
Contains the client toolkit activity classes for various XML database activities.


Class Summary
Constants Contains constants used within this package.
ResourceImpl A simple read-only implementation of the org.xmldb.api.base.Resource interface.
ResourceIteratorImpl A simple implementation of the org.xmldb.api.base.ResourceInterator interface.
ResourceSetDocumentConverter Convert a DOM representation of an XMLDB XPath or XQuery query result into an org.xmldb.api.baseResourceSet.
ResourceSetImpl A simple read-only implementation of the org.xmldb.api.base.ResourceSet interface.
XMLBulkLoad This activity bulk loads a set of documents into an XML collection exposed by an XMLDB data service resource.
XMLCreateCollection This activity creates a new collection within an XML database collection exposed by an XMLDB data service resource.
XMLCreateResource This activity creates a new resource within an XML database collection exposed by an XMLDB data service resource.
XMLCreateResourceFromActivityOutput This activity creates a new resource within an XML database collection exposed by an XMLDB data service resource.
XMLListCollections This activity lists the collections within an XML database collection as exposed by an XMLDB data service resource.
XMLListResources This activity lists the resources within an XML database collection as exposed by an XMLDB data service resource.
XMLRemoveCollection This activity removes a collection from an XML database collection exposed by a data service resource.
XMLRemoveResource This activity removes a resource from an XML database collection exposed by a data service resource.
XMLResourceSetBlockMaker This BlockMaker processes an org.xmldb.api.base.ResourceSet, returning an XML representation as a sequence of java.lang.String blocks.
XPathQuery This activity queries a resource/collection exposed by an XMLDB data service resource using an XPath expression.
XQuery This activity queries a resource/collection exposed by an XMLDB data service resource using an XQuery expression.
XUpdate This activity updates a resource/collection exposed by an XMLDB data service resource using an XUpdate expression.

Exception Summary
XMLDBResourceException A problem arose with an XMLDB resource.

Package Description

Contains the client toolkit activity classes for various XML database activities.