
This package provides wrapper classes that support the use of Globus Toolkit 4.0 ServiceGroup services and clients.


Class Summary
ServiceGroupRegistrationClientWrapper Wrapper around Globus Toolkit 4 org.globus.wsrf.impl.servicegroup.client.ServiceGroupRegistrationClient class.

Exception Summary
DAIMDSRegistrationException Wraps exceptions thrown when an error occurs while attempting to register with MDS into an OGSA-DAI-compatible form.
DAIMDSRegistrationFailureException Exception which reports that a specific resource has failed to register with the Globus MDS.
ServiceGroupRegistrationConfigException Exception thrown when there is a failure setting up Globus Toolkit to support registering a service with a service group.
ServiceGroupRegistrationException Exception thrown when there is a failure registering a service with a service group.

Package Description

This package provides wrapper classes that support the use of Globus Toolkit 4.0 ServiceGroup services and clients.