Uses of Class

Packages that use ServiceCommsException Provides utility classes for client-side interaction with OGSA-DAI services. This package provides interfaces representing web services and OGSA-DAI data services. Contains the client toolkit interfaces and classes for working with sessions. This package provides classes for invoking operations on web services using SOAP over HTTP via Apache Axis. This package provides classes implementing the service interfaces of This package provides classes implementing the service interfaces of

Uses of ServiceCommsException in

Methods in that throw ServiceCommsException
 DataService GenericServiceFetcher.getDataService(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String resourceID)
 ConfigurableDataService GenericServiceFetcher.getConfigurableDataService(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String resourceID)
          Returns a proxy managing communications with a configurable data service.
private  DataService GenericServiceFetcher.findDataService(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String resourceID)
          Returns a proxy managing communications with a configurable data service.
private  ConfigurableDataService GenericServiceFetcher.findConfigurableDataService(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String resourceID)
          Returns a proxy managing communications with a configurable data service.

Uses of ServiceCommsException in

Methods in that throw ServiceCommsException
 DataService ServiceFetcher.getDataService(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String resourceID)
          Create a proxy for the data service specified by the given URL and data service resource ID.
 Response DataService.perform(Request request)
          Send a request to a data service resource exposed by a service.
 void DataService.terminate()
          Send a request termination to a data service resource exposed by a service.
 Response DataService.perform(RequestComponent request)
          Send a single activity request to a data service resource exposed by a service.
 Session DataService.createSession()
          Creates a new session for this service.
 void DataService.closeSession(Session session)
          Closes the given session.
 RequestStatus DataService.getStatus(SessionID sessionID)
          Gets the request status of a request executing within a specific session.
 void DataService.pollUntilRequestCompleted(SessionID sessionID, int pollInterval)
          Polls a data service resource exposed by a data service for the request status for a specific session and blocks until the status is 'COMPLETED'.
 void DataService.pollUntilRequestCompleted(SessionID sessionID, int pollInterval, int timeoutPeriod)
          Polls a data service resource exposed by a data service for the request status for a specific session and blocks until the status is 'COMPLETED'.
 DataResourceInfo DataService.getDataResourceInfo()
          Gets information on a data resource exposed by a data service resource.
 java.lang.String[] DataService.getSupportedActivities()
          Gets the names of the activities supported by a data service resource.
 ActivityMetaData DataService.getActivityMetaData(java.lang.String activityName)
          Gets the meta-data about a specific activity supported by a data service resource.
 void ConfigurableDataService.deploy(java.lang.String name)
          Instruct a data service to expose a new data service resource of the given name.
 void ConfigurableDataService.undeploy(java.lang.String name)
          Instruct a data service to no longer expose a data service resource of the given name.
 Property Properties.getProperty(javax.xml.namespace.QName name)
          Obtain a property of a resource.
 Property[] Properties.getProperties(javax.xml.namespace.QName[] names)
          Obtain multiple properties of a resource.
 boolean Registry.add( url, org.w3c.dom.Document metadata)
          Add a service to the registry.
 boolean Registry.remove( url)
          Remove a service from the registry.[] Registry.getServices()
          Obtain the URLs of all registered services.[] Registry.getServices(javax.xml.namespace.QName portType)
          Obtain the URLs of all registered services that support a named port type.[] Registry.getServices(javax.xml.namespace.QName[] portTypes)
          Obtain the URLs of all registered services that support a set of named port types.
 ServiceMetaData Registry.getServiceMetaData( url)
          Get the meta data describing a specific service.
 java.lang.Object DataTransport.getFully()
          Gets an entire data set from the output stream of a data service resource in one go.
 java.lang.Object DataTransport.getNBlocks(int numberOfBlocks)
          Gets an number of blocks of data from the output stream of a data service resource in one go.
 java.lang.Object DataTransport.getBlock()
          Gets a single block of data from the output stream of a data service resource.
 void DataTransport.putFully(java.lang.Object data)
          Puts an entire data set onto a data service resource input stream in one go.
 void DataTransport.putBlock(java.lang.Object data)
          Puts one block of data onto a data service resource input stream.
 void DataTransport.putClosingBlock()
          Inform a data service resource that it can close an input stream as all data has been forwarded.
 DAIVersion DAIService.getVersion()
          Get information on the OGSA-DAI distribution used to deploy the service.
 ResourceID[] Service.getResourceIDs()
          Obtain the resource IDs of the resources that are exposed by this service.
          Contacts the service to check it is running.

Uses of ServiceCommsException in

Methods in that throw ServiceCommsException
 RequestStatus SessionImpl.getStatus()
 RequestStatus Session.getStatus()
          Gets the status of the current request for the session.

Uses of ServiceCommsException in

Methods in that throw ServiceCommsException
 java.util.Vector SOAPCall.invoke(java.lang.String destination, javax.xml.namespace.QName operation, org.apache.axis.message.SOAPBodyElement body)
          Invoke an operation on a service.
static void SOAPCall.checkUnsupportedOperation(java.lang.String url, javax.xml.namespace.QName operationName, org.apache.axis.AxisFault e)
          Check if an Axis fault was caused by an attempt to invoke an operation unsupported by a service.

Uses of ServiceCommsException in

Methods in that throw ServiceCommsException
 Response WSIDataService.perform(Request request)
 Response WSIDataService.perform(RequestComponent component)
 void WSIDataService.terminate()
 void WSIDataService.pollUntilRequestCompleted(SessionID sessionID, int pollInterval)
private  void WSIDataService.pollUntilRequestCompleted(ResourceID resourceID, SessionID sessionID, int pollInterval, int timeoutPeriod, boolean forever)
 void WSIDataService.pollUntilRequestCompleted(SessionID sessionID, int pollInterval, int timeoutPeriod)
 RequestStatus WSIDataService.getStatus(SessionID sessionID)
 DataResourceInfo WSIDataService.getDataResourceInfo()
 java.lang.String[] WSIDataService.getSupportedActivities()
 ActivityMetaData WSIDataService.getActivityMetaData(java.lang.String activityName)
 Property WSIDataService.getProperty(javax.xml.namespace.QName propertyName)
 Property[] WSIDataService.getProperties(javax.xml.namespace.QName[] names)
 DAIVersion WSIDataService.getVersion()
 ResourceID[] WSIDataService.getResourceIDs()
 java.lang.Object WSIDataService.getFully()
 java.lang.Object WSIDataService.getNBlocks(int numberOfBlocks)
 java.lang.Object WSIDataService.getBlock()
 void WSIDataService.putFully(java.lang.Object data)
 void WSIDataService.putBlock(java.lang.Object data)
 void WSIDataService.putClosingBlock()
 Session WSIDataService.createSession()
 void WSIDataService.closeSession(Session session)
 void ConfigurableWSIDataService.deploy(java.lang.String name)
 void ConfigurableWSIDataService.undeploy(java.lang.String name)
 java.lang.Object WSIDataTransport.getFully()
 java.lang.Object WSIDataTransport.getNBlocks(int numberOfBlocks)
 java.lang.Object WSIDataTransport.getBlock()
 void WSIDataTransport.putFully(java.lang.Object data)
 void WSIDataTransport.putBlock(java.lang.Object data)
 void WSIDataTransport.putClosingBlock()

Uses of ServiceCommsException in

Methods in that throw ServiceCommsException
 java.lang.Object WSRFDataTransport.getFully()
 java.lang.Object WSRFDataTransport.getNBlocks(int numberOfBlocks)
 java.lang.Object WSRFDataTransport.getBlock()
 void WSRFDataTransport.putFully(java.lang.Object data)
 void WSRFDataTransport.putBlock(java.lang.Object data)
 void WSRFDataTransport.putClosingBlock()
 DAIVersion WSRFDataService.getVersion()
 ResourceID[] WSRFDataService.getResourceIDs()
 RequestStatus WSRFDataService.getStatus(SessionID sessionID)
 DataResourceInfo WSRFDataService.getDataResourceInfo()
 java.lang.String[] WSRFDataService.getSupportedActivities()
 ActivityMetaData WSRFDataService.getActivityMetaData(java.lang.String activityName)
 Property WSRFDataService.getProperty(javax.xml.namespace.QName propertyName)
 Property[] WSRFDataService.getProperties(javax.xml.namespace.QName[] names)
 Response WSRFDataService.perform(Request request)
 void WSRFDataService.terminate()
 void WSRFDataService.pollUntilRequestCompleted(SessionID sessionID, int pollInterval)
 void WSRFDataService.pollUntilRequestCompleted(SessionID sessionID, int pollInterval, int timeoutPeriod)
 void WSRFDataService.pollUntilRequestCompleted(SessionID sessionID, int pollInterval, int timeoutPeriod, boolean forever)
 Response WSRFDataService.perform(RequestComponent component)
 Session WSRFDataService.createSession()
 void WSRFDataService.closeSession(Session session)
 java.lang.Object WSRFDataService.getFully()
 java.lang.Object WSRFDataService.getNBlocks(int numberOfBlocks)
 java.lang.Object WSRFDataService.getBlock()
 void WSRFDataService.putFully(java.lang.Object data)
 void WSRFDataService.putBlock(java.lang.Object data)
 void WSRFDataService.putClosingBlock()
protected  void WSRFDataService.addAddressingHeaders(SOAPCall call, ResourceID resourceID)
          Generates the addressing headers for a given resource ID and adds them to the specified SOAPCall.
private  java.util.Vector WSRFDataService.invokeServiceOperation(javax.xml.namespace.QName operationName)
          Invokes the specified service operation using a SOAP call with an empty body.
private  java.util.Vector WSRFDataService.invokeServiceOperation(javax.xml.namespace.QName operationName, org.apache.axis.message.SOAPBodyElement body)
          Invokes the specified service operation using a SOAP call.
private  java.util.Vector WSRFDataService.invokeServiceResourceOperation(ResourceID resourceID, javax.xml.namespace.QName operationName, org.apache.axis.message.SOAPBodyElement body)
          Invokes the specified service resource operation using a SOAP call.
 void ConfigurableWSRFDataService.deploy(java.lang.String name)
 void ConfigurableWSRFDataService.undeploy(java.lang.String name)