Packages that use SessionLookupException | |
uk.org.ogsadai.sessions | Contains the core classes and interfaces used to support sessions. |
uk.org.ogsadai.sessions.impl | Contains implementations of the sessions interfaces to provide support for transient sessions. |
Uses of SessionLookupException in uk.org.ogsadai.sessions |
Methods in uk.org.ogsadai.sessions that throw SessionLookupException | |
InternalSession |
SessionStrategy.obtainSession(SessionManager manager)
Uses the session manager to create a new session or access an existing session, depending on the session requirements built into the strategy. |
boolean |
SessionStreamManager.hasSession(SessionID id)
Determines whether or not a session with the specified identity exists. |
boolean |
SessionStreamManager.hasInput(SessionStreamID id)
Determines whether or not an input stream with the specified identity exists and is open for writing to. |
boolean |
SessionStreamManager.hasOutput(SessionStreamID id)
Determines whether or not an output stream with the specified identity exists. |
java.lang.Object |
SessionStreamManager.getBlock(SessionStreamID id)
Gets the next block of data available from the specified session output stream. |
java.lang.Object |
SessionStreamManager.getFully(SessionStreamID id)
Gets an aggregate of all the data from the specified session output stream. |
java.lang.Object |
SessionStreamManager.getNBlocks(SessionStreamID id,
int numberOfBlocks)
Gets an aggregate of a number of available blocks of data from a session output stream. |
void |
SessionStreamManager.putBlock(SessionStreamID id,
java.lang.Object data)
Puts a block of data onto a specified session stream. |
void |
SessionStreamManager.putFully(SessionStreamID id,
java.lang.Object data)
Puts a block containing all the input data for a specified session stream into the stream and then closes the stream for further input. |
boolean |
SimpleSessionStreamManager.hasSession(SessionID id)
boolean |
SimpleSessionStreamManager.hasInput(SessionStreamID id)
boolean |
SimpleSessionStreamManager.hasOutput(SessionStreamID id)
java.lang.Object |
SimpleSessionStreamManager.getFully(SessionStreamID id)
java.lang.Object |
SimpleSessionStreamManager.getNBlocks(SessionStreamID id,
int numberOfBlocks)
java.lang.Object |
SimpleSessionStreamManager.getBlock(SessionStreamID id)
void |
SimpleSessionStreamManager.putBlock(SessionStreamID id,
java.lang.Object data)
void |
SimpleSessionStreamManager.putFully(SessionStreamID id,
java.lang.Object data)
private Session |
SimpleSessionStreamManager.getSession(SessionID sessionID)
Retrieves the specified session from the session manager. |
private BlockReader |
SimpleSessionStreamManager.getBlockReader(SessionStreamID id)
Gets the BlockReader for the identified session
output stream. |
private BlockWriter |
SimpleSessionStreamManager.getBlockWriter(SessionStreamID id)
Gets the BlockWriter for the identified session
input stream. |
boolean |
SessionManager.hasSession(SessionID sid)
Does a session with a given ID exist? |
InternalSession |
SessionManager.lookupSession(SessionID sid)
Looks up a session by its session identifier (SID). |
Session |
SessionManager.createSessionView(SessionID sid)
Creates a safe view of the specified session for use by a session participant. |
void |
SessionManager.terminateSession(SessionID sid)
Terminates the session with the specified session ID without concern of whether the session currently has participants or not. |
Uses of SessionLookupException in uk.org.ogsadai.sessions.impl |
Methods in uk.org.ogsadai.sessions.impl that throw SessionLookupException | |
InternalSession |
ImplicitSessionStrategy.obtainSession(SessionManager manager)
InternalSession |
TerminateSessionStrategy.obtainSession(SessionManager manager)
InternalSession |
TransientSessionManager.lookupSession(SessionID sid)
Session |
TransientSessionManager.createSessionView(SessionID sid)
void |
TransientSessionManager.terminateSession(SessionID sid)
InternalSession |
ExplicitSessionStrategy.obtainSession(SessionManager manager)
InternalSession |
ReferenceSessionStrategy.obtainSession(SessionManager manager)