Class FileWritingActivity


public class FileWritingActivity
extends AbstractFileActivity

This activity allows writing to a file. The file may be a text file or a binary file. The available actions include deleting and replacing portions of the file, and appending and inserting text into the file. For information on this activity see the OGSA-DAI user doc: OGSA-DAI/doc/interaction/activities/files/fileWritingActivity.html

The OGSA-DAI Project Team

Field Summary
static int APPEND
          Indicate that we wish to perform a append operation.
private static java.lang.String COPYRIGHT_NOTICE
          Copyright statement
static int DELETE
          Indicate that we wish to perform a delete operation.
static int INSERT
          Indicate that we wish to perform a insert operation.
private static DAILogger LOG
          Logger object for logging in this class
private  int mAction
          The action which will be performed on the file.
private  boolean mAlreadyReturnedBlank
          Indicates whether we've already returned a blank.
private mFile
          The file to write to.
private  long mFileLength
          The length of the file to write to, before any writing takes place.
private  java.lang.String mFilename
          The filename of the file to write to.
private  BlockReader mInput
          The output from another activity, from which to read text to write into the file.
private  java.lang.String mLength
          The number of bytes length over which the writing will occur.
private  InfiniteSet mMatch
          An expression of the instances of matches of the regular expression to deal with.
private  boolean mMultiline
          An indication of whether we are performing the action on a per-file or per-line basis.
private  java.lang.String mOffset
          The number of bytes offset from which the writing will occur.
private  boolean mOptimiseForTime
          An indication of whether we wish to aim for efficient use of time or efficent use of memory when performing edits on large files.
private  BlockWriter mOutput
          The input to another activity, to which to write this activity's output.
private mRaFile
          The file to write to.
private  java.lang.String mRegexp
          The regular expression to use to locate the part of the file to write to.
private  java.lang.String mString
          The string containing the text to write into the file.
private  int mType
          The style we are using to indicate where the writing will occur.
static int NONE
          Indicate that no action has been set.
          Indicate that we are identifying the text to modify using offset and/or length.
static boolean PER_FILE
          Indicate that we wish to perform the action on a per-file basis.
static boolean PER_LINE
          Indicate that we wish to perform the action on a per-line basis.
static int REGEXP
          Indicate that we are identifying the text to modify using a regular expression.
static int REPLACE
          Indicate that we wish to perform a replace operation.
static java.lang.String SEQ_SEPARATOR
          The character used to separate items in a sequence in the match expression.
          The upper limit on the step size which will be employed when reading and writing portions of files.
Fields inherited from class
mCredentials, mFileAccessProvider, mTopDir
Fields inherited from class
mContext, mExternalInputs, mExternalOutputs, mInternalInputs, mInternalOutputs
Constructor Summary
FileWritingActivity(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
Method Summary
private  void append( raFile, java.lang.String string)
          Append a string to the end of a file, thereby extending its length.
static int charAt( raFile, long pos)
          Returns the byte at a particular offset within a file.
private  void delete( raFile, long offset, long length)
          Delete a number of contiguous bytes from a file, starting at a particular offset.
private  void extractFromOrTextAttribute(org.w3c.dom.Element node)
          Reads the from or text attributes of the given XML element, and sets instance variables accordingly.
private  void extractOptimiseAttribute(org.w3c.dom.Element node)
          Sets the mOptimiseForTime instance variable depending on the contents of the optimiseSpeed attribute of the provided XML element.
static java.lang.String getFileContents( raFile)
          Obtains the entire content of a file and returns it as a single string.
private static java.lang.String getNextTenBytes( raFile)
          Return the 35 bytes from the provided file located after the current file pointer.
private  int getStepSize(long length)
          Returns the step size, for reading a chunk of data of total size length.
private  java.lang.String getStringInput()
          Returns the string used as the activity's input.
 void initialise()
          Gets the data resource accessor for the files data resource according to whether the users credentials permit this access.
private  void insert( raFile, long offset, java.lang.String string)
          Insert a string into a particular place in a file, causing the contents of the file after that place to be shifted away from the start of the file by an amount equal to the length of the string.
private  java.lang.String obtainInput()
          Obtains all the data available from the activity providing its output to this activity, and returns it as a single string.
static void overwriteString( raFile, long offset, java.lang.String replacementString)
          Overwrite a sequence of bytes in a file with a replacement string.
private  int parseInt(java.lang.String intString)
          Helper method to parse strings into integers.
private  long parseLength(java.lang.String string, long fileLength, long offset)
          Parses a string containing a representation of the length of a sequence of bytes within a file.
private  void parseLocate(org.w3c.dom.Element node)
          Parse a locate element, extracting its contents and setting the instance variables of this object appropriately.
private  InfiniteSet parseMatch(java.lang.String list)
          Parses an expression of a collection of integers.
private  long parseOffset(java.lang.String string, long fileLength)
          Parses a string containing a representation of an offset within a file or a line.
private  void performAction( raFile, int type, long offset, long length, boolean perLine, java.lang.String string)
          Perform an action on a file.
private  void performPerFileOffsetAndLength( raFile, long fileLength)
          Perform a replacement of text within a file, on a per-file basis, locating the text based on a range of bytes uniquely defined by an offset and a length.
private  void performPerFileRegexp( raFile, long fileLength)
          Perform a replacement of text within a file, on a per-file basis, locating the text based on matches of a regular expression.
private  void performPerLineOffsetAndLength( raFile, long fileLength)
          Perform a replacement of text within a file, on a per-line basis, locating the text based on a range of bytes uniquely defined by an offset and a length.
private  void performPerLineRegexp( raFile, long fileLength)
          Perform a replacement of text within a file, on a per-line basis, locating the text based on matches of a regular expression.
private  java.lang.String performSubstitutions(java.lang.String string, AbstractMatcher matcher)
          Return a string equal to the provided string, but with group variables substituted with their actual value, in the context of a particular regular expression match.
 void processBlock()
          Performs an iteration of the processing of an activity.
 java.lang.String readLine( raFile)
          Read a line from the file
private  void replace( raFile, long offset, long length, java.lang.String string)
          Replace a sequence of contiguous bytes in a file with a string.
private  void replaceString( raFile, long offset, long length, java.lang.String replacementString)
          Replace a sequence of contiguous bytes in a file with a string.
private  java.lang.String replaceStringInString(java.lang.String hostString, int offset, int length, java.lang.String replacement)
          Replaces a substring within a string with another string.
static void replaceWithLongerString( raFile, long offset, long length, java.lang.String replacementString, int step)
          Replace a sequence of contiguous bytes in a file with a replacement string, which is strictly longer than the sequence of bytes.
static void replaceWithShorterString( raFile, long offset, long length, java.lang.String replacementString, int step)
          Replace a sequence of contiguous bytes in a file with a replacement string, which is strictly shorter than the sequence of bytes.
Methods inherited from class
cleanUp, connectsTo, createOutputPipe, getActivityConfiguration, getActivityName, getCause, getName, getObservableStatus, getProperties, getSession, getStatus, hasActivityConfiguration, hasProperties, process, processFirst, setActivityName, setCompleted, setError
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private static final java.lang.String COPYRIGHT_NOTICE
Copyright statement

See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static final DAILogger LOG
Logger object for logging in this class


public static final java.lang.String SEQ_SEPARATOR
The character used to separate items in a sequence in the match expression.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STEP_SIZE_UPPER_LIMIT
The upper limit on the step size which will be employed when reading and writing portions of files.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NONE
Indicate that no action has been set.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DELETE
Indicate that we wish to perform a delete operation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int REPLACE
Indicate that we wish to perform a replace operation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int APPEND
Indicate that we wish to perform a append operation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int INSERT
Indicate that we wish to perform a insert operation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OFFSET_AND_LENGTH
Indicate that we are identifying the text to modify using offset and/or length.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int REGEXP
Indicate that we are identifying the text to modify using a regular expression.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final boolean PER_FILE
Indicate that we wish to perform the action on a per-file basis.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final boolean PER_LINE
Indicate that we wish to perform the action on a per-line basis.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


private int mType
The style we are using to indicate where the writing will occur. One of {OFFSET_AND_LENGTH, REGEXP}.


private java.lang.String mFilename
The filename of the file to write to.


private mFile
The file to write to.


private mRaFile
The file to write to.


private long mFileLength
The length of the file to write to, before any writing takes place.


private java.lang.String mOffset
The number of bytes offset from which the writing will occur.


private java.lang.String mLength
The number of bytes length over which the writing will occur.


private java.lang.String mRegexp
The regular expression to use to locate the part of the file to write to.


private InfiniteSet mMatch
An expression of the instances of matches of the regular expression to deal with.


private boolean mMultiline
An indication of whether we are performing the action on a per-file or per-line basis.


private boolean mOptimiseForTime
An indication of whether we wish to aim for efficient use of time or efficent use of memory when performing edits on large files.


private int mAction
The action which will be performed on the file. One of {NONE, DELETE, REPLACE, APPEND, INSERT}.


private BlockReader mInput
The output from another activity, from which to read text to write into the file.


private BlockWriter mOutput
The input to another activity, to which to write this activity's output.


private java.lang.String mString
The string containing the text to write into the file.


private boolean mAlreadyReturnedBlank
Indicates whether we've already returned a blank.

Constructor Detail


public FileWritingActivity(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
                    throws ActivitySpecificationException,
Method Detail


private InfiniteSet parseMatch(java.lang.String list)
                        throws ActivitySpecificationException
Parses an expression of a collection of integers.

The expression must be a comma-separated list of values. The values may be any of:
Single, positive integers x The integer x
Finite ranges of positive integers x-y The interval [x, y], where x < y
Infinite ranges of positive integers x- The interval [x, infinity)
Strictly increasing infinite sequences of positive integers x1:x2:x3:... The infinite sequence (x1, x2, x3, ...), where x1 < x2 and x2 < x3

list - The comma-separated list of values
an object describing the contents of the list of values
ActivitySpecificationException - If there was a syntax error in the list of values


private int parseInt(java.lang.String intString)
              throws DAINumberFormatException
Helper method to parse strings into integers.

intString - String to parse
DAINumberFormatException - If the string cannot be parsed into an integer.


private void parseLocate(org.w3c.dom.Element node)
                  throws ActivitySpecificationException
Parse a locate element, extracting its contents and setting the instance variables of this object appropriately.

node - The element to parse
ActivitySpecificationException - If there is a syntax error in the match expression


private void extractOptimiseAttribute(org.w3c.dom.Element node)
Sets the mOptimiseForTime instance variable depending on the contents of the optimiseSpeed attribute of the provided XML element. Iff the element does not contain this attribute, or contains the attribute with a boolean true value then the field is set to true.

node - The XML element


private void extractFromOrTextAttribute(org.w3c.dom.Element node)
                                 throws ActivitySpecificationException
Reads the from or text attributes of the given XML element, and sets instance variables accordingly.

node - the XML element
ActivitySpecificationException - If neither from nor text attributes were specified


private long parseOffset(java.lang.String string,
                         long fileLength)
                  throws DAINumberFormatException,
Parses a string containing a representation of an offset within a file or a line. The string may contain a positive integer or one of start or end, representing the beginning and end of the file or the line, respectively.

string - The string to parse
fileLength - The length of the file or the line
the offset
DAINumberFormatException - If the string did not contain an integer.
DAIOutOfBoundsException - If the string contained an out of bounds integer.


private long parseLength(java.lang.String string,
                         long fileLength,
                         long offset)
                  throws DAINumberFormatException,
Parses a string containing a representation of the length of a sequence of bytes within a file. The string may contain a positive integer, which represents the length of the sequence, or the value toEnd, which represents the length from the given offset to the end of the file.

string - The string to parse
fileLength - The total length of the file
offset - The offset from which this length is considered to start
the length
DAINumberFormatException - If the string did not contain an integer.
DAIOutOfBoundsException - If the string contained an out of bounds integer.


public void initialise()
                throws ActivitySpecificationException,
Description copied from class: AbstractFileActivity
Gets the data resource accessor for the files data resource according to whether the users credentials permit this access.

initialise in class AbstractFileActivity
ActivitySpecificationException - If the user is not permitted to access the resource.
ActivityExecutionException - If some internal problem occurs.
See Also:


public void processBlock()
Description copied from class: Activity
Performs an iteration of the processing of an activity. This may involve reading a block of input data and writing a block of output data, or may involve some other kind of processing. When an activity is processed by the OGSA-DAI engine, this method will be invoked repeatedly until the activity either completes or stops due to an error or termination call. An implementation of this method should invoke the setCompleted method to indicate that processing is complete, or the setError method if an error occurs that will prevent the processing from completing.

Specified by:
processBlock in class Activity


private void performPerLineRegexp( raFile,
                                  long fileLength)
                           throws NonIncreasingSequenceException,
Perform a replacement of text within a file, on a per-line basis, locating the text based on matches of a regular expression.

raFile - The file to replace text within
fileLength - The length of the file
NonIncreasingSequenceException - If the match expression contained a sequence of integers which was not strictly increasing
MalformedRegexpPatternException - If the regular expression contains a syntax error.
MalformedReplacementStringException - If there was a syntax error in the string
UnsupportedRegexpPatternFormatException - If the regular expression is unsupported. - If there's a problem accessing the file


private void performPerFileRegexp( raFile,
                                  long fileLength)
                           throws NonIncreasingSequenceException,
Perform a replacement of text within a file, on a per-file basis, locating the text based on matches of a regular expression.

raFile - The file to replace text within
fileLength - The length of the file
NonIncreasingSequenceException - If the match expression contained a sequence of integers which was not strictly increasing
MalformedRegexpPatternException - If the regular expression contains a syntax error.
MalformedReplacementStringException - If there was a syntax error in the string
UnsupportedRegexpPatternFormatException - If the regular expression is unsupported. - If there's a problem accessing the file


private void performPerLineOffsetAndLength( raFile,
                                           long fileLength)
                                    throws ActivitySpecificationException,
Perform a replacement of text within a file, on a per-line basis, locating the text based on a range of bytes uniquely defined by an offset and a length.

raFile - The file to replace text within
fileLength - The length of the file
ActivitySpecificationException - If the offset or length are invalid for the requested operation. - If there's a problem accessing the file


private void performPerFileOffsetAndLength( raFile,
                                           long fileLength)
                                    throws ActivitySpecificationException,
Perform a replacement of text within a file, on a per-file basis, locating the text based on a range of bytes uniquely defined by an offset and a length.

raFile - The file to replace text within
fileLength - The length of the file
ActivitySpecificationException - If the offset or length are invalid for the requested operation. - If there's a problem accessing the file


private java.lang.String performSubstitutions(java.lang.String string,
                                              AbstractMatcher matcher)
                                       throws MalformedReplacementStringException
Return a string equal to the provided string, but with group variables substituted with their actual value, in the context of a particular regular expression match.

Groups are defined by bracketing in a regular expression, and are numbered from left-to-right. Group 0 denotes the entire regular expression. Groups may be referenced by group variables in a string, of the form $0, $1, etc. These may also be written ${0}, ${1}, etc., in order to disambiguate the end of the group variable and subsequent digits in the string.

Consider the following example:

string - Text which may contain references to groups by referring to $n
matcher - The matcher object which has already found a match
the provided string but with group references replaced by the strings matched
MalformedReplacementStringException - If there was a syntax error in the string


private java.lang.String replaceStringInString(java.lang.String hostString,
                                               int offset,
                                               int length,
                                               java.lang.String replacement)
Replaces a substring within a string with another string. For example, replacing the substring from offset 1 with length 2 of the string hello with the string yes will result in the string hyeslo.

hostString - The string within which to replace the substring
offset - The offset of the substring to replace, within hostString
length - The length of the substring to replace
replacement - The string with which to replace the substring
the original string with the substring replaced.


private int getStepSize(long length)
Returns the step size, for reading a chunk of data of total size length. This will depend on whether the user has chosen to optimise for minimal speed or for minimal memory usage.

length - The total length of the data chunk
the step size


private void performAction( raFile,
                           int type,
                           long offset,
                           long length,
                           boolean perLine,
                           java.lang.String string)
Perform an action on a file. The action may be one of: deleting bytes, replacing bytes, inserting bytes, or appending bytes.

raFile - The file within which to perform the action
type - The action to perform. One of DELETE, REPLACE, INSERT, APPEND
offset - The offset at which delete, replace and insert will operate
length - The length of the selection of bytes used by delete and replace
perLine - true indicates that this action is being executed on a per-line basis, throughout the file, false indicates that this action is being executed once for the entire file.
string - The string used by replace, insert and append
Throws: - If there's a problem accessing the file


private void append( raFile,
                    java.lang.String string)
Append a string to the end of a file, thereby extending its length.

Semantically equivalent to calling method replace with arguments raFile, raFile.length(), 0, string.

raFile - The file to append to
string - The string to append
Throws: - If there's a problem accessing the file


private void insert( raFile,
                    long offset,
                    java.lang.String string)
Insert a string into a particular place in a file, causing the contents of the file after that place to be shifted away from the start of the file by an amount equal to the length of the string.

Semantically equivalent to calling method replace with arguments raFile, offset, 0, string.

raFile - The file to insert the string into
offset - The offset at which to insert the string
string - TThe string to insert
Throws: - If there's a problem accessing the file


private void delete( raFile,
                    long offset,
                    long length)
Delete a number of contiguous bytes from a file, starting at a particular offset. The bytes which appear at an offset greater than (offset + length) will be shifted towards the start of the file by an amount equal to length.

Semantically equivalent to calling method replace with arguments raFile, offset, length, "".

raFile - The file to delete the bytes from
offset - The offset at which to start deleting bytes
length - The number of bytes to delete
Throws: - If there's a problem accessing the file


private void replace( raFile,
                     long offset,
                     long length,
                     java.lang.String string)
Replace a sequence of contiguous bytes in a file with a string. The string may be longer, shorter, or of equal length to the bytes which are replaced. The rest of the file after the affected bytes is shifted forward or backward accordingly.

Semantically equivalent to calling method replaceString with arguments raFile, offset, length, string.

raFile - The file to replace bytes within
offset - The offset of the start of the sequence of bytes to replace
length - The number of bytes to replace
string - The string to replace the bytes with
Throws: - If there's a problem accessing the file


private java.lang.String getStringInput()
Returns the string used as the activity's input. This will come from either the output of another activity, or from a string provided in the perform document.

the input string


private java.lang.String obtainInput()
Obtains all the data available from the activity providing its output to this activity, and returns it as a single string. If we have already obtained this (e.g. we are doing a per-line insertion of text), then return what was previously read in and cached. Warning! This method may cause an OutOfMemoryError since it reads all of the output from the previous activity into memory. Instead, this should be implemented in a streaming fashion.

the previous activity's output


private void replaceString( raFile,
                           long offset,
                           long length,
                           java.lang.String replacementString)
Replace a sequence of contiguous bytes in a file with a string. The string may be longer, shorter, or of equal length to the bytes which are replaced. The rest of the file after the affected bytes is shifted forward or backward accordingly.

raFile - The file to replace bytes within
offset - The offset of the start of the sequence of bytes to replace
length - The number of bytes to replace
replacementString - The string to replace the bytes with
Throws: - If there's a problem accessing the file


public static void overwriteString( raFile,
                                   long offset,
                                   java.lang.String replacementString)
Overwrite a sequence of bytes in a file with a replacement string. The bytes which are affected start at a given offset, and are equal in number to the length of the replacement string.

raFile - The file to overwrite bytes in
offset - The offset of the start of the bytes to overwrite
replacementString - The string to overwrite the bytes with
Throws: - If there's a problem accessing the file


public static void replaceWithLongerString( raFile,
                                           long offset,
                                           long length,
                                           java.lang.String replacementString,
                                           int step)
Replace a sequence of contiguous bytes in a file with a replacement string, which is strictly longer than the sequence of bytes.

This is achieved by performing the following three operations:

  1. Extend the length of the file by the excess in length.
  2. Starting from the end of the file and ending at the offset, shift the bytes toward the end of the file by a distance equal to the difference in length.
  3. Overwrite the replacement string at the specified offset.

raFile - The file within which to replace bytes
offset - The offset of the start of the bytes to replace
length - The number of bytes to replace
replacementString - The string to replace the bytes with, which must be longer than the number of bytes to replace
step - The number of bytes we shift at a time
Throws: - If there's a problem accessing the file


public static void replaceWithShorterString( raFile,
                                            long offset,
                                            long length,
                                            java.lang.String replacementString,
                                            int step)
Replace a sequence of contiguous bytes in a file with a replacement string, which is strictly shorter than the sequence of bytes.

This is achieved by performing the following three operations:

  1. Overwrite the replacement string at the specified offset.
  2. Starting from the offset and ending at the end of the file, shift the bytes toward the start of the file by a distance equal to the difference in length.
  3. Truncate the length of the file by the difference in length.

raFile - The file within which to replace bytes
offset - The offset of the start of the bytes to replace
length - The number of bytes to replace
replacementString - The string to replace the bytes with, which must be shorter than the number of bytes to replace
step - The number of bytes we shift at a time
Throws: - If there's a problem accessing the file


public static java.lang.String getFileContents( raFile)
Obtains the entire content of a file and returns it as a single string.

raFile - The file to get the content of
the content of the file
Throws: - If there was a problem accessing the file


public java.lang.String readLine( raFile)
Read a line from the file

raFile - The file
Throws: - If there was a problem accessing the file


public static int charAt( raFile,
                         long pos)
Returns the byte at a particular offset within a file. The file pointer is unaffected by calling this method.

raFile - The file
pos - The offset within the file
the byte in the file at the offset
Throws: - If there was a problem accessing the file


private static java.lang.String getNextTenBytes( raFile)
Return the 35 bytes from the provided file located after the current file pointer. The file pointer is replaced in the same position it was in when this method was called.

raFile - The file to read the bytes from
the next few bytes, as a String
Throws: - If there were problems accessing the file