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itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension > Class Template Reference
[Geometry Representation ObjectsData Representation Objects]

A templated class holding a geometric point in n-Dimensional space. More...

#include <itkPoint.h>

Inheritance diagram for itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

typedef Point Self
typedef FixedArray< TCoordRep,
NPointDimension > 
typedef TCoordRep ValueType
typedef TCoordRep CoordRepType
typedef NumericTraits< ValueType
typedef FixedArray< TCoordRep,
NPointDimension > 
typedef BaseArray::Iterator Iterator
typedef BaseArray::ConstIterator ConstIterator
typedef Vector< ValueType,
NPointDimension > 

Public Member Functions

 itkStaticConstMacro (PointDimension, unsigned int, NPointDimension)
 Point ()
const Selfoperator+= (const VectorType &vec)
const Selfoperator-= (const VectorType &vec)
VectorType operator- (const Self &pnt) const
Self operator+ (const VectorType &vec) const
Self operator- (const VectorType &vec) const
VectorType GetVectorFromOrigin () const
vnl_vector_ref< TCoordRep > GetVnlVector (void)
vnl_vector< TCoordRep > GetVnlVector (void) const
vnl_vector_ref< TCoordRep > Get_vnl_vector (void)
vnl_vector< TCoordRep > Get_vnl_vector (void) const
void SetToMidPoint (const Self &, const Self &)
template<typename TCoordRepB> RealType SquaredEuclideanDistanceTo (const Point< TCoordRepB, NPointDimension > &pa) const
 Point (const Self &r)
 Point (const ValueType r[PointDimension])
Pointoperator= (const Self &r)
Pointoperator= (const ValueType r[NPointDimension])
bool operator== (const Self &pt) const
bool operator!= (const Self &pt) const
void SetToBarycentricCombination (const Self &A, const Self &B, double alpha)
void SetToBarycentricCombination (const Self &A, const Self &B, const Self &C, double weightA, double weightB)
void SetToBarycentricCombination (const Self *P, const double *weights, unsigned int N)
template<typename TCoordRepB> void CastFrom (const Point< TCoordRepB, NPointDimension > &pa)
template<typename TCoordRepB> RealType EuclideanDistanceTo (const Point< TCoordRepB, NPointDimension > &pa) const

Static Public Member Functions

unsigned int GetPointDimension ()

Detailed Description

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
class itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >

A templated class holding a geometric point in n-Dimensional space.

Point is a templated class that holds a set of coordinates (components). Point can be used as the data type held at each pixel in an Image or at each vertex of an Mesh. The template parameter T can be any data type that behaves like a primitive (or atomic) data type (int, short, float, complex). The NPointDimension defines the number of components in the point array.

See also:





Definition at line 42 of file itkPoint.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
typedef FixedArray<TCoordRep, NPointDimension> itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::BaseArray

The Array type from which this Vector is derived.

Reimplemented in itk::ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >.

Definition at line 60 of file itkPoint.h.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
typedef BaseArray::ConstIterator itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::ConstIterator

A const iterator through the array.

Reimplemented from itk::FixedArray< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >.

Reimplemented in itk::ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >.

Definition at line 62 of file itkPoint.h.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
typedef TCoordRep itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::CoordRepType

Reimplemented in itk::ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >.

Definition at line 52 of file itkPoint.h.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
typedef BaseArray::Iterator itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::Iterator

An iterator through the array.

Reimplemented from itk::FixedArray< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >.

Reimplemented in itk::ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >.

Definition at line 61 of file itkPoint.h.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
typedef NumericTraits< ValueType >::RealType itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::RealType

Definition at line 54 of file itkPoint.h.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
typedef Point itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::Self

Standard class typedefs.

Reimplemented in itk::ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >.

Definition at line 46 of file itkPoint.h.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
typedef FixedArray<TCoordRep,NPointDimension> itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::Superclass

Reimplemented in itk::ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >.

Definition at line 47 of file itkPoint.h.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
typedef TCoordRep itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::ValueType

ValueType can be used to declare a variable that is the same type as a data element held in an Point.

Reimplemented from itk::FixedArray< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >.

Reimplemented in itk::ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension >.

Definition at line 51 of file itkPoint.h.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
typedef Vector< ValueType, NPointDimension > itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::VectorType

VectorType define the difference between two Points

Definition at line 69 of file itkPoint.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::Point  )  [inline]

Default constructor has nothing to do.

Definition at line 72 of file itkPoint.h.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::Point const Self r  )  [inline]

Pass-through constructor for the Array base class.

Definition at line 75 of file itkPoint.h.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::Point const ValueType  r[PointDimension]  )  [inline]

Pass-through constructor for the Array base class.

Definition at line 76 of file itkPoint.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
template<typename TCoordRepB>
void itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::CastFrom const Point< TCoordRepB, NPointDimension > &  pa  )  [inline]

Copy from another Point with a different representation type. Casting is done with C-Like rules

Definition at line 216 of file itkPoint.h.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
template<typename TCoordRepB>
RealType itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::EuclideanDistanceTo const Point< TCoordRepB, NPointDimension > &  pa  )  const [inline]

Compute the Euclidean Distance from this point to another point with a different representation type. Casting is done with C-Like rules

Definition at line 247 of file itkPoint.h.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
vnl_vector<TCoordRep> itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::Get_vnl_vector void   )  const

Get a vnl_vector with a copy of the internal memory block.

Use GetVnlVector() instead.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
vnl_vector_ref<TCoordRep> itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::Get_vnl_vector void   ) 

Get a vnl_vector_ref referencing the same memory block

Use GetVnlVector() instead.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
unsigned int itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::GetPointDimension  )  [inline, static]

Get the dimension (size) of the point.

Definition at line 65 of file itkPoint.h.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
VectorType itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::GetVectorFromOrigin  )  const

Access an element of a point.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
vnl_vector<TCoordRep> itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::GetVnlVector void   )  const

Get a vnl_vector with a copy of the internal memory block.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
vnl_vector_ref<TCoordRep> itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::GetVnlVector void   ) 

Get a vnl_vector_ref referencing the same memory block

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::itkStaticConstMacro PointDimension  ,
unsigned  int,

Dimension of the Space

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
bool itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::operator!= const Self pt  )  const [inline]

Compare two points for inequality.

Definition at line 97 of file itkPoint.h.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
Self itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::operator+ const VectorType vec  )  const

Add a vector to a point. Return a new point.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
const Self& itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::operator+= const VectorType vec  ) 

Point operator+=. Adds a vector to the current point.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
Self itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::operator- const VectorType vec  )  const

Subtract a vector from a point. Return a new point.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
VectorType itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::operator- const Self pnt  )  const

Computes the Vector difference between two points

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
const Self& itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::operator-= const VectorType vec  ) 

Point operator-=. Subtracts a vector from a current point.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
Point& itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::operator= const ValueType  r[NPointDimension]  ) 

Pass-through assignment operator for the Array base class.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
Point& itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::operator= const Self r  ) 

Pass-through assignment operator for the Array base class.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
bool itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::operator== const Self pt  )  const [inline]

Compare two points for equality.

Definition at line 86 of file itkPoint.h.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
void itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::SetToBarycentricCombination const Self P,
const double *  weights,
unsigned int  N

Set the current point to a barycentric combination of an array of N points An array of (N-1) values is expected to weight the contribution of the first (N-1) points, the weight of the Nth point is computed to ensure that the N weights sum 1.

This method computes:

\[ \overrightarrow{P}= \sum_{i=1}^{N-1} w_i * \overrightarrow{P}_i + \left(1- \sum_{i=1}^{N-1} w_i\right) * \overrightarrow{P}_N \]

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
void itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::SetToBarycentricCombination const Self A,
const Self B,
const Self C,
double  weightA,
double  weightB

Set the current point to a barycentric combination of three points Two values are expected to weight the contribution of the first two points, the weight of for the third point is computed to ensure that the three weights sum 1.

This method computes:

\[ \overrightarrow{P}= w_1 * \overrightarrow{P}_1 + w_2 * \overrightarrow{P}_2 + (1-w_1-w_2 ) * \overrightarrow{P}_3 \]

If the two weight are $ \in [0,1] $ , The resulting point will alway be placed inside the triangle formed by the three points given as arguments.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
void itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::SetToBarycentricCombination const Self A,
const Self B,
double  alpha

Set the current point to a barycentric combination of the two points given as arguments.

\form#154 = weight for the first point
The first point is multiplied by $ \alpha $, the second is multiplied by * $ (1-\alpha) $, and the sum is stored in the Point on which the method is invoked.

\[ \overrightarrow{P}=\alpha * \overrightarrow{A}+ (1-\alpha)*\overrightarrow{B} \]

If the value of $ \alpha \in [0,1] $, the resulting point will be placed in the line segment $ \overline{AB} $ joining $ \overrightarrow{A} $ and $ \overrightarrow{A} $

If the value of $ \alpha < 0 $ the resulting point will be placed outside the line segment $ \overline{AB} $ on the side of $ \overrightarrow{A} $.

If the value of $ \alpha > 1 $ the resulting point will be placed outside the line segment $ \overline{AB} $ on the side of $ \overrightarrow{B} $.

See also:

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
void itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::SetToMidPoint const Self ,
const Self

Set to median point between the two points given as arguments

This method computes:

\[ \overrightarrow{P}=\frac{(\overrightarrow{A}+\overrightarrow{B})}{2} \]

using the two Points given as arguments, and store the result in the Point on which the method is invoked.

template<class TCoordRep, unsigned int NPointDimension = 3>
template<typename TCoordRepB>
RealType itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >::SquaredEuclideanDistanceTo const Point< TCoordRepB, NPointDimension > &  pa  )  const [inline]

Compute the Squared Euclidean Distance from this point to another point with a different representation type. Casting is done with C-Like rules

Definition at line 230 of file itkPoint.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Thu May 25 02:05:54 2006 for ITK by doxygen 1.3.5 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000