Activity - fileWritingActivity
Activity Type: File
The use of this activity requires the jar: "jakarta-oro-2.0.8.jar" to be loaded on the server,
for the handling of regular expressions.
Edit the contents of a file:
- Insert content.
- Append content.
- Delete content.
- Replace content.
<!-- Insert "!!" at the first character position of the file -->
<fileWritingActivity name="insert">
<insert text="!!"/>
<output name="out"/>
<!-- Insert "!!" at the beginning of the file -->
<fileWritingActivity name="insert">
<insert text="!!" />
<output name="out"/>
<!-- Append "!!" to the end of the file -->
<fileWritingActivity name="append">
<append text="!!"/>
<output name="out"/>
<!-- Append "!!" to the end of each line -->
<fileWritingActivity name="append">
<append text="!!"/>
<output name="out"/>
<!-- Delete characters 1 to 4 inclusive from the file -->
<fileWritingActivity name="delete">
<output name="out"/>
<!-- Delete the first three occurrences of the string "zonk" -->
<fileWritingActivity name="delete">
<output name="out"/>
<!-- Replace the first, fourth, ninth, sixteenth occurrences -->
<!-- of the string "zonk" -->
<fileWritingActivity name="matchSequence">
<replace text="!!" />
<output name="out"/>
<!-- Replace the third to final characters of the file with -->
<!-- input from the "data" activity output stream. -->
<fileWritingActivity name="replaceOffsetPerLine">
<replace from="data"/>
<output name="out"/>
Element fileWritingActivity:
Attribute name - unique name for the
activity within the scope of a request.
Element file (required) -
contains the path to the file to access. This path should be
relative to the top-level directory exposed by the associated
OGSA-DAI service and must not attempt to traverse up the directory
hierarchy higher than this directory.
Element locate (zero or one) - contains an
expression selecting part of the file, either a regular expression or
a character span:
- A regular expression:
Element regexp (required) - contains a
regular expression.
Element match (zero or one) - which instances
of text matching the regular expression are to be used. A
comma-separated list of values. Each value can be any of:
Positive integer e.g. 3
Range of positive integers e.g. 2-7
Infinite range of positive integers e.g. 3-
Strictly increasing infinite sequences of positive integers e.g.
Element perLine (zero or one) - specify that
the action to be taken on the selection is to be performed per-line
(true) or per-file (false).
- A character span:
Element offset (zero or one) - the start of
the selected text area. Contains one of:
An integer representing a character position within the file.
end for the
end of the file. Note that if the value of
perLine is true
then these actually mean the end of the line.
start for the
start of the file.
Element length (zero or one) - number of
characters from the offset to be
selected. Contains one of:
An integer specifying the number of characters from the offset to be selected.
- toEnd indicating that all characters from
the offset to the end of the file are to be
Element perLine (zero or one) - specify that
the action to be taken on the selection is to be performed per-line
(true) or per-file (false).
One of the following four elements (required):
Element insert - insert text after the
selected text.
One of the following two attributes:
Attribute text - text to insert.
Attribute from - name of an input stream
providing the text to insert.
Attribute optimiseTime - optimise time
(true) or memory (false) use.
Element append - append text to the end of
the file or line.
For this option no locate element need be
One of the following two attributes:
Attribute text - text to append.
Attribute from - name of an input stream
providing the text to append.
Attribute optimiseTime - optimise time
(true) or memory (false) use.
Element delete - delete the selected
Attribute optimiseTime - optimise time
(true) or memory (false) use.
Element replace - replace the selected
One of the following two attributes:
Attribute text - text to replace the selected
Attribute from - name of an input stream
providing the text to replace the selected text.
Attribute optimiseTime - optimise time
(true) or memory (false) use.
Element output (required) - a dummy
output which receives the value 1
after the action is complete.
Input and Output Types
- Input: replace from:
byte[] - these are converted to a
org.w3c.dom.Node - these are parsed into a
Any other objects are converted to a
via java.lang.Object.toString()
- Output: output - java.lang.String
- always the string 1.
Warning to Service Deployers
This activity can be used by clients to potentially access
any directory on your server below
that exposed by the associated OGSA-DAI service.
Data Resource Accessor
This activity requires a data resource accessor that implements the following
XML Schema
Client Toolkit Classes