Class Activity

Direct Known Subclasses:
AddAndIndexFile, BlockAggregator, BytesToTempFile, CopyFile, CreateFile, CSV, CSVProjection, DatabaseSchemaToXML, DataStore, DeleteFile, DeliverFromDT, DeliverFromFile, DeliverFromGFTP, DeliverFromURL, DeliverToAttachment, DeliverToDT, DeliverToFile, DeliverToGFTP, DeliverToNull, DeliverToResourceProperty, DeliverToSMTP, DeliverToStream, DeliverToURL, DemoCreateInstance, DemoCreateTransientInstance, DemoExternalInput, DemoQueryInstance, DirectoryAccess, DTInputStream, DTOutputStream, ExampleActivity, ExtractDatabaseSchema, ExtractPhysicalSchema, FileWriting, FrequencyDistributor, GZIPCompression, GZIPDecompression, IndexedFileSearch, MoveFile, Notification, ParameterizedActivity, RandomSample, ReadFile, RemoveDataServiceResource, RemoveDuplicatesWebRowSet, ResultsetProjection, SQLBag, SQLBulkLoad, SQLResilientQuery, SQLResultToBytes, StringTokenizerActivity, WebRowSet, WebRowSetProjection, XMLBulkLoad, XMLCreateCollection, XMLCreateResource, XMLCreateResourceFromActivityOutput, XMLListCollections, XMLListResources, XMLRemoveCollection, XMLRemoveResource, XPathQuery, XQuery, XSLTransform, XUpdate, ZIPArchive

public abstract class Activity
extends RequestComponent

An OGSA-DAI activity - a request component.

An activity is a operation than can be manipulate data in some way. OGSA-DAI requests consist of a sequence of activities with connected inputs and outputs. Example activites are:

The OGSA-DAI Project Team

Field Summary
private static java.lang.String COPYRIGHT_NOTICE
          Copyright statement
private  java.util.List mInputParams
          A list of the activity's input parameters (ActivityInputParameter)
private  java.util.List mOutputParams
          A list of the activity's output parameters (ActivityOuyputParameter)
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
protected Activity()
          Constructs an activity with no inputs or outputs.
Method Summary
protected  ActivityInputParameterInternal addInput(java.lang.String parameterName)
          Adds a new input to the activity.
protected  ActivityOutputParameterInternal addOutput(java.lang.String parameterName)
          Adds a new output to the activity.
protected  void addOutputs(java.util.Map allOutputs)
          Add the outputs of this request component to the given map.
protected abstract  java.lang.String generateXML()
          Generates the XML representing the activity.
protected  ResourceID getDataResourceID()
          Gets the ID of the data service resource executing this activity, or null if there is no associated resource.
 ActivityInputParameter[] getInputParameters()
          Gets the activity's input parameters.
 ActivityOutputParameter[] getOutputParameters()
          Gets the activity's output parameters.
protected  ActivityOutput[] getOutputs()
          Gets the activity outputs.
protected  java.lang.String replaceSpecialCharacters(java.lang.String input)
          Replaces the special characters (&, >, <, ", ') in the given input with the equivalent predefined XML entities.
protected  void setDataResourceID(ResourceID id)
          Sets the ID of the data service resource executing this activity, or null if there is no associated resource.
 void setInput(int index, java.lang.String outputName)
          Sets the name of the output of another activity in the same request that will provide data for a specific input of this activity.
Methods inherited from class
getDataService, getName, getSession, setDataService, setSession
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private static final java.lang.String COPYRIGHT_NOTICE
Copyright statement

See Also:
Constant Field Values


private java.util.List mInputParams
A list of the activity's input parameters (ActivityInputParameter)


private java.util.List mOutputParams
A list of the activity's output parameters (ActivityOuyputParameter)

Constructor Detail


protected Activity()
Constructs an activity with no inputs or outputs.

Method Detail


protected ActivityInputParameterInternal addInput(java.lang.String parameterName)
Adds a new input to the activity.

parameterName - Name of input parameter.
details of the input parameter - this object allows the caller to specify other details of the input parameter.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If parameterName is null.


protected ActivityOutputParameterInternal addOutput(java.lang.String parameterName)
Adds a new output to the activity.

parameterName - Name of output parameter.
details of the input parameter - this object allows the caller to specify other details of the output parameter.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If parameterName is null.


protected ActivityOutput[] getOutputs()
Gets the activity outputs.

This mechanism to obtain the activity outputs is required so that these outputs can be populated appropriate result data when a response to a request is received.

an array of activity outputs.


public ActivityInputParameter[] getInputParameters()
Gets the activity's input parameters.

Client programmers usually have no need for this method. The details returned are useful for classes that wish to validate their activities, for example to check for cycles or unspecified inputs. The details would also be useful in developing a tool that allows users to interactively connect activities.

an array containing details of each of the activity's input parameters.


public ActivityOutputParameter[] getOutputParameters()
Gets the activity's output parameters.

Client programmers usually have no need for this method. The details returned are useful for classes that wish to validate their activities, for example to check for cycles. The details would also be useful in developing a tool that allows users to interactively connect activities.

an array containing details of each of the activity's output parameters.


public void setInput(int index,
                     java.lang.String outputName)
Sets the name of the output of another activity in the same request that will provide data for a specific input of this activity.

index - Index of the input - corresponds to the appropriate index into the array returned by getInputParameters. Value must be in range 0..n-1 where n is the number of inputs.
outputName - Name of output of another activity that will provide the input data.
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - If index is out of bounds.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If outputName is null.


protected void setDataResourceID(ResourceID id)
Description copied from class: RequestComponent
Sets the ID of the data service resource executing this activity, or null if there is no associated resource.

setDataResourceID in class RequestComponent
id - Resource ID


protected ResourceID getDataResourceID()
Description copied from class: RequestComponent
Gets the ID of the data service resource executing this activity, or null if there is no associated resource.

This method may be called by activities which need to know information about the resource.

getDataResourceID in class RequestComponent
the resource ID.


protected abstract java.lang.String generateXML()
Description copied from class: RequestComponent
Generates the XML representing the activity. This XML can then be inserted into a perform document that is sent to a data service.

Specified by:
generateXML in class RequestComponent
the XML for the activity


protected java.lang.String replaceSpecialCharacters(java.lang.String input)
Replaces the special characters (&, >, <, ", ') in the given input with the equivalent predefined XML entities.

input - String to process.
the input string, with special characters replaced by the equivalent predefined entities.


protected void addOutputs(java.util.Map allOutputs)
Description copied from class: RequestComponent
Add the outputs of this request component to the given map. The map is assumed to map java.lang.String to

Specified by:
addOutputs in class RequestComponent
allOutputs - Map from strings to activity outputs.