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vtkSMInputProperty Class Reference

proxy representing inputs to a filter More...

#include <vtkSMInputProperty.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkSMInputProperty:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkSMInputProperty:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 vtkTypeRevisionMacro (vtkSMInputProperty, vtkSMProxyProperty)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void SetMultipleInput (int)
virtual int GetMultipleInput ()

Static Public Member Functions

vtkSMInputPropertyNew ()
int GetInputsUpdateImmediately ()
void SetInputsUpdateImmediately (int up)

Protected Member Functions

 vtkSMInputProperty ()
 ~vtkSMInputProperty ()
virtual void AppendCommandToStream (vtkSMProxy *, vtkClientServerStream *stream, vtkClientServerID objectId)
virtual int ReadXMLAttributes (vtkSMProxy *parent, vtkPVXMLElement *element)

Protected Attributes

int MultipleInput
int PortIndex

Static Protected Attributes

int InputsUpdateImmediately

Detailed Description

proxy representing inputs to a filter

vtkSMInputProperty is a concrete sub-class of vtkSMProperty representing inputs to a filter (through vtkSMProxy). It is a special property that always calls AddInput on a vtkSMSourceProxy.

See also:
vtkSMInputProperty vtkSMSourceProxy

Definition at line 30 of file vtkSMInputProperty.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkSMInputProperty::vtkSMInputProperty  )  [protected]

vtkSMInputProperty::~vtkSMInputProperty  )  [protected]

Member Function Documentation

vtkSMInputProperty* vtkSMInputProperty::New  )  [static]

Reimplemented from vtkSMProxyProperty.

vtkSMInputProperty::vtkTypeRevisionMacro vtkSMInputProperty  ,

void vtkSMInputProperty::PrintSelf ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent

Reimplemented from vtkSMProxyProperty.

virtual void vtkSMInputProperty::SetMultipleInput int   )  [virtual]

Should be set to true if the "input port" this property represents can accept multiple inputs (for example, an append filter)

virtual int vtkSMInputProperty::GetMultipleInput  )  [virtual]

Should be set to true if the "input port" this property represents can accept multiple inputs (for example, an append filter)

int vtkSMInputProperty::GetInputsUpdateImmediately  )  [static]

If InputsUpdateImmediately is true, all input properties push their values as soon as they are modified. Otherwise, the values are pushed UpdateVTKObjects

void vtkSMInputProperty::SetInputsUpdateImmediately int  up  )  [static]

If InputsUpdateImmediately is true, all input properties push their values as soon as they are modified. Otherwise, the values are pushed UpdateVTKObjects

virtual void vtkSMInputProperty::AppendCommandToStream vtkSMProxy ,
vtkClientServerStream *  stream,
vtkClientServerID  objectId
[protected, virtual]

Description: Append a command to update the vtk object with the property values(s). The proxy objects create a stream by calling this method on all the modified properties. Note that if the proxy has multiple IDs, they are all appended to the command stream.

Reimplemented from vtkSMProxyProperty.

virtual int vtkSMInputProperty::ReadXMLAttributes vtkSMProxy parent,
vtkPVXMLElement element
[protected, virtual]

Set the appropriate ivars from the xml element. Should be overwritten by subclass if adding ivars.

Reimplemented from vtkSMProxyProperty.

Member Data Documentation

int vtkSMInputProperty::MultipleInput [protected]

Definition at line 74 of file vtkSMInputProperty.h.

int vtkSMInputProperty::PortIndex [protected]

Definition at line 75 of file vtkSMInputProperty.h.

int vtkSMInputProperty::InputsUpdateImmediately [static, protected]

Definition at line 77 of file vtkSMInputProperty.h.

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Generated on Tue May 30 12:39:05 2006 for ParaView by doxygen 1.3.5