FEATModel-based FMRI analysis with straightforward but powerful GUI: data preprocessing (including slice timing correction and MCFLIRT motion correction); first-level FILM GLM analysis with time-series prewhitening; registration to structural and standard space; and fully generalised mixed-effects group analysis using advanced Bayesian estimation techniques.
MELODICModel-free FMRI analysis using Probabilistic Independent Component Analysis (PICA). MELODIC automatically estimates the number of interesting noise and signal sources in the data and because of the associated "noise model", is able to assign significances ("p-values") to the output spatial maps.
FLOBSGeneration of optimal HRF basis functions and Bayesian activation estimation.
SMMSpatial mixture modelling - alternative hypothesis testing using histogram mixture modelling with spatial regularisation of the voxel classification into activation and non-activation.
RandomiseRandomisation-based inference tool for nonparametric statistical thresholding.
BET / BET2Brain Extraction Tool - segments brain from non-brain in structural and functional data, and models skull and scalp surfaces.
SUSANNonlinear noise reduction.
FASTFMRIB's Automated Segmentation Tool - brain segmentation (into different tissue types) and bias field correction.
FLIRTFMRIB's Linear Image Registration Tool - linear inter- and intra-modal registration.
FUGUEUnwarps geometric distortion in EPI images using B0 field maps.
SIENAStructural brain change analysis, for estimating brain atrophy.
FDTFMRIB's Diffusion Toolbox - tools for low-level diffusion parameter reconstruction and probabilistic tractography.
        Other tools
FSLViewInteractive display tool for 3D and 4D data.
AVWUTILSMisc utils for converting and processing images.
MISCVISSimple (non-interactive) image display utilities and a stats overlay utility.