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itk::GetMeshDimension< TMesh > Struct Template Reference

#include <itkMesh.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 itkStaticConstMacro (MaxTopologicalDimension, unsigned int, TMesh::MaxTopologicalDimension)
 itkStaticConstMacro (PointDimension, unsigned int, TMesh::PointDimension)

Detailed Description

template<typename TMesh>
struct itk::GetMeshDimension< TMesh >

Due to a bug in MSVC, an enum value cannot be accessed out of a template parameter until the template class opens. In order for templated classes to access the dimension of an image template parameter in defining their own dimension, this class is needed as a work-around.

Definition at line 44 of file itkMesh.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename TMesh>
itk::GetMeshDimension< TMesh >::itkStaticConstMacro PointDimension  ,
unsigned  int,

template<typename TMesh>
itk::GetMeshDimension< TMesh >::itkStaticConstMacro MaxTopologicalDimension  ,
unsigned  int,

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated at Thu May 25 01:01:55 2006 for ITK by doxygen 1.3.5 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000