPanelFrame(), unless you really need to have both multiple notebook pages and common UI elements on top or below the notebook. The rational here is that GetViewFrame() always return the frame that can be used by users or developpers to add more "viewing" element (say, renderwidgets, 3D scenes), without knowing about the current layout.

Reimplemented from vtkKWWindowBase.

virtual vtkKWNotebook* vtkKWWindow::GetViewNotebook  )  [virtual]

View panel. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document. This panel is probably not going to be used much, by default it creates a single page in the notebook, which frame is returned by GetViewFrame(). The GetViewPanelFrame() method returns the parent of the notebook, if one really need to pack something out of the GetViewFrame().

virtual int vtkKWWindow::HasViewUserInterfaceManager  )  [virtual]

View panel. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document. This panel is probably not going to be used much, by default it creates a single page in the notebook, which frame is returned by GetViewFrame(). The GetViewPanelFrame() method returns the parent of the notebook, if one really need to pack something out of the GetViewFrame().

virtual vtkKWUserInterfaceManager* vtkKWWindow::GetViewUserInterfaceManager  )  [virtual]

View panel. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document. This panel is probably not going to be used much, by default it creates a single page in the notebook, which frame is returned by GetViewFrame(). The GetViewPanelFrame() method returns the parent of the notebook, if one really need to pack something out of the GetViewFrame().

virtual void vtkKWWindow::ShowViewUserInterface const char *  name  )  [virtual]

View panel. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document. This panel is probably not going to be used much, by default it creates a single page in the notebook, which frame is returned by GetViewFrame(). The GetViewPanelFrame() method returns the parent of the notebook, if one really need to pack something out of the GetViewFrame().

virtual vtkKWFrame* vtkKWWindow::GetViewPanelFrame  )  [virtual]

View panel. The whole layout of the window is described at length at the beginning of this document. This panel is probably not going to be used much, by default it creates a single page in the notebook, which frame is returned by GetViewFrame(). The GetViewPanelFrame() method returns the parent of the notebook, if one really need to pack something out of the GetViewFrame().

virtual vtkKWToolbarSet* vtkKWWindow::GetSecondaryToolbarSet  )  [virtual]

Get the secondary toolbar set.

virtual int vtkKWWindow::GetStatusFramePosition  )  [virtual]

Set the status frame position. The default position is at the bottom of the window, but this object can also be displayed at the bottom of the main panel (MainPanel), at the bottom of the secondary panel (SecondaryPanel) or at the bottom of the view panel (ViewPanel). Note that if any of the above is used, the status bar will actually be hidden if the corresponding panel visibility is changed, since the status bar is actually packed in the panel frame itself. Set the position to LeftOfDivider or RightOfDivider to place the status bar out of the panel, but either of the left or the right of the main vertical divider. BTX

virtual void vtkKWWindow::SetStatusFramePosition int   )  [virtual]

Set the status frame position. The default position is at the bottom of the window, but this object can also be displayed at the bottom of the main panel (MainPanel), at the bottom of the secondary panel (SecondaryPanel) or at the bottom of the view panel (ViewPanel). Note that if any of the above is used, the status bar will actually be hidden if the corresponding panel visibility is changed, since the status bar is actually packed in the panel frame itself. Set the position to LeftOfDivider or RightOfDivider to place the status bar out of the panel, but either of the left or the right of the main vertical divider. BTX

virtual void vtkKWWindow::SetStatusFramePositionToWindow  )  [inline, virtual]

Set the status frame position. The default position is at the bottom of the window, but this object can also be displayed at the bottom of the main panel (MainPanel), at the bottom of the secondary panel (SecondaryPanel) or at the bottom of the view panel (ViewPanel). Note that if any of the above is used, the status bar will actually be hidden if the corresponding panel visibility is changed, since the status bar is actually packed in the panel frame itself. Set the position to LeftOfDivider or RightOfDivider to place the status bar out of the panel, but either of the left or the right of the main vertical divider. BTX

Definition at line 292 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

References StatusFramePositionWindow.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::SetStatusFramePositionToMainPanel  )  [inline, virtual]

Set the status frame position. The default position is at the bottom of the window, but this object can also be displayed at the bottom of the main panel (MainPanel), at the bottom of the secondary panel (SecondaryPanel) or at the bottom of the view panel (ViewPanel). Note that if any of the above is used, the status bar will actually be hidden if the corresponding panel visibility is changed, since the status bar is actually packed in the panel frame itself. Set the position to LeftOfDivider or RightOfDivider to place the status bar out of the panel, but either of the left or the right of the main vertical divider. BTX

Definition at line 295 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

References StatusFramePositionMainPanel.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::SetStatusFramePositionToSecondaryPanel  )  [inline, virtual]

Set the status frame position. The default position is at the bottom of the window, but this object can also be displayed at the bottom of the main panel (MainPanel), at the bottom of the secondary panel (SecondaryPanel) or at the bottom of the view panel (ViewPanel). Note that if any of the above is used, the status bar will actually be hidden if the corresponding panel visibility is changed, since the status bar is actually packed in the panel frame itself. Set the position to LeftOfDivider or RightOfDivider to place the status bar out of the panel, but either of the left or the right of the main vertical divider. BTX

Definition at line 298 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

References StatusFramePositionSecondaryPanel.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::SetStatusFramePositionToViewPanel  )  [inline, virtual]

Set the status frame position. The default position is at the bottom of the window, but this object can also be displayed at the bottom of the main panel (MainPanel), at the bottom of the secondary panel (SecondaryPanel) or at the bottom of the view panel (ViewPanel). Note that if any of the above is used, the status bar will actually be hidden if the corresponding panel visibility is changed, since the status bar is actually packed in the panel frame itself. Set the position to LeftOfDivider or RightOfDivider to place the status bar out of the panel, but either of the left or the right of the main vertical divider. BTX

Definition at line 301 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

References StatusFramePositionViewPanel.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::SetStatusFramePositionToLeftOfDivider  )  [inline, virtual]

Set the status frame position. The default position is at the bottom of the window, but this object can also be displayed at the bottom of the main panel (MainPanel), at the bottom of the secondary panel (SecondaryPanel) or at the bottom of the view panel (ViewPanel). Note that if any of the above is used, the status bar will actually be hidden if the corresponding panel visibility is changed, since the status bar is actually packed in the panel frame itself. Set the position to LeftOfDivider or RightOfDivider to place the status bar out of the panel, but either of the left or the right of the main vertical divider. BTX

Definition at line 304 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

References StatusFramePositionLeftOfDivider.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::SetStatusFramePositionToRightOfDivider  )  [inline, virtual]

Set the status frame position. The default position is at the bottom of the window, but this object can also be displayed at the bottom of the main panel (MainPanel), at the bottom of the secondary panel (SecondaryPanel) or at the bottom of the view panel (ViewPanel). Note that if any of the above is used, the status bar will actually be hidden if the corresponding panel visibility is changed, since the status bar is actually packed in the panel frame itself. Set the position to LeftOfDivider or RightOfDivider to place the status bar out of the panel, but either of the left or the right of the main vertical divider. BTX

Definition at line 307 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

References StatusFramePositionRightOfDivider.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::Render  )  [virtual]

Call render on all widgets and elements that support that functionality

virtual vtkKWUserInterfaceManager* vtkKWWindow::GetApplicationSettingsUserInterfaceManager  )  [virtual]

Get the Application Settings Interface as well as the Application Settings User Interface Manager.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::ShowApplicationSettingsUserInterface const char *  name  )  [virtual]

Get the Application Settings Interface as well as the Application Settings User Interface Manager.

virtual vtkKWApplicationSettingsInterface* vtkKWWindow::GetApplicationSettingsInterface  )  [virtual]

Get the Application Settings Interface as well as the Application Settings User Interface Manager.

Reimplemented in vtkPVWindow.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::Update  )  [virtual]

Update the UI. This will call: UpdateToolbarState UpdateEnableState UpdateMenuState Update on all panels belonging to the UserInterfaceManager, if any

Reimplemented from vtkKWWindowBase.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::UpdateEnableState  )  [virtual]

Update the "enable" state of the object and its internal parts. Depending on different Ivars (this->Enabled, the application's Limited Edition Mode, etc.), the "enable" state of the object is updated and propagated to its internal parts/subwidgets. This will, for example, enable/disable parts of the widget UI, enable/disable the visibility of 3D widgets, etc.

Reimplemented from vtkKWWindowBase.

Reimplemented in vtkPVWindow.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::UpdateMenuState  )  [virtual]

Update the "enable" state of the object and its internal parts. Depending on different Ivars (this->Enabled, the application's Limited Edition Mode, etc.), the "enable" state of the object is updated and propagated to its internal parts/subwidgets. This will, for example, enable/disable parts of the widget UI, enable/disable the visibility of 3D widgets, etc.

Reimplemented from vtkKWWindowBase.

Reimplemented in vtkPVWindow.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::UpdateToolbarState  )  [virtual]

Update the toolbar state

Reimplemented from vtkKWWindowBase.

Reimplemented in vtkPVWindow.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::MainPanelVisibilityCallback  )  [virtual]


virtual void vtkKWWindow::SecondaryPanelVisibilityCallback  )  [virtual]


virtual void vtkKWWindow::PrintSettingsCallback  )  [virtual]


Reimplemented from vtkKWWindowBase.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::ToolbarVisibilityChangedCallback  )  [virtual]


Reimplemented from vtkKWWindowBase.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::NumberOfToolbarsChangedCallback  )  [virtual]


Reimplemented from vtkKWWindowBase.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::PrepareForDelete  )  [virtual]

Deallocate/delete/reparent some internal objects in order to solve reference loops that would prevent this instance from being deleted.

Reimplemented from vtkKWWindowBase.

Reimplemented in vtkPVWindow.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::SaveWindowGeometryToRegistry  )  [protected, virtual]

Save/Restore window geometry

Reimplemented from vtkKWWindowBase.

Reimplemented in vtkPVWindow.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::RestoreWindowGeometryFromRegistry  )  [protected, virtual]

Save/Restore window geometry

Reimplemented from vtkKWWindowBase.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::ShowMainUserInterface vtkKWUserInterfacePanel panel  )  [protected, virtual]

Show a main or secondary user interface panel. The ShowMainUserInterface() method will query the main UserInterfaceManager (UIM) to check if it is indeed managing the UIP, and show/raise that UIP accordingly. The ShowSecondaryUserInterface will do the same on the secondary UIM. The ShowViewUserInterface will do the same on the view UIM. The ShowApplicationSettingsUserInterface will do the same on the app settings UIM.

Reimplemented in vtkPVWindow.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::ShowSecondaryUserInterface vtkKWUserInterfacePanel panel  )  [protected, virtual]

Show a main or secondary user interface panel. The ShowMainUserInterface() method will query the main UserInterfaceManager (UIM) to check if it is indeed managing the UIP, and show/raise that UIP accordingly. The ShowSecondaryUserInterface will do the same on the secondary UIM. The ShowViewUserInterface will do the same on the view UIM. The ShowApplicationSettingsUserInterface will do the same on the app settings UIM.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::ShowViewUserInterface vtkKWUserInterfacePanel panel  )  [protected, virtual]

Show a main or secondary user interface panel. The ShowMainUserInterface() method will query the main UserInterfaceManager (UIM) to check if it is indeed managing the UIP, and show/raise that UIP accordingly. The ShowSecondaryUserInterface will do the same on the secondary UIM. The ShowViewUserInterface will do the same on the view UIM. The ShowApplicationSettingsUserInterface will do the same on the app settings UIM.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::ShowApplicationSettingsUserInterface vtkKWUserInterfacePanel panel  )  [protected, virtual]

Show a main or secondary user interface panel. The ShowMainUserInterface() method will query the main UserInterfaceManager (UIM) to check if it is indeed managing the UIP, and show/raise that UIP accordingly. The ShowSecondaryUserInterface will do the same on the secondary UIM. The ShowViewUserInterface will do the same on the view UIM. The ShowApplicationSettingsUserInterface will do the same on the app settings UIM.

virtual void vtkKWWindow::Pack  )  [protected, virtual]

Pack/repack the UI

Reimplemented from vtkKWWindowBase.

Member Data Documentation

const char* vtkKWWindow::MainPanelSizeRegKey [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 358 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

const char* vtkKWWindow::MainPanelVisibilityRegKey [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 359 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

const char* vtkKWWindow::MainPanelVisibilityKeyAccelerator [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 360 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

const char* vtkKWWindow::HideMainPanelMenuLabel [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 361 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

const char* vtkKWWindow::ShowMainPanelMenuLabel [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 362 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

const char* vtkKWWindow::SecondaryPanelSizeRegKey [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 363 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

const char* vtkKWWindow::SecondaryPanelVisibilityRegKey [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 364 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

const char* vtkKWWindow::SecondaryPanelVisibilityKeyAccelerator [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 365 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

const char* vtkKWWindow::HideSecondaryPanelMenuLabel [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 366 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

const char* vtkKWWindow::ShowSecondaryPanelMenuLabel [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 367 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

const char* vtkKWWindow::DefaultViewPanelName [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 368 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

const char* vtkKWWindow::TclInteractorMenuLabel [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 369 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

const char* vtkKWWindow::ViewPanelPositionRegKey [static]

Some constants BTX

Definition at line 370 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

int vtkKWWindow::PanelLayout [protected]

Definition at line 401 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

vtkKWSplitFrame* vtkKWWindow::MainSplitFrame [protected]

Definition at line 403 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

vtkKWSplitFrame* vtkKWWindow::SecondarySplitFrame [protected]

Definition at line 405 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

vtkKWApplicationSettingsInterface* vtkKWWindow::ApplicationSettingsInterface [protected]

Definition at line 407 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

int vtkKWWindow::StatusFramePosition [protected]

Definition at line 409 of file vtkKWWindow.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Tue May 30 12:48:06 2006 for ParaView by doxygen 1.3.5