
Fslview can be used to create image masks and manually edit images. To create a mask first load in the image that needs masking.

Make sure that the loaded image is selected in the Overlay Listview, the background of this item in the listview should be dark blue. Then from the File menu select the Create Mask option. This will create a new blank image overlay that will appear in the Overlay Listview. This overlay has exactly the same dimensions as the original image but is completely blank, it is like a fresh canvas to be painted on.

To draw on an image it must be highlighted in the Overlay Listview and it must be unlocked. If it is locked then a small padlock symbol(picture) will appear next to the image name on the Overlay Listview. Click on the Padlock checkbox at the bottom of the Overlay Listview to lock or unlock the image for editing.

Select Masking mode by clicking on the pencil icon on the Image Toolbar. Moving the mouse over the image while holding down the Left mouse button allows the user to draw on the image.

There are several useful controls in the Masking Toolbar for assisting with drawing masks. The first value box on the Toolbar allows the user to change the Pen Value. This is the value that is written to the mask by the pen and fill tools. A Pen Value can also be specified for the Erase tool. So, for example, the drawing Pen Value can be set to 1 and the eraser Pen Value can be set to 0. The eraser can be selected by pressing the Erase button on the Masking Toolbar or by pressing the Ctrl key when the mouse is over an image.

A Pen Size edit box on the Masking Toolbar allows the user to change the width of the Pen and Erase tools.

The Fill tool allows users to fill an enclosed space with the current Pen Value. The fill tool can either be selected via the Masking Toolbar or by pressing the Shift key when the mouse is over an image.

The Undo facility allows the user to undo up to 5 masking actions. It can be used by either pressing the Undo button on the Masking Toolbar or pressing Ctrl and Z keys simultaneously.

The user can change the slice viewed by pressing the Page Up or Page Down keys when the mouse cursor is over an image. They can also move the cursor incrementally using the Arrow keys.

To save the mask open the File menu and select the Save as option. The mask to be saved must by selected in the Overlay Listview.

List of short cuts and hotkeys for masking:-