
Provides a graphical user-interface client (DataBrowser) to OGSA-DAI services.


Interface Summary
ResultView A view used to display results.

Class Summary
DataServiceTreeCellRenderer Renders cells of the tree that displays data services and resources.
DBAbstractMenu Abstract class for the dropdown menus on the menu bar of a frame.
DBActivityMenu Menu for the database interaction activities.
DBClient The Data service browser.
DBDataResource Wrapper class to the OGSADAI client toolkit DataService with a fixed resource.
DBDataService Wrapper class to the OGSADAI client toolkit ServiceGroupRegistry.
DBDataServiceController Controller for the DBDataServiceView view.
DBDataServiceSelectorDialog Dialog allowing the user to select a data service URL.
DBDataServiceView View panel for displaying the available data services.
DBFileMenu File dropdown menu for the DBGUI GUI menu bar.
DBGUI The top level GUI for the FirstDIG Data Service Browser.
DBHelpMenu Help dropdown menu for the DBGUI menu bar.
DBMenuBar The menu bar for the main GUI.
DBMenuController Controller for the various menus on the main GUI menubar.
DBMessageLevelSecuritySettingsDialog Dialog allowing the user to select a DAISGR URL.
DBModel Model for the DBClient application.
DBProgressModel Observable progress model for monitoring progress of a task.
DBProgressView Displays the progress of a task.
DBQueryController Controller for querying the databases.
DBRequestController Controller for loading and saving requests.
DBRequestPanel Panel displaying an area for entering database statements and the associated controls for executing the statements.
DBRequestView Editable container for displaying SQL statements.
DBResponse Wrapper class to the OGSADAI client toolkit response document
DBSecurityMenu Security dropdown menu for the databrowser menu bar.
ExtensionFileFilter Filters files based on a provided extension suffix, e.g.
GUIThread Simple class to allow GUI thread to continue to update while some other task runs in another thread.

Package Description

Provides a graphical user-interface client (DataBrowser) to OGSA-DAI services.