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itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage > Class Template Reference

This class provides ListSampleBase interfaces to ITK Image. More...

#include <itkScalarImageToListAdaptor.h>

Inheritance diagram for itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

typedef FixedArray< typename
TImage::PixelType, 1 > 
typedef ScalarImageToListAdaptor Self
typedef ImageToListAdaptor<
TImage, MeasurementVectorType
typedef SmartPointer< SelfPointer
typedef SmartPointer< const
typedef Superclass::FrequencyType FrequencyType
typedef Superclass::MeasurementType MeasurementType
typedef Superclass::InstanceIdentifier InstanceIdentifier
typedef Superclass::MeasurementVectorSizeType MeasurementVectorSizeType
typedef MeasurementVectorType ValueType

Public Member Functions

virtual const char * GetNameOfClass () const
 itkStaticConstMacro (MeasurementVectorSize, unsigned int, 1)
virtual void SetMeasurementVectorSize (const MeasurementVectorSizeType s)
MeasurementVectorSizeType GetMeasurementVectorSize () const
const MeasurementVectorTypeGetMeasurementVector (const InstanceIdentifier &id) const

Static Public Member Functions

Pointer New ()

Protected Member Functions

 ScalarImageToListAdaptor ()
virtual ~ScalarImageToListAdaptor ()
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const

Detailed Description

template<class TImage>
class itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >

This class provides ListSampleBase interfaces to ITK Image.

After calling SetImage(Image::Pointer) method to plug in the image object, users can use Sample interfaces to access Image data. However, the resulting data are a list of measurement vectors. The type of data is measurement vector. For example, if the pixel type of Image object is STL vector< float > and each pixel has two different types of measurements, intensity and gradient magnitude, this adaptor has measurement vector of type ITK Point< float, 2>, and one element of the Point is intensity and the other is gradient magnitude.

There are two concepts of dimensions for this container. One is for Image object, and the other is for measurement vector dimension. Only when using ITK Index to access data, the former concept is applicable Otherwise, dimensions means dimensions of measurement vectors.

From the above example, there were two elements in a pixel and each pixel provides [] operator for accessing its elements. However, in many cases, The pixel might be a scalar value such as int or float. In this case, The pixel doesn't support [] operator. To deal with this problem, This class has two companion classes, ScalarAccessor and VectorAccessor. If the pixel type is a scalar type, then you don't have change the third template argument. If you have pixel type is vector one and supports [] operator, then replace third argument with VectorAccessor

See also:
Sample, ListSampleBase

Definition at line 63 of file itkScalarImageToListAdaptor.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class TImage>
typedef SmartPointer<const Self> itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >::ConstPointer

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::ImageToListAdaptor< TImage, TMeasurementVector >.

Definition at line 75 of file itkScalarImageToListAdaptor.h.

template<class TImage>
typedef Superclass::FrequencyType itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >::FrequencyType

Superclass typedefs for Measurement vector, measurement, Instance Identifier, frequency, size, size element value

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::ImageToListAdaptor< TImage, TMeasurementVector >.

Definition at line 89 of file itkScalarImageToListAdaptor.h.

template<class TImage>
typedef Superclass::InstanceIdentifier itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >::InstanceIdentifier

InstanceIdentifier typedef. This identifier is a unique sequential id for each measurement vector in a Sample subclass.

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::ImageToListAdaptor< TImage, TMeasurementVector >.

Definition at line 91 of file itkScalarImageToListAdaptor.h.

template<class TImage>
typedef Superclass::MeasurementType itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >::MeasurementType

Superclass typedefs for Measurement vector, measurement, Instance Identifier, frequency, size, size element value

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::ImageToListAdaptor< TImage, TMeasurementVector >.

Definition at line 90 of file itkScalarImageToListAdaptor.h.

template<class TImage>
typedef Superclass::MeasurementVectorSizeType itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >::MeasurementVectorSizeType

Typedef for the length of each measurement vector

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::ImageToListAdaptor< TImage, TMeasurementVector >.

Definition at line 92 of file itkScalarImageToListAdaptor.h.

Referenced by itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >::GetMeasurementVectorSize(), and itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >::SetMeasurementVectorSize().

template<class TImage>
typedef FixedArray< typename TImage::PixelType, 1 > itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >::MeasurementVectorType

Typedefs inherited from the superclass

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::ImageToListAdaptor< TImage, TMeasurementVector >.

Definition at line 69 of file itkScalarImageToListAdaptor.h.

template<class TImage>
typedef SmartPointer< Self > itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >::Pointer

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::ImageToListAdaptor< TImage, TMeasurementVector >.

Definition at line 74 of file itkScalarImageToListAdaptor.h.

template<class TImage>
typedef ScalarImageToListAdaptor itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >::Self

Standard class typedefs

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::ImageToListAdaptor< TImage, TMeasurementVector >.

Definition at line 72 of file itkScalarImageToListAdaptor.h.

template<class TImage>
typedef ImageToListAdaptor< TImage, MeasurementVectorType > itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >::Superclass

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::ImageToListAdaptor< TImage, TMeasurementVector >.

Definition at line 73 of file itkScalarImageToListAdaptor.h.

template<class TImage>
typedef MeasurementVectorType itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >::ValueType

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::ImageToListAdaptor< TImage, TMeasurementVector >.

Definition at line 93 of file itkScalarImageToListAdaptor.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class TImage>
itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >::ScalarImageToListAdaptor  )  [inline, protected]

Definition at line 115 of file itkScalarImageToListAdaptor.h.

template<class TImage>
virtual itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >::~ScalarImageToListAdaptor  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 120 of file itkScalarImageToListAdaptor.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<class TImage>
const MeasurementVectorType& itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >::GetMeasurementVector const InstanceIdentifier id  )  const [virtual]

Get the measurement associated with a particular InstanceIdentifier.

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::ImageToListAdaptor< TImage, TMeasurementVector >.

template<class TImage>
MeasurementVectorSizeType itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >::GetMeasurementVectorSize  )  const [inline, virtual]

Length of each measurement vector = 1

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::ImageToListAdaptor< TImage, TMeasurementVector >.

Definition at line 107 of file itkScalarImageToListAdaptor.h.

References itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >::MeasurementVectorSizeType.

template<class TImage>
virtual const char* itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >::GetNameOfClass  )  const [virtual]

Run-time type information (and related methods).

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::ImageToListAdaptor< TImage, TMeasurementVector >.

template<class TImage>
itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >::itkStaticConstMacro MeasurementVectorSize  ,
unsigned  int,

the number of components in a measurement vector

template<class TImage>
Pointer itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >::New  )  [static]

Method for creation through the object factory.

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::ImageToListAdaptor< TImage, TMeasurementVector >.

template<class TImage>
void itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >::PrintSelf std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent
const [protected, virtual]

Methods invoked by Print() to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::ImageToListAdaptor< TImage, TMeasurementVector >.

template<class TImage>
virtual void itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >::SetMeasurementVectorSize const MeasurementVectorSizeType  s  )  [inline, virtual]

Set/Get macros for the length of the measurement vector

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::ImageToListAdaptor< TImage, TMeasurementVector >.

Definition at line 95 of file itkScalarImageToListAdaptor.h.

References itkExceptionMacro, and itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToListAdaptor< TImage >::MeasurementVectorSizeType.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Thu May 25 03:15:38 2006 for ITK by doxygen 1.3.5 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000