
Provides a graphical user-interface to relational database-specific functionality of OGSA-DAI services.


Class Summary
DBAbstractSQL Abstract class for holding an SQL statement.
DBDataFileMenu File menu for the DBDataView GUI.
DBDataMenuBar The menu bar for the DBDataView GUI.
DBJoin Handles a "Join" across databases.
DBJoinDialog Dialog to allow the user to enter the parameters for a join and then execute it.
DBJoinParameter Parameter class for the parameters required for a "join" query.
DBJoinSQLTextArea Text area for inputting SQL statements.
DBQuery Holds info for an OGSA-DAI SQLQuery
DBResultSetView GUI displaying ResultSet data from the results of a query.
DBSchemaView GUI displaying a database schema.
DBUpdate Holds info for an OGSA-DAI SQLUpdate
DBUpdateCountView Widget to present an update count after an SQL update.

Package Description

Provides a graphical user-interface to relational database-specific functionality of OGSA-DAI services.