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itk::SpatialObject< TDimension > Class Template Reference

Implementation of the composite pattern. More...

#include <itkSpatialObject.h>

Inheritance diagram for itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

typedef double ScalarType
typedef SpatialObject< TDimension > Self
typedef DataObject Superclass
typedef SmartPointer< SelfPointer
typedef SmartPointer< const
typedef Point< ScalarType,
TDimension > 
typedef Point< ScalarType,
TDimension > 
typedef PointTypePointPointer
typedef Vector< ScalarType,
TDimension > 
typedef CovariantVector< ScalarType,
TDimension > 
typedef VectorTypeVectorPointer
typedef double * SpacingType
typedef CovariantVector< double,
TDimension > 
typedef OutputVectorTypeOutputVectorPointer
typedef ScalableAffineTransform<
double, TDimension > 
typedef TransformType::Pointer TransformPointer
typedef const TransformTypeTransformConstPointer
typedef VectorContainer< unsigned
long int, PointType
typedef BoundingBox< unsigned
long int, TDimension, ScalarType,
typedef BoundingBoxType::Pointer BoundingBoxPointer
typedef AffineGeometryFrame<
double, TDimension > 
typedef AffineGeometryFrameType::Pointer AffineGeometryFramePointer
typedef std::list< PointerChildrenListType
typedef ChildrenListTypeChildrenListPointer
typedef Index< TDimension > IndexType
typedef IndexType::IndexValueType IndexValueType
typedef Offset< TDimension > OffsetType
typedef OffsetType::OffsetValueType OffsetValueType
typedef ImageRegion< TDimension > RegionType
typedef Size< TDimension > SizeType
typedef SpatialObjectProperty<
float > 
typedef PropertyType::Pointer PropertyPointer
typedef SpatialObjectTreeNode<
TDimension > 

Public Member Functions

 itkStaticConstMacro (MaximumDepth, unsigned int, 9999999)
unsigned int GetMaximumDepth ()
virtual bool HasParent (void) const
virtual const char * GetTypeName (void) const
 itkStaticConstMacro (ObjectDimension, unsigned int, TDimension)
unsigned int GetObjectDimension (void) const
virtual const char * GetNameOfClass () const
void ComputeObjectToWorldTransform (void)
void ComputeObjectToParentTransform (void)
unsigned long GetTransformMTime (void)
unsigned long GetWorldTransformMTime (void)
virtual bool ValueAt (const PointType &point, double &value, unsigned int depth=0, char *name=NULL) const
virtual bool IsEvaluableAt (const PointType &point, unsigned int depth=0, char *name=NULL) const
virtual bool IsInside (const PointType &point, unsigned int depth=0, char *name=NULL) const
virtual void DerivativeAt (const PointType &point, short unsigned int order, OutputVectorType &value, unsigned int depth=0, char *name=NULL)
unsigned long GetMTime (void) const
unsigned long GetObjectMTime (void) const
virtual void SetLargestPossibleRegion (const RegionType &region)
virtual const RegionTypeGetLargestPossibleRegion () const
virtual void SetBufferedRegion (const RegionType &region)
virtual const RegionTypeGetBufferedRegion () const
virtual void SetRequestedRegion (const RegionType &region)
virtual void SetRequestedRegion (DataObject *data)
virtual const RegionTypeGetRequestedRegion () const
void SetProperty (PropertyType *property)
virtual void Update (void)
void SetTreeNode (TreeNodeType *node)
void SetSpacing (const double spacing[itkGetStaticConstMacro(ObjectDimension)])
virtual const double * GetSpacing () const
void AddSpatialObject (Self *pointer)
void RemoveSpatialObject (Self *object)
virtual const SelfGetParent (void) const
virtual SelfGetParent (void)
virtual ChildrenListTypeGetChildren (unsigned int depth=0, char *name=NULL) const
unsigned int GetNumberOfChildren (unsigned int depth=0, char *name=NULL) const
void SetChildren (ChildrenListType &children)
virtual void Clear (void)
virtual BoundingBoxTypeGetBoundingBox () const
void SetParent (Self *parent)
virtual std::string GetSpatialObjectTypeAsString () const
virtual const AffineGeometryFrameTypeGetAffineGeometryFrame ()
virtual void SetAffineGeometryFrame (AffineGeometryFrameType *_arg)
void SetObjectToWorldTransform (TransformType *transform)
virtual TransformTypeGetObjectToWorldTransform ()
virtual const TransformTypeGetObjectToWorldTransform ()
virtual TransformTypeGetIndexToWorldTransform ()
virtual const TransformTypeGetIndexToWorldTransform ()
bool Evaluate (const PointType &point) const
const OffsetValueTypeGetOffsetTable () const
OffsetValueType ComputeOffset (const IndexType &ind) const
IndexType ComputeIndex (OffsetValueType offset) const
virtual void CopyInformation (const DataObject *data)
virtual void UpdateOutputInformation ()
virtual void SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion ()
virtual bool RequestedRegionIsOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion ()
virtual bool VerifyRequestedRegion ()
PropertyTypeGetProperty (void)
const PropertyTypeGetProperty (void) const
virtual const int & GetId ()
virtual void SetId (int _arg)
virtual void SetParentId (int _arg)
virtual const int & GetParentId ()
TreeNodeType::Pointer GetTreeNode ()
TreeNodeType::ConstPointer GetTreeNode () const
TransformTypeGetIndexToObjectTransform (void)
const TransformTypeGetIndexToObjectTransform (void) const
void SetObjectToParentTransform (TransformType *transform)
TransformTypeGetObjectToParentTransform (void)
const TransformTypeGetObjectToParentTransform (void) const
TransformTypeGetObjectToNodeTransform (void)
const TransformTypeGetObjectToNodeTransform (void) const
virtual bool ComputeBoundingBox () const
virtual bool ComputeLocalBoundingBox () const
virtual void SetBoundingBoxChildrenDepth (unsigned int _arg)
virtual const unsigned int & GetBoundingBoxChildrenDepth ()
virtual void SetBoundingBoxChildrenName (std::string _arg)
virtual const std::string & GetBoundingBoxChildrenName ()
void SetNodeToParentNodeTransform (TransformType *transform)
TransformTypeGetNodeToParentNodeTransform (void)
const TransformTypeGetNodeToParentNodeTransform (void) const
virtual void SetDefaultInsideValue (double _arg)
virtual double GetDefaultInsideValue () const
virtual void SetDefaultOutsideValue (double _arg)
virtual double GetDefaultOutsideValue () const

Static Public Member Functions

Pointer New ()

Protected Member Functions

 SpatialObject ()
virtual ~SpatialObject ()
virtual void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
void ComputeOffsetTable ()
virtual void SetDimension (unsigned int _arg)
virtual const unsigned int & GetDimension ()
virtual void SetTypeName (std::string _arg)
virtual const BoundingBoxTypeGetBounds ()
virtual const TransformTypeGetInternalInverseTransform ()

Detailed Description

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
class itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >

Implementation of the composite pattern.

The purpose of this class is to implement the composite pattern [Design Patterns, Gamma, 1995] within itk, so that it becomes easy to create an environment containing objects within a scene, and to manipulate the environment as a whole or any of its component objects. An object has a list of transformations to transform index coordinates to the corresponding coordinates in the real world coordinate system, and a list of inverse transformation to go backward. Any spatial objects can be plugged to a spatial object as children. To implement your own spatial object, you need to derive from the following class, which requires the definition of just a few pure virtual functions. Examples of such functions are ValueAt(), IsEvaluableAt(), and IsInside(), each of which has a meaning specific to each particular object type.

Definition at line 70 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef AffineGeometryFrameType::Pointer itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::AffineGeometryFramePointer

Definition at line 115 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef AffineGeometryFrame<double,TDimension> itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::AffineGeometryFrameType

Definition at line 114 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef BoundingBoxType::Pointer itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::BoundingBoxPointer

Definition at line 112 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef BoundingBox< unsigned long int, TDimension, ScalarType, VectorContainerType > itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::BoundingBoxType

Reimplemented in itk::BlobSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BoxSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::CylinderSpatialObject, itk::DTITubeSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::EllipseSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::GaussianSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageMaskSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, TPixelType >, itk::LandmarkSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::LineSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >, itk::PlaneSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PolygonGroupSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::SurfaceSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, TTubePointType >, itk::VesselTubeSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, unsigned char >, itk::PolygonGroupSpatialObject< 3 >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, VesselTubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >, and itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, DTITubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >.

Definition at line 111 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef ChildrenListType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::ChildrenListPointer

Definition at line 119 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef std::list< Pointer > itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::ChildrenListType

Return type for the list of children

Reimplemented in itk::PolygonGroupSpatialObject< TDimension >, and itk::PolygonGroupSpatialObject< 3 >.

Definition at line 118 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef SmartPointer< const Self > itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::ConstPointer

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

Reimplemented in itk::ArrowSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BlobSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BoxSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::CylinderSpatialObject, itk::DTITubeSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::EllipseSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::GaussianSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::GroupSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageMaskSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, TPixelType >, itk::LandmarkSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::LineSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >, itk::PlaneSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PointBasedSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PolygonGroupSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PolygonSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::SurfaceSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, TTubePointType >, itk::VesselTubeSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, unsigned char >, itk::PolygonGroupSpatialObject< 3 >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, VesselTubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >, and itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, DTITubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >.

Definition at line 88 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef CovariantVector<ScalarType, TDimension > itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::CovariantVectorType

Reimplemented in itk::DTITubeSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PointBasedSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::SurfaceSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, TTubePointType >, itk::VesselTubeSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, VesselTubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >, and itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, DTITubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >.

Definition at line 96 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef Index<TDimension> itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::IndexType

Index typedef support. An index is used to access pixel values.

Reimplemented in itk::ImageMaskSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, TPixelType >, and itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, unsigned char >.

Definition at line 123 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef IndexType::IndexValueType itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::IndexValueType

Definition at line 124 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef Point< ScalarType, TDimension > itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::InputType

Definition at line 92 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef Offset<TDimension> itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::OffsetType

Offset typedef support. An offset represent relative position between indices.

Definition at line 128 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef OffsetType::OffsetValueType itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::OffsetValueType

Definition at line 129 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef OutputVectorType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::OutputVectorPointer

Definition at line 102 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef CovariantVector< double, TDimension > itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::OutputVectorType

Definition at line 101 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef SmartPointer< Self > itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::Pointer

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

Reimplemented in itk::ArrowSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BlobSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BoxSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::CylinderSpatialObject, itk::DTITubeSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::EllipseSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::GaussianSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::GroupSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageMaskSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, TPixelType >, itk::LandmarkSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::LineSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >, itk::PlaneSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PointBasedSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PolygonGroupSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PolygonSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::SurfaceSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, TTubePointType >, itk::VesselTubeSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, unsigned char >, itk::PolygonGroupSpatialObject< 3 >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, VesselTubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >, and itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, DTITubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >.

Definition at line 87 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef PointType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::PointPointer

Definition at line 93 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef Point< ScalarType, TDimension > itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::PointType

Reimplemented in itk::ArrowSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BlobSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BoxSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::CylinderSpatialObject, itk::DTITubeSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::EllipseSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::GaussianSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageMaskSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, TPixelType >, itk::LandmarkSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::LineSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >, itk::PlaneSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PointBasedSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PolygonGroupSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PolygonSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::SurfaceSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, TTubePointType >, itk::VesselTubeSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, unsigned char >, itk::PolygonGroupSpatialObject< 3 >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, VesselTubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >, and itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, DTITubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >.

Definition at line 90 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef PropertyType::Pointer itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::PropertyPointer

Definition at line 133 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef SpatialObjectProperty< float > itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::PropertyType

Definition at line 132 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef ImageRegion<TDimension> itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::RegionType

Reimplemented in itk::ImageMaskSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, TPixelType >, and itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, unsigned char >.

Definition at line 130 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef double itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::ScalarType

Reimplemented in itk::ArrowSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BlobSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BoxSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::CylinderSpatialObject, itk::EllipseSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::GaussianSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::GroupSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageMaskSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, TPixelType >, itk::LandmarkSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::LineSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >, itk::PlaneSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PointBasedSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::SurfaceSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, TTubePointType >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, unsigned char >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, VesselTubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >, and itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, DTITubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >.

Definition at line 76 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef SpatialObject<TDimension> itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::Self

Standard class typedefs.

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

Reimplemented in itk::ArrowSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BlobSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BoxSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::CylinderSpatialObject, itk::DTITubeSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::EllipseSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::GaussianSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::GroupSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageMaskSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, TPixelType >, itk::LandmarkSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::LineSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >, itk::PlaneSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PointBasedSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PolygonGroupSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PolygonSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::SurfaceSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, TTubePointType >, itk::VesselTubeSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, unsigned char >, itk::PolygonGroupSpatialObject< 3 >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, VesselTubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >, and itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, DTITubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >.

Definition at line 84 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef Size<TDimension> itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SizeType

Reimplemented in itk::BoxSpatialObject< TDimension >.

Definition at line 131 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef double* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SpacingType

Definition at line 99 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef DataObject itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::Superclass

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

Reimplemented in itk::ArrowSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BlobSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BoxSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::CylinderSpatialObject, itk::DTITubeSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::EllipseSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::GaussianSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::GroupSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageMaskSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, TPixelType >, itk::LandmarkSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::LineSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >, itk::PlaneSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PointBasedSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PolygonGroupSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PolygonSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::SurfaceSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, TTubePointType >, itk::VesselTubeSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, unsigned char >, itk::PolygonGroupSpatialObject< 3 >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, VesselTubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >, and itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, DTITubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >.

Definition at line 85 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef const TransformType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::TransformConstPointer

Definition at line 106 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef TransformType::Pointer itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::TransformPointer

Definition at line 105 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef ScalableAffineTransform< double, TDimension > itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::TransformType

Reimplemented in itk::ArrowSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BlobSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BoxSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::CylinderSpatialObject, itk::DTITubeSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::EllipseSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::GaussianSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageMaskSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, TPixelType >, itk::LandmarkSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::LineSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >, itk::PlaneSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PointBasedSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PolygonSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::SurfaceSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, TTubePointType >, itk::VesselTubeSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, unsigned char >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, VesselTubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >, and itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, DTITubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >.

Definition at line 104 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef SpatialObjectTreeNode<TDimension> itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::TreeNodeType

Reimplemented in itk::GroupSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PolygonGroupSpatialObject< TDimension >, and itk::PolygonGroupSpatialObject< 3 >.

Definition at line 135 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef VectorContainer< unsigned long int, PointType > itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::VectorContainerType

Definition at line 108 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef VectorType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::VectorPointer

Definition at line 97 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
typedef Vector< ScalarType, TDimension > itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::VectorType

Reimplemented in itk::ArrowSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::DTITubeSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PointBasedSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, TTubePointType >, itk::VesselTubeSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, VesselTubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >, and itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, DTITubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >.

Definition at line 95 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SpatialObject  )  [protected]


template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::~SpatialObject  )  [protected, virtual]


Member Function Documentation

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::AddSpatialObject Self pointer  ) 

Add an object to the list of children.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::Clear void   )  [virtual]

Clear the spatial object by deleting all lists of children and subchildren

Reimplemented in itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, TTubePointType >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, VesselTubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >, and itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, DTITubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual bool itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::ComputeBoundingBox  )  const [virtual]

Compute an axis-aligned bounding box for an object and its selected children, down to a specified depth. After computation, the resulting bounding box is stored in this->m_Bounds.

By default, the bounding box children depth is maximum, meaning that the bounding box for the object and all its recursive children is computed. This depth can be set (before calling ComputeBoundingBox) using SetBoundingBoxChildrenDepth().

By calling SetBoundingBoxChildrenName(), it is possible to restrict the bounding box computation to objects of a specified type or family of types. The spatial objects included in the computation are those whose typenames share, as their initial substring, the string specified via SetBoundingBoxChildrenName(). The root spatial object (on which the method is called) is not treated specially. If its typename does not match the bounding box children name, then it is not included in the bounding box computation, but its descendents that match the string are included.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
IndexType itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::ComputeIndex OffsetValueType  offset  )  const [inline]

Compute the index of the pixel at a specified offset from the beginning of the buffered region.

Definition at line 316 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual bool itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::ComputeLocalBoundingBox void   )  const [inline, virtual]

Compute an axis-aligned bounding box for an object and its selected children, down to a specified depth. After computation, the resulting bounding box is stored in this->m_Bounds.

By default, the bounding box children depth is maximum, meaning that the bounding box for the object and all its recursive children is computed. This depth can be set (before calling ComputeBoundingBox) using SetBoundingBoxChildrenDepth().

By calling SetBoundingBoxChildrenName(), it is possible to restrict the bounding box computation to objects of a specified type or family of types. The spatial objects included in the computation are those whose typenames share, as their initial substring, the string specified via SetBoundingBoxChildrenName(). The root spatial object (on which the method is called) is not treated specially. If its typename does not match the bounding box children name, then it is not included in the bounding box computation, but its descendents that match the string are included.

Reimplemented in itk::ArrowSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BlobSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BoxSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::CylinderSpatialObject, itk::EllipseSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::GaussianSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::GroupSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, TPixelType >, itk::LandmarkSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::LineSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >, itk::PlaneSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PointBasedSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::SurfaceSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, TTubePointType >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, unsigned char >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, VesselTubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >, and itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, DTITubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >.

Definition at line 504 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::ComputeObjectToParentTransform void   ) 

Compute the Local transform when the global transform is set

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::ComputeObjectToWorldTransform void   ) 

Compute the World transform when the local transform is set This function should be called each time the local transform has been modified

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
OffsetValueType itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::ComputeOffset const IndexType ind  )  const [inline]

Compute an offset from the beginning of the buffer for a pixel at the specified index.

Definition at line 296 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::ComputeOffsetTable  )  [protected]

Calculate the offsets needed to move from one pixel to the next along a row, column, slice, volume, etc. These offsets are based on the size of the BufferedRegion. This should be called after the BufferedRegion is set.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::CopyInformation const DataObject data  )  [virtual]

Copy information from the specified data set. This method is part of the pipeline execution model. By default, a ProcessObject will copy meta-data from the first input to all of its outputs. See ProcessObject::GenerateOutputInformation(). Each subclass of DataObject is responsible for being able to copy whatever meta-data it needs from from another DataObject. ImageBase has more meta-data than its DataObject. Thus, it must provide its own version of CopyInformation() in order to copy the LargestPossibleRegion from the input parameter.

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

Reimplemented in itk::EllipseSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, TTubePointType >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, VesselTubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >, and itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, DTITubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::DerivativeAt const PointType point,
short unsigned int  order,
OutputVectorType value,
unsigned int  depth = 0,
char *  name = NULL

Return the n-th order derivative value at the specified point.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
bool itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::Evaluate const PointType point  )  const [inline]

Returns true if a point is inside the object - provided to make spatial objects compatible with spatial functions and conditional iterators for defining regions of interest.

Definition at line 210 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual const AffineGeometryFrameType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetAffineGeometryFrame  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the AffineGeometryFrame

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual BoundingBoxType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetBoundingBox  )  const [virtual]

Get the bounding box of the object. This function calls ComputeBoundingBox()

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual const unsigned int& itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetBoundingBoxChildrenDepth  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the depth at which the bounding box is computed

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual const std::string& itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetBoundingBoxChildrenName  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the name of the children to consider when computing the bounding box

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual const BoundingBoxType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetBounds  )  [protected, virtual]

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual const RegionType& itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetBufferedRegion  )  const [inline, virtual]

Get the region object that defines the size and starting index of the region of the image currently loaded in memory.

See also:
ImageRegion, SetLargestPossibleRegion(), SetRequestedRegion()

Definition at line 260 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual ChildrenListType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetChildren unsigned int  depth = 0,
char *  name = NULL
const [virtual]

Returns a list of pointer to the children affiliated to this object. A depth of 0 returns the immediate childred. A depth of 1 returns the children and those children's children.

User is responsible for freeing the list, but not the elements of the list.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual double itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetDefaultInsideValue  )  const [virtual]

Set/Get the default inside value (ValueAt()) of the object. Default is 1.0

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual double itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetDefaultOutsideValue  )  const [virtual]

Set/Get the default outside value (ValueAt()) of the object. Default is 0.0

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual const unsigned int& itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetDimension  )  [protected, virtual]

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual const int& itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetId  )  [virtual]

Get/Set the ID

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
const TransformType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetIndexToObjectTransform void   )  const

Transform points from the internal data coordinate system of the object (typically the indices of the image from which the object was defined) to "physical" space (which accounts for the spacing, orientation, and offset of the indices)

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
TransformType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetIndexToObjectTransform void   ) 

Transform points from the internal data coordinate system of the object (typically the indices of the image from which the object was defined) to "physical" space (which accounts for the spacing, orientation, and offset of the indices)

Referenced by itk::SpatialObject< ::itk::GetMeshDimension< TMesh >::PointDimension >::GetTreeNode(), and itk::SpatialObject< ::itk::GetMeshDimension< TMesh >::PointDimension >::SetTreeNode().

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual const TransformType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetIndexToWorldTransform  )  [virtual]

This defines the transformation from the global coordinate frame. By setting this transform, the local transform is computed

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual TransformType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetIndexToWorldTransform  )  [virtual]

This defines the transformation from the global coordinate frame. By setting this transform, the local transform is computed

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual const TransformType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetInternalInverseTransform  )  [protected, virtual]

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual const RegionType& itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetLargestPossibleRegion  )  const [inline, virtual]

Get the region object that defines the size and starting index for the largest possible region this image could represent. This is used in determining how much memory would be needed to load an entire dataset. It is also used to determine boundary conditions.

See also:
ImageRegion, GetBufferedRegion(), GetRequestedRegion()

Definition at line 249 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
unsigned int itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetMaximumDepth  )  [inline]

Return the maximum depth that a tree of spatial objects can have. This provides convenient access to a static constant.

Definition at line 82 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
unsigned long itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetMTime void   )  const [virtual]

Returns the latest modified time of the spatial object, and any of its components.

Reimplemented from itk::Object.

Reimplemented in itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, TPixelType >, itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >, and itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, unsigned char >.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual const char* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetNameOfClass  )  const [virtual]

Run-time type information (and related methods).

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

Reimplemented in itk::ArrowSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BlobSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BoxSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::CylinderSpatialObject, itk::DTITubeSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::EllipseSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::GaussianSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::GroupSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageMaskSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, TPixelType >, itk::LandmarkSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::LineSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >, itk::PlaneSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PointBasedSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PolygonGroupSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PolygonSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::SurfaceSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, TTubePointType >, itk::VesselTubeSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, unsigned char >, itk::PolygonGroupSpatialObject< 3 >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, VesselTubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >, and itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, DTITubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
const TransformType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetNodeToParentNodeTransform void   )  const

These function are just calling the node container transforms

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
TransformType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetNodeToParentNodeTransform void   ) 

These function are just calling the node container transforms

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
unsigned int itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetNumberOfChildren unsigned int  depth = 0,
char *  name = NULL

Returns the number of children currently assigned to the object.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
unsigned int itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetObjectDimension void   )  const [inline]

Get the dimensionality of the object

Definition at line 150 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
unsigned long itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetObjectMTime void   )  const [inline]

Returns the latest modified time of the spatial object, but not the modification time of the children

Definition at line 230 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
const TransformType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetObjectToNodeTransform void   )  const

Transforms points from the object-specific "physical" space to the "physical" space of its parent object.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
TransformType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetObjectToNodeTransform void   ) 

Transforms points from the object-specific "physical" space to the "physical" space of its parent object.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
const TransformType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetObjectToParentTransform void   )  const

Transforms points from the object-specific "physical" space to the "physical" space of its parent object.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
TransformType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetObjectToParentTransform void   ) 

Transforms points from the object-specific "physical" space to the "physical" space of its parent object.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual const TransformType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetObjectToWorldTransform  )  [virtual]

This defines the transformation from the global coordinate frame. By setting this transform, the local transform is computed

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual TransformType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetObjectToWorldTransform  )  [virtual]

This defines the transformation from the global coordinate frame. By setting this transform, the local transform is computed

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
const OffsetValueType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetOffsetTable  )  const [inline]

Get the offset table. The offset table gives increments for moving from one pixel to next in the current row, column, slice, etc.. This table if of size [VImageDimension+1], because its values are computed progressively as: {1, N1, N1*N2, N1*N2*N3,...,(N1*...*Nn)} Where the values {N1,...,Nn} are the elements of the BufferedRegion::Size array. The last element of the OffsetTable is equivalent to the BufferSize. Having a [VImageDimension+1] size array, simplifies the implementation of some data accessing algorithms.

Definition at line 291 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual Self* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetParent void   )  [virtual]

Return a pointer to the parent object in the hierarchy tree

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual const Self* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetParent void   )  const [virtual]

Return a pointer to the parent object in the hierarchy tree

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual const int& itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetParentId  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parent Identification number

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
const PropertyType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetProperty void   )  const [inline]

Returns a pointer to the property object applied to this class.

Definition at line 382 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
PropertyType* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetProperty void   ) 

Returns a pointer to the property object applied to this class.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual const RegionType& itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetRequestedRegion  )  const [inline, virtual]

Get the region object that defines the size and starting index for the region of the image requested (i.e., the region of the image to be operated on by a filter).

See also:
ImageRegion, SetLargestPossibleRegion(), SetBufferedRegion()

Definition at line 279 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual const double* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetSpacing  )  const [inline, virtual]

Get the spacing of the spatial object.

Definition at line 417 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual std::string itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetSpatialObjectTypeAsString  )  const [virtual]

Return the type of the spatial object as a string This is used by the SpatialObjectFactory

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
unsigned long itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetTransformMTime void   ) 

Return the Modified time of the LocalToWorldTransform

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
TreeNodeType::ConstPointer itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetTreeNode  )  const [inline]

Return a raw pointer to the node container

Definition at line 406 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
TreeNodeType::Pointer itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetTreeNode  )  [inline]

Return a raw pointer to the node container

Definition at line 405 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual const char* itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetTypeName void   )  const [inline, virtual]

Get the typename of the SpatialObject

Definition at line 142 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
unsigned long itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::GetWorldTransformMTime void   ) 

Return the Modified time of the WorldToLocalTransform

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual bool itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::HasParent void   )  const [virtual]

Return true if the object has a parent object. Basically, only the root object , or some isolated objects should return false.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual bool itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::IsEvaluableAt const PointType point,
unsigned int  depth = 0,
char *  name = NULL
const [virtual]

Returns true if the object can provide a "meaningful" value at a point. Often defaults to returning same answer as IsInside, but certain objects influence space beyond their spatial extent, e.g., an RFA Needle Spatial Object can cause a burn that extends beyond the tip of the needle.

Reimplemented in itk::BlobSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BoxSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::CylinderSpatialObject, itk::EllipseSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::GaussianSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, TPixelType >, itk::LandmarkSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::LineSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >, itk::PlaneSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::SurfaceSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, TTubePointType >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, unsigned char >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, VesselTubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >, and itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, DTITubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual bool itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::IsInside const PointType point,
unsigned int  depth = 0,
char *  name = NULL
const [virtual]

Returns true if a point is inside the object.

Reimplemented in itk::ArrowSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BlobSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BoxSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::CylinderSpatialObject, itk::EllipseSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::GaussianSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageMaskSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, TPixelType >, itk::LandmarkSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::LineSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >, itk::PlaneSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PolygonGroupSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PolygonSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::SurfaceSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, TTubePointType >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, unsigned char >, itk::PolygonGroupSpatialObject< 3 >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, VesselTubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >, and itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, DTITubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::itkStaticConstMacro ObjectDimension  ,
unsigned  int,

Dimension of the object. This constant is used by functions that are templated over SpatialObject type when they need compile time access to the dimension of the object.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::itkStaticConstMacro MaximumDepth  ,
unsigned  int,

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
Pointer itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::New  )  [static]

Method for creation through the object factory.

Reimplemented from itk::Object.

Reimplemented in itk::ArrowSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BlobSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BoxSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::CylinderSpatialObject, itk::DTITubeSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::EllipseSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::GaussianSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::GroupSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageMaskSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, TPixelType >, itk::LandmarkSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::LineSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >, itk::PlaneSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PointBasedSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PolygonGroupSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PolygonSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::SurfaceSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, TTubePointType >, itk::VesselTubeSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, unsigned char >, itk::PolygonGroupSpatialObject< 3 >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, VesselTubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >, and itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, DTITubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::PrintSelf std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent
const [protected, virtual]

Methods invoked by Print() to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

Reimplemented in itk::ArrowSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BlobSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BoxSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::CylinderSpatialObject, itk::DTITubeSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::EllipseSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::GaussianSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::GroupSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageMaskSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, TPixelType >, itk::LandmarkSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::LineSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >, itk::PlaneSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::PointBasedSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::SurfaceSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, TTubePointType >, itk::VesselTubeSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, unsigned char >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, VesselTubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >, and itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, DTITubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::RemoveSpatialObject Self object  ) 

Remove the object passed as arguments from the list of children. May this function should return a false value if the object to remove is not found in the list.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual bool itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::RequestedRegionIsOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion  )  [virtual]

Determine whether the RequestedRegion is outside of the BufferedRegion. This method returns true if the RequestedRegion is outside the BufferedRegion (true if at least one pixel is outside). This is used by the pipeline mechanism to determine whether a filter needs to re-execute in order to satisfy the current request. If the current RequestedRegion is already inside the BufferedRegion from the previous execution (and the current filter is up to date), then a given filter does not need to re-execute

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SetAffineGeometryFrame AffineGeometryFrameType _arg  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the AffineGeometryFrame

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SetBoundingBoxChildrenDepth unsigned int  _arg  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the depth at which the bounding box is computed

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SetBoundingBoxChildrenName std::string  _arg  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the name of the children to consider when computing the bounding box

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SetBufferedRegion const RegionType region  )  [virtual]

Set the region object that defines the size and starting index of the region of the image currently loaded in memory.

See also:
ImageRegion, SetLargestPossibleRegion(), SetRequestedRegion()

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SetChildren ChildrenListType children  ) 

Set the list of pointers to children to the list passed as argument.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SetDefaultInsideValue double  _arg  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the default inside value (ValueAt()) of the object. Default is 1.0

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SetDefaultOutsideValue double  _arg  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the default outside value (ValueAt()) of the object. Default is 0.0

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SetDimension unsigned int  _arg  )  [protected, virtual]

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SetId int  _arg  )  [virtual]

Get/Set the ID

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SetLargestPossibleRegion const RegionType region  )  [virtual]

Set the region object that defines the size and starting index for the largest possible region this image could represent. This is used in determining how much memory would be needed to load an entire dataset. It is also used to determine boundary conditions.

See also:
ImageRegion, SetBufferedRegion(), SetRequestedRegion()

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SetNodeToParentNodeTransform TransformType transform  ) 

These function are just calling the node container transforms

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SetObjectToParentTransform TransformType transform  ) 

Transforms points from the object-specific "physical" space to the "physical" space of its parent object.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SetObjectToWorldTransform TransformType transform  ) 

This defines the transformation from the global coordinate frame. By setting this transform, the local transform is computed

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SetParent Self parent  ) 

Set the pointer to the parent object in the tree hierarchy used for the spatial object patter.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SetParentId int  _arg  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the parent Identification number

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SetProperty PropertyType property  ) 

Set the property applied to the object.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SetRequestedRegion DataObject data  )  [virtual]

Set the requested region from this data object to match the requested region of the data object passed in as a parameter. This method implements the API from DataObject. The data object parameter must be castable to an ImageBase.

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SetRequestedRegion const RegionType region  )  [virtual]

Set the region object that defines the size and starting index for the region of the image requested (i.e., the region of the image to be operated on by a filter).

See also:
ImageRegion, SetLargestPossibleRegion(), SetBufferedRegion()

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion  )  [virtual]

Set the RequestedRegion to the LargestPossibleRegion. This forces a filter to produce all of the output in one execution (i.e. not streaming) on the next call to Update().

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SetSpacing const double  spacing[itkGetStaticConstMacro(ObjectDimension)]  )  [inline]

Set the spacing of the spatial object.

Definition at line 412 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SetTreeNode TreeNodeType node  )  [inline]

Set the tree container

Definition at line 402 of file itkSpatialObject.h.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::SetTypeName std::string  _arg  )  [protected, virtual]

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::Update void   )  [virtual]

Specify that the object has been updated

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual void itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::UpdateOutputInformation  )  [virtual]

Update the information for this DataObject so that it can be used as an output of a ProcessObject. This method is used the pipeline mechanism to propagate information and initialize the meta data associated with a DataObject. This method calls its source's ProcessObject::UpdateOutputInformation() which determines modified times, LargestPossibleRegions, and any extra meta data like spacing, origin, etc.

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual bool itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::ValueAt const PointType point,
double &  value,
unsigned int  depth = 0,
char *  name = NULL
const [virtual]

Returns the value at a point

Reimplemented in itk::BlobSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::BoxSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::CylinderSpatialObject, itk::EllipseSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, TPixelType >, itk::LandmarkSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::LineSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >, itk::PlaneSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::SurfaceSpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, TTubePointType >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, unsigned char >, itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, VesselTubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >, and itk::TubeSpatialObject< TDimension, DTITubeSpatialObjectPoint< TDimension > >.

template<unsigned int TDimension = 3>
virtual bool itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >::VerifyRequestedRegion  )  [virtual]

Verify that the RequestedRegion is within the LargestPossibleRegion. If the RequestedRegion is not within the LargestPossibleRegion, then the filter cannot possible satisfy the request. This method returns true if the request can be satisfied and returns fails if the request cannot. This method is used by PropagateRequestedRegion(). PropagateRequestedRegion() throws a InvalidRequestedRegionError exception is the requested region is not within the LargestPossibleRegion.

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Thu May 25 02:24:07 2006 for ITK by doxygen 1.3.5 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000