"VL-e Proof-of-Concept Distribution", owner=>"Jan Just Keijser", email=>"janjust@nikhef.nl", footer=>"Comments to Dennis van Dok or Jan Just Keijser.")); ?>

Virtual Laboratory for e-Science
The Proof-of-Concept Environment

PoC 1.0 Software Release

About the PoC 1.0 software release

Release 1.0 was the first official release of the PoC software, based on the list that was handed down by the VleIT. This release was presented on the VL-e workshop on April 7th 2006. It was released both on this website and on DVD-ROM.

The software has been bundled as an apt-getable and yum-installable repository of RPM packages. This bundle can be installed on any Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 compatible distribution.

The LCG 2.7 middleware is not bundled with this distribution, but can be installed separately with YAIM. The PoC installer script will do this automatically. There is also a YAIM function for installing the PoC on existing YAIM installations.

The full set of the PoC software is obtained by installing one of two meta-RPMs, vl-e-ui for user interfaces or vl-e-wn for worker nodes (this is a subset without the graphical user interface tools).

Upgrade path

Since the PoC 1.0 release, numerous updates have been made to the PoC distribution software.
Our policy is, that if you install the PoC from this website that you will always receive the latest updates. We label this release simply as 1. It consists of the PoC 1.0 release plus all updates since April 7th, 2006. The latest release can be found here.
Thus, strictly speaking, it is no longer possible to install the original PoC 1.0 software release from this website. If you insist on installing the original code base, then remove the updates channel from the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vle.list file before doing an apt-get install vl-e-ui.

Installation instructions

Note: These installation instructions will install the latest R1 release, not 1.0

The easiest way to install the PoC is to download the PoC installer, and run it as root. This will install a LCG UI and the vl-e-ui package, without asking a lot of questions.

Site adminstrators with their own LCG-YAIM 2.7 installation can use the vle-yaiminstaller RPM and issue the command

/opt/lcg/yaim/scripts/run_function ⟨SITE-INFO-DEF⟩ install_vle_poc

This will install the PoC vl-e-ui and/or vl-e-wn based on the node type of the machine.

There is also a manual procedure outlined below.

Prerequisite software

Base OS

The PoC requires a Red Hat Enterprise Edition 3 compatible installation to run. These include CentOS 3 and Scientific Linux 3. Other distributions are not guaranteed.

In addition to the base OS installation the following packages must be installed to fulfill all the dependencies:

These can all be obtained from the original base OS distribution, either from the internet or from the original installation media. The automatic PoC installer can also fetch these packages for you.

Java 2 SDK

The PoC requires the j2sdk 1.4.2 RPM from SUN. This RPM can not be redistributed due to license restrictions; download it from Sun and install it manually.

Common Java packages

We've settled on JPackage for common java packages such as log4j, lucene, etc. Their software can be installed with apt or yum just like the PoC. The automatic PoC installer will deal with this automatically; instructions on how to add the repository to your package management configuration manual is found below (or see the JPackage website).

Manual installation

You can browse the repository and basically install any or all of the rpms found in the RPMS.vle directory. Resolving dependencies is up to you, which is why you really want one of the semi-automated methods below.

All RPMS are signed with GPG. You can import the GPG key into the RPM database by typing rpm --import http://poc.vl-e.nl/distribution/1.0/RPM-GPG-KEY-vle, but if you don't trust this you should contact one of the release managers personally to obtain the public key.

Instructions for APT based distributions.

Apt is the Debian package management tool; it is the default tool used by the PoC installer because it is also used by YAIM for installing the LCG middleware.

  1. Make sure that you install the prerequisite software first.
  2. Import the GPG keys

    Download the VL-e public key from http://poc.vl-e.nl/distribution/1.0/RPM-GPG-KEY-vle or contact us directly. Download the JPackage Project key from http://www.jpackage.org/jpackage.asc.

    Import the keys as root:

    rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-vle
    rpm --import jpackage.asc
    gpg --import RPM-GPG-KEY-vle
    gpg --import jpackage.asc
  3. Add the following to /etc/apt/vendors.list:
    simple-key "JPackage"
        Fingerprint "1F81C0FBC2B822B3DE1233A45C6CFFF7C431416D";
        Name "JPackage Project (JPP Official Keys) <jpackage@zarb.org>";
    simple-key "VL-e"
        Fingerprint "7CB8BF1DDD50687A2212EFF017685BD0E38D518D";
        Name "VL-e PoC Release Managers (P4, Scaling & Validation) ";
  4. Do a 'wget' to get the jpackage.list file
    wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jpackage.list http://poc.vl-e.nl/distribution/1.0/extra/jpackage.list
    or manually add the following lines to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jpackage.list:
    rpm      [JPackage] http://www.dutchgrid.nl/mirror/jpackage 1.6/generic free
    rpm-src  [JPackage] http://www.dutchgrid.nl/mirror/jpackage 1.6/generic free non-free
    rpm      [JPackage] http://www.dutchgrid.nl/mirror/jpackage 1.6/redhat-el-3.0 free
    rpm-src  [JPackage] http://www.dutchgrid.nl/mirror/jpackage 1.6/redhat-el-3.0 free
  5. Do a 'wget' to get the vle.list file
    wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vle.list http://poc.vl-e.nl/distribution/1.0/extra/vle.list
    or manually add the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vle.list:
    rpm      [VL-e]     http://poc.vl-e.nl/distribution 1.0 vle updates
  6. Do apt-get update to read the header information from the repositories.
  7. To install all the software, type apt-get install vl-e-ui.

Instructions for YUM based distributions.

Yum is the default package management system for Red Hat based installations.

  1. Make sure that you install the prerequisites as mentioned above.
  2. Add the following lines to your /etc/yum.conf.
    name=JPackage 1.6, generic
    name=JPackage 1.6 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3
    name=VL-e Release 1.0
  3. Do a yum install vl-e-ui to install all the software.

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