
Provides client-side classes for OGSA-DAI activites that allow SQL access to relational databases.


Class Summary
CSV This activity converts the output of SQL activities that produce java.sql.ResultSet objects into CSV format.
RemoveDuplicatesWebRowSet This activity is usually linked to the outupt of a SQLBag activity and aims at removing any duplicate rows existing in the WebRowSet document.
ResultSetActivityOutputConverter Converts XML WebRowSet from an SQL activity or CSV data into a java.sql.ResultSet.
ResultsetProjection This activity projects data referenced in a Resultset onto a column specified by name or index.
SQLBag This activity executes the same SQL query over a number of different data resources being exposed by corresponding data service resources.
SQLBulkLoad This activity bulk loads data into a table within a relational database.
SQLQuery This activity evaluates an SQL statement that generates a single java.sql.ResultSet.
SQLResilientQuery This activity aims at executing the same SQL query over a number of different data resources being exposed by corresponding data service resources.
SQLResultToBytes This activity takes an SQL result set and extracts the data from a single column of the first row as a stream of binary data.
SQLStoredProcedure This activity evaluates a stored procedure within a relational database.
SQLUpdate This activity executes the given SQL statement, which should be an SQL INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement or an SQL statement that returns nothing, such as an SQL DDL statement.
UpdateCountToIntOutputConverter Converts SQL update count data to an integer.
WebRowSet This activity converts the output of SQL activities that produce java.sql.ResultSet objects into XML WebRowSet format.

Package Description

Provides client-side classes for OGSA-DAI activites that allow SQL access to relational databases.