Packages that use RequestExecutionException | |
uk.org.ogsadai.activity | Contains the core interfaces and classes of the Activity Framework. |
uk.org.ogsadai.engine | Contains the core classes and interfaces of the engine component which is chiefly responsible for processing requests and building responses. |
uk.org.ogsadai.engine.controlflow | Contains classes and interfaces for a composite request structure that enables control-flow to within request processing. |
Uses of RequestExecutionException in uk.org.ogsadai.activity |
Methods in uk.org.ogsadai.activity that throw RequestExecutionException | |
void |
ActivityRequest.initialise(EngineConfiguration config,
RequestContext context,
ResponseBuilder builder)
void |
ActivityPipelineRequestComponent.initialise(ActivityContext context,
Session session,
ResponseBuilder responseBuilder)
void |
ActivityPipelineRequestComponent.process(ActivityContext context,
ResponseBuilder responseBuilder)
private void |
ActivityPipelineRequestComponent.prepareActivities(ActivityContext activityContext,
Session session)
Prepares the activities for processing. |
private void |
Creates some special internal activities that are needed for processing the activities contained in the pipeline. |
Request |
ActivityRequestFactory.createRequest(org.w3c.dom.Document document,
RequestContext context)
Uses of RequestExecutionException in uk.org.ogsadai.engine |
Methods in uk.org.ogsadai.engine that throw RequestExecutionException | |
void |
Request.initialise(EngineConfiguration config,
RequestContext context,
ResponseBuilder builder)
Initialises this request before its processing can commence. |
Request |
RequestFactory.createRequest(org.w3c.dom.Document document,
RequestContext context)
Create a request from the specified XML perform document. |
void |
RequestEngine.perform(Request request,
RequestContext context,
ResponseBuilder builder)
private void |
RequestEngine.joinSession(Request request)
Joins the request to a session. |
void |
Engine.perform(Request request,
RequestContext context,
ResponseBuilder builder)
Submits a request, in the form of a request object, and initiates its processing by the engine. |
Uses of RequestExecutionException in uk.org.ogsadai.engine.controlflow |
Methods in uk.org.ogsadai.engine.controlflow that throw RequestExecutionException | |
void |
FlowRequestComponent.process(ActivityContext context,
ResponseBuilder responseBuilder)
private void |
If an exception was raised during processing then throw it now. |
void |
RequestComponent.initialise(ActivityContext context,
Session session,
ResponseBuilder responseBuilder)
Initialises the component. |
void |
RequestComponent.process(ActivityContext context,
ResponseBuilder responseBuilder)
Processes the component. |
void |
SequenceRequestComponent.process(ActivityContext context,
ResponseBuilder responseBuilder)
void |
CompositeRequestComponent.initialise(ActivityContext context,
Session session,
ResponseBuilder responseBuilder)