Class DocumentValidator

Direct Known Subclasses:
ActivityClassDocumentValidator, ActivityPropertyDocumentValidator, ConfigurableActivitiesDocumentValidator, SchemaDocumentValidator, UnknownActivityDocumentValidator

public abstract class DocumentValidator
extends java.lang.Object

A DocumentValidator validates a Document in an application-specific way.

The class throws a DocumentValidationException with a descriptive error message if it is deemed invalid. This abstract base class uses a variation of the Chain of Command design pattern, so a sequence of document validators can be chained together using the setSuccessor method. The document passed to the first document validator's validate method will then pass along the chain until either a DocumentValidationException is raised or the end of the chain is reached. Implementation classes must implement the abstract performValidation method.

The OGSA-DAI Project Team

Field Summary
private static java.lang.String COPYRIGHT_NOTICE
private static DAILogger LOG
private  DocumentValidator mSuccessor
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected abstract  void performValidation(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
          Validates the specified document and throws a DocumentValidationException with a desctiptive error message if the document is invalid.
 void setSuccessor(DocumentValidator validator)
          Sets the next DocumentValidator in the chain.
 void validate(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
          Validates the specified document then, if an exception has not been raised, passes it on to the next document validator in the chain, if the end of the chain has not been reached.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private static final java.lang.String COPYRIGHT_NOTICE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static final DAILogger LOG


private DocumentValidator mSuccessor
Constructor Detail


public DocumentValidator()
Method Detail


public final void setSuccessor(DocumentValidator validator)
Sets the next DocumentValidator in the chain.

validator - A DocumentValidator.


public final void validate(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
                    throws DocumentValidationException
Validates the specified document then, if an exception has not been raised, passes it on to the next document validator in the chain, if the end of the chain has not been reached.

doc - The document to validate.
DocumentValidationException - if the document is invalid.


protected abstract void performValidation(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
                                   throws DocumentValidationException
Validates the specified document and throws a DocumentValidationException with a desctiptive error message if the document is invalid.

doc - Document to validate.
DocumentValidationException - if the document is invalid.