
Helper classes for SQL activities which manage the various input streams for parameters.


Interface Summary
ParameterInput Interface for classes managing input to a parameterised SQL statement.

Class Summary
ParameterList Class managing input to all the parameters of a parameterised SQL statement.
ResultSetInput Class managing java.sql.ResultSet input to a parameterised SQL statement.
StreamInput Class managing activity stream input to a parameterised SQL statement.
ValueInput Class managing simple value input to a parameterised SQL statement.

Exception Summary
MissingParametersException Exception thrown when a value for a parameter in a parameterised SQL statement has not been provided.
ParameterAccessException Exception thrown when a problem arises when accessing the value of a parameter in a parameterised SQL statement.
ParameterDuplicationException Two values were provided for the same parameter in a request.
ParameterSetupException Exception thrown when a problem arises when setting the value of a parameter in a parameterised SQL statement.
ParametersUnsupportedException Exception thrown when SQL parameters are unsupported.

Package Description

Helper classes for SQL activities which manage the various input streams for parameters.