Uses of Class

Packages that use OutOfMemoryException This package provides a set of common classes and interfaces supporting all the other OGSA-DAI components. 

Uses of OutOfMemoryException in

Methods in that throw OutOfMemoryException
 int Base64InputStream.available()
          Reads the available data from the InputStream and encodes it.
 int[] b)
          Read from the InputStream, Base64 encode the data and insert it into the byte array.
private  void Base64InputStream.readAndEncode()
          Read from the InputStream, Base64 encode the data and store it locally.
static void MemoryUtilities.checkMemory(java.lang.String stringToCopy, DAILogger log)
          Check that the copying of a String within the JVM will not go over the threshold memory ratio set for this system.
static void MemoryUtilities.checkMemory(byte[] bytes, DAILogger log)
          Check that the copying of a byte array within the JVM will not go over the threshold memory ratio set for this system.
static void MemoryUtilities.checkMemory(java.lang.StringBuffer buffer, DAILogger log)
          Check that the conversion of a StringBuffer to a String within the JVM will not go over the threshold memory ratio set for this system.
static void MemoryUtilities.checkMemory( stream, DAILogger log)
          Check that the convertion of a ByteArrayOutputStream to a byte array within the JVM will not go over the threshold memory ratio set for this system.
static void MemoryUtilities.checkMemory(int numberOfBytesToAdd, DAILogger log)
          Check that the allocation of an extra number of bytes within the JVM will not go over the threshold ratio set for this system.
 void BlockBuffer.appendBlock(java.lang.Object block)
          Appends the specified block to the buffer.
 java.lang.Object BlockBuffer.toBlock()
          Returns a single block containing all the data appended to the buffer.
 void SimpleBlockBuffer.appendBlock(java.lang.Object block)
 java.lang.Object SimpleBlockBuffer.toBlock()
private  void SimpleBlockBuffer.appendByteArray(byte[] block)
          Append a byte array to the buffer.
private  void SimpleBlockBuffer.appendNode(java.lang.Object block)
          Append an org.w3c.dom.Node to the buffer.
 java.lang.String Base64Reader.readAll()
          Reads and Base64 encodes the entire contents of the InputStream.

Constructors in that throw OutOfMemoryException
Base64InputStream( in)
          Create a new Base64InputStream.
Base64Reader( input)
          Constructs a Base64Reader that wraps the specified InputStream.