Class TransientSessionConfiguration

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TransientSessionConfiguration
extends java.lang.Object
implements SessionConfiguration

Class representing the configuration of a TransientSession.

The OGSA-DAI Project Team
See Also:

Field Summary
private static java.lang.String COPYRIGHT_NOTICE
private static DAILogger LOG
private  long mDefaultTimeout
private  ResourceEventDispatcher mDispatcher
private  long mMaxTimeout
private  Properties mProperties
private  java.util.Set mStaticAttributes
Constructor Summary
TransientSessionConfiguration(long defaultTimeout, long maxTimeout, java.util.Set attributes, Properties properties, DataResourceAccessor dataResource)
          Creates a new configuration object with the specified settings.
Method Summary
 long getDefaultTimeout()
          Gets the default timeout value for new sessions in milliseconds.
 ResourceEventDispatcher getDispatcher()
          Gets the data service resource event dispatcher for events relating to sessions.
 long getMaxTimeout()
          Gets the maximum timeout value for new sessions.
 Properties getResourceProperties()
          Gets the resource properties that should be added to each new session created by the session manager.
 java.util.Set getStaticSessionAttributes()
          Returns the set of static session attributes that should be added to every new session created by the session manager configured with this object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private static final java.lang.String COPYRIGHT_NOTICE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static final DAILogger LOG


private final long mDefaultTimeout


private final long mMaxTimeout


private final java.util.Set mStaticAttributes


private final Properties mProperties


private final ResourceEventDispatcher mDispatcher
Constructor Detail


public TransientSessionConfiguration(long defaultTimeout,
                                     long maxTimeout,
                                     java.util.Set attributes,
                                     Properties properties,
                                     DataResourceAccessor dataResource)
Creates a new configuration object with the specified settings.

defaultTimeout - Default timeout for new sessions.
maxTimeout - Maximum timeout for new sessions.
attributes - Static session attribute set for new sessions.
properties - Data service resource properties.
dataResource - Data resource which needs to be informed of session events.
Method Detail


public long getDefaultTimeout()
Description copied from interface: SessionConfiguration
Gets the default timeout value for new sessions in milliseconds.

This is the number of milliseconds that a session will take to timeout after its last participant has left. This must be less than or equal to the value of getMaxTimeout().

Specified by:
getDefaultTimeout in interface SessionConfiguration
long value greater than zero


public long getMaxTimeout()
Description copied from interface: SessionConfiguration
Gets the maximum timeout value for new sessions.

Specified by:
getMaxTimeout in interface SessionConfiguration
milliseconds value as a long or -1 if no value is set.


public java.util.Set getStaticSessionAttributes()
Description copied from interface: SessionConfiguration
Returns the set of static session attributes that should be added to every new session created by the session manager configured with this object.

If there are no static session attributes then an empty set is returned.

Specified by:
getStaticSessionAttributes in interface SessionConfiguration
an immutable set of SessionAttribute objects where each instance has a unique name.


public Properties getResourceProperties()
Description copied from interface: SessionConfiguration
Gets the resource properties that should be added to each new session created by the session manager.

Specified by:
getResourceProperties in interface SessionConfiguration
a reference to the data service resource Properties object.


public ResourceEventDispatcher getDispatcher()
Description copied from interface: SessionConfiguration
Gets the data service resource event dispatcher for events relating to sessions.

Specified by:
getDispatcher in interface SessionConfiguration
a ResourceEventDispatcher object