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vtkAttributeEditor Class Reference

#include <vtkAttributeEditor.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 vtkTypeRevisionMacro (vtkAttributeEditor, vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
void RemoveInput (vtkDataSet *in)
void SetPickFunction (vtkObject *func)
virtual void SetAttributeValue (double)
virtual double GetAttributeValue ()
virtual void SetEditMode (int)
virtual int GetEditMode ()
virtual void EditModeOn ()
virtual void EditModeOff ()
virtual void SetClearEdits (int)
virtual int GetClearEdits ()
virtual void ClearEditsOn ()
virtual void ClearEditsOff ()
unsigned long GetMTime ()
void CreateDefaultLocator ()
void SetController (vtkMultiProcessController *controller)
vtkDataSet * GetInput (int idx)
vtkDataSet * GetInput ()
virtual void SetUnfilteredDataset (int)
virtual int GetUnfilteredDataset ()
virtual void UnfilteredDatasetOn ()
virtual void UnfilteredDatasetOff ()
virtual void SetValue (double)
virtual double GetValue ()
virtual void SetClipFunction (vtkImplicitFunction *)
virtual vtkImplicitFunction * GetClipFunction ()
virtual void SetAttributeMode (int)
virtual int GetAttributeMode ()
void SetAttributeModeToDefault ()
void SetAttributeModeToUsePointData ()
void SetAttributeModeToUseCellData ()
const char * GetAttributeModeAsString ()
virtual void SetMergeTolerance (double)
virtual double GetMergeTolerance ()
void SetLocator (vtkPointLocator *locator)
virtual vtkPointLocator * GetLocator ()
virtual void SetWorldPoint (double, double, double)
virtual void SetWorldPoint (double[3])
virtual double * GetWorldPoint ()
virtual void GetWorldPoint (double &, double &, double &)
virtual void GetWorldPoint (double[3])
virtual void SetPickCell (int)
virtual int GetPickCell ()
virtual void PickCellOn ()
virtual void PickCellOff ()

Static Public Member Functions

vtkAttributeEditorNew ()

Protected Member Functions

 vtkAttributeEditor (vtkImplicitFunction *cf=NULL)
 ~vtkAttributeEditor ()
virtual int RequestData (vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *)
virtual int FillInputPortInformation (int port, vtkInformation *info)
void ClipVolume (vtkDataSet *input, vtkUnstructuredGrid *output)
void RegionExecute (vtkDataSet *readerInput, vtkDataSet *filterInput, vtkDataSet *readerOutput, vtkDataSet *filterOutput)
void PointExecute (vtkDataSet *readerInput, vtkDataSet *filterInput, vtkDataSet *readerOutput, vtkDataSet *filterOutput)
void CellExecute (vtkDataSet *readerInput, vtkDataSet *filterInput, vtkDataSet *readerOutput, vtkDataSet *filterOutput)
void CreateOutput (vtkIdList *regionCellIds)
int CompareProcesses (double bestDist2)
vtkIdType InsertIdInPointMap (vtkIdType inId)
void InitializePointMap (vtkIdType numerOfInputPoints)
void DeletePointMap ()
int ListContainsId (vtkIdList *ids, vtkIdType id)
vtkIdType FindPointId (double pt[3], vtkDataSet *input)

Protected Attributes

vtkImplicitFunction * ClipFunction
vtkPointLocator * Locator
double Value
double MergeTolerance
double AttributeValue
int AttributeMode
int EditMode
int IsPointPick
int UnfilteredDataset
int ClearEdits
int PickCell
vtkMultiProcessController * Controller
double WorldPoint [3]
vtkIdList * PointMap
vtkIdList * RegionPointIds
int BestInputIndex
vtkFloatArray * FilterDataArray
vtkFloatArray * ReaderDataArray

Detailed Description

This class edits an attribute value either within a region or at a point. It takes two inputs, one from a filter and one from the original source/reader (these could be the same). When these are different, the points and cells in the filter are used to narrow the region to edit and acts as a selector. The editable region is defined by an ImplicitFunction. This class was modeled after vtkClipDataSet.

Definition at line 44 of file vtkAttributeEditor.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkAttributeEditor::vtkAttributeEditor vtkImplicitFunction *  cf = NULL  )  [protected]

vtkAttributeEditor::~vtkAttributeEditor  )  [protected]

Member Function Documentation

vtkAttributeEditor::vtkTypeRevisionMacro vtkAttributeEditor  ,

void vtkAttributeEditor::PrintSelf ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent

vtkAttributeEditor* vtkAttributeEditor::New  )  [static]

vtkDataSet* vtkAttributeEditor::GetInput int  idx  ) 

Get either input of this filter. BTX

vtkDataSet* vtkAttributeEditor::GetInput  )  [inline]

Get either input of this filter. BTX

Definition at line 55 of file vtkAttributeEditor.h.

void vtkAttributeEditor::RemoveInput vtkDataSet *  in  ) 

Remove a dataset from the list of data to append.

virtual void vtkAttributeEditor::SetUnfilteredDataset int   )  [virtual]

Access to the flag that toggles between a source view and a filter view

virtual int vtkAttributeEditor::GetUnfilteredDataset  )  [virtual]

Access to the flag that toggles between a source view and a filter view

virtual void vtkAttributeEditor::UnfilteredDatasetOn  )  [virtual]

Access to the flag that toggles between a source view and a filter view

virtual void vtkAttributeEditor::UnfilteredDatasetOff  )  [virtual]

Access to the flag that toggles between a source view and a filter view

virtual void vtkAttributeEditor::SetValue double   )  [virtual]

Set the clipping value of the implicit function (if clipping with implicit function) or point. The default value is 0.0.

virtual double vtkAttributeEditor::GetValue  )  [virtual]

Set the clipping value of the implicit function (if clipping with implicit function) or point. The default value is 0.0.

virtual void vtkAttributeEditor::SetClipFunction vtkImplicitFunction *   )  [virtual]

Specify the implicit function with which to perform the clipping. If you do not define an implicit function, then the selected input scalar data will be used for clipping.

virtual vtkImplicitFunction* vtkAttributeEditor::GetClipFunction  )  [virtual]

Specify the implicit function with which to perform the clipping. If you do not define an implicit function, then the selected input scalar data will be used for clipping.

void vtkAttributeEditor::SetPickFunction vtkObject *  func  ) 

Function could be a vtk3DWidget or vtkImplicitFunction

virtual void vtkAttributeEditor::SetAttributeMode int   )  [virtual]

Control how the filter works with scalar point data and cell attribute data. By default (AttributeModeToDefault), the filter will use point data, and if no point data is available, then cell data is used. Alternatively you can explicitly set the filter to use point data (AttributeModeToUsePointData) or cell data (AttributeModeToUseCellData).

virtual int vtkAttributeEditor::GetAttributeMode  )  [virtual]

Control how the filter works with scalar point data and cell attribute data. By default (AttributeModeToDefault), the filter will use point data, and if no point data is available, then cell data is used. Alternatively you can explicitly set the filter to use point data (AttributeModeToUsePointData) or cell data (AttributeModeToUseCellData).

void vtkAttributeEditor::SetAttributeModeToDefault  )  [inline]

Control how the filter works with scalar point data and cell attribute data. By default (AttributeModeToDefault), the filter will use point data, and if no point data is available, then cell data is used. Alternatively you can explicitly set the filter to use point data (AttributeModeToUsePointData) or cell data (AttributeModeToUseCellData).

Definition at line 98 of file vtkAttributeEditor.h.


void vtkAttributeEditor::SetAttributeModeToUsePointData  )  [inline]

Control how the filter works with scalar point data and cell attribute data. By default (AttributeModeToDefault), the filter will use point data, and if no point data is available, then cell data is used. Alternatively you can explicitly set the filter to use point data (AttributeModeToUsePointData) or cell data (AttributeModeToUseCellData).

Definition at line 100 of file vtkAttributeEditor.h.


void vtkAttributeEditor::SetAttributeModeToUseCellData  )  [inline]

Control how the filter works with scalar point data and cell attribute data. By default (AttributeModeToDefault), the filter will use point data, and if no point data is available, then cell data is used. Alternatively you can explicitly set the filter to use point data (AttributeModeToUsePointData) or cell data (AttributeModeToUseCellData).

Definition at line 102 of file vtkAttributeEditor.h.


const char* vtkAttributeEditor::GetAttributeModeAsString  ) 

Control how the filter works with scalar point data and cell attribute data. By default (AttributeModeToDefault), the filter will use point data, and if no point data is available, then cell data is used. Alternatively you can explicitly set the filter to use point data (AttributeModeToUsePointData) or cell data (AttributeModeToUseCellData).

virtual void vtkAttributeEditor::SetAttributeValue double   )  [virtual]

virtual double vtkAttributeEditor::GetAttributeValue  )  [virtual]

virtual void vtkAttributeEditor::SetEditMode int   )  [virtual]

virtual int vtkAttributeEditor::GetEditMode  )  [virtual]

virtual void vtkAttributeEditor::EditModeOn  )  [virtual]

virtual void vtkAttributeEditor::EditModeOff  )  [virtual]

virtual void vtkAttributeEditor::SetClearEdits int   )  [virtual]

virtual int vtkAttributeEditor::GetClearEdits  )  [virtual]

virtual void vtkAttributeEditor::ClearEditsOn  )  [virtual]

virtual void vtkAttributeEditor::ClearEditsOff  )  [virtual]

virtual void vtkAttributeEditor::SetMergeTolerance double   )  [virtual]

Set the tolerance for merging clip intersection points that are near the vertices of cells. This tolerance is used to prevent the generation of degenerate primitives. Note that only 3D cells actually use this instance variable.

virtual double vtkAttributeEditor::GetMergeTolerance  )  [virtual]

Set the tolerance for merging clip intersection points that are near the vertices of cells. This tolerance is used to prevent the generation of degenerate primitives. Note that only 3D cells actually use this instance variable.

unsigned long vtkAttributeEditor::GetMTime  ) 

Return the mtime also considering the locator and clip function.

void vtkAttributeEditor::SetLocator vtkPointLocator *  locator  ) 

Specify a spatial locator for merging points. By default, an instance of vtkMergePoints is used.

virtual vtkPointLocator* vtkAttributeEditor::GetLocator  )  [virtual]

Specify a spatial locator for merging points. By default, an instance of vtkMergePoints is used.

void vtkAttributeEditor::CreateDefaultLocator  ) 

Create default locator. Used to create one when none is specified. The locator is used to merge coincident points.

virtual void vtkAttributeEditor::SetWorldPoint double  ,
double  ,

Set your picking point here.

virtual void vtkAttributeEditor::SetWorldPoint double  [3]  )  [virtual]

Set your picking point here.

virtual double* vtkAttributeEditor::GetWorldPoint  )  [virtual]

Set your picking point here.

virtual void vtkAttributeEditor::GetWorldPoint double &  ,
double &  ,
double & 

Set your picking point here.

virtual void vtkAttributeEditor::GetWorldPoint double  [3]  )  [virtual]

Set your picking point here.

virtual void vtkAttributeEditor::SetPickCell int   )  [virtual]

Select whether you are us9ing a world point to pick, or a cell / point id.

virtual int vtkAttributeEditor::GetPickCell  )  [virtual]

Select whether you are us9ing a world point to pick, or a cell / point id.

virtual void vtkAttributeEditor::PickCellOn  )  [virtual]

Select whether you are us9ing a world point to pick, or a cell / point id.

virtual void vtkAttributeEditor::PickCellOff  )  [virtual]

Select whether you are us9ing a world point to pick, or a cell / point id.

void vtkAttributeEditor::SetController vtkMultiProcessController *  controller  ) 

This is set by default (if compiled with MPI). User can override this default.

virtual int vtkAttributeEditor::RequestData vtkInformation *  ,
vtkInformationVector **  ,
vtkInformationVector * 
[protected, virtual]

virtual int vtkAttributeEditor::FillInputPortInformation int  port,
vtkInformation *  info
[protected, virtual]

void vtkAttributeEditor::ClipVolume vtkDataSet *  input,
vtkUnstructuredGrid *  output

void vtkAttributeEditor::RegionExecute vtkDataSet *  readerInput,
vtkDataSet *  filterInput,
vtkDataSet *  readerOutput,
vtkDataSet *  filterOutput

void vtkAttributeEditor::PointExecute vtkDataSet *  readerInput,
vtkDataSet *  filterInput,
vtkDataSet *  readerOutput,
vtkDataSet *  filterOutput

void vtkAttributeEditor::CellExecute vtkDataSet *  readerInput,
vtkDataSet *  filterInput,
vtkDataSet *  readerOutput,
vtkDataSet *  filterOutput

void vtkAttributeEditor::CreateOutput vtkIdList *  regionCellIds  )  [protected]

int vtkAttributeEditor::CompareProcesses double  bestDist2  )  [protected]

vtkIdType vtkAttributeEditor::InsertIdInPointMap vtkIdType  inId  )  [protected]

void vtkAttributeEditor::InitializePointMap vtkIdType  numerOfInputPoints  )  [protected]

void vtkAttributeEditor::DeletePointMap  )  [protected]

int vtkAttributeEditor::ListContainsId vtkIdList *  ids,
vtkIdType  id

vtkIdType vtkAttributeEditor::FindPointId double  pt[3],
vtkDataSet *  input

Member Data Documentation

vtkImplicitFunction* vtkAttributeEditor::ClipFunction [protected]

Definition at line 169 of file vtkAttributeEditor.h.

vtkPointLocator* vtkAttributeEditor::Locator [protected]

Definition at line 171 of file vtkAttributeEditor.h.

double vtkAttributeEditor::Value [protected]

Definition at line 172 of file vtkAttributeEditor.h.

double vtkAttributeEditor::MergeTolerance [protected]

Definition at line 174 of file vtkAttributeEditor.h.

double vtkAttributeEditor::AttributeValue [protected]

Definition at line 179 of file vtkAttributeEditor.h.

int vtkAttributeEditor::AttributeMode [protected]

Definition at line 180 of file vtkAttributeEditor.h.

int vtkAttributeEditor::EditMode [protected]

Definition at line 181 of file vtkAttributeEditor.h.

int vtkAttributeEditor::IsPointPick [protected]

Definition at line 182 of file vtkAttributeEditor.h.

int vtkAttributeEditor::UnfilteredDataset [protected]

Definition at line 183 of file vtkAttributeEditor.h.

int vtkAttributeEditor::ClearEdits [protected]

Definition at line 184 of file vtkAttributeEditor.h.

int vtkAttributeEditor::PickCell [protected]

Definition at line 196 of file vtkAttributeEditor.h.

vtkMultiProcessController* vtkAttributeEditor::Controller [protected]

Definition at line 198 of file vtkAttributeEditor.h.

double vtkAttributeEditor::WorldPoint[3] [protected]

Definition at line 201 of file vtkAttributeEditor.h.

vtkIdList* vtkAttributeEditor::PointMap [protected]

Definition at line 204 of file vtkAttributeEditor.h.

vtkIdList* vtkAttributeEditor::RegionPointIds [protected]

Definition at line 206 of file vtkAttributeEditor.h.

int vtkAttributeEditor::BestInputIndex [protected]

Definition at line 211 of file vtkAttributeEditor.h.

vtkFloatArray* vtkAttributeEditor::FilterDataArray [protected]

Definition at line 222 of file vtkAttributeEditor.h.

vtkFloatArray* vtkAttributeEditor::ReaderDataArray [protected]

Definition at line 223 of file vtkAttributeEditor.h.

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Generated on Tue May 30 12:35:25 2006 for ParaView by doxygen 1.3.5