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Mathematical Morphology Image Filters
[Intensity Image Filters]


class  BinaryPruningImageFilter
class  BinaryThinningImageFilter
 This filter computes one-pixel-wide edges of the input image. More...

class  BlackTopHatImageFilter
 Black top hat extract local minima that are larger than the structuring element. More...

class  ClosingByReconstructionImageFilter
 Closing by reconstruction of an image. More...

class  DilateObjectMorphologyImageFilter
 dilation of an object in an image More...

class  DoubleThresholdImageFilter
 Binarize an input image using double thresholding. More...

class  ErodeObjectMorphologyImageFilter
 Erosion of an object in an image. More...

class  GrayscaleConnectedClosingImageFilter
 Enhance pixels associated with a dark object (identified by a seed pixel) where the dark object is surrounded by a brigher object. More...

class  GrayscaleConnectedOpeningImageFilter
 Enhance pixels associated with a bright object (identified by a seed pixel) where the bright object is surrounded by a darker object. More...

class  GrayscaleDilateImageFilter
 gray scale dilation of an image More...

class  GrayscaleErodeImageFilter
 gray scale erosion of an image More...

class  GrayscaleFillholeImageFilter
 Remove local minima not connected to the boundary of the image. More...

class  GrayscaleFunctionDilateImageFilter
 gray scale function dilation of an image More...

class  GrayscaleFunctionErodeImageFilter
 gray scale function erosion of an image More...

class  GrayscaleGeodesicDilateImageFilter
 geodesic gray scale dilation of an image More...

class  GrayscaleGeodesicErodeImageFilter
 geodesic gray scale erosion of an image More...

class  GrayscaleGrindPeakImageFilter
 Remove local maxima not connected to the boundary of the image. More...

class  GrayscaleMorphologicalClosingImageFilter
 gray scale morphological closing of an image. More...

class  GrayscaleMorphologicalOpeningImageFilter
 gray scale morphological opening of an image. More...

class  HConcaveImageFilter
 Identify local minima whose depth below the baseline is greater than h. More...

class  HConvexImageFilter
 Identify local maxima whose height above the baseline is greater than h. More...

class  HMaximaImageFilter
 Suppress local maxima whose height above the baseline is less than h. More...

class  HMinimaImageFilter
 Suppress local minima whose depth below the baseline is less than h. More...

class  MorphologyImageFilter
 Base class for the morphological operations such as erosion and dialation. More...

class  ObjectMorphologyImageFilter
 Base class for the morphological operations being applied to isolated objects in an image. More...

class  OpeningByReconstructionImageFilter
 Opening by reconstruction of an image. More...

class  ReconstructionByDilationImageFilter
 grayscale reconstruction by dilation of an image More...

class  ReconstructionByErosionImageFilter
 grayscale reconstruction by erosion of an image More...

class  WhiteTopHatImageFilter
 White top hat extract local maxima that are larger than the structuring element. More...

Detailed Description

Mathematical morphology filters are a particular class of cellular automata. They modify the value of a pixel based on the values of a neighborhood. The neighborhood is now as the structured element.

See also:




Generated at Thu May 25 00:19:34 2006 for ITK by doxygen 1.3.5 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000