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Intensity Image Filters
[Image Filters]


Mathematical Morphology Image Filters


class  AbsImageFilter
 Computes the ABS(x) pixel-wise. More...

class  AbsoluteValueDifferenceImageFilter
 Implements pixel-wise the computation of absolute value difference. More...

class  AccumulateImageFilter
 Implements an accumulation of an image along a selected direction. More...

class  AcosImageFilter
 Computes the acos(x) pixel-wise. More...

class  AdaptImageFilter
 Convert an image to another pixel type using the specified data accessor. More...

class  AddImageFilter
 Implements an operator for pixel-wise addition of two images. More...

class  AndImageFilter
 Implements the AND logical operator pixel-wise between two images. More...

class  AsinImageFilter
 Computes the asin(x) pixel-wise. More...

class  Atan2ImageFilter
 Computes arctangent pixel-wise from two images. More...

class  AtanImageFilter
 Computes the atan(x) pixel-wise. More...

class  BayesianClassifierImageFilter
 This filter will perform Bayesian Classification on an image. More...

class  BinaryFunctorImageFilter
 Implements pixel-wise generic operation of two images. More...

class  BinaryMagnitudeImageFilter
 Implements pixel-wise the computation of square root of the sum of squares. More...

class  BinaryMedianImageFilter
 Applies an version of the median filter optimized for binary images. More...

class  BinaryThresholdImageFilter
 Binarize an input image by thresholding. More...

class  CastImageFilter
 Casts input pixels to output pixel type. More...

class  ChangeLabelImageFilter
 Change Sets of Labels. More...

class  CheckerBoardImageFilter
 Combines two images in a checkerboard pattern. More...

class  ComplexToImaginaryImageFilter
 Computes pixel-wise the imaginary part of a complex image. More...

class  ComplexToModulusImageFilter
 Computes pixel-wise the Modulus of a complex image. More...

class  ComplexToPhaseImageFilter
 Computes pixel-wise the modulus of a complex image. More...

class  ComplexToRealImageFilter
 Computes pixel-wise the real(x) part of a complex image. More...

class  Compose2DCovariantVectorImageFilter
 Implements pixel-wise composition of an 2D covariant vector pixel from two scalar images. More...

class  Compose2DVectorImageFilter
 Implements pixel-wise composition of an 2D vector pixel from two scalar images. More...

class  Compose3DCovariantVectorImageFilter
 Implements pixel-wise composition of an 3D covariant vector pixel from three scalar images. More...

class  Compose3DVectorImageFilter
 Implements pixel-wise composition of an 3D vector pixel from three scalar images. More...

class  ComposeRGBImageFilter
 Implements pixel-wise composition of an RGB pixel from three scalar images. More...

class  ConstrainedValueAdditionImageFilter
 Implements pixel-wise the computation of constrained value addition. More...

class  ConstrainedValueDifferenceImageFilter
 Implements pixel-wise the computation of constrained value difference. More...

class  CosImageFilter
 Computes the cos(x) pixel-wise. More...

class  DifferenceImageFilter
 Implements pixel-wise comparison of two images. More...

class  DivideImageFilter
 Implements an operator for pixel-wise division of two images. More...

class  EigenAnalysis2DImageFilter
 Computes pixel-wise the eigen values and eigen vectors of a 2D symmetrical matrix. More...

class  ExpImageFilter
 Computes the exp(x) pixel-wise. More...

class  ExpNegativeImageFilter
 Computes the function exp(-K.x) pixel-wise. More...

class  GetAverageSliceImageFilter
 Implements a Reflection of an image along a selected direction. More...

class  GradientToMagnitudeImageFilter
 Take an image of vectors as input and produce an image with the magnitude of those vectors. More...

class  Hessian3DToVesselnessMeasureImageFilter
 Line filter to provide a vesselness measure for tubular objects from the hessian matrix. The filter takes as input an image of hessian pixels (SymmetricSecondRankTensor pixels) and preserves pixels that have eigen values


close to 0 and




as large negative values. (for bright tubular structures). More...

class  HistogramMatchingImageFilter
 Normalize the grayscale values between two image by histogram matching. More...

class  IntensityWindowingImageFilter
 Applies a linear transformation to the intensity levels of the input Image that are inside a user-defined interval. Values below this interval are mapped to a constant. Values over the interval are mapped to another constant. More...

class  JoinImageFilter
 Join two images, resulting in an image where each pixel has the components of the first image followed by the components of the second image. More...

class  LazyEdgeDetectionImageFilter3D
 Implements a Reflection of an image along a selected direction. More...

class  Log10ImageFilter
 Computes the log10(x) pixel-wise. More...

class  LogImageFilter
 Computes the log(x) pixel-wise. More...

class  MaskImageFilter
 Implements an operator for pixel-wise masking of the input image with the mask. More...

class  MaskNegatedImageFilter
 Implements an operator for pixel-wise masking of the input image with the negative of a mask. More...

class  MatrixIndexSelectionImageFilter
 Extracts the selected indices of a matrix image that is the input pixel type. More...

class  MaximumImageFilter
 Implements a pixel-wise operator Max(a,b) between two images. More...

class  MeanImageFilter
 Applies an averaging filter to an image. More...

class  MedianImageFilter
 Applies a median filter to an image. More...

class  MinimumImageFilter
 Implements a pixel-wise operator Min(a,b) between two images. More...

class  MultiplyImageFilter
 Implements an operator for pixel-wise multiplication of two images. More...

class  NaryAddImageFilter
 Implements an operator for pixel-wise addition of two images. More...

class  NaryFunctorImageFilter
 Implements pixel-wise generic operation of Nth similar images. More...

class  NaryMaximumImageFilter
 Implements an operator computing the pixel-wise maximum of several images. More...

class  NoiseImageFilter
 Calculate the local noise in an image. More...

class  NotImageFilter
 Implements the NOT logical operator pixel-wise on an image. More...

class  OrImageFilter
 Implements the OR logical operator pixel-wise between two images. More...

class  OtsuMultipleThresholdsImageFilter
 Threshold an image using multiple Otsu Thresholds. More...

class  OtsuThresholdImageFilter
 Threshold an image using the Otsu Threshold. More...

class  ReflectImageFilter
 Implements a Reflection of an image along a selected direction. More...

class  RescaleIntensityImageFilter
 Applies a linear transformation to the intensity levels of the input Image. More...

class  RGBToLuminanceImageFilter
 Converts an RGB image into a grayscale image. More...

class  ShiftScaleImageFilter
 Shift and scale the pixels in an image. More...

class  ShiftScaleInPlaceImageFilter
 Shift and scale the pixels in an image. More...

class  SigmoidImageFilter
 Computes the sigmoid function pixel-wise. More...

class  SimpleContourExtractorImageFilter
 Computes an image of contours from. More...

class  SinImageFilter
 Computes the sin(x) pixel-wise. More...

class  SmoothingRecursiveGaussianImageFilter
 Computes the smoothing of an image by convolution with the Gaussian kernels implemented as IIR filters. More...

class  SqrtImageFilter
 Computes the sqrt(x) pixel-wise. More...

class  SquaredDifferenceImageFilter
 Implements pixel-wise the computation of squared difference. More...

class  SquareImageFilter
 Computes the square of the intensity values pixel-wise. More...

class  SubtractImageFilter
 Implements an operator for pixel-wise subtraction of two images. More...

class  SymmetricEigenAnalysisImageFilter
 Computes the Fractional Anisotropy for every pixel of a input tensor image. More...

class  TanImageFilter
 Computes the tan(x) pixel-wise. More...

class  TensorFractionalAnisotropyImageFilter
 Computes the Fractional Anisotropy for every pixel of a input tensor image. More...

class  TensorRelativeAnisotropyImageFilter
 Computes the Relative Anisotropy for every pixel of a input tensor image. More...

class  TernaryAddImageFilter
 Implements pixel-wise addition of three images. More...

class  TernaryFunctorImageFilter
 Implements pixel-wise generic operation of three images. More...

class  TernaryMagnitudeImageFilter
 Implements pixel-wise addition of three images. More...

class  TernaryMagnitudeSquaredImageFilter
 Implements pixel-wise addition of three images. More...

class  ThresholdImageFilter
 Set image values to a user-specified value if they are below, above, or between simple threshold values. More...

class  ThresholdLabelerImageFilter
 Label an input image according to a set of thresholds. More...

class  TwoOutputExampleImageFilter
 Example of a filter that produce two outputs. More...

class  UnaryFunctorImageFilter
 Implements pixel-wise generic operation on one image. More...

class  VectorCastImageFilter
 Casts input vector pixels to output vector pixel type. More...

class  VectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilter
 Extracts the selected index of the vector that is the input pixel type. More...

class  VectorRescaleIntensityImageFilter
 Applies a linear transformation to the magnitude of pixel vectors in a vector Image. More...

class  VotingBinaryHoleFillingImageFilter
 Fills in holes and cavities by applying a voting operation on each pixel. More...

class  VotingBinaryImageFilter
 Applies a voting operation in a neighborhood of each pixel. More...

class  VotingBinaryIterativeHoleFillingImageFilter
 Fills in holes and cavities by iteratively applying a voting operation. More...

class  WeightedAddImageFilter
 Implements an operator for computed a weighted sum of two images pixel-wise. More...

class  XorImageFilter
 Implements the XOR logical operator pixel-wise between two images. More...

Detailed Description

Intensity Image filters only alter the values stored in image pixels.
See also:



Generated at Thu May 25 00:19:34 2006 for ITK by doxygen 1.3.5 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000