Image Toolbar

Changes mode and manipulates image display.

Icon Name Description
picture Zoom SpinBox Changes Zoom Factor for slices.
picture Volume SpinBox Selects volume (or frame) to be displayed.
picture Cursor Mode Selects Cursor mode.
picture Pan Mode Selects Panning mode to pan and move image.
picture Zoom Mode Selects Zoom mode to zoom in on images.
picture Masking Mode Selects Masking mode to edit images and create masks.
picture Crosshairs Turns cursor cross hairs ON and OFF.
picture Reset View Undoes all zoom and panning operations. Restores original image position.
picture Movie Plays all volumes/frames sequentially as movie.

More Details

This toolbar includes buttons to move between the main Fslview modes. These are Cursor,Pan, Zoom and Masking modes.

The Zoom spinbox changes the overall zoom of all the slices on a view. This is particularly useful when using the Lightbox view.

The Movie button is only enabled when an image has more than one volume.