
Example code for the client toolkit tutorial.


Class Summary
AsynchronousRequests This example shows how to query the request status and poll a data service until a request completed.
DataIntegrationExample This is an example of data integration.
DataTransportExample This example shows how the data transport operations can be used to pull data from one data service to another.
LocatingADataService This example shows how to locate and connect to a Grid Data Service Factory.
ParameterisedSQLQuery This example shows how to use parameterised SQL queries.
ParameterisedUpdateViaDataTransport This example shows how data transport operations can be used to push data into a data service for an SQL update.
ProcessingSQLQueryLargeResults This example shows how to return and process the results of an SQL query that returns a large number of rows.
ProcessingSQLQueryResults This example shows how to process the results of an SQL query.
ProcessingXPathQueryResults This example shows how to process the results of an XPathQuery.
SimpleExample A simple example of using the client toolkit to run an SQL query and return the results in the response to the client as WebRowSet.
SimpleSQLQueryExample This example creates a Grid Data Service and performs a simple SQL query.
SimpleXPathQueryExample This is an example for a simple XPath query.
SQLBulkLoadExample This example bulk loads data from one table into another.
SQLQuerySequence This example shows how to construct more complicated requests containing several queries.
SQLUpdateExample This example performs an update to the ogsadai example database.
UsingSessionsExample This example shows how the client toolkit can specify session requirements, determine what session a request was joined to and access the session request status property.
WSRFMessageLevelSecurityExample This example shows how to connect to a secure data service using message level security.
WSRFTransportLevelSecurityExample This example shows how to connect to a secure data service using transport level security.
XSLTransformWithDelivery This example shows how to transform a JDBC result set into a HTML table.
XUpdateExample This example performs an XUpdate activity.

Package Description

Example code for the client toolkit tutorial.