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VL-E Proof-of-Concept partners

Four partners run the PoC programme: NIKHEF, SARA, LogicaCMG and IBM (the Rapid Prototyping environment is managed jointly by the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit).

Many of the PoC activities are done jointly by all partners, like requirements gathering, architecting the infrastructure, and the dissemination of knowledge. Partner specialities include:

  • NIKHEF: core grid middleware, new grid middleware, software certification process & integration, pre-production test beds, and coordination with EU and global projects.
    People to contact: David Groep davidg at nikhef.nl Jan Just Keijser janjust at nikhef.nl, Dennis van Dok dennisvd at nikhef.nl, or the support desk at grid.support at nikhef.nl.
  • SARA: data storage solutions, data access scalability, deployment and maintenance of the Proof-of- Concept environment.
    People to contact: Maurice Bouwhuis maurice.bouwhuis at sara.nl, and the grid support hotline grid.support at sara.nl.
  • LogicaCMG: software development process and testing, industrial software frameworks, technology tests, information services & monitoring, technology dissemination events.
    People to contact: Martijn Huenteler martijn.hunteler at logicacmg.com and Wico Mulder wico.mulder at logicacmg.com.
  • IBM Nederland: distributed test beds, hardware diversity, life-sciences integration.
    People to contact: Erik Rongen erik at nl.ibm.com, Henk van Vlierden.

For typical "support" questions, please use the PoC Helpdesk! We are there to help you get started and to use the infrastructure. Look here for details.

Comments to David Groep.