
Activities for writing and reading files.


Class Summary
AbstractFileActivity Abstract superclass for all activities which are intended for use with data resources that implement the FileAccessProvider interface.
DirectoryAccessActivity An activity which returns a comma-separated list of the files contained within a directory.
FileAccessActivity Reads a file or extracts part of a file.
FileManipulationActivity An activity which provides the means by which to move, copy, create and delete files from a files data service resource.
FileWritingActivity This activity allows writing to a file.
InfiniteSet A class which describes a subset of the integers with potentially infinite cardinality.
Lagrange A class which generates Lagrange interpolating polynomials interpolating the co-ordinates (pn, n), given an array of integers {pn}.
Sequence This class represents a countable, increasing chain in the set of integers under the < relation.
SubstitutionStringParser Implementation of a recursive-descent parser intended to parse strings which contain variables represented by $n or ${n}, where n is a non-negative integer.

Exception Summary
FileMatchExpressionException An exception denoting that the user has provided an incorrect file match expression.
MalformedReplacementStringException An exception denoting the user's attempt to use a replacement string which contained syntax errors.
NonIncreasingSequenceException An exception denoting the user's attempt to use a sequence which is not strictly increasing.

Package Description

Activities for writing and reading files.