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itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh > Class Template Reference

Implementation of an Mesh as spatial object. More...

#include <itkMeshSpatialObject.h>

Inheritance diagram for itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

typedef double ScalarType
typedef MeshSpatialObject<
TMesh > 
typedef SpatialObject< itkGetStaticConstMacro(Dimension) Superclass )
typedef SmartPointer< SelfPointer
typedef SmartPointer< const
typedef TMesh MeshType
typedef MeshType::Pointer MeshPointer
typedef Superclass::TransformType TransformType
typedef Superclass::PointType PointType
typedef Superclass::BoundingBoxType BoundingBoxType
typedef VectorContainer< unsigned
long, PointType
typedef PointContainerType::Pointer PointContainerPointer

Public Member Functions

 itkStaticConstMacro (Dimension, unsigned int, TMesh::PointDimension)
virtual const char * GetNameOfClass () const
void SetMesh (MeshType *Mesh)
MeshTypeGetMesh (void)
bool IsEvaluableAt (const PointType &point, unsigned int depth=0, char *name=NULL) const
bool ValueAt (const PointType &point, double &value, unsigned int depth=0, char *name=NULL) const
bool IsInside (const PointType &point, unsigned int depth, char *name) const
virtual bool IsInside (const PointType &point) const
bool ComputeLocalBoundingBox () const
unsigned long GetMTime (void) const
const char * GetPixelType ()
virtual void SetIsInsidePrecision (double _arg)
virtual double GetIsInsidePrecision ()

Static Public Member Functions

Pointer New ()

Protected Member Functions

 MeshSpatialObject ()
virtual ~MeshSpatialObject ()
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const

Protected Attributes

MeshPointer m_Mesh
std::string m_PixelType
double m_IsInsidePrecision

Detailed Description

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
class itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >

Implementation of an Mesh as spatial object.

This class combines functionnalities from a spatial object, and an itkMesh.

See also:

Definition at line 38 of file itkMeshSpatialObject.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
typedef Superclass::BoundingBoxType itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::BoundingBoxType

Reimplemented from itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >.

Definition at line 57 of file itkMeshSpatialObject.h.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
typedef SmartPointer< const Self > itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::ConstPointer

Reimplemented from itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >.

Definition at line 51 of file itkMeshSpatialObject.h.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
typedef MeshType::Pointer itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::MeshPointer

Definition at line 54 of file itkMeshSpatialObject.h.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
typedef TMesh itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::MeshType

Definition at line 53 of file itkMeshSpatialObject.h.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
typedef PointContainerType::Pointer itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::PointContainerPointer

Definition at line 60 of file itkMeshSpatialObject.h.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
typedef VectorContainer< unsigned long, PointType> itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::PointContainerType

Definition at line 59 of file itkMeshSpatialObject.h.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
typedef SmartPointer< Self > itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::Pointer

Reimplemented from itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >.

Definition at line 50 of file itkMeshSpatialObject.h.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
typedef Superclass::PointType itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::PointType

Reimplemented from itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >.

Definition at line 56 of file itkMeshSpatialObject.h.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
typedef double itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::ScalarType

Reimplemented from itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >.

Definition at line 44 of file itkMeshSpatialObject.h.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
typedef MeshSpatialObject< TMesh> itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::Self

Standard class typedefs.

Reimplemented from itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >.

Definition at line 45 of file itkMeshSpatialObject.h.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
typedef SpatialObject< itkGetStaticConstMacro(Dimension) itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::Superclass)

Reimplemented from itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >.

Definition at line 49 of file itkMeshSpatialObject.h.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
typedef Superclass::TransformType itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::TransformType

Reimplemented from itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >.

Definition at line 55 of file itkMeshSpatialObject.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::MeshSpatialObject  )  [protected]

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
virtual itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::~MeshSpatialObject  )  [protected, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
bool itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::ComputeLocalBoundingBox  )  const [virtual]

Compute the boundaries of the iamge spatial object.

Reimplemented from itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
virtual double itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::GetIsInsidePrecision  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the precision for the IsInside function. This is used when the cell is a triangle, in this case, it's more likely that the given point will not be falling exactly on the triangle surface. If the distance from the point to the surface is <= to m_IsInsidePrecision the point is considered inside the mesh. The default value is 1.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
MeshType* itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::GetMesh void   ) 

Get a pointer to the Mesh currently attached to the object.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
unsigned long itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::GetMTime void   )  const [virtual]

Returns the latest modified time of the object and its component.

Reimplemented from itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
virtual const char* itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::GetNameOfClass  )  const [virtual]

Run-time type information (and related methods).

Reimplemented from itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
const char* itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::GetPixelType  )  [inline]

Return the type of pixel used

Definition at line 101 of file itkMeshSpatialObject.h.

References itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::m_PixelType.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
bool itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::IsEvaluableAt const PointType point,
unsigned int  depth = 0,
char *  name = NULL
const [virtual]

Return true if the object is evaluable at the requested point, and else otherwise.

Reimplemented from itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
virtual bool itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::IsInside const PointType point  )  const [virtual]

Test whether a point is inside or outside the object For computational speed purposes, it is faster if the method does not check the name of the class and the current depth

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
bool itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::IsInside const PointType point,
unsigned int  depth,
char *  name
const [virtual]

Returns true if the point is inside, false otherwise.

Reimplemented from itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::itkStaticConstMacro Dimension  ,
unsigned  int,

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
Pointer itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::New  )  [static]

Method for creation through the object factory.

Reimplemented from itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
void itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::PrintSelf std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent
const [protected, virtual]

Methods invoked by Print() to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.

Reimplemented from itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
virtual void itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::SetIsInsidePrecision double  _arg  )  [virtual]

Set/Get the precision for the IsInside function. This is used when the cell is a triangle, in this case, it's more likely that the given point will not be falling exactly on the triangle surface. If the distance from the point to the surface is <= to m_IsInsidePrecision the point is considered inside the mesh. The default value is 1.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
void itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::SetMesh MeshType Mesh  ) 

Set the Mesh.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
bool itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::ValueAt const PointType point,
double &  value,
unsigned int  depth = 0,
char *  name = NULL
const [virtual]

Returns the value of the Mesh at the requested point. If the point is not inside the object, then an exception is thrown.

See also:

Reimplemented from itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >.

Member Data Documentation

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
double itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::m_IsInsidePrecision [protected]

Definition at line 118 of file itkMeshSpatialObject.h.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
MeshPointer itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::m_Mesh [protected]

Definition at line 116 of file itkMeshSpatialObject.h.

template<class TMesh = Mesh<int>>
std::string itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::m_PixelType [protected]

Definition at line 117 of file itkMeshSpatialObject.h.

Referenced by itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >::GetPixelType().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Thu May 25 01:46:20 2006 for ITK by doxygen 1.3.5 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000