
Contains a command interface and various implementations for use by the XML database activities.


Interface Summary
Command A Command performs some kind of operation using the contents of a CommandContext.
CommandContext A CommandContext allows a command to access the objects that it can interact with.
CommandFactory A CommandFactory creates Command instances based on the supplied command Element.

Class Summary
CommandContextImpl A simple CommandContext for use from the CommandActivity.
CreateCollectionCommand A Command to create a new collection.
CreateResourceCommand A Command to create a new resource within a collection.
ListCollectionsCommand A Command to list the sub-collections contained in a collection.
ListResourcesCommand A Command to list the resources contained in a collection.
PropertiesCommandFactory A CommandFactory that creates Command instances based on a properties file where the keys are command element names and the values command implementation class names.
RemoveCollectionCommand A Command to remove a sub-collection from the collection.
RemoveResourceCommand A Command to remove a resource from the collection.

Exception Summary
XMLDBCommandCreationException Raised when an XMLDB command factory experiences problems when creating a command.
XMLDBCommandExecutionException Raised when an XMLDB command experiences problems when executing an XMLDB command.
XMLDBCommandSpecificationException Raised when there is a problem in the settings of an XMLDB command as provided by a client.
XMLDBCreateCollectionException Raised when an XMLDB collection cannot be created.
XMLDBCreateResourceException Raised when an XMLDB resource cannot be created.
XMLDBListCollectionsException Raised when the collections of an XMLDB collection cannot be listed.
XMLDBListResourcesException Raised when the resources of an XMLDB collection cannot be listed.
XMLDBRemoveCollectionException Raised when an XMLDB collection cannot be removed.
XMLDBRemoveResourceException Raised when an XMLDB resource cannot be removed.
XMLDBStreamNotFoundException An XMLDB command context stream cannot be accessed.
XMLDBUnsupportedCommandException Raised when an unsupported command is provided to an XMLDB command factory.

Package Description

Contains a command interface and various implementations for use by the XML database activities.