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vtkSMSourceProxy Class Reference

proxy for a VTK source on a server More...

#include <vtkSMSourceProxy.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkSMSourceProxy:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkSMSourceProxy:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 vtkTypeRevisionMacro (vtkSMSourceProxy, vtkSMProxy)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void UpdateInformation ()
void UpdatePipeline ()
void CleanInputs (const char *method)
virtual void UpdateSelfAndAllInputs ()
void UpdateDataInformation ()
unsigned int GetNumberOfParts ()
vtkSMPartGetPart (unsigned int idx)
virtual void CreateParts ()
vtkPVDataInformationGetDataInformation ()
virtual void MarkConsumersAsModified ()
void AddInput (vtkSMSourceProxy *input, const char *method, int hasMultipleInputs)
vtkSMPropertyGetProperty (const char *name)

Static Public Member Functions

vtkSMSourceProxyNew ()

Protected Member Functions

 vtkSMSourceProxy ()
 ~vtkSMSourceProxy ()
void GatherDataInformation ()
void InvalidateDataInformation ()
virtual vtkSMPropertyGetProperty (const char *name, int selfOnly)
virtual void CreateVTKObjects (int numObjects)
virtual void SetExecutiveName (const char *)
virtual int ReadXMLAttributes (vtkSMProxyManager *pm, vtkPVXMLElement *element)
void CreatePartsInternal (vtkSMProxy *op)
void ConvertDataInformationToProperty (vtkPVDataInformation *info, vtkSMProperty *prop)
void ConvertFieldDataInformationToProperty (vtkPVDataSetAttributesInformation *info, vtkSMProperty *prop)
void ConvertArrayInformationToProperty (vtkPVArrayInformation *info, vtkSMProperty *prop)

Protected Attributes

int PartsCreated
int DataInformationValid
char * ExecutiveName


class vtkSMInputProperty

Detailed Description

proxy for a VTK source on a server

vtkSMSourceProxy manages VTK source(s) that are created on a server using the proxy pattern. In addition to functionality provided by vtkSMProxy, vtkSMSourceProxy provides method to connect and update sources. Each source proxy has one or more parts (vtkSMPart). Each part represents one output of one filter. These are created automatically (when CreateParts() is called) by the source. Each vtkSMSourceProxy creates a property called DataInformation. This property is a composite property that provides information about the output(s) of the VTK sources (obtained from the server)

See also:
vtkSMProxy vtkSMPart vtkSMInputProperty

Definition at line 46 of file vtkSMSourceProxy.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkSMSourceProxy::vtkSMSourceProxy  )  [protected]

vtkSMSourceProxy::~vtkSMSourceProxy  )  [protected]

Member Function Documentation

vtkSMSourceProxy* vtkSMSourceProxy::New  )  [static]

Reimplemented from vtkSMProxy.

Reimplemented in vtkSMPVDWriterProxy, vtkSMShrunkContoursProxy, vtkSMWriterProxy, vtkSMXMLPVAnimationWriterProxy, and vtkSMXYPlotActorProxy.

vtkSMSourceProxy::vtkTypeRevisionMacro vtkSMSourceProxy  ,

void vtkSMSourceProxy::PrintSelf ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent

Reimplemented from vtkSMProxy.

Reimplemented in vtkSMPVDWriterProxy, vtkSMShrunkContoursProxy, vtkSMWriterProxy, vtkSMXMLPVAnimationWriterProxy, and vtkSMXYPlotActorProxy.

virtual void vtkSMSourceProxy::UpdateInformation  )  [virtual]

Calls UpdateInformation() on all sources (chains to superclass).

Reimplemented from vtkSMProxy.

Reimplemented in vtkSMXYPlotActorProxy.

void vtkSMSourceProxy::UpdatePipeline  ) 

Calls Update() on all sources. It also creates parts if they are not already created.

Reimplemented in vtkSMPVDWriterProxy, and vtkSMWriterProxy.

void vtkSMSourceProxy::AddInput vtkSMSourceProxy input,
const char *  method,
int  hasMultipleInputs

Connects filters/sinks to an input. If the filter(s) is not created, this will create it. If hasMultipleInputs is true, only one filter is created, even if the input has multiple parts. All the inputs are added using the method name provided. If hasMultipleInputs is not true, one filter is created for each input. NOTE: The filter(s) is created when SetInput is called the first and if the it wasn't already created. If the filter has two inputs and one is multi-block whereas the other one is not, SetInput() should be called with the multi-block input first. Otherwise, it will create only one filter and can not apply to the multi-block input.

Reimplemented in vtkSMXMLPVAnimationWriterProxy, and vtkSMXYPlotActorProxy.

void vtkSMSourceProxy::CleanInputs const char *  method  ) 

Calls method on all VTK sources. Used by the input property to remove inputs. Made public to allow access by wrappers. Do not use.

Reimplemented in vtkSMXYPlotActorProxy.

virtual void vtkSMSourceProxy::UpdateSelfAndAllInputs  )  [virtual]

Chains to superclass and calls UpdateInformation()

Reimplemented from vtkSMProxy.

void vtkSMSourceProxy::UpdateDataInformation  ) 

Updates data information if necessary and copies information to the DataInformation property.

unsigned int vtkSMSourceProxy::GetNumberOfParts  ) 

Return the number of parts (output proxies).

vtkSMPart* vtkSMSourceProxy::GetPart unsigned int  idx  ) 

Return a part (output proxy).

virtual void vtkSMSourceProxy::CreateParts  )  [virtual]

Create n parts where n is the number of filters. Each part correspond to one output of one filter.

Reimplemented in vtkSMShrunkContoursProxy.

vtkPVDataInformation* vtkSMSourceProxy::GetDataInformation  ) 

DataInformation is used by the source proxy to obtain information on the output(s) from the server. The information contained in this object is also copied to the DataInformation automatically. The direct use of the data information object is low level and should be avoided if possible.

virtual void vtkSMSourceProxy::MarkConsumersAsModified  )  [virtual]

Chains to superclass as well as mark the data information as invalid (next time data information is requested, it will be re-created).

Reimplemented from vtkSMProxy.

vtkSMProperty* vtkSMSourceProxy::GetProperty const char *  name  )  [inline]

Return a property (see superclass documentation). Overwritten to allow DataInformation property specially.

Reimplemented from vtkSMProxy.

Definition at line 111 of file vtkSMSourceProxy.h.

void vtkSMSourceProxy::ConvertDataInformationToProperty vtkPVDataInformation info,
vtkSMProperty prop

Internal helper methods used to populate the information property using the information object.

void vtkSMSourceProxy::ConvertFieldDataInformationToProperty vtkPVDataSetAttributesInformation info,
vtkSMProperty prop

Internal helper methods used to populate the information property using the information object.

void vtkSMSourceProxy::ConvertArrayInformationToProperty vtkPVArrayInformation info,
vtkSMProperty prop

Internal helper methods used to populate the information property using the information object.

void vtkSMSourceProxy::GatherDataInformation  )  [protected]

Obtain data information from server (does not check if the data information is valid)

void vtkSMSourceProxy::InvalidateDataInformation  )  [protected]

Mark the data information as invalid.

virtual vtkSMProperty* vtkSMSourceProxy::GetProperty const char *  name,
int  selfOnly
[protected, virtual]

Return a property (see superclass documentation). Overwritten to allow DataInformation property specially.

Reimplemented from vtkSMProxy.

virtual void vtkSMSourceProxy::CreateVTKObjects int  numObjects  )  [protected, virtual]

Call superclass' and then assigns a new executive (vtkCompositeDataPipeline)

Reimplemented from vtkSMProxy.

Reimplemented in vtkSMShrunkContoursProxy, and vtkSMXMLPVAnimationWriterProxy.

virtual void vtkSMSourceProxy::SetExecutiveName const char *   )  [protected, virtual]

virtual int vtkSMSourceProxy::ReadXMLAttributes vtkSMProxyManager pm,
vtkPVXMLElement element
[protected, virtual]

Read attributes from an XML element.

Reimplemented from vtkSMProxy.

void vtkSMSourceProxy::CreatePartsInternal vtkSMProxy op  )  [protected]

Internal method which creates the parts using the proxy specified.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class vtkSMInputProperty [friend]

Reimplemented from vtkSMProxy.

Definition at line 122 of file vtkSMSourceProxy.h.

Member Data Documentation

int vtkSMSourceProxy::PartsCreated [protected]

Definition at line 137 of file vtkSMSourceProxy.h.

vtkPVDataInformation* vtkSMSourceProxy::DataInformation [protected]

Definition at line 151 of file vtkSMSourceProxy.h.

int vtkSMSourceProxy::DataInformationValid [protected]

Definition at line 152 of file vtkSMSourceProxy.h.

char* vtkSMSourceProxy::ExecutiveName [protected]

Definition at line 158 of file vtkSMSourceProxy.h.

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