Class FlowRequestComponent

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FlowRequestComponent
extends CompositeRequestComponent
implements RequestComponent

A composite RequestComponent that contains a number of child components which will be processed concurrently when the process method is invoked.

The OGSA-DAI Project Team

Field Summary
private static java.lang.String COPYRIGHT_NOTICE
          Copyright statement.
private static DAILogger LOG
          Logger object for logging in this class.
private  java.lang.Exception mCause
          The exception that caused the processing to fail.
private  java.lang.String mName
          Unique name of this flow request component.
private  java.util.List mThreads
          The additional threads spawned to process child 2 to n.
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
FlowRequestComponent(java.lang.String name)
Method Summary
private  boolean hasException()
          Was there an exception raised during processing?
private  void joinThreads()
          Joins any additional threads that were spawned.
 void process(ActivityContext context, ResponseBuilder responseBuilder)
          Processes the component.
private  void raiseException()
          If an exception was raised during processing then throw it now.
private  void reportException(java.lang.Exception cause, ResponseBuilder responseBuilder)
          Invoked when an exception is raised by one of the processing threads.
private  void spawnThreads(java.util.List children, ActivityContext context, ResponseBuilder responseBuilder)
          This will spawn any additional processing threads that are needed.
 void terminate()
          Terminates the processing of the request component.
Methods inherited from class
add, children, generatesResultData, initialise
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
add, children, generatesResultData, initialise

Field Detail


private static final java.lang.String COPYRIGHT_NOTICE
Copyright statement.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static final DAILogger LOG
Logger object for logging in this class.


private java.util.List mThreads
The additional threads spawned to process child 2 to n.


private java.lang.Exception mCause
The exception that caused the processing to fail.


private final java.lang.String mName
Unique name of this flow request component.

Constructor Detail


public FlowRequestComponent(java.lang.String name)

name - Unique name of this flow request component.
Method Detail


public void process(ActivityContext context,
                    ResponseBuilder responseBuilder)
             throws RequestSpecificationException,
Description copied from interface: RequestComponent
Processes the component. If this is a composite component, then any child components will be processed recursively. Wherever possible an implementation should be coded in such a way that the processing can be terminated prematurely by an invocation of the terminate method by another thread. Hence, when this method returns processing will be either complete or terminated.

Specified by:
process in interface RequestComponent
context - The context for the request
responseBuilder - The response builder for assembling the response document during processing
RequestExecutionException - If a problem occurs during processing that is not caused by incorrect information in the request.
RequestSpecificationException - If there is a processing problem caused by incorrect information in the request.


private void spawnThreads(java.util.List children,
                          ActivityContext context,
                          ResponseBuilder responseBuilder)
This will spawn any additional processing threads that are needed. If there is only 1 child, then none are needed, but otherwise each additional component will be spawned in its own thread. After invocation the mThreads attribute will be populated.

children - Child components of the flow request component.
context - Execution context for activity execution.
responseBuilder - Response document builder - used to handle insertion of information about processing results and exceptions.


private void joinThreads()
Joins any additional threads that were spawned.


private void reportException(java.lang.Exception cause,
                             ResponseBuilder responseBuilder)
Invoked when an exception is raised by one of the processing threads. In this case, all of the request components are explicitly terminated.

cause - Exception raised by processing thread.
responseBuilder - Response document builder - used to handle insertion of information about the exception.


private boolean hasException()
Was there an exception raised during processing?

true if an exception was raised, false otherwise.


private void raiseException()
                     throws RequestSpecificationException,
If an exception was raised during processing then throw it now.

RequestExecutionException - if that was the exception raised during processing.
RequestSpecificationException - if that was the exception raised during processing.


public void terminate()
Description copied from interface: RequestComponent
Terminates the processing of the request component. When this method returns, any threads and other resources associated with the processing of this request must be finished with.

Specified by:
terminate in interface RequestComponent