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vtkPVAxesActor Class Reference

a 3D axes representation More...

#include <vtkPVAxesActor.h>

List of all members.

Public Types


Public Member Functions

 vtkTypeRevisionMacro (vtkPVAxesActor, vtkProp3D)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void GetActors (vtkPropCollection *)
void ShallowCopy (vtkProp *prop)
void ReleaseGraphicsResources (vtkWindow *)
unsigned long int GetMTime ()
virtual unsigned long GetRedrawMTime ()
virtual int RenderOpaqueGeometry (vtkViewport *viewport)
virtual int RenderTranslucentGeometry (vtkViewport *viewport)
void GetBounds (double bounds[6])
double * GetBounds ()
void SetTotalLength (float v[3])
void SetTotalLength (float x, float y, float z)
virtual float * GetTotalLength ()
virtual void GetTotalLength (float data[3])
void SetNormalizedShaftLength (float v[3])
void SetNormalizedShaftLength (float x, float y, float z)
virtual float * GetNormalizedShaftLength ()
virtual void GetNormalizedShaftLength (float data[3])
void SetNormalizedTipLength (float v[3])
void SetNormalizedTipLength (float x, float y, float z)
virtual float * GetNormalizedTipLength ()
virtual void GetNormalizedTipLength (float data[3])
virtual void SetConeResolution (int)
virtual int GetConeResolution ()
virtual void SetSphereResolution (int)
virtual int GetSphereResolution ()
virtual void SetCylinderResolution (int)
virtual int GetCylinderResolution ()
virtual void SetConeRadius (float)
virtual float GetConeRadius ()
virtual void SetSphereRadius (float)
virtual float GetSphereRadius ()
virtual void SetCylinderRadius (float)
virtual float GetCylinderRadius ()
virtual void SetXAxisLabelPosition (float)
virtual float GetXAxisLabelPosition ()
virtual void SetYAxisLabelPosition (float)
virtual float GetYAxisLabelPosition ()
virtual void SetZAxisLabelPosition (float)
virtual float GetZAxisLabelPosition ()
void SetShaftType (int type)
void SetShaftTypeToCylinder ()
void SetShaftTypeToLine ()
void SetShaftTypeToUserDefined ()
void SetTipType (int type)
void SetTipTypeToCone ()
void SetTipTypeToSphere ()
void SetTipTypeToUserDefined ()
void SetUserDefinedTip (vtkPolyData *)
virtual vtkPolyData * GetUserDefinedTip ()
void SetUserDefinedShaft (vtkPolyData *)
virtual vtkPolyData * GetUserDefinedShaft ()
vtkProperty * GetXAxisTipProperty ()
vtkProperty * GetYAxisTipProperty ()
vtkProperty * GetZAxisTipProperty ()
vtkProperty * GetXAxisShaftProperty ()
vtkProperty * GetYAxisShaftProperty ()
vtkProperty * GetZAxisShaftProperty ()
vtkProperty * GetXAxisLabelProperty ()
vtkProperty * GetYAxisLabelProperty ()
vtkProperty * GetZAxisLabelProperty ()
virtual void SetXAxisLabelText (const char *)
virtual void SetYAxisLabelText (const char *)
virtual void SetZAxisLabelText (const char *)

Static Public Member Functions

vtkPVAxesActorNew ()

Protected Member Functions

 vtkPVAxesActor ()
 ~vtkPVAxesActor ()
void UpdateProps ()

Protected Attributes

vtkCylinderSource * CylinderSource
vtkLineSource * LineSource
vtkConeSource * ConeSource
vtkSphereSource * SphereSource
vtkActor * XAxisShaft
vtkActor * YAxisShaft
vtkActor * ZAxisShaft
vtkActor * XAxisTip
vtkActor * YAxisTip
vtkActor * ZAxisTip
float TotalLength [3]
float NormalizedShaftLength [3]
float NormalizedTipLength [3]
int ShaftType
int TipType
vtkPolyData * UserDefinedTip
vtkPolyData * UserDefinedShaft
char * XAxisLabelText
char * YAxisLabelText
char * ZAxisLabelText
vtkVectorText * XAxisVectorText
vtkVectorText * YAxisVectorText
vtkVectorText * ZAxisVectorText
vtkFollower * XAxisLabel
vtkFollower * YAxisLabel
vtkFollower * ZAxisLabel
int ConeResolution
int SphereResolution
int CylinderResolution
float ConeRadius
float SphereRadius
float CylinderRadius
float XAxisLabelPosition
float YAxisLabelPosition
float ZAxisLabelPosition

Detailed Description

a 3D axes representation

vtkPVAxesActor is used to represent 3D axes in the scene. The user can define the geometry to use for the shaft and the tip, and the user can set the text for the three axes. The text will follow the camera.

Definition at line 42 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 205 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

anonymous enum

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 213 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vtkPVAxesActor::vtkPVAxesActor  )  [protected]

vtkPVAxesActor::~vtkPVAxesActor  )  [protected]

Member Function Documentation

vtkPVAxesActor* vtkPVAxesActor::New  )  [static]

vtkPVAxesActor::vtkTypeRevisionMacro vtkPVAxesActor  ,

void vtkPVAxesActor::PrintSelf ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent

virtual void vtkPVAxesActor::GetActors vtkPropCollection *   )  [virtual]

For some exporters and other other operations we must be able to collect all the actors or volumes. These methods are used in that process.

virtual int vtkPVAxesActor::RenderOpaqueGeometry vtkViewport *  viewport  )  [virtual]

Support the standard render methods.

virtual int vtkPVAxesActor::RenderTranslucentGeometry vtkViewport *  viewport  )  [virtual]

Support the standard render methods.

void vtkPVAxesActor::ShallowCopy vtkProp *  prop  ) 

Shallow copy of an axes actor. Overloads the virtual vtkProp method.

void vtkPVAxesActor::ReleaseGraphicsResources vtkWindow *   ) 

Release any graphics resources that are being consumed by this actor. The parameter window could be used to determine which graphic resources to release.

void vtkPVAxesActor::GetBounds double  bounds[6]  ) 

Get the bounds for this Actor as (Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax,Zmin,Zmax). (The method GetBounds(double bounds[6]) is available from the superclass.)

double* vtkPVAxesActor::GetBounds  ) 

Get the bounds for this Actor as (Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax,Zmin,Zmax). (The method GetBounds(double bounds[6]) is available from the superclass.)

unsigned long int vtkPVAxesActor::GetMTime  ) 

Get the actors mtime plus consider its properties and texture if set.

virtual unsigned long vtkPVAxesActor::GetRedrawMTime  )  [virtual]

Return the mtime of anything that would cause the rendered image to appear differently. Usually this involves checking the mtime of the prop plus anything else it depends on such as properties, textures etc.

void vtkPVAxesActor::SetTotalLength float  v[3]  )  [inline]

Set the total length of the axes in 3 dimensions.

Definition at line 88 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

void vtkPVAxesActor::SetTotalLength float  x,
float  y,
float  z

Set the total length of the axes in 3 dimensions.

virtual float* vtkPVAxesActor::GetTotalLength  )  [virtual]

Set the total length of the axes in 3 dimensions.

virtual void vtkPVAxesActor::GetTotalLength float  data[3]  )  [virtual]

Set the total length of the axes in 3 dimensions.

void vtkPVAxesActor::SetNormalizedShaftLength float  v[3]  )  [inline]

Set the normalized (0-1) length of the shaft.

Definition at line 96 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

void vtkPVAxesActor::SetNormalizedShaftLength float  x,
float  y,
float  z

Set the normalized (0-1) length of the shaft.

virtual float* vtkPVAxesActor::GetNormalizedShaftLength  )  [virtual]

Set the normalized (0-1) length of the shaft.

virtual void vtkPVAxesActor::GetNormalizedShaftLength float  data[3]  )  [virtual]

Set the normalized (0-1) length of the shaft.

void vtkPVAxesActor::SetNormalizedTipLength float  v[3]  )  [inline]

Set the normalized (0-1) length of the tip.

Definition at line 104 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

void vtkPVAxesActor::SetNormalizedTipLength float  x,
float  y,
float  z

Set the normalized (0-1) length of the tip.

virtual float* vtkPVAxesActor::GetNormalizedTipLength  )  [virtual]

Set the normalized (0-1) length of the tip.

virtual void vtkPVAxesActor::GetNormalizedTipLength float  data[3]  )  [virtual]

Set the normalized (0-1) length of the tip.

virtual void vtkPVAxesActor::SetConeResolution int   )  [virtual]

Set/get the resolution of the pieces of the axes actor

virtual int vtkPVAxesActor::GetConeResolution  )  [virtual]

Set/get the resolution of the pieces of the axes actor

virtual void vtkPVAxesActor::SetSphereResolution int   )  [virtual]

Set/get the resolution of the pieces of the axes actor

virtual int vtkPVAxesActor::GetSphereResolution  )  [virtual]

Set/get the resolution of the pieces of the axes actor

virtual void vtkPVAxesActor::SetCylinderResolution int   )  [virtual]

Set/get the resolution of the pieces of the axes actor

virtual int vtkPVAxesActor::GetCylinderResolution  )  [virtual]

Set/get the resolution of the pieces of the axes actor

virtual void vtkPVAxesActor::SetConeRadius float   )  [virtual]

Set/get the radius of the pieces of the axes actor

virtual float vtkPVAxesActor::GetConeRadius  )  [virtual]

Set/get the radius of the pieces of the axes actor

virtual void vtkPVAxesActor::SetSphereRadius float   )  [virtual]

Set/get the radius of the pieces of the axes actor

virtual float vtkPVAxesActor::GetSphereRadius  )  [virtual]

Set/get the radius of the pieces of the axes actor

virtual void vtkPVAxesActor::SetCylinderRadius float   )  [virtual]

Set/get the radius of the pieces of the axes actor

virtual float vtkPVAxesActor::GetCylinderRadius  )  [virtual]

Set/get the radius of the pieces of the axes actor

virtual void vtkPVAxesActor::SetXAxisLabelPosition float   )  [virtual]

Set/get the positions of the axis labels

virtual float vtkPVAxesActor::GetXAxisLabelPosition  )  [virtual]

Set/get the positions of the axis labels

virtual void vtkPVAxesActor::SetYAxisLabelPosition float   )  [virtual]

Set/get the positions of the axis labels

virtual float vtkPVAxesActor::GetYAxisLabelPosition  )  [virtual]

Set/get the positions of the axis labels

virtual void vtkPVAxesActor::SetZAxisLabelPosition float   )  [virtual]

Set/get the positions of the axis labels

virtual float vtkPVAxesActor::GetZAxisLabelPosition  )  [virtual]

Set/get the positions of the axis labels

void vtkPVAxesActor::SetShaftType int  type  ) 

Set the type of the shaft to a cylinder, line, or user defined geometry.

void vtkPVAxesActor::SetShaftTypeToCylinder  )  [inline]

Set the type of the shaft to a cylinder, line, or user defined geometry.

Definition at line 144 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.


void vtkPVAxesActor::SetShaftTypeToLine  )  [inline]

Set the type of the shaft to a cylinder, line, or user defined geometry.

Definition at line 146 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

References LINE_SHAFT.

void vtkPVAxesActor::SetShaftTypeToUserDefined  )  [inline]

Set the type of the shaft to a cylinder, line, or user defined geometry.

Definition at line 148 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.


void vtkPVAxesActor::SetTipType int  type  ) 

Set the type of the tip to a cone, sphere, or user defined geometry.

void vtkPVAxesActor::SetTipTypeToCone  )  [inline]

Set the type of the tip to a cone, sphere, or user defined geometry.

Definition at line 155 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

References CONE_TIP.

void vtkPVAxesActor::SetTipTypeToSphere  )  [inline]

Set the type of the tip to a cone, sphere, or user defined geometry.

Definition at line 157 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

References SPHERE_TIP.

void vtkPVAxesActor::SetTipTypeToUserDefined  )  [inline]

Set the type of the tip to a cone, sphere, or user defined geometry.

Definition at line 159 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.


void vtkPVAxesActor::SetUserDefinedTip vtkPolyData *   ) 

Set the user defined tip polydata.

virtual vtkPolyData* vtkPVAxesActor::GetUserDefinedTip  )  [virtual]

Set the user defined tip polydata.

void vtkPVAxesActor::SetUserDefinedShaft vtkPolyData *   ) 

Set the user defined shaft polydata.

virtual vtkPolyData* vtkPVAxesActor::GetUserDefinedShaft  )  [virtual]

Set the user defined shaft polydata.

vtkProperty* vtkPVAxesActor::GetXAxisTipProperty  ) 

Get the tip properties.

vtkProperty* vtkPVAxesActor::GetYAxisTipProperty  ) 

Get the tip properties.

vtkProperty* vtkPVAxesActor::GetZAxisTipProperty  ) 

Get the tip properties.

vtkProperty* vtkPVAxesActor::GetXAxisShaftProperty  ) 

Get the shaft properties.

vtkProperty* vtkPVAxesActor::GetYAxisShaftProperty  ) 

Get the shaft properties.

vtkProperty* vtkPVAxesActor::GetZAxisShaftProperty  ) 

Get the shaft properties.

vtkProperty* vtkPVAxesActor::GetXAxisLabelProperty  ) 

Get the label properties.

vtkProperty* vtkPVAxesActor::GetYAxisLabelProperty  ) 

Get the label properties.

vtkProperty* vtkPVAxesActor::GetZAxisLabelProperty  ) 

Get the label properties.

virtual void vtkPVAxesActor::SetXAxisLabelText const char *   )  [virtual]

Get the label properties.

virtual void vtkPVAxesActor::SetYAxisLabelText const char *   )  [virtual]

Get the label properties.

virtual void vtkPVAxesActor::SetZAxisLabelText const char *   )  [virtual]

Get the label properties.

void vtkPVAxesActor::UpdateProps  )  [protected]

Member Data Documentation

vtkCylinderSource* vtkPVAxesActor::CylinderSource [protected]

Definition at line 226 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

vtkLineSource* vtkPVAxesActor::LineSource [protected]

Definition at line 227 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

vtkConeSource* vtkPVAxesActor::ConeSource [protected]

Definition at line 228 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

vtkSphereSource* vtkPVAxesActor::SphereSource [protected]

Definition at line 229 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

vtkActor* vtkPVAxesActor::XAxisShaft [protected]

Definition at line 231 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

vtkActor* vtkPVAxesActor::YAxisShaft [protected]

Definition at line 232 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

vtkActor* vtkPVAxesActor::ZAxisShaft [protected]

Definition at line 233 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

vtkActor* vtkPVAxesActor::XAxisTip [protected]

Definition at line 235 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

vtkActor* vtkPVAxesActor::YAxisTip [protected]

Definition at line 236 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

vtkActor* vtkPVAxesActor::ZAxisTip [protected]

Definition at line 237 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

float vtkPVAxesActor::TotalLength[3] [protected]

Definition at line 241 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

float vtkPVAxesActor::NormalizedShaftLength[3] [protected]

Definition at line 242 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

float vtkPVAxesActor::NormalizedTipLength[3] [protected]

Definition at line 243 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

int vtkPVAxesActor::ShaftType [protected]

Definition at line 245 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

int vtkPVAxesActor::TipType [protected]

Definition at line 246 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

vtkPolyData* vtkPVAxesActor::UserDefinedTip [protected]

Definition at line 248 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

vtkPolyData* vtkPVAxesActor::UserDefinedShaft [protected]

Definition at line 249 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

char* vtkPVAxesActor::XAxisLabelText [protected]

Definition at line 251 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

char* vtkPVAxesActor::YAxisLabelText [protected]

Definition at line 252 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

char* vtkPVAxesActor::ZAxisLabelText [protected]

Definition at line 253 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

vtkVectorText* vtkPVAxesActor::XAxisVectorText [protected]

Definition at line 255 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

vtkVectorText* vtkPVAxesActor::YAxisVectorText [protected]

Definition at line 256 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

vtkVectorText* vtkPVAxesActor::ZAxisVectorText [protected]

Definition at line 257 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

vtkFollower* vtkPVAxesActor::XAxisLabel [protected]

Definition at line 259 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

vtkFollower* vtkPVAxesActor::YAxisLabel [protected]

Definition at line 260 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

vtkFollower* vtkPVAxesActor::ZAxisLabel [protected]

Definition at line 261 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

int vtkPVAxesActor::ConeResolution [protected]

Definition at line 263 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

int vtkPVAxesActor::SphereResolution [protected]

Definition at line 264 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

int vtkPVAxesActor::CylinderResolution [protected]

Definition at line 265 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

float vtkPVAxesActor::ConeRadius [protected]

Definition at line 267 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

float vtkPVAxesActor::SphereRadius [protected]

Definition at line 268 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

float vtkPVAxesActor::CylinderRadius [protected]

Definition at line 269 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

float vtkPVAxesActor::XAxisLabelPosition [protected]

Definition at line 271 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

float vtkPVAxesActor::YAxisLabelPosition [protected]

Definition at line 272 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

float vtkPVAxesActor::ZAxisLabelPosition [protected]

Definition at line 273 of file vtkPVAxesActor.h.

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